Fork 0
forked from Skynet/discord-bot

fmt: re-organised it o better reflect what teh commands in teh file are for

This commit is contained in:
silver 2025-03-06 20:43:36 +00:00
parent 052f6aecb2
commit 0e6a5d3455
Signed by untrusted user: silver
GPG key ID: 36F93D61BAD3FD7D
5 changed files with 521 additions and 522 deletions

View file

@ -1,516 +0,0 @@
pub mod wolves {
use lettre::{
message::{header, MultiPart, SinglePart},
transport::smtp::{self, authentication::Credentials},
Message, SmtpTransport, Transport,
use maud::html;
use serenity::all::CommandOptionType;
use serenity::builder::CreateCommandOption;
use serenity::{builder::CreateCommand, client::Context, model::id::UserId};
use skynet_discord_bot::common::database::{DataBase, Wolves, WolvesVerify};
use skynet_discord_bot::{get_now_iso, random_string, Config};
use sqlx::{Pool, Sqlite};
pub mod link {
use super::*;
use serenity::all::{CommandDataOption, CommandDataOptionValue, CommandInteraction};
pub async fn run(command: &CommandInteraction, ctx: &Context) -> String {
let db_lock = {
let data_read = ctx.data.read().await;
data_read.get::<DataBase>().expect("Expected Databse in TypeMap.").clone()
let db = db_lock.read().await;
let config_lock = {
let data_read = ctx.data.read().await;
data_read.get::<Config>().expect("Expected Config in TypeMap.").clone()
let config = config_lock.read().await;
if get_server_member_discord(&db, &command.user.id).await.is_some() {
return "Already linked".to_string();
if get_verify_from_db(&db, &command.user.id).await.is_some() {
return "Linking already in process, please check email.".to_string();
let sub_options = if let Some(CommandDataOption {
value: CommandDataOptionValue::SubCommand(options),
}) = command.data.options.first()
} else {
return "Please provide sub options".to_string();
let email = if let Some(x) = sub_options.first() {
match &x.value {
CommandDataOptionValue::String(email) => email.trim(),
_ => return "Please provide a valid email".to_string(),
} else {
return "Please provide a valid email".to_string();
// check if email exists
let details = match get_server_member_email(&db, email).await {
None => {
let invalid_user = "Please check it matches (including case) your preferred contact on https://ulwolves.ie/memberships/profile and that you are fully paid up.".to_string();
let wolves = wolves_oxidised::Client::new(&config.wolves_url, Some(&config.wolves_api));
// see if the user actually exists
let id = match wolves.get_member(email).await {
None => {
return invalid_user;
Some(x) => x,
// save teh user id and email to teh db
match save_to_db_user(&db, id, email).await {
Ok(x) => x,
Err(x) => {
return "Error: unable to save user to teh database, contact Computer Society".to_string();
// pull it back out (technically could do it in previous step but more explicit)
match get_server_member_email(&db, email).await {
None => {
return "Error: failed to read user from database.".to_string();
Some(x) => x,
Some(x) => x,
if details.discord.is_some() {
return "Email already verified".to_string();
// generate a auth key
let auth = random_string(20);
match send_mail(&config, &details.email, &auth, &command.user.name) {
Ok(_) => match save_to_db(&db, &details, &auth, &command.user.id).await {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(e) => {
return format!("Unable to save to db {} {e:?}", &details.email);
Err(e) => {
return format!("Unable to send mail to {} {e:?}", &details.email);
format!("Verification email sent to {}, it may take up to 15 min for it to arrive. If it takes longer check the Junk folder.", email)
pub async fn get_server_member_discord(db: &Pool<Sqlite>, user: &UserId) -> Option<Wolves> {
sqlx::query_as::<_, Wolves>(
FROM wolves
WHERE discord = ?
.bind(user.get() as i64)
async fn get_server_member_email(db: &Pool<Sqlite>, email: &str) -> Option<Wolves> {
sqlx::query_as::<_, Wolves>(
FROM wolves
WHERE email = ?
fn send_mail(config: &Config, mail: &str, auth: &str, user: &str) -> Result<smtp::response::Response, smtp::Error> {
let discord = "https://computer.discord.skynet.ie";
let sender = format!("UL Computer Society <{}>", &config.mail_user);
// Create the html we want to send.
let html = html! {
head {
title { "UL Wolves Discord Linker" }
style type="text/css" {
"h2, h4 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }"
div {
h2 { "UL Wolves Discord Linker" }
h3 { "Link your UL Wolves Account to Discord" }
// Substitute in the name of our recipient.
p { "Hi " (user) "," }
p {
"Please paste this line into Discord (and press enter) to verify your discord account:"
pre { "/wolves verify code: " (auth)}
h3 { "Help & Support" }
p {
"If you have issues please refer to our Computer Society Discord Server:"
a href=(discord) { (discord) }
"UL Computer Society"
let body_text = format!(
UL Wolves Discord Linker
Link your UL Wolves Account to Discord
Link your Account
Hi {user},
Please paste this line into Discord (and press enter) to verify your Discord account:
/wolves verify code: {auth}
Help & Support
If you have issues please refer to our Computer Society Discord Server:
UL Computer Society
// Build the message.
let email = Message::builder()
.subject("Skynet: Link Discord to Wolves.")
// This is composed of two parts.
// also helps not trip spam settings (uneven number of url's
.expect("failed to build email");
let creds = Credentials::new(config.mail_user.clone(), config.mail_pass.clone());
// Open a remote connection to gmail using STARTTLS
let mailer = SmtpTransport::starttls_relay(&config.mail_smtp)?.credentials(creds).build();
// Send the email
pub async fn db_pending_clear_expired(pool: &Pool<Sqlite>) -> Option<WolvesVerify> {
sqlx::query_as::<_, WolvesVerify>(
FROM wolves_verify
WHERE date_expiry < ?
pub async fn get_verify_from_db(db: &Pool<Sqlite>, user: &UserId) -> Option<WolvesVerify> {
sqlx::query_as::<_, WolvesVerify>(
FROM wolves_verify
WHERE discord = ?
.bind(user.get() as i64)
async fn save_to_db(db: &Pool<Sqlite>, record: &Wolves, auth: &str, user: &UserId) -> Result<Option<WolvesVerify>, sqlx::Error> {
sqlx::query_as::<_, WolvesVerify>(
INSERT INTO wolves_verify (email, discord, auth_code, date_expiry)
VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4)
.bind(user.get() as i64)
async fn save_to_db_user(db: &Pool<Sqlite>, id_wolves: i64, email: &str) -> Result<Option<Wolves>, sqlx::Error> {
sqlx::query_as::<_, Wolves>(
INSERT INTO wolves (id_wolves, email)
VALUES ($1, $2)
ON CONFLICT(id_wolves) DO UPDATE SET email = $2
pub mod verify {
use super::*;
use crate::commands::link_email::wolves::link::{db_pending_clear_expired, get_server_member_discord, get_verify_from_db};
use serenity::all::{CommandDataOption, CommandDataOptionValue, CommandInteraction, GuildId, RoleId};
use serenity::model::user::User;
use skynet_discord_bot::common::database::get_server_config;
use skynet_discord_bot::common::database::{ServerMembersWolves, Servers};
use skynet_discord_bot::common::wolves::committees::Committees;
use sqlx::Error;
pub async fn run(command: &CommandInteraction, ctx: &Context) -> String {
let db_lock = {
let data_read = ctx.data.read().await;
data_read.get::<DataBase>().expect("Expected Database in TypeMap.").clone()
let db = db_lock.read().await;
// check if user has used /link_wolves
let details = if let Some(x) = get_verify_from_db(&db, &command.user.id).await {
} else {
return "Please use ''/wolves link'' first".to_string();
let sub_options = if let Some(CommandDataOption {
value: CommandDataOptionValue::SubCommand(options),
}) = command.data.options.first()
} else {
return "Please provide sub options".to_string();
let code = if let Some(x) = sub_options.first() {
match &x.value {
CommandDataOptionValue::String(y) => y.trim(),
_ => return "Please provide a verification code".to_string(),
} else {
return "Please provide a verification code".to_string();
if details.auth_code != code {
return "Invalid verification code".to_string();
match db_pending_clear_successful(&db, &command.user.id).await {
Ok(_) => {
return match set_discord(&db, &command.user.id, &details.email).await {
Ok(_) => {
// get teh right roles for the user
set_server_roles(&db, &command.user, ctx).await;
// check if they are a committee member, and on that server
set_server_roles_committee(&db, &command.user, ctx).await;
"Discord username linked to Wolves".to_string()
Err(e) => {
println!("{:?}", e);
"Failed to save, please try /link_wolves again".to_string()
Err(e) => println!("{:?}", e),
"Failed to verify".to_string()
async fn db_pending_clear_successful(pool: &Pool<Sqlite>, user: &UserId) -> Result<Option<WolvesVerify>, Error> {
sqlx::query_as::<_, WolvesVerify>(
FROM wolves_verify
WHERE discord = ?
.bind(user.get() as i64)
async fn set_discord(db: &Pool<Sqlite>, discord: &UserId, email: &str) -> Result<Option<Wolves>, Error> {
sqlx::query_as::<_, Wolves>(
UPDATE wolves
SET discord = ?
WHERE email = ?
.bind(discord.get() as i64)
async fn set_server_roles(db: &Pool<Sqlite>, discord: &User, ctx: &Context) {
if let Ok(servers) = get_servers(db, &discord.id).await {
for server in servers {
if let Ok(member) = server.server.member(&ctx.http, &discord.id).await {
if let Some(config) = get_server_config(db, &server.server).await {
let Servers {
} = config;
let mut roles = vec![];
if let Some(role) = &role_past {
if !member.roles.contains(role) {
if !member.roles.contains(&role_current) {
if let Err(e) = member.add_roles(&ctx, &roles).await {
println!("{:?}", e);
async fn get_committees_id(db: &Pool<Sqlite>, wolves_id: i64) -> Vec<Committees> {
sqlx::query_as::<_, Committees>(
FROM committees
WHERE committee LIKE ?1
.bind(format!("%{}%", wolves_id))
.unwrap_or_else(|e| {
async fn set_server_roles_committee(db: &Pool<Sqlite>, discord: &User, ctx: &Context) {
if let Some(x) = get_server_member_discord(db, &discord.id).await {
// if they are a member of one or more committees, and in teh committee server then give the teh general committee role
// they will get teh more specific vanity role later
if !get_committees_id(db, x.id_wolves).await.is_empty() {
let server = GuildId::new(1220150752656363520);
let committee_member = RoleId::new(1226602779968274573);
if let Ok(member) = server.member(ctx, &discord.id).await {
member.add_roles(&ctx, &[committee_member]).await.unwrap_or_default();
async fn get_servers(db: &Pool<Sqlite>, discord: &UserId) -> Result<Vec<ServerMembersWolves>, Error> {
sqlx::query_as::<_, ServerMembersWolves>(
FROM server_members
JOIN wolves USING (id_wolves)
WHERE discord = ?
.bind(discord.get() as i64)
pub mod unlink {
use serenity::all::{CommandInteraction, Context, UserId};
use skynet_discord_bot::common::database::{DataBase, Wolves};
use sqlx::{Pool, Sqlite};
pub async fn run(command: &CommandInteraction, ctx: &Context) -> String {
let db_lock = {
let data_read = ctx.data.read().await;
data_read.get::<DataBase>().expect("Expected Databse in TypeMap.").clone()
let db = db_lock.read().await;
// dosent matter if there is one or not, it will be removed regardless
delete_link(&db, &command.user.id).await;
"Discord link removed".to_string()
async fn delete_link(db: &Pool<Sqlite>, user: &UserId) {
match sqlx::query_as::<_, Wolves>(
UPDATE wolves
SET discord = NULL
WHERE discord = ?1;
.bind(user.get() as i64)
Ok(_) => {}
Err(e) => {
pub fn register() -> CreateCommand {
.description("Commands related to UL Wolves")
// link
CreateCommandOption::new(CommandOptionType::SubCommand, "link", "Link your Wolves account to your Discord")
.add_sub_option(CreateCommandOption::new(CommandOptionType::String, "email", "UL Wolves Email").required(true)),
// verify
CreateCommandOption::new(CommandOptionType::SubCommand, "verify", "Verify Wolves Email")
.add_sub_option(CreateCommandOption::new(CommandOptionType::String, "code", "Code from verification email").required(true)),
// unlink
.add_option(CreateCommandOption::new(CommandOptionType::SubCommand, "unlink", "Unlink your Wolves account from your Discord"))

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ pub(crate) mod user {
use super::*; use super::*;
pub(crate) mod add { pub(crate) mod add {
use super::*; use super::*;
use crate::commands::link_email::wolves::link::get_server_member_discord; use crate::commands::wolves::link::get_server_member_discord;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serenity::all::{CommandDataOption, CommandDataOptionValue, CommandInteraction, CommandOptionType, CreateCommandOption}; use serenity::all::{CommandDataOption, CommandDataOptionValue, CommandInteraction, CommandOptionType, CreateCommandOption};
use serenity::model::id::UserId; use serenity::model::id::UserId;

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
pub mod add_server; pub mod add_server;
pub mod count; pub mod count;
pub mod link_email;
pub mod minecraft; pub mod minecraft;
pub mod role_adder; pub mod role_adder;
pub mod wolves;

src/commands/wolves.rs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
use lettre::{
message::{header, MultiPart, SinglePart},
transport::smtp::{self, authentication::Credentials},
Message, SmtpTransport, Transport,
use maud::html;
use serenity::all::CommandOptionType;
use serenity::builder::CreateCommandOption;
use serenity::{builder::CreateCommand, client::Context, model::id::UserId};
use skynet_discord_bot::common::database::{DataBase, Wolves, WolvesVerify};
use skynet_discord_bot::{get_now_iso, random_string, Config};
use sqlx::{Pool, Sqlite};
pub mod link {
use super::*;
use serenity::all::{CommandDataOption, CommandDataOptionValue, CommandInteraction};
pub async fn run(command: &CommandInteraction, ctx: &Context) -> String {
let db_lock = {
let data_read = ctx.data.read().await;
data_read.get::<DataBase>().expect("Expected Databse in TypeMap.").clone()
let db = db_lock.read().await;
let config_lock = {
let data_read = ctx.data.read().await;
data_read.get::<Config>().expect("Expected Config in TypeMap.").clone()
let config = config_lock.read().await;
if get_server_member_discord(&db, &command.user.id).await.is_some() {
return "Already linked".to_string();
if get_verify_from_db(&db, &command.user.id).await.is_some() {
return "Linking already in process, please check email.".to_string();
let sub_options = if let Some(CommandDataOption {
value: CommandDataOptionValue::SubCommand(options),
}) = command.data.options.first()
} else {
return "Please provide sub options".to_string();
let email = if let Some(x) = sub_options.first() {
match &x.value {
CommandDataOptionValue::String(email) => email.trim(),
_ => return "Please provide a valid email".to_string(),
} else {
return "Please provide a valid email".to_string();
// check if email exists
let details = match get_server_member_email(&db, email).await {
None => {
let invalid_user = "Please check it matches (including case) your preferred contact on https://ulwolves.ie/memberships/profile and that you are fully paid up.".to_string();
let wolves = wolves_oxidised::Client::new(&config.wolves_url, Some(&config.wolves_api));
// see if the user actually exists
let id = match wolves.get_member(email).await {
None => {
return invalid_user;
Some(x) => x,
// save teh user id and email to teh db
match save_to_db_user(&db, id, email).await {
Ok(x) => x,
Err(x) => {
return "Error: unable to save user to teh database, contact Computer Society".to_string();
// pull it back out (technically could do it in previous step but more explicit)
match get_server_member_email(&db, email).await {
None => {
return "Error: failed to read user from database.".to_string();
Some(x) => x,
Some(x) => x,
if details.discord.is_some() {
return "Email already verified".to_string();
// generate a auth key
let auth = random_string(20);
match send_mail(&config, &details.email, &auth, &command.user.name) {
Ok(_) => match save_to_db(&db, &details, &auth, &command.user.id).await {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(e) => {
return format!("Unable to save to db {} {e:?}", &details.email);
Err(e) => {
return format!("Unable to send mail to {} {e:?}", &details.email);
format!("Verification email sent to {}, it may take up to 15 min for it to arrive. If it takes longer check the Junk folder.", email)
pub async fn get_server_member_discord(db: &Pool<Sqlite>, user: &UserId) -> Option<Wolves> {
sqlx::query_as::<_, Wolves>(
FROM wolves
WHERE discord = ?
.bind(user.get() as i64)
async fn get_server_member_email(db: &Pool<Sqlite>, email: &str) -> Option<Wolves> {
sqlx::query_as::<_, Wolves>(
FROM wolves
WHERE email = ?
fn send_mail(config: &Config, mail: &str, auth: &str, user: &str) -> Result<smtp::response::Response, smtp::Error> {
let discord = "https://computer.discord.skynet.ie";
let sender = format!("UL Computer Society <{}>", &config.mail_user);
// Create the html we want to send.
let html = html! {
head {
title { "UL Wolves Discord Linker" }
style type="text/css" {
"h2, h4 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }"
div {
h2 { "UL Wolves Discord Linker" }
h3 { "Link your UL Wolves Account to Discord" }
// Substitute in the name of our recipient.
p { "Hi " (user) "," }
p {
"Please paste this line into Discord (and press enter) to verify your discord account:"
pre { "/wolves verify code: " (auth)}
h3 { "Help & Support" }
p {
"If you have issues please refer to our Computer Society Discord Server:"
a href=(discord) { (discord) }
"UL Computer Society"
let body_text = format!(
UL Wolves Discord Linker
Link your UL Wolves Account to Discord
Link your Account
Hi {user},
Please paste this line into Discord (and press enter) to verify your Discord account:
/wolves verify code: {auth}
Help & Support
If you have issues please refer to our Computer Society Discord Server:
UL Computer Society
// Build the message.
let email = Message::builder()
.subject("Skynet: Link Discord to Wolves.")
// This is composed of two parts.
// also helps not trip spam settings (uneven number of url's
.expect("failed to build email");
let creds = Credentials::new(config.mail_user.clone(), config.mail_pass.clone());
// Open a remote connection to gmail using STARTTLS
let mailer = SmtpTransport::starttls_relay(&config.mail_smtp)?.credentials(creds).build();
// Send the email
pub async fn db_pending_clear_expired(pool: &Pool<Sqlite>) -> Option<WolvesVerify> {
sqlx::query_as::<_, WolvesVerify>(
FROM wolves_verify
WHERE date_expiry < ?
pub async fn get_verify_from_db(db: &Pool<Sqlite>, user: &UserId) -> Option<WolvesVerify> {
sqlx::query_as::<_, WolvesVerify>(
FROM wolves_verify
WHERE discord = ?
.bind(user.get() as i64)
async fn save_to_db(db: &Pool<Sqlite>, record: &Wolves, auth: &str, user: &UserId) -> Result<Option<WolvesVerify>, sqlx::Error> {
sqlx::query_as::<_, WolvesVerify>(
INSERT INTO wolves_verify (email, discord, auth_code, date_expiry)
VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4)
.bind(user.get() as i64)
async fn save_to_db_user(db: &Pool<Sqlite>, id_wolves: i64, email: &str) -> Result<Option<Wolves>, sqlx::Error> {
sqlx::query_as::<_, Wolves>(
INSERT INTO wolves (id_wolves, email)
VALUES ($1, $2)
ON CONFLICT(id_wolves) DO UPDATE SET email = $2
pub mod verify {
use super::*;
use crate::commands::wolves::link::{db_pending_clear_expired, get_server_member_discord, get_verify_from_db};
use serenity::all::{CommandDataOption, CommandDataOptionValue, CommandInteraction, GuildId, RoleId};
use serenity::model::user::User;
use skynet_discord_bot::common::database::get_server_config;
use skynet_discord_bot::common::database::{ServerMembersWolves, Servers};
use skynet_discord_bot::common::wolves::committees::Committees;
use sqlx::Error;
pub async fn run(command: &CommandInteraction, ctx: &Context) -> String {
let db_lock = {
let data_read = ctx.data.read().await;
data_read.get::<DataBase>().expect("Expected Database in TypeMap.").clone()
let db = db_lock.read().await;
// check if user has used /link_wolves
let details = if let Some(x) = get_verify_from_db(&db, &command.user.id).await {
} else {
return "Please use ''/wolves link'' first".to_string();
let sub_options = if let Some(CommandDataOption {
value: CommandDataOptionValue::SubCommand(options),
}) = command.data.options.first()
} else {
return "Please provide sub options".to_string();
let code = if let Some(x) = sub_options.first() {
match &x.value {
CommandDataOptionValue::String(y) => y.trim(),
_ => return "Please provide a verification code".to_string(),
} else {
return "Please provide a verification code".to_string();
if details.auth_code != code {
return "Invalid verification code".to_string();
match db_pending_clear_successful(&db, &command.user.id).await {
Ok(_) => {
return match set_discord(&db, &command.user.id, &details.email).await {
Ok(_) => {
// get teh right roles for the user
set_server_roles(&db, &command.user, ctx).await;
// check if they are a committee member, and on that server
set_server_roles_committee(&db, &command.user, ctx).await;
"Discord username linked to Wolves".to_string()
Err(e) => {
println!("{:?}", e);
"Failed to save, please try /link_wolves again".to_string()
Err(e) => println!("{:?}", e),
"Failed to verify".to_string()
async fn db_pending_clear_successful(pool: &Pool<Sqlite>, user: &UserId) -> Result<Option<WolvesVerify>, Error> {
sqlx::query_as::<_, WolvesVerify>(
FROM wolves_verify
WHERE discord = ?
.bind(user.get() as i64)
async fn set_discord(db: &Pool<Sqlite>, discord: &UserId, email: &str) -> Result<Option<Wolves>, Error> {
sqlx::query_as::<_, Wolves>(
UPDATE wolves
SET discord = ?
WHERE email = ?
.bind(discord.get() as i64)
async fn set_server_roles(db: &Pool<Sqlite>, discord: &User, ctx: &Context) {
if let Ok(servers) = get_servers(db, &discord.id).await {
for server in servers {
if let Ok(member) = server.server.member(&ctx.http, &discord.id).await {
if let Some(config) = get_server_config(db, &server.server).await {
let Servers {
} = config;
let mut roles = vec![];
if let Some(role) = &role_past {
if !member.roles.contains(role) {
if !member.roles.contains(&role_current) {
if let Err(e) = member.add_roles(&ctx, &roles).await {
println!("{:?}", e);
async fn get_committees_id(db: &Pool<Sqlite>, wolves_id: i64) -> Vec<Committees> {
sqlx::query_as::<_, Committees>(
FROM committees
WHERE committee LIKE ?1
.bind(format!("%{}%", wolves_id))
.unwrap_or_else(|e| {
async fn set_server_roles_committee(db: &Pool<Sqlite>, discord: &User, ctx: &Context) {
if let Some(x) = get_server_member_discord(db, &discord.id).await {
// if they are a member of one or more committees, and in teh committee server then give the teh general committee role
// they will get teh more specific vanity role later
if !get_committees_id(db, x.id_wolves).await.is_empty() {
let server = GuildId::new(1220150752656363520);
let committee_member = RoleId::new(1226602779968274573);
if let Ok(member) = server.member(ctx, &discord.id).await {
member.add_roles(&ctx, &[committee_member]).await.unwrap_or_default();
async fn get_servers(db: &Pool<Sqlite>, discord: &UserId) -> Result<Vec<ServerMembersWolves>, Error> {
sqlx::query_as::<_, ServerMembersWolves>(
FROM server_members
JOIN wolves USING (id_wolves)
WHERE discord = ?
.bind(discord.get() as i64)
pub mod unlink {
use serenity::all::{CommandInteraction, Context, UserId};
use skynet_discord_bot::common::database::{DataBase, Wolves};
use sqlx::{Pool, Sqlite};
pub async fn run(command: &CommandInteraction, ctx: &Context) -> String {
let db_lock = {
let data_read = ctx.data.read().await;
data_read.get::<DataBase>().expect("Expected Databse in TypeMap.").clone()
let db = db_lock.read().await;
// dosent matter if there is one or not, it will be removed regardless
delete_link(&db, &command.user.id).await;
"Discord link removed".to_string()
async fn delete_link(db: &Pool<Sqlite>, user: &UserId) {
match sqlx::query_as::<_, Wolves>(
UPDATE wolves
SET discord = NULL
WHERE discord = ?1;
.bind(user.get() as i64)
Ok(_) => {}
Err(e) => {
pub fn register() -> CreateCommand {
.description("Commands related to UL Wolves")
// link
CreateCommandOption::new(CommandOptionType::SubCommand, "link", "Link your Wolves account to your Discord")
.add_sub_option(CreateCommandOption::new(CommandOptionType::String, "email", "UL Wolves Email").required(true)),
// verify
CreateCommandOption::new(CommandOptionType::SubCommand, "verify", "Verify Wolves Email")
.add_sub_option(CreateCommandOption::new(CommandOptionType::String, "code", "Code from verification email").required(true)),
// unlink
.add_option(CreateCommandOption::new(CommandOptionType::SubCommand, "unlink", "Unlink your Wolves account from your Discord"))

View file

@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ Sign up on [UL Wolves]({}) and go to https://discord.com/channels/{}/{} and use
vec![ vec![
commands::add_server::register(), commands::add_server::register(),
commands::role_adder::edit::register(), commands::role_adder::edit::register(),
commands::link_email::wolves::register(), commands::wolves::register(),
commands::minecraft::server::add::register(), commands::minecraft::server::add::register(),
commands::minecraft::server::list::register(), commands::minecraft::server::list::register(),
commands::minecraft::server::delete::register(), commands::minecraft::server::delete::register(),
@ -168,9 +168,9 @@ Sign up on [UL Wolves]({}) and go to https://discord.com/channels/{}/{} and use
"wolves" => match command.data.options.first() { "wolves" => match command.data.options.first() {
None => "Invalid Command".to_string(), None => "Invalid Command".to_string(),
Some(x) => match x.name.as_str() { Some(x) => match x.name.as_str() {
"link" => commands::link_email::wolves::link::run(&command, &ctx).await, "link" => commands::wolves::link::run(&command, &ctx).await,
"verify" => commands::link_email::wolves::verify::run(&command, &ctx).await, "verify" => commands::wolves::verify::run(&command, &ctx).await,
"unlink" => commands::link_email::wolves::unlink::run(&command, &ctx).await, "unlink" => commands::wolves::unlink::run(&command, &ctx).await,
// "link" => commands::count::servers::run(&command, &ctx).await, // "link" => commands::count::servers::run(&command, &ctx).await,
&_ => format!("not implemented :( wolves {}", x.name.as_str()), &_ => format!("not implemented :( wolves {}", x.name.as_str()),
}, },