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# Best Society
## Organisation & Events
### Please detail the society's aims and objectives.
The overall aim and goal of the Computer Society is to promote the use and enjoyment of computers within the University, by all students including those for whom it is not an academic requirement.
To this end we employ the use of the computing skills, knowledge and resources of the society, computer based information services, combining both the practical and the entertaining, to bring computers to the masses.
### How has the society's work fulfilled these aims and objectives? (max 400 words)
#### 6 points
### Please give details of the society's committee structure and how committee members functioned as a team. (max 400 words)
#### 6 points
Our committee structure has been stable for many years and takes the form of:
#### Elected Committee
These are the center of the committee and comprise of:
1. Chairperson
2. Secretary
3. Treasurer
4. Safety Officer
5. Public Relations Officer (PRO)
6. Senior Systems' Administrator
7. Ordinary Committee Members (OCM)
One other quirk is while many on the committee are technically OCM's we have found it is best to name their roles.
Currently this would include "1st Year Rep" and "IT Officer".
This is especially true for intensive roles such as Treasurer or PRO wherein we have "Assistant Treasurer" or "Assistant PRO".
#### Skynet Sub-Committee
Skynet sub-committee is in charge of the Skynet computer cluster.
The skynet cluster hosts many of the services for our members and other Clubs/Socs.
They run, upgrade and train members in use of the cluster.
#### Advisors
Advisors are former committee who have been asked to remain part the committee.
They provide a "Wisdom of the Ancients", knowledge and experience from their time on committee as well as their current industry connections.
#### SISTEM Sub-Committee
This year we are also joined by the SISTEM sub-committee whose goal is to organise and run SISTEM.
SISTEM is Ireland's only student run tech conference:
It is the spiritual successor to SkyCon which we used to run.
### Please detail the challenges encountered by the society this year. (max 500 words)
#### 8 points
### What systems have been put in place to ensure the continuity of the society and to ensure its ongoing success? (max 400 words)
#### 15 points
### Detail the society's membership. (max 400 words)
#### 10 points
### Please list the number and variety of events held
#### 15 points
## Finance
### Details of income and expenditure?
#### 5 points
### Describe how you managed your finances this year. (max 300 words)
#### 5 points
### Please provide details of the success securing funds for the running of the society. (max 300 words)
#### 5 points
## Communication, Engagement & Publicity
### Please outline all aspects (both digital and non-digital) of your communication and publicity this year. (max 800 words)
#### 14 points
### Please give one example of a campaign that was successful and the impact this had on the target audience? (max 500 words)
#### 6 points
## YouTube Video
Prob wont be doing this, but will be useful for nexct year (???)