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## Points for Budget
This file is to organise the written part of the [points][0] for the budget.
See [last years submission][1] for more details.
Any extra PDF's can be found [here][6]
### 7. Committee Development
#### Instructions
> * 5 Points - Based on Computer Society having a minimum of 5 core committee members: Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, PRO, and Health & Safety Officer (this will be checked online so be sure that your Committee details are up-to-date)
> Societies are deemed to be low risk and therefore they can double up their H&S officer responsibilities with another core committe members, i.e. they must have a minimum of 4 core committee members
> * 2 Points - For uploading good quality handover documents to the HANDOVER DOCUMENTS page (each core committee person must submit their own handover document, 1 per position)
> * 2 Points - For uploding all committee meeting minutes for the past academic year to the COMMITTEE MINUTES page
> * 3 Points - For evidence of managing your Financial affairs (for Bank Statements use the BANK BALANCES page)
> * 1 Point - For providing information to the C&S Office if required or asked to do so throughout the Academic Year
#### Notes
* For most committee this relates to handovers.
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* Handovers PDFs can be found [browse][3] [download][4]
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* Minutes PDFs can be found [browse][5] [download][4]
* See [Last years section][1] for guidelines
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#### Details
Throughout this academic year, there were no major grievances other than the resignation of 2 committee members, our Health & Saftety Officer and our Assistant PRO, we replaced the HSO in an AGM and the Assistant PRO's duties were split amongst our Events officer and the incoming HSO by mutual agreement.
For bank statements, any that we received throughout the academic year were uploaded to wolves, though we stopped getting them after semester one despite checking the post regularly.
For dealing with money, there was a delay in getting access to the bank account again, though this was rectified in the later half of semester 2 and all creditors are now paid up.
### 8. Performance
#### Instructions
> * 2 Points - If Computer Society have no creditors outstanding (any outstanding debts have been cleared prior to budget submission)
> * 3 Points - If Computer Society has had no grievances throughout the year (if you have had a grievance and have dealt with it in a a good and fair manner the office will deliberate on points to be awarded)
> * 4 Points - Overall and General Track Record of Computer Society
> * 3 Points - Attendance at Council over a 3 year period as a percentage of total meetings (assessed based on sign-in records)
#### Notes
* This is mostly for Treasurer to ensure no outstanding debts.
* Aside from this it relates to our actions over the past year/3 years
* See [Last years section][1] for guidelines
#### Details
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### 9. Publicity
#### Instructions
> * 5 Points - Collective Platform: Regular updates on (NEWS / EVENTS / ACTIVITIES / FIXTURES - these must have been entered at the time and can't be backdated)
> * 4 Points - Computer Society Individual Publicity (Computer Society's own social media, text groups, email groups, posters)
> * 2 Points - Internal UL Media
> * 2 Points - External to UL Media
> Evidence of all must be attached
Over the course of our year, we had our 12 events listed on wolves.
We had 1 regular weekly activity on Wednesday. We used our own social media marketing strategies.
Halfway through the semester however, we started having 1 regular bi-weekly activity on Saturday, which was on our dedicated Minecraft server.
Our publicity this year was fairly basic, we advertised our events to computer science classes and groups via emailing them announcements. We also had announcements on our discord server as well to alert members.
Social media wasn't very prevalent for our public relations this year, though our Discord server was the most active. Which was for general discussions about computing.
We used graphic design for our posters, but were used minimally and reserved for larger announcements such as our regular weekly activity.
#### Notes
* This is for PRO's.
* Its an important reason to add the event on time to Wolves on a weekly basis.
* Have links to posters (can link to this repo by using ```` as a base),
* Photos of emails/discord.
* See [Last years section][1] for guidelines
#### Details
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### 10. Guest Speakers
#### Instructions
> Any speaker such as local councillors, local activists that do not satisfy the criteria of a profile speaker
> This speaker must be respected either inside or outside their field of expertise
> Computer Society must provide a biography of the speaker detailing their achievements to date and explaining why they are a profile speaker
> * Politicians/Journalists with a national and/or international profile
> * TV/Showbiz personality
> * Accredited Academic - within UL and/or are considered one of the most eminent experts within their field
> * High Profile Industry/field of speciality
#### Notes
* See [Last years section][1] for guidelines
#### Details
2024-05-20 17:55:18 +01:00
See [the separate file]( for teh full details.
### 11. Profile Speakers
#### Instructions
> This speaker must be respected either inside or outside their field of expertise
> Computer Society must provide a biography of the speaker detailing their achievements to date and explaining why they are a profile speaker
> * Politicians/Journalists with a national and/or international profile
> * TV/Showbiz personality
> * Accredited Academic - within UL and/or are considered one of the most eminent experts within their field
> * High Profile Industry/field of speciality
> Any other speaker such as local councillors, local activists that do not satisfy the above would be regarded as ordinary speakers
#### Notes
* We can use SISTEM/PyCon for this
* See [Last years section][1] for guidelines
#### Details
2024-05-20 17:55:18 +01:00
See [the separate file]( for teh full details.
### 13. Showcases
#### Instructions
> A Showcase Event is assessed to be "SHOWCASE" if it will bring with it an increased workload and planning beyond the normal levels of the Society
> If the event has been held before, the effort involved shall be on par or greater than the previous attempt
> * Pre-Planning possible Computer Society sub committee
> * Higher associated costs
> * Successful Sponsorship
> * Attempt to involve the broader campus community beyond their own membership and/or external involvement via wider community or other third level institutes
> * Visible Profile on campus including a media profile
> * Prestigious speakers-politicians and personalities
> * Campus Based event
#### Notes
* We can use the joint Computer/GamesDev/Games event for this ([event details][2])
* See [Last years section][1] for guidelines
#### Details
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