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++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ title = "Skynet: Setup" date = 2023-09-23 slides = true ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Skynet: Setup

Now that ye have the history time to get you Skynet accounts.

This is for new members, if there are any older members please wait a little while.

New Members

  1. Be a fully paid up member of UL Computer Society

  1. Go to <> and enter the same email used for UL Wolves

  1. You will get an email to verify your address, follow the link.

  1. Choose a username and password.

Congrats! You are in! //heist music//

Returning Members

  1. Please go to <> and enter the same email used for UL Wolves

Congrats! You are in! //heist music//

Returning Members

If you have forgotten your username please use <>

If you have forgotten your password please use <>

All Members

Now that we are all on the same page we can now set an SSH key.


cd ~/.ssh
mkdir skynet
cd skynet

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "<comment>"

Location: username
Password: Press Enter twice

We will use the {username}.pub file later

Back to the ssh folder

cd ../


"" > config


touch config

Into it pop this

Host *
   User %r
   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/skynet/%r
   IdentitiesOnly yes

(we will also ping this on discord)

Remember the {username}.pub in ~/.ssh/skynet ?

cat ~/.ssh/skynet/{username}.pub

Copy the text and go to <>

Select the SSH Key field and submit.

Congratulations, you now have full access to all of Skynet's services!

Now to learn //how// to access them!


  1. Go to <>
  2. Login with username and password
  3. Done

In a future session we will discuss Gitlab (and git in general) more.


  1. Go to <>
  2. Login with and password
  3. Done

Email (Thunderbird)

  1. Have Thunderbird Installed
  2. Add Account
  3. Login with and password
  4. It can take a few min.
  5. Done

Skynet Webserver

ssh {username}

Thats it, you have logged into Skynet (webserver)!

Skynet Website

The server you logged onto is a webserver.

This means it can serve content on the web.

Due to aforementioned //issues// we can only serve static files (no database)

This is more than enough for most folks needs.

We are going to create a public_html in your own home directory with correct permissions

mkdir ~/public_html 
chmod 711 ~
chmod -R 755 ~/public_html
cd ~/public_html 

Now we have a folder, time to put something in it.

nano index.html

This brings up a terminal based editor, type whatever ye want here.

To exit press [ctrl]+[x] to bring up save options.
You cna rename the file, for now just press [enter]

If you go to <https://{username}> then teh contents will be displayed.

That was cumbersome to do right?

Logging in only to change a file on terminal that you have never used before.

Surely there is a better way?

Well luckily for you programmers are lazy

There are ways to transfer files from your local computer to the server.

Fow Windows you have WinSCP: <>

If ye are using linux you can use put sftp://{username} (or use filezilla)

Here completes the rough introduction to Skynet and creating websites.

If ye have any questions/ideas feel free to ask.

If ye want to take a deeper look into server administration feel free to ask.