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Skynet Discord Bot
This bots core purpose is to give members roles based on their status on https://ulwolves.ie.
It uses an api key provided by wolves to get member lists.
Users are able to link their wolves account to the bot and that works across discord servers.
For example is a user links on the CompSoc Discord then they will also get their roles (automagically) on Games Dev if they are a member there.
Setup - Committee
You need admin access to run any of the commands in this section.
Either the server owner or a user with the Manage Server
Get the API Key
The api_key
is used by the Bot in order to request information, it will be used later in the process.
- Email
from committee email and say you want anapi_key
- The committee email is the one here: https://cp.ulwolves.ie/mailbox/
- This may take up to a week to get the key.
Setup Server
The Bot reason for existing is being able to give members Roles.
So we have to create those.
- Create a role for Current Members.
- You can call it whatever you want.
is a good choice.- This should be a new role
- Optional: you can create a role that is given to folks who were but no longer a member.
would be a good choice for this- If you have an existing member role this is also a good fit.
The reason for both roles is ye have one for active members while the second is for all current and past members.
Invite Bot
- Invite the bot https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=1145761669256069270&permissions=139855185984&scope=bot
- Make sure the bot role
is above these two roles created in the previous step- This is so it can manage the roles (give and remove them from users)
Setup Bot
This is where the bot is configured.
You will need the api_key
from the start of the process.
You (personally) will need a role with Manage Server
permission to be able to do this.
- Use the command
/committee add
and a list of options will pop up. api_key
is the key you got from Keith earlier.role_current
is themember-current
that you created earlier.role_past
(optional) is the role for all current and past members.bot_channel
is a channel that folks are recommended to use the bot.- You can have it so folks cannot see message history
At this point the bot is set up and no further action is required.
The bot is able to manage the whitelist of a Minecraft server managed by the Computer Society.
Talk to us to get a server.
This links a minecraft server with your club/society.
/minecraft_add SERVER_ID
List the servers linked to your club/society.
It is possible to have more than one minecraft server
This unlinks a minecraft server from your club/society.
/minecraft_delete SERVER_ID