2024-03-24 - 2025-03-24


1 active pull request
2 active issues
Excluding merges, 2 authors have pushed 2 commits to main and 5 commits to all branches. On main, 3 files have changed and there have been 37 additions and 17 deletions.

1 pull request proposed by 1 user

Proposed #24 Resolve "Updating the favicon" 2024-04-19 23:20:05 +00:00

1 issue closed from 1 user

2 issues created by 1 user

Opened #10 Updating the favicon 2024-04-19 23:19:44 +00:00

Opened #25 Users on wolves without a id are failing to be loaded into ldap 2024-11-17 17:57:22 +00:00