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Raw Blame History



(copied in from email, then later expanded out into headings)

  1. Minutes & Apologies
  2. Matters arising
  3. Startups/Wind downs
  4. Finances Paul Lee
  5. UL Wolves Vehicles
  6. Committee Support/Workshops/Training
  7. C&S Executive Updates (standing item)
  8. Communities Officer Title Update
  9. What's on your mind? (standing item)
  10. AOB


Housekeeping standing item

Minutes and Apologies standing item

Proposed by Histroy
Seconded by GDev

Matters arising standing item

Start-ups and wind-downs standing item


Wind down

Executive Updates - standing item

Elections in week 7

Communities Officer Title Update

Student Center

End of March, start of April, handover, unlikely

Tours over the next few weeks

Bike rack will be kept or repalced

Student timetables

WEdnesdays used to be kept free, now not done
Would be interested n the full story

Whats on your mind? standing item

AOB standing item

Computer Discord Bot

Finances Paul Lee

  • Funds are drastically dwon
  • Inflation is a bitch
  • 106 per student, on average
  • 400k is "gone"
  • Equiptment fund is really required
  • Lets burn teh house down

UL Wolves Vehicles

  • 3 vehicles
  • 30k per year
  • can we afford to loose them?

Committee Support/Workshops/Training