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Euro trip 2025

Version 0.1

This document contains a foreign trip proposal for the Computer Society in the 2024/2025 AY.
The foundation is based off of the 2021.


The following points are based on the questions posed in the Foreign Trip Proposal form provided to the Computer Society.

01 - Name of the Club or Society

UL Computer Society

02 - Date of Trip

21-28 May 2025.
These dates are after the spring exams.

03 - Organisers

Main Organiser:

  • $PERSON1

Trip Leaders:

  • $PERSON1
  • $PERSON2
  • $PERSON3

04 - Destination & justification for choosing this location?

This is a trip to London, UK and Prague, Czech Republic.

We plan to fly to London where we will spend 4 days.
The main reason we plan to go to London is to see Bletchley Park where during the second world war they cracked the enigma code.
Alan Turing was the one who did this.
London is also the biggest tech city in Europe.
Other attractions we plan to visit included are the science museum, the Greenwich Observatory and the Faraday Museum.

We will then be heading to Prague to visit some more museums and attractions.
We will be visiting the National Technical Museum.
There is also one of the largest Lego Museums in Prague we plan to have a look at. There is also a Museum of Senses that looks very interesting.
Prague has a lot of reminders and museums about the cold war which we think would be interesting for our members. There is a Nuclear Bunker that we can take a tour of.

We will give members a chance on travel days to do some sight-seeing, but we will be emphasising that we are not flying to London just to see the London Eye or the Crown Jewels.
The focus will be on the museums, exhibits and society development.
We have looked into the possible effects of the Ukraine Russia situation on our travels, but we believe it shouldnt affect the Czech Republic Covid also shouldnt impact us next year as most countries and flights in Europe are back to normal.
Social distancing mandates etc have mostly been reduced/removed in the countries we will be visiting and by next year they should be gone entirely.

05 - What is the developmental reason for this trip?

The developmental reason for the trip is that the members of the Computer Society are very interested in learning more about the history of technology, computing, electronics and its application.
The museums that we have picked showcase some extremely interesting exhibits on computing and technology. Some other museums and exhibits we plan to visit are to inspire and learn about the history of technology and computing.
Our trip in 2019 before Covid helped to develop the society both socially and in relation to knowledge of tech from the past and how far it has come.

06 - How much is the overall cost?

The trip will roughly cost €13067.00-€16088.80, broken down by flights, accommodation, transport and museum tickets for 20 people.
Depending on how much the society covers (€0-€7000) the cost for the individual will be €303.35-€804.44, see the table below for more information.

07 - Is this the first time this trip is proposed?

We saw how successful our trip was in 2019 and because of being unable to go for the past few years with COVID we wanted to up the trip capacity again this year.
From a quick gauge of interest in the society it seems like we have a lot of interest for the trip.
This has made us decided to go from 15 to 20 spaces on the trip.

08 - How will you advertise this trip?

We will be sending out an email to all members and advertising this event on our Discord and Instagram page.
We also plan to have an information meeting and presentation.

09 - How do people sign up for the trip?

There will be a sign up at our events and at the information presentation.

10 - Are there selection criteria?

The Computer Society Committee will ask each candidate why they intend to travel on the trip through email.
The committee will then review these answers and select individuals to attend the trip, also taking into account the candidates participation in the society.
The committee reserve the right to refuse trip attendance to any member provided a valid reason is given by the committee.

11 - What is the breakdown (Undergrad, Postgrad, Alumni, Other) of the different membership types?

At least two thirds of the available twenty spaces on the trip will be reserved for undergraduate/postgraduate UL students who are members of the society.
The other third will be offered to other Computer Society members (e.g. alumni or external members) but higher preference will be given to undergraduate/postgraduate students.

12 - What is your Health and Safety Plan for the trip?

$PERSON3 is the current Health and Safety Officer.
As part of an information meeting which will be held before we depart on the trip we will discuss safety with each member of the society that is attending the trip.
We will also ensure that every member of the group has a European Health Insurance Card and a valid passport.

13 - For certain trips, especially clubs, is there a competency level that members must achieve before signing up for the trip?

All members must attend an information meeting which will be held before we depart on the trip.

14 - Do you need to carry out first aid, a health and safety briefing or specialized training in order to maximise your time on the main training trip?

We will designate a committee member who is attending the trip to carry a first aid kit before we depart on the trip.
The first aid kit will be carried by that individual at all times while we are on the trip.
No specialised training should be required for individuals to partake in this trip.

15 - What is your proposed Itinerary?

This is a total of a seven day trip after the Spring exams finish in May.

  • 21th Travel to London, sightseeing
  • 22th Bletchley Park
  • 23th Science Museum London
  • 24th Greenwich Observatory/Faraday Museum
  • 25st Travel to Prague, Sightseeing
  • 26nd Lego Museum, Museum of Senses
  • 27rd National Technical Museum
  • 28th Nuclear Bunker, Travel Home

We will be putting together a more detailed itinerary for our members and to pass on to C&S.

16 - Who is responsible for training on the trip?

We intend to get guided tours of the museums that we visit.

17 - What is the funding plan for this trip?

The Subsidy that UL Computer Society will cover will come from our budget.

18 - Have risk assessments been completed for this trip or do you need support?

No risk assessments have been carried out so far, support would be appreciated.


The UK is now outside of the EU so visas may be required by some members.

Cost breakdown

Cost breakdown is over four categories which cover the majority of the trip.

Currency Conversion Quantity Eur
GBP 1 1.18
CZK 1 0.040
CZK 100 3.98


We will have three flights, and there are multiple possible travel plans for it.
Some options may be better options because timing suits better.

Item Cost Proof Link Notes
Cheapest 250 proof link Cheapest but layover in Amsterdam for an hour and a half
Best time 267 proof link Times of flights maximise days abroad


We are staying in two cities.
The most cost-effective is to book out dormitory rooms.


Search page

Item Cost Per Person Proof Link
Wombat's City Hostel London €5411.88 €270.59 proof link
PubLove @ The Exmouth Arms, Euston €6224.52 €311.23 proof link
The Walrus Hostel €3542.72 €177.14 proof link


Search page

Item Cost Per Person Proof Link
Charles Bridge Economic Hostel €1890.96 €94.55 proof link
Czech Inn €1490.01 €74.50 proof link
Sir Toby's Midtown €1543.44 €77.17 proof link
Clown and Bard €1178.07 €58.90 proof link
a&o Prague Rhea €981.09 €49.06 proof link


This encompasses the travel around the city.
It is best to buy a bus pass for the duration of the stay.

Item Cost (local) Cost Proof Link
London 1 Day group ticket 10.5 GBP * 4 €49.51 proof link
Prague 3 day bus 330 CZK €13.11 proof link
Total (per Person) €62.62


This is for all the locations we will visit, museums, exhibitions and tours.


Location Cost (GBP) Cost Proof Link
Bletchley Park £20.00 €23.60 proof link
Bletchley Park (Computer Museum) £7.50 €8.85 proof link
Science Museum £0 €0 proof link
Faraday museum £0 €0 proof link
Greenwich Observatory £14.00 €16.52 proof link
Total £41.50 €48.97


Location Cost (CZK) Cost Proof Link
Museum of Senses Kč250 €9.95 proof link
Lego Museum Prague Kč250 €9.95 proof link
National Technical Museum Kč150 €5.97 proof link
Nuclear Bunker Museum Kč750 €29.85 proof link
Total Kč1400 €55.72


Per Person Low High
Flights €250.00 €267.00
Accommodation (London) €177.14 €311.23
Accommodation (Prague) €58.90 €94.55
Transport €62.62 €62.62
Locations (London) €48.97 €48.97
Locations (Prague) €55.72 €55.72
Total €653.35 €804.44
Total (20 people) €13067.00 €16088.80

Compsoc Subsidises

Subsidy Total (low) Total (high) Per Person (Low) Per Person (Low)
€0 €13067.00 €16088.80 €653.35 €804.44
€1000 €12067.00 €15088.80 €603.35 €754.44
€2000 €11067.00 €14088.80 €553.35 €704.44
€3000 €10067.00 €13088.80 €503.35 €654.44
€4000 €9067.00 €12088.80 €453.35 €604.44
€5000 €8067.00 €11088.80 €403.35 €554.44
€6000 €7067.00 €10088.80 €353.35 €504.44
€7000 €6067.00 €9088.80 €303.35 €454.44