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We provide a linux webserver webserver for member use.
It could be considered akin to the Tildeverse, named as such for the way each member's site was displayed (https://skynet.ie/~username
Now that will redirect to https://username.users.skynet.ie
we home to have preserved the same vibe.
The main user facing server of the cluster has always been called Skynet, the cluster is named after this server.
You can find more of the history here: https://2009.skynet.ie/history.html
Login is done via ssh and ssh keys.
Create SSH key
First we set up the ssh folder and create a skynet folder within it for neatness
mkdir -f -p ~/.ssh/skynet
cd ~/.ssh/skynet
Now we will create the ssh key itself.
Location: username
, your skynet username.
Password: Press Enter twice for no password on the key.
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "<comment>"
It will create two files: username
and username.pub
Head over to adding ssh keys to find information on adding ssh keys to your skynet account.
it is the username.pub
that you will be adding to your account.
To get the contents of the file do this.
cat username.pub
SSH Config
Back up to the .ssh
cd ../
Now we have to create the config file.
Notice how it has no extension.
"" > config
Open it up in any text editor available to you.
touch config
You can edit it from command line using nano
nano config
Or open up in a text editor.
Windows and Linux pop this into the file and save it
Host *.skynet.ie
User %r
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/skynet/%r
IdentitiesOnly yes
Logging in
In any terminal do this:
ssh username@skynet.skynet.ie
And you will be in!
In your home folder follow these commands to create the folder that can be used to host a website
mkdir ~/public_html
chmod 711 ~
chmod -R 755 ~/public_html
cd ~/public_html
See below for an easy way to upload files to this folder.
More info
There is a slideshow that might be of use to you: https://public.skynet.ie/slides/skynet/1_setup.html