feat: slides for this evening

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src/slides/skynet/2_nix.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
title = "Skynet: Nix"
date = 2023-10-08
slides = false
# *nix, Nix and Nixos
## *nix
Skynet runs on a flavor of Linux called NixOS
Normal linux commands apply (basic primer)
``cd`` - change directory
``mkdir`` - make directory
``ls`` - list directory
``touch {filename}`` - create file named {filename}
``nano {filename}`` - edit {filename}
``history`` - view history of previous commands
``grep "{query}" {filename/path}`` - find {query} in a file
There is also piping where the output of one command is piped into another command
Often called [Unix philosophy][1]
Can make really powerful programs from smaller simple programs.
``history | grep "nano"`` - search the history for any mention of ``nano``
## Nix
Nix is a (lazy) functional language
a = 1 # int
b = 1.001 # float
c = /path/to/thing # path
d = "42" # string
e = true # boolean
double = x: x*2
mul = a: b: a*b
double 2
mul 2 3
s = { foo = "bar"; biz = "baz"; }
s.foo # bar
s.biz # baz
1. [Offical guide][2]
2. [Nix Pills][3]
## NixOS
Some crazy person saw Nix and thought "I want to make an OS with that"
In essence a giant function is created with an OS as the output
This does have quite a few advantages
* Config as Code
* Deterministic
* Reproducible
Skynet 2.0 had its config spread across different servers making it hard to get a good overview
Skynet 3.0 is fully source controlled on [gitlab.skynet.ie][4]
Deterministic and Reproducible go hand in hand.
Deterministic means that for the same inputs you get the same output.
Reproducible is that you are able to create the same output from the source code.
We use Flakes, which adds a lockfile, reduces hassle for the dev.
[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_philosophy
[2]: https://nix.dev/tutorials/first-steps/
[3]: https://nixos.org/guides/nix-pills/#
[4]: https://gitlab.skynet.ie/compsoc1/skynet/nixos