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Author SHA1 Message Date
d0aa6e26c9 old site code 2025-03-09 01:25:07 +00:00
18c2a24e60 Delete src/aboutskynet 2025-03-09 00:55:23 +00:00
0ea445bc1f Add src/aboutskynet 2025-03-09 00:54:48 +00:00
92 changed files with 5333 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
<TITLE>About Skynet</TITLE>
TEXT= #444444>
<A HREF=/aboutskynet/skynetspecs.html>
<IMG SRC=/Images/skynet1.gif BORDER=0></A>
<HR size=2>
Our central server is called
<A HREF=/aboutskynet/skynetspecs.html><EM> Skynet</EM></A> which was
originally set up without any official support from the college
authorities. We use the <A HREF=/~hjw/linux-sites.html>Linux</A>
operating system, which is a version of UNIX written by
<A HREF=/aboutskynet/linus.html> <EM>Linus Torvalds</EM></A>.
Once upon a time <A HREF=/~quinnj>John Quinn</A> took it upon himself to
organise some loose environment within the college. Since then, a
reasonably stable system has developed, where the users hang out to hack,
chat and relieve any boredom. Skynet is maintained entirely by the
students for the students and offers numerous services such as an FTP
archive, a WWW site (obviously), USENET access, E-mail and all the other
essentials which the college authorities apparently don't have time to
provide :). Skynet currently supports somewhere in the region of 200 users.
Skynet is maintained by a highly organised and efficient group of students,
divided into the
<A HREF=../users/sysadmPages.html>System Administration team</A>, the
<A HREF=../users/sysadmPages.html>WWW Administration team</A> and the
<A HREF=../users/sysadmPages.html>FTP administration team</A>.
Of course we do it all for the <A HREF=../users/usersPages.html>users</A> who really
appreciate the effort.
The Skynet machine is funded entirely by John Quinn.
The Computer Society however would welcome any donations (monetary or hardware)
which people or organisations would like to make to further the sake of
computing in the University of Limerick.
Contact the <A HREF="">Computer Society</A> for more
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif >
<A HREF=reasons.html>Reasons</A>
why we provide Skynet.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif >
The Computer Society
<A HREF=constitution.html>Constitution.</A>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
Skynet's physical
<A HREF=skynetspecs.html>specifications.</A>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/stats/wusage/>
Usage Statistics</A>
for the Skynet WWW server.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
A list of <A HREF=irish_cs.html>Irish Computer Societies</A> and
enthusiast groups.
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@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
<TITLE>Computer Society Constitution</TITLE>
TEXT= #444444>
<i>Proposed constitution, written by Ger Maguire</i><p>
<P>We, the students of the <A HREF="">University of
who share a common interest in computing, have united to form this
society, in an endevour to promote the use and enjoyment of computers
within the University, by all students including those for whom it is not
an accademic requirement. To this end we shall employ the use of the
computing skills, knowlege and resoures of the society, computer based
information services, combining both the practical and the entertaining,
to bring computers to the masses.
<h2><b>Article 1:</b></h2>
<b>Officers of the Society. </b>
<p>The committee shall consist of the following:
<dd>(a) President;
<dd>(b) Treasurer;
<dd>(c) Public Relations Officer ( henceforth called P.R.O.);
<dd>(d) Secretary;
<dd>(e) Systems Administrators;</dl>
<h2><b>Article 2: </b></h2>
<b>Duties of the Officers.</b>
<p>2.1 : The President shall be the chief representative ot the society and shall chair all meetings of the committee and all weekly meetings of the general assembly. The president shall have the casting vote except in matters pertaining to himself. Shoul
d the president be absent for any reason, his position for that meeting shall be filled by the next in line according to the order stipulated in Article 1.
<p>2.2 : The Treasurer shall oversee the keeping of accounts and budgeting. Responsibility rests with the treasurer in relation to the preparation of the society's budget for the Students Union. A bank account shall be opened in the name of the society, t
he account shall require the co-signature of the treasurer and the president. The duties of the treasure shall also include those of business liaison officer. He/she will be responsible for obtaining sponsorship and equipment, and creating and maintaining
links with computer based businesses.
<p>2.3 : The Secretary shall be related to all correspondance related to the affairs of the society. He/she shall be responsible for the annoncement of committee meetins. He/she shall duly record the minutes of both committee and general assembly meetings
, these shall be ratified at the following meeting.
<p>2.4 : The Public Relations Officer ( P.R.O.) shall be responsible for the advertising of all meetings and functions of the society through all means possible. The publicising of events shall be aimed at the university community as well as the wider com
munity. It is imcumbant upon the P.R.O. to report to the Students Union newspaper, to local and where appropriate to national press. The office of P.R.O. shall have the responsibility of organising all receptions held by the society, aided where necessary
by other committee members.
<p>2.5 : The Systems Administrator shall be held responsible for the maintainance and administration of the aforementioned system, all accounts held therein, and for the issuing of accounts to new members at the request of the committee. He shall be respo
nsible for the notification of the committee in regard to any breeches of the code of conduct within the system.
<p>2.6 : The committee of five members shall have equal voting strength to other members. Responsibility and their allocation are flexible and members are expected to act in any capacity deemed necessary by the committee.
<h2><b>Article 3: </b></h2>
<b>Election of Committee. </b>
<p>3.1 : All elections shall be by secret ballot.
<p>3.2 : The system of 'Majority Election' shall be used.
<p>3.3 : All members of the society have the right to run for a position on the committee provided that they fulfill the requirements as specified in Article 3.4.
<p>3.4 : Candidates must:
<dd>(a) be members of the University of Limerick. </dd>
<dd>(b) be paid firt degree members of the Computer Society. (c) not have held the same office for more than 3 years. </dd></dl>
<p>3.5 : To seek election as President, Treasurer, P.R.O., Secretary, Systems Aministrator and Sums Students Union Information Officer, each candidate must have 4 nominations by first degree members of the society, one of these by a committee member. Thes
e must be presented to the outgoing secretary at the announcement of elections.
<p>3.6 : The elections shall take place towards the end of Michaelmas term when the A.G.M. is called. All first degree members shall recieve a ballot sheet in tune with the list of membership held by the secretary. All positions available shall be on the
one ballot paper and the chosen candidate's names will be written by the member upon this paper. The votes shall be counted and the names of the successful candidates will be declared the same day.
<p>3.7 : Should any position become available for whatever reason e.g. Co-operative Education, a bielection shall take place.
<h1><b>Article 4: </b></h1>
<b>Standing Orders. </b>
<p>The following standing orders may not be suspended:
<p>4.1 : Each speaker shall address him/herself solely to the chairperson i.e. President or order stipulated in article 1.
<p>4.2 : The chairperson shall ensure that all sides of the debate are heard, that each speaker gets the respect he/she deserves and that the meeting is conducted in an orderly fashion.
<p>4.3 : The secretary for each meeting of the committee shall collect beforehand the motions for discussion. On this information he/she shall write up an agenda and circulate it prior to the meeting.
<p>4.4 (a) : Every motion must be seconded by a first degree member. <br>
(b) : Every motion shall be opened for discussion after its proposal.
<p>4.5 : Only one motion shall be in the floor at any one time.
<p>4.6 : Amendments must be relevant. They may not seek to negate it directly.
<p>4.7 (a) : If there is no discussion, the Chairperson may inquire whether there is any opposition and if not, shall declare the motion carried. <br>
(b) : First degree members only are eligible to vote.
<p>4.8 : The following proceedural motions may be moved :
<dd>(a) a motion that the question now be put;
<dd>(b) a motion that the question not be put;
<dd>(c) a motion that the motion be postponed to another time or meeting;
<dd>(d) a motion of no confidence in the Chairperson;
<dd>(e) a challenge to the Chaiperson's ruling. </dl>
<p>4.9 : A point of order shall have precedence over all other business, except the act of voting (unless it refers to the act of voting) . It must relate to procedure or conduct of the meeting.
<h2><b>Article 5 : </b></h2>
<b>The Privileges Tribunal. </b>
<p>5.1 : The tribunal shall be responsible for determining the degree of privileges that members have.First degree members shall have full voting rights and access to all facilities provided by the society. Second degree members shall have access to those
privilages accorded to them by the tribunal at its own discretion.
<p>5.2 : The tribunal shall hear all cases resulting from actual or suspected breeches of the Code of Conduct.
<p>5.3 : The tribunal shall consist of the elected committee.
<p>5.4 : Locus Standi to bring such charges resides with any member of the society who recives support from a simple majority of the General Assembly.
<h2><b>Article 6: </b></h2>
<b>Constitutional Amendments. </b>
<p>6.1 : Any prosed amendments to this constitution or to the standing orders herein contained may only be enacted at an A.G.M. or an E.G.M.
<p>6.2 : The society may be called to an E.G.M. by a 2/3's majority of the voting General Assembly meetings.
<p>6.3 : Proposed amendments must be handled to the secretary one week before any such general meeting and seconded by a committee member.
<p><hr>Click <a href="">here</a> for Skynet's Home Page.
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@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
<TITLE>Irish Computer Societies</TITLE>
TEXT= #444444>
<IMG src=/icons/stats.gif align=left>
<IMG src=/icons/stats.gif align=right>
<hr size=4>
<!p align=center>
<Font size=+4>Irish Computer Societies.</Font>
<hr size=4>
We try to maintain a list of all computer societies and computer
enthusiasts in Ireland here at skynet. If you know of anything that
might fit here, whether it's a society, or just a bunch of people who are
interested, then <A>mail us</A> and let
us know about it, and we'll add you to the list. No entry too small.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<em>The University of Limerick Computer Society</em></A>
Started out in 1993 as a few hackers who didn't want to use DOS, and has
since grown to become one of the largest societies in the University of
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<em>The DSP's</Em></A><br>
A group of enthusiasts from the shady past of the University of Limerick,
some of them going back to 1986 and before.
Many of them are rumored to be real people now, but portions of their
souls may still be found in the VAX 8350 which was their home. </UL>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<em>DUCSS: The Trinity Computer Society, Dublin</em>
Apparently the social side of computing in TCD.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<em>Student Computing Research Group, TCD, Dublin</em></A>
A research group composed of undergraduate students whose interest in
computing extends beyond the material covered by their courses. You can
<A>Email all members</A> of the group.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<em>Waterford RTC Computer Society</em></A>
This is an old home page of the WRTC Computer Society, restablished this
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<em>Commodore Users Group Ireland</em>
Mostly centered up in Dublin.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<em><a href="">University College Dublin Computer Society</a></em>
The UCD computer society is a recent birth. Any questions can be diverted towards
their new server <A HREF="">here</a>.
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
<TITLE>Linus Torvalds</TITLE>
TEXT= #444444>
<H1>Linus Torvalds - The Kernel Kid.</H1>
<IMG SRC="/Images/linus.gif">
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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
<TITLE>University of Limerick Computer Society</TITLE>
TEXT= #444444>
<a href="">
<img src=""></a>
<H1>University of Limerick Computer Society</H1>
We provide <A HREF=skynetspecs.html><EM>Skynet</EM></A> for the
following reasons.
<LI> The official policy in the college is that undergraduates only get UNIX
accounts if they require it for project work.
<LI> The only medium for communication with computers was a locally
written package for MS Windoze. Enough said on that ;>
<LI> Hopefully the users on the system will come to appreciate a
decent operating system, and learn a thing or two about the workings of UNIX.
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<CENTER><ADDRESS>Problems with Skynet ?

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
<title>What is Skynet?</title>
<body BGCOLOR=#ffffef
TEXT= #444444>
<h1><img src="/Images/linux-inside.gif">Skynet Physical Specs</h1>
<p><strong><strong>Processor</strong>:</strong> Intel Pentium <br>
<strong>Speed: </strong>90Mhz <br>
<strong>Cache:</strong> 512kb <br>
<strong>Main Memory:</strong> 32Mb 60ns access.<br>
<strong>Swap Memory:</strong> 16Mb <br>
<strong>Hard Disk Space dedicated to Linux:</strong> 3.0gb H.D.<p>
<img src="/Images/pwarp.gif">
<p><strong>space dedicated to dos/windoze:</strong> 0kb <br>
<strong>Motherboard:</strong> ISA/VLB/PCI <br>
<strong>Tunes/Sound FX:</strong> SoundBlaster Pro <br>
<strong>Graphics Card:</strong> ATI Mach 64 PCI /w 2Mb RAM <br>
<strong>Monitor:</strong> 17&quot; running at 1024x768 <br>
<strong>CDROM:</strong> Mitsumi <br>
<strong>Network Card:</strong> SMC Elite ULTRA 16bit<br>
<strong>IP Address:</strong><br>
<strong>Tape Backup:</strong> Mountain 250mb <br>
<strong>Case:</strong> Big Ugly Tower <br>
<strong><a href="/cgi-bin/upstatus">UPS:</A>
</strong> American Power Conversion Smart-Ups 600I <br>
<h1>Here are the details for the radio port:</h1>
<strong>Frequency:</strong> 144.60Mhz<br>
<code>IP port Name:</code> <br>
<strong>IP Address Speed:</strong>1200 baud In the next 3 weeks there will be a 19600 baud port on 1.2ghz
That's 0 bytes of Messdoss filesystem. :) </h3>
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@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
<TITLE>Funding for Skynet</TITLE>
TEXT= #444444>
<A HREF=/aboutskynet/skynetspecs.html>
<IMG SRC=/Images/skynet_t.gif BORDER=0></A>
<HR size=2>
Plea for funds!
<H2> Funding for Skynet </H2>
Three years ago, <A HREF="/~quinnj">John Quinn </A>took it upon
himself to organise some
loose environment within the college, based om the Linux operating system.
Since then a stable system has developed, administered solely by
the students, providing many services,
including an FTP archive, a WWW site, USENET access, E-mail, to the
students that the college authorities seemingly don't have time to provide.
The <A HREF="aboutskynet.html">skynet </A>server is financed entirely by
John Quinn. </P>
Last year, the Computer Society was set up to provide a medium through
which the users of skynet, and indeed any other student interested in
computing, could voice their opinions. However, the funds of the Society
are low at this stage, due to the short length of time it has existed.
In June of this year, John Quinn will graduate and this will mean that,
without an alternative machine to use, skynet and the services it provides
will cease to exist.
This, we believe, would be a great loss to the student body in the
University of Limerick. We believe it is important for such a system to
continue to exist; skynet provides services and experience that would
otherwise have been lacking in the college, provided experience to both
the users and the administrators that have often contributed, directly
and indirectly to employment.
More than that, it's been fun!
<P> This is why we now ask for individuals or organisations to help fund
a new machine to the Computer Society. Any and all contributions will be
welcome and appreciated. We believe the cause is worthwhile and we hope
you will too.
Please mail all questions, queries (or donations!) to
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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
<TITLE>About Skynet</TITLE>
TEXT= #444444>
<A HREF=/aboutskynet/skynetspecs.html>
<IMG SRC=/Images/skynet1.gif BORDER=0></A>
<HR size=2>
Three years ago,
<A HREF=/~quinnj>John Quinn</A> took it upon himself
organise some loose environment within the college. Since then, a
reasonably stable system has developed, where the users hang out to hack,
chat and relieve any boredom. Skynet has been maintained entirely by the
students for the students and offers numerous services such as an FTP
archive, a WWW site (obviously), USENET access, E-mail and all the other
essentials which the college authorities apparently don't have time to
provide :). Skynet currently supports somewhere in the region of 200
users. .
Once upon a time <A HREF=/~quinnj>John Quinn</A> took it upon himself to
organise some loose environment within the college. Since then, a
reasonably stable system has developed, where the users hang out to hack,
chat and relieve any boredom. Skynet has been maintained entirely by the
students for the students and offers numerous services such as an FTP
archive, a WWW site (obviously), USENET access, E-mail and all the other
essentials which the college authorities apparently don't have time to
provide :). Skynet currently supports somewhere in the region of 200 users.
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<center><address>Problems with Skynet ?
<a href=""></a>

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@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
<TITLE>Computer Society AGM October 10th 1996 </TITLE>
<body bgcolor="#fffef2" text=#000000 vlink="#800000">
<BODY TEXT="#000000" LINK="#008200"
<IMG ALIGN = LEFT SRC = "skyproj.gif">
Computer Society Annual General Meeting October 10th 1996.
Committee Present:
Caolan Mc Namara - President
Ed Harty - Secretary.
David Airlie - Treasurer.
John Buswell - PRO
Stephen Mulcahy.
Caolan Mc Namara introduced the committee members and gave an
introduction and background to the society, including the setting up of
the society and outlined why the society was formed.
Ed Harty gave a run through how to log on to the system for new users and
also outlined some of the commands available.
David Airlie then mentioned some of the methods for communicating locally
with users including IRC and local news. He also mentioned what was
considered to be some of the things that users are not permitted
to do on the system. These included attempting to crash, break into or
generally maliciously disrupt the system. It was also outlined that
internet access from the system including external email was not allowed.
However it was outlined that for those living in Plassey and Kilmurry
villages that internet access was to be provided by ITD after 10 pm.
The situation with the publication of An Focal on the WWW was outlined
and a request for people interested in pursuing the post of web
administrator was made.
The structure of the current system administration team was outlined, it
was pointed out that system administrators were appointed based on
ability and not on an electoral system, as this ensures a more stable system.
A request was made for people interested in joining the system
administration team to approach any of the current sysadmins. Shortages
of admins were pointed out as a result of some of last years admins now
on cooperative education and that help was required in the areas of IRC,
News, FTP and general administration.
Election of Officers:
Caolan Mc Namara called for elections. It was noted that the position of
security officer had been removed form the committee and responsibility
of this area had been passed on to the system administration team.
Kevin Crosby (kroz@skynet) was uninanimously selected as 1st year officer.
John Buswell (pagan@skynet) was reappointed as PRO.
Ed Harty (hartye@skynet) was reappointed as Secretary.
David Airlie (airlied@skynet) was reappointed as Treasurer.
There were three nominations for the position of president:
1) Stephen Reilly, a manufacturing technology student. He mentioned that
he hoped to be employed by a computer firm and that the position would
look good on his CV :-)
2) Punnet Sharma, 1st year computer engineering. He suggested that the
society should undergo lots of change, he would promote free internet
access, receive extra funding for the society and would be prepared to
use his own computer as a computer society server.
It was outlined by the committee that the idea of free internet access
for undergraduates was not economically feasible for ITD or the HEAnet.
Members were also informed of the current situation of DCU computer
society (Redbrick) having lost their internet access as a result of
excess network usage by members.
3) Caolan Mc Namara, 4th computer engineering was renominated but
hesitantly stated that he had too much work for the position, he said
that however if he was nominated that he wouldnt mind doing the job as he
is currently one of the senior members of the system administration team.
He also outlined his views on internet access for users and highlighted
that in fact that users could put their web pages on the net, and
effectively this was excellent value for money when compared to some of
what the ISP's were charging.
Ed Harty counted votes for each of the three candidates:
Stephen Reilly 10 votes
Punnet Sharme 19 votes
Caolan Mc Namara 18 votes.
Punnet Sharma was appointed president.
Members were asked if they had anything further to add to the meeting.
The committee stated that accounts would be created for users in the VAX
lab after the meeting.
The meeting was concluded.
The creation of accounts in the vax was a bit messy, which was mainly as a
result of network instability and was not due to any problems associated with
the skynet server.
It has also transpired this weekend that the Redbrick server is also back
on line at least for the moment with email and local network access
Comments sould be mailed to <A HREF = "">Ed Harty
</A> hartye@skynet or

Binary file not shown.


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@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
-- Last Updated: 06 Jun 96
-- xx xxx xx - Added some BLOCKQUOTE's to tidy the appearence - D.
-- xx xxx xx - Removed the BLINK tag. Removed some BLOCKQUOTEs because
-- they were messing up the position of the logo. - Ivan.
-- xx xxx xx - Added background and some other stuff to giz up the page
-- a bit - Darryl
-- xx xxx xx - Slightly modified Sentinel's version of the page. Now
-- 800x600 - Darryl
-- xx xxx xx - New background - Darryl
-- 06 Jun 96 - Add Animator applet - Darryl
-- 08 Jul 96 - Add guestbook applet Andy - testing...
-- 27 Aug 96 - Added APC logo - Ger
<TITLE>University of Limerick Computer Society</TITLE>
<LINK REV="made" REF="">
<BODY BACKGROUND="/Images/chalk.jpg" BGCOLOR="eeeeee" TEXT="#555555"
LINK="#FF0000"> <A HREF="aboutskynet/aboutskynet.html">
-- Keep the /A on the same line as the image to avoid the _ appearing after
-- it
-- Ivan
<IMG src="/Images/skynet_t.gif" Border=0 ALT="SKYNET"></A>
<H1 align=center>
<FONT SIZE="+3">H</FONT>ome of the
<FONT SIZE="+3">U.L. C</FONT>omputer
<FONT SIZE="+3">S</FONT>ociety</H1>
<!-- Stuff to go here pleeze! -->
<!hr size=3 align=center width=90%>
There is a place where foreign worlds must merge, where laws break
down, language is corrupt and conflicts rage. This is the place where
networks collide. We call it home.
<A HREF="aboutskynet/sponsership.html">
<H1>Important! Skynet needs funding</H1>
<h2>Computer Society Meeting:<br>
<A HREF="compsoc/minutes.html">Minutes</a>
of the meeting are now available.
<hr align=center size=3 width=90%>
<!-- Java Applets - Darryl -->
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<param name=background value="/Images/chalk.jpg">
<param name=imagesource value="java/classes/images/Duke">
<param name=endimage value=10>
<param name=pause value=100>
<param name=pauses value=2500|100|100|100|100|100|100|100|100|100>
</CENTER -->
<!-- Guestbook applet by Andrew Good. -->
<div align=center>
<applet code="guestbook.class"
<param name="cgihome" value="">
<param name="username" value="skynet">
<param name="book_image" value="/~akira/graphics/guestbook.jpg">
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@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
-- Last Updated: 06 Jun 96
-- xx xxx xx - Added some BLOCKQUOTE's to tidy the appearence - D.
-- xx xxx xx - Removed the BLINK tag. Removed some BLOCKQUOTEs because
-- they were messing up the position of the logo. - Ivan.
-- xx xxx xx - Added background and some other stuff to giz up the page
-- a bit - Darryl
-- xx xxx xx - Slightly modified Sentinel's version of the page. Now
-- 800x600 - Darryl
-- xx xxx xx - New background - Darryl
-- 06 Jun 96 - Add Animator applet - Darryl
-- 08 Jul 96 - Add guestbook applet Andy - testing...
-- 27 Aug 96 - Added APC logo - Ger
<TITLE>University of Limerick Computer Society</TITLE>
<LINK REV="made" REF="">
<BODY BACKGROUND="/Images/chalk.jpg" BGCOLOR="eeeeee" TEXT="#555555"
LINK="#FF0000"> <A HREF="aboutskynet/aboutskynet.html">
-- Keep the /A on the same line as the image to avoid the _ appearing after
-- it
-- Ivan
<IMG src="" Border=0 ALT="SKYNET"></A>
<H1 align=center>
<FONT SIZE="+3">H</FONT>ome of the
<FONT SIZE="+3">U.L. C</FONT>omputer
<FONT SIZE="+3">S</FONT>ociety</H1>
<!-- Stuff to go here pleeze! -->
<!hr size=3 align=center width=90%>
There is a place where foreign worlds must merge, where laws break
down, language is corrupt and conflicts rage. This is the place where
networks collide. We call it home.
<A HREF="/aboutskynet/sponsership.html">
<H1>Important! Skynet needs funding</H1>
<h2>Computer Society Meeting:<br>
<A HREF="/compsoc/minutes.html">Minutes</a>
of the meeting are now available.
<hr align=center size=3 width=90%>
<!-- Java Applets - Darryl -->
<!-- CENTER>
<applet codebase=java/classes code=Animator.class width=80 height=80>
<param name=background value="/Images/chalk.jpg">
<param name=imagesource value="java/classes/images/Duke">
<param name=endimage value=10>
<param name=pause value=100>
<param name=pauses value=2500|100|100|100|100|100|100|100|100|100>
</CENTER -->
<!-- Guestbook applet by Andrew Good. -->
<div align=center>
<applet code="guestbook.class"
<param name="cgihome" value="">
<param name="username" value="skynet">
<param name="book_image" value="/~akira/graphics/guestbook.jpg">
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Problems with Skynet, broken links? Please mail
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(Skynet users <B>MUST</B> mail <A HREF="mailto:webadm@skynet">webadm@skynet</a>)
<IMG ALIGN="left"
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<IMG SRC="/Images/" Border=0
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<IMG SRC="/Images/apache_pb.gif" Border=0 ALT="[Powered by APACHE]"

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
The UL Computer Socs Newsletters.
The UL Computer Soc's Newsletters
<em>compiled by<A HREF="">
Ivan Griffin
>Volume 1 : October 1994.
>Volume 2 : November 1994.

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
<a href="">
<img src=""
alt="[lovely imagemap]" ismap> </a>
If you do not have imagemap capabilities in your browser, try this
<a href="">text
page</a> instead.

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
<title>Computer Society Newsletter</title>
<h1>Computer Society Newsletter - title?<img src=""></h1>
<a href="">Issue 1</a>! October 1994 <br>
<a href="">Issue 2</a>! November 1994
<p>( at the moment, thats all there is, but I reckon they are worth checking out ;<br>
coz I wrote them! -Ivan)
<hr>Click <a href="">here</a> for Skynet's home page

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@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
<title>University of Limerick Computer Society News Letter</title>
<h1>University of Limerick Computer Society <br>
News Letter #1 October 94.</h1>
<img src="ulcrest.gif">
<h2>Contents: </h2>
<li><a href="#intro">Introduction</a>
<li><a href="#www">World Wide Web home pages</a>
<li><a href="#andrew">Andrew</a>
<li><a href="#lucid">LUCID Emacs</a>
<li><a href="#povray">POV-Ray</a>
<li><a href="#doom">Linux XDOOM!</a>
<li><a href="#acm">ACM Programming Contest</a>
<li><a href="#unix">Unix at 25!</a>
<li><a href="#speed">Linux whizzes past the rest</a>
<li><a href="#decalpha">The Worlds fastest Microprocessor, the Alpha 21164</a>
<li><a href="#chicago">Microsoft's CHICAGO</a>
<li><a href="#xzx">XZX</a>
<li><a href="#cdrom">3GB CD-ROMs</a><a href="#cdrom"></a>
<li><a href="#notes">Notes on UNIX available in Printroom</a><a href="#notes"></a></ol>
<p><b><a name="intro">
</a></b>Welcome to the first Computer Society Newsletter. It is hoped this will become a regular(ish) publication reflecting the current state and views of the hacker community in the University. Readers are encouraged to submit articles for future issues
of the Newsletter. Remember, it is only as good as you make it. <br>
Since SKYNET is really the central hub of the Computer Society, this newsletter will tend to have a bias towards Linux but articles covering other operating systems will be accepted. <br>
<p>This newsletter is also available in PostScript form and plain (UNIX) text as<br>
(above not available yet - watch this space)
<p>Suggestions for a name for this newsletter are invited.
<p><a href=""><img src="ivan.gif">Ivan, The Editor :-) </a>
<hr><a name="www">
<h2>2. World Wide Web home page</h2>
</a>It is now possible for all users on Skynet to create their own Web home pages! If you haven't a clue what this is about, or what the Web is, read on: The World Wide Web is a distributed information system developed at CERN, the European Centre for Par
ticle Physics, in 1991. It allows the transmission and retrieval of multimedia documents. A Web document can contain links to other Web documents. Selecting any one of those links causes the browser to contact the server and request the appropriate docume
nt. The link can point to another document on the same server or on an entirely different server anywhere around the world.
<p>The Protocol used to transmit these multimedia documents is called the HyperText Transfer Protocol <i>(HTTP)</i> and thus the server needed to provide these pages is, on a UNIX environment, called &quot;<i>httpd</i>&quot;.
<p>The SKYNET HTTP daemon has been upgraded to NCSA HTTPD 1.3. This supports home pages for individual users on a machine. All users are able to create a directory called &amp;quota;<i>public_html</i>&quot; in their home directories and create their own h
ome pages in there. Their home directory must have world execute privs set, and the public_html directory must have world read and execute privs along with all the files contained in any subdirectory structure in it. These pages are the accessable to ANYO
NE on the Internet by specifying the URL through a Web-browser such as Mosaic (for X, System 7, MS-Windows, AmigaDOS etc) or the character-based Lynx. For example, to access my home page, the required URL is &quot;<a href=""> <i></i></a>&quot;. This will look for the file <i>/home/ivan/public_html/index.html</i>.
<p>Your actual home page may be called anything you want (foo.html) but do try to make index.html a link to it (&quot;<i>ln -s /home/ivan/foo.html index.html</i>&quot;).
<p>The SKYNET Web pages are shaping up pretty well at the moment, under the most capable hands of Keith and Andrew.
<hr><b><a name="andrew">
<h2>3. ANDREW</h2>
</a></b>No, not Mr. Good, but the Andrew User Interface System. Taken from the accompanying documentation, &quot;The Andrew User Interface System is an integrated set of tools that allow you to create, use, and mail documents and applications containing t
ypographically formatted text and embedded objects.&quot;
<p>ANDREW is installed on Skynet in <i>/usr/andrew</i>, so add <i>/usr/andrew/bin</i>to your path. ANDREW, or AUIS, requires you to be running the X Window System. It comes with plenty of online help and documentation A good start is &quot;<i>auishelp</i>
&quot;, or &quot;<br>
<i>launch</i>&quot;. &quot;<i>ez</i>&quot; is the AUIS Multimedia editor. It even supports WYSIWYG HTML (HyperText Markup Language) editing - perfect for creating your own web home pages.&quot;
<p><i>pipescript</i>&quot; is the AUIS replacement for the &quot;<i>more</i>&quot; command. &quot;<i>messages</i>&quot; is the MIME enabled mail program, allowing multi-media mail which can contain inline images, animations, sound etc. Be warned however t
hat it does involve converting your current mailbox to the type required by messages. Read the accompanying documentation for more details.
<p><img src="ez.gif"><br>
An example of the &quot;ez&quot; editor editing html.
<hr><b><a name="lucid">
<h2>4. LUCID Emacs</h2>
</a></b>LUCID Emacs was a development by Lucid Inc. for their Energize C/C++ development environment. They build their environment onto GNU Emacs. The work they have done on GNU Emacs is free and called LUCID Emacs (soon to be renamed XEmacs).
<p>Recently Lucid have joined in collaboration with SunPro (a division of Sun Microsystems Inc.) and the University of Illinois in the support of LUCID Emacs.
<p>LUCID Emacs requires the X Window System to run. The basic input method of Emacs was reworked allowing tighter integration into X.
<p>It has lots of nice extra features such as supporting audio hardware, and pixmaps in buffers (allows browsing of the WEB using the W3 client). Essentially, it is the world's best editor (<i>emacs</i>) made aware of the X Window System in a sensible way
<p>LUCID Emacs is on SKYNET as /applic/lucid/bin/i486-unknown-linux/lemacs.
<p><img src="lemacs.gif">
<hr><b><a name="povray">
<h2>5. POV-Ray</h2>
</a></b>For all you budding computer artists out there, the Persistence of Vision Ray-tracer is on SKYNET in <i><i>/applic/povray</i></i>. POV-Ray allows the generation of 3D photo-realistic images by reading ASCII text files that describe the shapes, col
ours and textures contained in the image and then mathematically simulates the rays of light to generate the image.
<p>POV-Ray generates Targa files as output ( <i>.tga</i>). Unfortunately the two formats not supported by that bastion of viewers, &quot;<i>xv</i>&quot;, are IFF ILBM and Targa. &quot;<i>xli</i>&quot; will view Targa files but I don't think it will conver
t them from one form to another. It is possible to convert them from a terminal command line using the Pbmplus toolkit installed in /applic/pbmplus (which incidentally will convert from ust about any format to any other :-) ), or alternatively other progr
ams such as the MS-Windows based &quot;<i>PaintShop Pro</i>&quot; may prove useful.
<p>Included with the POV-Ray distribution is a hefty PostScript manual (~120 pages), and sample scene files for you to browse, render and amaze yourself with. By clever use of variables, it is possible to render frames of an animation which could later be
compiled into an mpeg etc. <img src="povray.gif">
<hr><b><a name="doom">
<h2>6. Linux XDOOM!</h2>
</a></b>For quite a while, people had been claiming the only reason they had MS-DOS on their machines with Linux was to play DOOM, id Software's amazing creation. Well, that problem has been solved by those clever guys at id, who have ported DOOM to Linux
<p>It runs as an X client on an 8 bit display, using a private colormap. Given the additional overhead of talking to a kernel and a windowing system such as X, Linux XDOOM runs faster than its DOS equivalent. It uses the existing &quot;<i>.wad</i>&quot; f
<p><img src="doom.gif">
<hr><b><a name="acm">
<h2>7. ACM Programming Contest. </h2>
</a></b>The first annual University qualification competition was held in S2-08 last Wednesday. Four teams took part, answering 5 questions in a time of 4 hours. The development environment was Solaris and the compiler used was gcc. Apparently it was a cl
ose contest but the eventual winners were Hary J. Walsh, David Knowles, and Paul Fitzpatrick, who will travel to Amsterdam to compete in the European Qualifiers. Congratulations guys!
<hr><b><a name="unix">
<h2>8. Unix at 25!</h2>
</a></b>Party hats and candles are in order for the birthday of probably the most influencial computer environment ever devised. Unix was bord in New Jersey during the summer of 1969, stemming from a failed project called Multics (<i>Multiplexed Informati
on and Computing Service</i>) at AT&amp;T Bell Telephone Labs.Its creation is generally attributed to <i>Ken Thompson</i> and <i>Dennis Ritchie</i>.
<p>Its influence has been vast during the last 25 years, impacting on everything from MS-DOS to the structure of the entire Internet itsef. The C Programming Language was an offspring of the Unix project, born out of the need to keep the operating system
as portable as possible (the first version of Unix was written in Assembler!!).
<p>Other items of note to have developed from Unix are the X Window System (MIT's Project ATHENA), Network File Systems (NFS - from Sun), the &quot;<i>lint</i>&quot; C analyser, the &quot;<i>sed</i>&quot; stream editor, the &quot;<i>awk</i>&quot; ... er..
. programming language? Mutlitasking, multiuser systems and networked communications today would not be what they are were it not for Unix.
<hr><b><a name="linux">
<h2>9. Linux whizzes past the rest!</h2>
</a></b>In a recent issue of the Linux Journal, a comparison of IBM's OS/2, Microsoft's Windows NT and <i>Linus Torvald</i>'s Linux declared Linux to be the fastest 32 bit operating system for your PC. Linux is optimized for the i386 architecture. It also
has the least demand on system resources (can be run on a 386 with 2Mb ram and 12Mb hard disk space if you forget about X). NT was claimed to be the most portable of the three, OS/2 requiring Microsoft Windows 3.1/Windows for Workgroups 3.11.
<p>Linux was reported to be the least portable, but perhaps this is before successful ports of Linux to the Motorola 680x0 architecture (Amigas, Ataris - and possible Sun 3s if Sun relent on their Non-Disclosure Policy on the internal schematics), to MIPS
and the new development of Linux ontop of the MACH microkernel.
<p>Linux performance is set only to increase however, as Linux kernel developers are now spending time improving disk access, and memory management (including a multithreaded kernel - <i>Linux VIPER</i>). Not bad at all for something started by a Finnish
student who wanted something like SunOS for his miserable 386.
<hr><a name="decalpha">
<h2>10. The Worlds fastest Microprocessor, the Alpha 21164</h2>
</a>Digital Electronic Corporation's new Alpha 21164 is literally the worlds fasted microprocessor. It also contains the most transistors (9.3 million!) and also the largest-capacity on-chip cache. It also has the fastest clock of all commercial microproc
<p>It achieves three times the integer performance of Intel's 100-MHz Pentium, and 66% more floating-point performance than the MIPS R8000/8010, a processor designed specifically for floating-point intensive operatings (for Silicon Graphics' Indigo line -
Silicon Graphics own MIPS).
<p>The Alpha 21164 is the first processr to execute over 1 billion per second (1.2 billion roughly was measured). DEC plan to sell a 266-MHz version of the Alpha for $1865, and a 300-MHz version for $2699.
<hr><a name="chicago">
<h2>11. Microsoft's CHICAGO</h2>
</a>The Microsoft World Wide Web server proclaims CHICAGO (or Windows '95 as it will be called - not Windows 4 as originally expected) as the &quot;latest and greatest&quot; Windowing system around. Microsoft's marketing policy when bringing out a revised
product seems to be to slag off the previous version and this has already started with Windows 3.1/Windows For Workgroups 3.11.
<p>CHICAGO is a full pre-emptive multitasking operating system in its own right, providing better memory protection than Windows 3.1. Its GUI is also quite different from the GUI of Windows 3.1 and NT.
<p>It seems to be somewhat sluggish however, and the start button interface is quite weird indeed. The interface looks somewhat nicer, until you recognise the huge influence from NeXTSTEP and then it sort of palls somewhat in comparison. Its a single user
system, like NT.
<p>To be perfectly honest, it doesn't seem to justify all the hype around it. I suppose if you are a Windows user, it will be a welcome upgrade - but then again if you are a Windows user, anything is a welcome upgrade :-).
<hr><a name="xzx">
<h2>12. XZX</h2>
</a>Remember the days when programmers were programmers, games came on cassette and you could copy them with your double deck, the Z80 was leading-edge technology and yes, computers came with a whopping 48K of memory!
<p>Well, it had to happen. There is now a ZX Spectrum emulator for Linux/X! Along with most other Spectrum emulators for other machines, it will load &quot;snapshots&quot; of Spectrum games (&quot;.sni&quot;) files.
<p>It's pretty zippy. If you have enough RAM not to be in swap, it runs about as fast as you would have expected a Spectrum to go :-)
<p><img src="xzx.gif"><br>
The XZX emulator running that old Chestnut, the Hobbit!
<p>Oh, the days of colour clash! Sigh!
<hr><a name="cdrom">
<h2>13. 3GB CD-ROMs</h2>
</a>The new High-Density CD system uses an increased pit density (achieved by effectively halving the track pitch to 0.6 micrometers) to quadruple the data storable on a CD to 2.7GB. Further increase is available by improvements in error correction and me
chanical constructions of drives to about 3GB.
<hr><a name="notes">
<h2>14. Notes on UNIX available in Printroom</h2>
</a>Steve Bergin has had notes reprinted in the Printroom covering an introduction to UNIX operating systems. The notes are originally from the University of Western Ontario. They cover the system run in that University, which is basically a mixture of Sy
stem V and BSD. <p>
Presumably they are being printed for fourth ECE students taking Bob Strunz's ASICS module, but are worth checking out by anyone who has an interest in learning UNIX basics. They cost £2.50 and are Ref. No. 1251.
<h2><b>SKYNET System Administration Team: </b></h2>
System Administrators: John Quinn (quinnj), Hary J. Walsh (hjw), Ivan Griffin (ivan) <br>
Web Administrators: Keith Aherne (keith), David Knowles (chopper), Andrew Good (akira) <br>
FTP Administrator: David Airlie (airlied), Andrew Good (akira)
<p>Skynet WWW Home page: <a href=""></a><br>
Skynet Anonymous Ftp: <a href="">ftp</a>
<p>This document was created using the &quot;<i>ez</i>&quot; multimedia editor and debugged and converted to PostScript using NCSA &quot;<i>Mosaic</i>&quot;.

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@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
<title>University of Limerick Computer Society News Letter</title>
<h1>University of Limerick Computer Society <br>
News Letter #1 October 94.</h1>
<img src="ulcrest.gif">
<h2>Contents: </h2>
<li><a href="#intro">Introduction</a>
<li><a href="#www">World Wide Web home pages</a>
<li><a href="#andrew">Andrew</a>
<li><a href="#lucid">LUCID Emacs</a>
<li><a href="#povray">POV-Ray</a>
<li><a href="#doom">Linux XDOOM!</a>
<li><a href="#acm">ACM Programming Contest</a>
<li><a href="#unix">Unix at 25!</a>
<li><a href="#speed">Linux whizzes past the rest</a>
<li><a href="#decalpha">The Worlds fastest Microprocessor, the Alpha 21164</a>
<li><a href="#chicago">Microsoft's CHICAGO</a>
<li><a href="#xzx">XZX</a>
<li><a href="#cdrom">3GB CD-ROMs</a><a href="#cdrom"></a>
<li><a href="#notes">Notes on UNIX available in Printroom</a><a href="#notes"></a></ol>
<p><b><a name="intro">
</a></b>Welcome to the first Computer Society Newsletter. It is hoped this will become a regular(ish) publication reflecting the current state and views of the hacker community in the University. Readers are encouraged to submit articles for future issues
of the Newsletter. Remember, it is only as good as you make it. <br>
Since SKYNET is really the central hub of the Computer Society, this newsletter will tend to have a bias towards Linux but articles covering other operating systems will be accepted. <br>
<p>This newsletter is also available in PostScript form and plain (UNIX) text as<br>
(above not available yet - watch this space)
<p>Suggestions for a name for this newsletter are invited.
<p><a href=""><img src="ivan.gif">Ivan, The Editor :-) </a>
<hr><a name="www">
<h2>2. World Wide Web home page</h2>
</a>It is now possible for all users on Skynet to create their own Web home pages! If you haven't a clue what this is about, or what the Web is, read on: The World Wide Web is a distributed information system developed at CERN, the European Centre for Par
ticle Physics, in 1991. It allows the transmission and retrieval of multimedia documents. A Web document can contain links to other Web documents. Selecting any one of those links causes the browser to contact the server and request the appropriate docume
nt. The link can point to another document on the same server or on an entirely different server anywhere around the world.
<p>The Protocol used to transmit these multimedia documents is called the HyperText Transfer Protocol <i>(HTTP)</i> and thus the server needed to provide these pages is, on a UNIX environment, called &quot;<i>httpd</i>&quot;.
<p>The SKYNET HTTP daemon has been upgraded to NCSA HTTPD 1.3. This supports home pages for individual users on a machine. All users are able to create a directory called &amp;quota;<i>public_html</i>&quot; in their home directories and create their own h
ome pages in there. Their home directory must have world execute privs set, and the public_html directory must have world read and execute privs along with all the files contained in any subdirectory structure in it. These pages are the accessable to ANYO
NE on the Internet by specifying the URL through a Web-browser such as Mosaic (for X, System 7, MS-Windows, AmigaDOS etc) or the character-based Lynx. For example, to access my home page, the required URL is &quot;<a href=""> <i></i></a>&quot;. This will look for the file <i>/home/ivan/public_html/index.html</i>.
<p>Your actual home page may be called anything you want (foo.html) but do try to make index.html a link to it (&quot;<i>ln -s /home/ivan/foo.html index.html</i>&quot;).
<p>The SKYNET Web pages are shaping up pretty well at the moment, under the most capable hands of Keith and Andrew.
<hr><b><a name="andrew">
<h2>3. ANDREW</h2>
</a></b>No, not Mr. Good, but the Andrew User Interface System. Taken from the accompanying documentation, &quot;The Andrew User Interface System is an integrated set of tools that allow you to create, use, and mail documents and applications containing t
ypographically formatted text and embedded objects.&quot;
<p>ANDREW is installed on Skynet in <i>/usr/andrew</i>, so add <i>/usr/andrew/bin</i>to your path. ANDREW, or AUIS, requires you to be running the X Window System. It comes with plenty of online help and documentation A good start is &quot;<i>auishelp</i>
&quot;, or &quot;<br>
<i>launch</i>&quot;. &quot;<i>ez</i>&quot; is the AUIS Multimedia editor. It even supports WYSIWYG HTML (HyperText Markup Language) editing - perfect for creating your own web home pages.&quot;
<p><i>pipescript</i>&quot; is the AUIS replacement for the &quot;<i>more</i>&quot; command. &quot;<i>messages</i>&quot; is the MIME enabled mail program, allowing multi-media mail which can contain inline images, animations, sound etc. Be warned however t
hat it does involve converting your current mailbox to the type required by messages. Read the accompanying documentation for more details.
<p><img src="ez.gif"><br>
An example of the &quot;ez&quot; editor editing html.
<hr><b><a name="lucid">
<h2>4. LUCID Emacs</h2>
</a></b>LUCID Emacs was a development by Lucid Inc. for their Energize C/C++ development environment. They build their environment onto GNU Emacs. The work they have done on GNU Emacs is free and called LUCID Emacs (soon to be renamed XEmacs).
<p>Recently Lucid have joined in collaboration with SunPro (a division of Sun Microsystems Inc.) and the University of Illinois in the support of LUCID Emacs.
<p>LUCID Emacs requires the X Window System to run. The basic input method of Emacs was reworked allowing tighter integration into X.
<p>It has lots of nice extra features such as supporting audio hardware, and pixmaps in buffers (allows browsing of the WEB using the W3 client). Essentially, it is the world's best editor (<i>emacs</i>) made aware of the X Window System in a sensible way
<p>LUCID Emacs is on SKYNET as /applic/lucid/bin/i486-unknown-linux/lemacs.
<p><img src="lemacs.gif">
<hr><b><a name="povray">
<h2>5. POV-Ray</h2>
</a></b>For all you budding computer artists out there, the Persistence of Vision Ray-tracer is on SKYNET in <i><i>/applic/povray</i></i>. POV-Ray allows the generation of 3D photo-realistic images by reading ASCII text files that describe the shapes, col
ours and textures contained in the image and then mathematically simulates the rays of light to generate the image.
<p>POV-Ray generates Targa files as output ( <i>.tga</i>). Unfortunately the two formats not supported by that bastion of viewers, &quot;<i>xv</i>&quot;, are IFF ILBM and Targa. &quot;<i>xli</i>&quot; will view Targa files but I don't think it will conver
t them from one form to another. It is possible to convert them from a terminal command line using the Pbmplus toolkit installed in /applic/pbmplus (which incidentally will convert from ust about any format to any other :-) ), or alternatively other progr
ams such as the MS-Windows based &quot;<i>PaintShop Pro</i>&quot; may prove useful.
<p>Included with the POV-Ray distribution is a hefty PostScript manual (~120 pages), and sample scene files for you to browse, render and amaze yourself with. By clever use of variables, it is possible to render frames of an animation which could later be
compiled into an mpeg etc. <img src="povray.gif">
<hr><b><a name="doom">
<h2>6. Linux XDOOM!</h2>
</a></b>For quite a while, people had been claiming the only reason they had MS-DOS on their machines with Linux was to play DOOM, id Software's amazing creation. Well, that problem has been solved by those clever guys at id, who have ported DOOM to Linux
<p>It runs as an X client on an 8 bit display, using a private colormap. Given the additional overhead of talking to a kernel and a windowing system such as X, Linux XDOOM runs faster than its DOS equivalent. It uses the existing &quot;<i>.wad</i>&quot; f
<p><img src="doom.gif">
<hr><b><a name="acm">
<h2>7. ACM Programming Contest. </h2>
</a></b>The first annual University qualification competition was held in S2-08 last Wednesday. Four teams took part, answering 5 questions in a time of 4 hours. The development environment was Solaris and the compiler used was gcc. Apparently it was a cl
ose contest but the eventual winners were Hary J. Walsh, David Knowles, and Paul Fitzpatrick, who will travel to Amsterdam to compete in the European Qualifiers. Congratulations guys!
<hr><b><a name="unix">
<h2>8. Unix at 25!</h2>
</a></b>Party hats and candles are in order for the birthday of probably the most influencial computer environment ever devised. Unix was bord in New Jersey during the summer of 1969, stemming from a failed project called Multics (<i>Multiplexed Informati
on and Computing Service</i>) at AT&amp;T Bell Telephone Labs.Its creation is generally attributed to <i>Ken Thompson</i> and <i>Dennis Ritchie</i>.
<p>Its influence has been vast during the last 25 years, impacting on everything from MS-DOS to the structure of the entire Internet itsef. The C Programming Language was an offspring of the Unix project, born out of the need to keep the operating system
as portable as possible (the first version of Unix was written in Assembler!!).
<p>Other items of note to have developed from Unix are the X Window System (MIT's Project ATHENA), Network File Systems (NFS - from Sun), the &quot;<i>lint</i>&quot; C analyser, the &quot;<i>sed</i>&quot; stream editor, the &quot;<i>awk</i>&quot; ... er..
. programming language? Mutlitasking, multiuser systems and networked communications today would not be what they are were it not for Unix.
<hr><b><a name="linux">
<h2>9. Linux whizzes past the rest!</h2>
</a></b>In a recent issue of the Linux Journal, a comparison of IBM's OS/2, Microsoft's Windows NT and <i>Linus Torvald</i>'s Linux declared Linux to be the fastest 32 bit operating system for your PC. Linux is optimized for the i386 architecture. It also
has the least demand on system resources (can be run on a 386 with 2Mb ram and 12Mb hard disk space if you forget about X). NT was claimed to be the most portable of the three, OS/2 requiring Microsoft Windows 3.1/Windows for Workgroups 3.11.
<p>Linux was reported to be the least portable, but perhaps this is before successful ports of Linux to the Motorola 680x0 architecture (Amigas, Ataris - and possible Sun 3s if Sun relent on their Non-Disclosure Policy on the internal schematics), to MIPS
and the new development of Linux ontop of the MACH microkernel.
<p>Linux performance is set only to increase however, as Linux kernel developers are now spending time improving disk access, and memory management (including a multithreaded kernel - <i>Linux VIPER</i>). Not bad at all for something started by a Finnish
student who wanted something like SunOS for his miserable 386.
<hr><a name="decalpha">
<h2>10. The Worlds fastest Microprocessor, the Alpha 21164</h2>
</a>Digital Electronic Corporation's new Alpha 21164 is literally the worlds fasted microprocessor. It also contains the most transistors (9.3 million!) and also the largest-capacity on-chip cache. It also has the fastest clock of all commercial microproc
<p>It achieves three times the integer performance of Intel's 100-MHz Pentium, and 66% more floating-point performance than the MIPS R8000/8010, a processor designed specifically for floating-point intensive operatings (for Silicon Graphics' Indigo line -
Silicon Graphics own MIPS).
<p>The Alpha 21164 is the first processr to execute over 1 billion per second (1.2 billion roughly was measured). DEC plan to sell a 266-MHz version of the Alpha for $1865, and a 300-MHz version for $2699.
<hr><a name="chicago">
<h2>11. Microsoft's CHICAGO</h2>
</a>The Microsoft World Wide Web server proclaims CHICAGO (or Windows '95 as it will be called - not Windows 4 as originally expected) as the &quot;latest and greatest&quot; Windowing system around. Microsoft's marketing policy when bringing out a revised
product seems to be to slag off the previous version and this has already started with Windows 3.1/Windows For Workgroups 3.11.
<p>CHICAGO is a full pre-emptive multitasking operating system in its own right, providing better memory protection than Windows 3.1. Its GUI is also quite different from the GUI of Windows 3.1 and NT.
<p>It seems to be somewhat sluggish however, and the start button interface is quite weird indeed. The interface looks somewhat nicer, until you recognise the huge influence from NeXTSTEP and then it sort of palls somewhat in comparison. Its a single user
system, like NT.
<p>To be perfectly honest, it doesn't seem to justify all the hype around it. I suppose if you are a Windows user, it will be a welcome upgrade - but then again if you are a Windows user, anything is a welcome upgrade :-).
<hr><a name="xzx">
<h2>12. XZX</h2>
</a>Remember the days when programmers were programmers, games came on cassette and you could copy them with your double deck, the Z80 was leading-edge technology and yes, computers came with a whopping 48K of memory!
<p>Well, it had to happen. There is now a ZX Spectrum emulator for Linux/X! Along with most other Spectrum emulators for other machines, it will load &quot;snapshots&quot; of Spectrum games (&quot;.sni&quot;) files.
<p>It's pretty zippy. If you have enough RAM not to be in swap, it runs about as fast as you would have expected a Spectrum to go :-)
<p><img src="xzx.gif"><br>
The XZX emulator running that old Chestnut, the Hobbit!
<p>Oh, the days of colour clash! Sigh!
<hr><a name="cdrom">
<h2>13. 3GB CD-ROMs</h2>
</a>The new High-Density CD system uses an increased pit density (achieved by effectively halving the track pitch to 0.6 micrometers) to quadruple the data storable on a CD to 2.7GB. Further increase is available by improvements in error correction and me
chanical constructions of drives to about 3GB.
<hr><a name="notes">
<h2>14. Notes on UNIX available in Printroom</h2>
</a>Steve Bergin has had notes reprinted in the Printroom covering an introduction to UNIX operating systems. The notes are originally from the University of Western Ontario. They cover the system run in that University, which is basically a mixture of Sy
stem V and BSD. <p>
Presumably they are being printed for fourth ECE students taking Bob Strunz's ASICS module, but are worth checking out by anyone who has an interest in learning UNIX basics. They cost £2.50 and are Ref. No. 1251.
<h2><b>SKYNET System Administration Team: </b></h2>
System Administrators: John Quinn (quinnj), Hary J. Walsh (hjw), Ivan Griffin (ivan) <br>
Web Administrators: Keith Aherne (keith), David Knowles (chopper), Andrew Good (akira) <br>
FTP Administrator: David Airlie (airlied), Andrew Good (akira)
<p>Skynet WWW Home page: <a href=""></a><br>
Skynet Anonymous Ftp: <a href="">ftp</a>
<p>This document was created using the &quot;<i>ez</i>&quot; multimedia editor and debugged and converted to PostScript using NCSA &quot;<i>Mosaic</i>&quot;.

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@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
<title>University of Limerick Computer Society Newsletter #2</title>
<h1><img src="signal2noise.blur.gif"></h1>
(working title)
<p><img align="middle" src="ulcrest.gif"><a href="">University of Limerick</a> Computer Society Newsletter Nov'94 - #2
<h2>Contents this issue</h2>
<img align="bottom" src="redball.gif">Miscellaneous
<dd><img align="bottom" src="greenball.gif"><a href="#edit">Editorial</a>
<dd><img align="bottom" src="greenball.gif"><a href="#net">.net Magazine from Future Publishing </a>
<dd><img align="bottom" src="greenball.gif"><a href="#people">Endzone</a>
<dd><img align="bottom" src="redball.gif">UNIX
<dd><img align="bottom" src="greenball.gif"><a href="#wine">Wine - Windoze Emulator for Linux </a>
<dd><img align="bottom" src="greenball.gif"><a href="#gnustep">GNUStep?</a>
<dd><img align="bottom" src="greenball.gif"><a href="#tcl">TCL </a>
<dd><img align="bottom" src="greenball.gif"><a href="#howto">Linux HOWTOs in Hypertext </a>
<dd><img align="bottom" src="greenball.gif"><a href="#publish">Linux Publications</a>
<dd><img align="bottom" src="redball.gif">MS-DOS/MS-Windows
<dd><img align="bottom" src="greenball.gif"><a href="#jazz">Jazz JackRabbit from Epic MegaGames </a>
<dd><img align="bottom" src="greenball.gif"><a href="#x">X-Servers licenced for UL </a>
<dd><img align="bottom" src="redball.gif">AmigaDOS
<dd><img align="bottom" src="greenball.gif"><a href="#amiga">UNIX on an Amiga</a> </dl>
<hr><a name="edit">
</a>Welcome to the second issue of the Computer Society Newsletter. I have<br>
decided to name it &quot;SIGNAL TO NOISE&quot;, and did a quick logo with Xpaint, but<br>
if anyone has a better idea, or indeed a better logo, please contact me !
<p>I'm a bit more organised this time than last. Again, suggestions are really<br>
really needed!
<p>BTW, I would like to welcome David Airlie to the Sysadm team on Skynet,
having being promoted from Ftpadmin :-).
<p><a href=""><img src="ivan.gif"></a> Ivan.
<hr><img src="jazz.gif"><a name="jazz">
<h2>Jazz JackRabbit from Epic MegaGames</h2>
</a>&quot;Remember the story of the Tortoise and the Hare? It's 3000 years later and they're back.<br>
&quot;Now it's a fight for the galaxy and the love of a beautiful princess.<br>
&quot;Jazz Jackrabbit brings all the speed and action of your favourite console games to your PC. &quot;
<p>While netsurfing recently, I came across a shareware demo of this particular game in <a href=""></a>. The best way i can think of to describe it is something along the lines of Sonic the He
dgehog meets Super Mario Kart. Its unreal. The animation is brilliant, the character fantastic and some of the little bits and bonus levels will have you in tears from laughter.
<p>Its a platform-y type game - nothing original in that score, but well addictive, most impressive and definitely worth checking out.
<p>All six episodes can be purchased for the very reasonable price of £29. Isn't he just the coolest character in the world ?
<hr><a name="net">
<h2><img src="netmag.gif">.net Magazine from Future Publishing</h2>
</a>Long time computer freaks will remember the days of the Amstrad CPC 464, when a small company called Future Publishing started the only rival to the official Amstrad Computer User magazine (named, suprisingly, ACU). This magazine was called Amstrad Ac
<p>Since then, Future Publishing it seems have gone from strength to strength, with Amiga Format, MacFormat, and now a magazine dedicated to the Internet itself, aptly titled &quot;<a href=""><i>.net</i></a>&quot;.
<p>The magazine is pretty impressive, with lovely colour reproduction, a nice card cover (unusual for a computer magazine) but weighs in at a pricey £4 almost. The articles in it are informative and captivating, although written perhaps for the more novic
e Internet user. Having said that, I spent the better part of a week after buying this magazine netsurfing to all the places it mentioned. Quite ridiculous for the health, I assure you.
<p>As to whether I'll continue buying the magazine, well I guess that depends on the quality of the next and subsequent issues. It has gotten off to a good start but it will be interesting to see if it runs out of steam.
<p>Ah dear, why is it that &quot;<i><a href="">WIRED</a></i>&quot; costs nearly £5 here? *sigh*.
<hr><a name="wine">
<h2>Wine - Windoze Emulator for Linux</h2>
</a><img src="wine.gif">
<p>The Wine project is a free software attempt at Wabi for Linux/FreeBSD etc. Basically when finished it will allow the execution of MS-Windoze 3.1 binaries in a Linux/X environment.
<p>Development on this has been going on for some time now - with varying degrees of success. The current status seems to be that 90% of the API functions have been ported. While this is good news, it is also estimated that the remaining 10% could take up
to 90% of the time :-)
<p>New versions of Wine are released almost every week. Above is a montage (generated using ImageMagick) which shows some of the MS-Windoze shareware games from ftp.cica.?.edu which run under Wine.
<p>Applications should, it is estimated, run as fast as they currently do under MS-Windoze. However, perhaps the nicest advantage of running them under Linux (apart from the fact that it is a far superior O/S - completely non-biased view) is that each tas
k will have its own memory protection; no more of those horrible EMM exception errors. Also, being X-clients, you could run them on a Linux box and get them to display on any other X-server on your network.
<p>Wine compiles with Xlib, no other special libraries are required.<br>
For more information, see the <a href="http://foo/foo.html">Wine HTML page</a>.
<hr><a name="gnustep">
<h2><img src="NeXT.gif">GNUStep?</h2>
</a>Perhaps a criticism of stock distributions of Linux such as Slackware or SLS would be that the default settings for the X Window are all but awe-inspiring.
<p>The Feeble Virtual Window Manager (<i>FVWM</i>) which comes with Slackware can be amazingly customized into a fabulous Motif-like system with a button-bar and lovely coloured .xpm pixmaps.
<p>The importance of an attractive GUI cannot be under-emphasized. Performance and optimization of a system becomes less desirable if the GUI is ugly.
<p>Part of the steps being taken to &quot;beautify&quot; X include the COSE Desktop based on OSF/Motif, which, although looking very attractive indeed, unfortunately is not free software and needs to be licensed. Another initiative is the GNUStep project
being undertaken by volunteers for the FSF.
<p>GNUStep is a clone of the OpenStep API published by NeXT. OpenStep is an operating system independent, object-orientated application layer. It will run under X and is as portable as the GNU Objective-C compiler, with which it is written. Currently, it
supports a variety of operating systems such as SunOS 4.1, Solaris 2.3, Ultirx 4.2, HP/UX 9.x, OSF/1, FreeBSD and Linux.
<p>Work is currently being done on the creating a DPS engine, and a free widget set with strong NeXTSTEP resemblence.
<p>For more information, see the GNUStep <a href="">home page</a>.
<hr><a name="tcl">
<h2><img align="bottom" src="tcl-tk.gif">TCL/Tk</h2>
Tcl, pronounced "tickle" is a script like language which has an X front end in its "tk" toolkit. Tcl is much the same as Awk or Basic in that it is interpreted. It is a programable language which allows you to build on existing functions and create new fu
nctions. Tcl has a parser which is similar to other shells like "sh" and allows you to execute any tcl command and most unix commands. You'll find the it in "/usr/bin/tclsh". </a>
<p>The "tk" toolkit is a X11 compatible toolkit which allows you to program the X Windows System using its C/C++ libraries or through its front end "wish". Wish allows the building of X interfaces from tcl commands making it very simple to program the usu
ally unweildy X and come up with applications in a short time. </a>
<a>This simple stop watch took only 30 lines of code.</a>
<p><img src="timer.gif"> </a>
<p>A even easier method of creating X front ends is to use the X interface builder "xf" which creates tcl code as you build. You can create amazing X-aplications in a matter of minutes. Check it out! Youll find it in "/usr/local/bin/xf". It looks somethin
g like: </a>
<img src="xf.gif"></a><p>
<a>Tcl has been used for many application and by many large companies. </a>
<LI>Shell Oil are using it to control a computer network which in turn controls the largest floating oil exploration platform!<p>
<LI>Intel, AT&T and Sun and many more are finding many useful applications for tcl and its toolkit.
<h2><img align="bottom" src="quera1.gif"> Linux HOWTOs in Hypertext!</h2>
I downloaded the Linux HOWTOs in HTML form from SunSITE, and with a bit of editing, they are now working beautifully. They are installed in the Skynet web hierarchy. There is a link to them present in the <a href="">Skynet home-page</a
<hr><a name="amiga">
<img src="netbsd-amiga.gif"><img src="linux68k.gif"><br>
<h2>NIX on an Amiga.</h2>
<hr><a name="x">
<h2><img src="x.gif"> X-Servers licenced for UL.</h2>
</a>A recent posting to SUMS by Martin Leonard (ITD) has announced the imminent availability of an X-Server for MS-Windows over the college network.
<p>The University's Information Technology Department has site-licenced an X-Server for general use, and I believe it is the intention that this be available on all PCs.
<p>Being a Windows executable, it will probably run ontop of the popular Winsock protocol developed to allow TCP/IP communication for many Windows applications. This is similar to an existing X-Server for Windows which has been doing the rounds of the var
ious computer labs in the unlicenced demo form.
<p>This is a very significant step in the development of distributed computing resources in the college. Along with the initial introduction of Linux into the college (- it is through the efforts of students that the ITD and ECE Departments have become aw
are of this operating system), this could revolutionize the UNIX presence in U.L.
<p>As regards the impact to Skynet of this, obviously there would be a much greater demand for X-clients through this. Already, Skynet has been shown to exhaust its 48Mb total of Virtual Memory supporting multiple window managers etc. While this may be a
fault of the newer BETA kernels, it is more than likely that the introduction of this X-Server will cause a rethink of the access permitted to X-clients on Skynet. It may be necessary to restrict access to such clients to maintain a fair service to all us
<p>More details will follow I'm sure in future issues.
<hr><a name="publish">
<h2><img src="linuxlogo.gif"> Linux Publications</h2></a>
While reading through the advert sections in a few issues of UNIX Review, I came across the following publications available for Linux. I have presented them here for information purposes.
<p><b>The Linux Journal :</b><br>
monthly magazine of and for the Linux Community.<br>
$19/year U.S.<br>
<address>SCC, P.O. Box 55549, Seattle, WA 98155.</address><br>
Email for a catalog of publications for Linux, UNIX, C, Internet etc.
<p><b>Linux Network Administration Guide:</b><br>
Covers TCP/IP, NFS, Serial Hardware, UUCP, sendmail, Netnews, NNTP, e-mail.<br>
400 pages, $29.95<br>
ISBN 1-56592-087-2
<address><a href="">O'Reilly and Associates</a> Inc., 103A Morris Street, Sebastopol, CA 95472.</address>
<p><b>Linux - Unleashing the Workstation in Your PC:</b><br>
S. Stobel and T. Uhl,<br>
&quot;Turn your 386/486 into a UNIX Workstation with performance characteristics comparable to a RISC workstation with this definitive, step-by-step, new users' guide to installing, understanding and using Linux&quot;<br>
1994, 238 pages, $29.95<br>
ISBN 3-540-58077-8
<address>Spring-Verlag New York Inc., 175 Fifth Avenue, Dept. 5967,New York, NY 10010</address>
<h2><img allign="middle" src="man.gif"> Skynet People:</h2>
<b>System Administrators</b>: John Quinn (quinnj), Hary J. Walsh (hjw), Ivan Griffin <br>
(<a href="">ivan</a>), Ger MacGuire (ger) , David Airlie (<a href="">airlied</a>)
<p><b>FTP Administrators</b>: David Airlie, Andrew Good (<a href="">akira</a>)
<p><b>W3 Administrators</b>: <a href="">David Knowles (chopper)</A>, Keith Ahern (<a
href="">keith</a>), Andrew Good
<p><b>Newsletter Editor and Designer</b>: Ivan Griffin
<hr>This document was created using the HTML interface of '<i>ez</i>' from AUIS, the HTML mode of <i>LUCID Emacs</i>, John Bradley's '<i>xv</i>' and the '<i>ImageMagick</i>' suite.
<p>Debugged and PostScripted using &quot;<i>NCSA Mosaic</i>&quot;.

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
<title>Signal To Noise #3 - Contents</title>
<img src="logo1b.gif" alt = "[kewl S2N logo :-)]"><p>
<font size="+3">U</font><font size="+2>niversity <i>of</i></font>
<font size="+3"> L</font><font size="+2>imerick</font><br>
Computer Society Newsletter #3 - Feb '95
<hr align="center" width=45%>
<p><img src="redball.gif"> MISCELLANEOUS<dl>
<dd><img src="greenball.gif"><a href="news3-editorial.html">Editorial</a><br>
<dd><img src="greenball.gif"><a href="news3-credits.html">Credits</a><br>
<dd><img src="greenball.gif"><a href="news3-misc.html#GIF">GIF Licence Problems with CompuServe and Unisys</a><br>
<dd><img src="greenball.gif"><a href="news3-misc.html#MAGAZINES">New Internet magazines keep appearing!</a><br>
<dd><img src="greenball.gif"><a href="news3-misc.html#ULIX">The new University web pages.</a><br>
<dd><img src="greenball.gif"><a href="news3-misc.html#WIRETAP">U.S. Wiretap Bill.</a><br>
<dd><img src="greenball.gif"><a href="news3-endzone.html">EndZone</a></dl>
<hr align="center" width=45%>
<p><img src="redball.gif"> UNIX<dl>
<dd><img src="greenball.gif"><a href="news3-unix.html#GEM">Linux wins UNIX Review Outstanding Product Award!</a><br>
<dd><img src="greenball.gif"><a href="news3-unix.html#LUCID">End of Lucid Inc.</a><br>
<dd><img src="greenball.gif"><a href="news3-unix.html#DOOM">Svgalib DOOM for Linux</a><br>
<dd><img src="greenball.gif"><a href="news3-unix.html#NETSCAPE">Netscape Web Browser</a><br>
<dd><img src="greenball.gif"><a href="news3-unix.html#SPECS">Specs for a Linux-based PC</a></dl>
<hr align="center" width=45%>
<p><img src="redball.gif"> DOS Et Al.<dl>
<dd><img src="greenball.gif"><a href="news3-dos.html#DESCENT">Descent, Dark Forces and Heretic</a><br>
<dd><img src="greenball.gif"><a href="news3-dos.html#OS2">OS/2 WARP</a></dl>

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<title>Signal To Noise #3 - Contents</title>
<img src="logo1b.gif" alt = "[kewl S2N logo :-)]"><p>
<font size="+3">U</font><font size="+2>niversity <i>of</i></font>
<font size="+3"> L</font><font size="+2>imerick</font><br>
Computer Society Newsletter #3 - Feb '95
<hr align="center" width=45%>
<p><img src="redball.gif"> MISCELLANEOUS<dl>
<dd><img src="greenball.gif"><a href="news3-editorial.html">Editorial</a><br>
<dd><img src="greenball.gif"><a href="news3-credits.html">Credits</a><br>
<dd><img src="greenball.gif"><a href="news3-misc.html#GIF">GIF Licence Problems with CompuServe and Unisys</a><br>
<dd><img src="greenball.gif"><a href="news3-misc.html#MAGAZINES">New Internet magazines keep appearing!</a><br>
<dd><img src="greenball.gif"><a href="news3-misc.html#ULIX">The new University web pages.</a><br>
<dd><img src="greenball.gif"><a href="news3-misc.html#WIRETAP">U.S. Wiretap Bill.</a><br>
<dd><img src="greenball.gif"><a href="news3-endzone.html">EndZone</a></dl>
<hr align="center" width=45%>
<p><img src="redball.gif"> UNIX<dl>
<dd><img src="greenball.gif"><a href="news3-unix.html#GEM">Linux wins UNIX Review Outstanding Product Award!</a><br>
<dd><img src="greenball.gif"><a href="news3-unix.html#LUCID">End of Lucid Inc.</a><br>
<dd><img src="greenball.gif"><a href="news3-unix.html#DOOM">Svgalib DOOM for Linux</a><br>
<dd><img src="greenball.gif"><a href="news3-unix.html#NETSCAPE">Netscape Web Browser</a><br>
<dd><img src="greenball.gif"><a href="news3-unix.html#SPECS">Specs for a Linux-based PC</a></dl>
<hr align="center" width=45%>
<p><img src="redball.gif"> DOS Et Al.<dl>
<dd><img src="greenball.gif"><a href="news3-dos.html#DESCENT">Descent, Dark Forces and Heretic</a><br>
<dd><img src="greenball.gif"><a href="news3-dos.html#OS2">OS/2 WARP</a></dl>

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<img src="logo5.gif">
<h1>S2N Issue 3 - Feb'95</h1>
Written by <a href="">Ivan Griffin</a> (<a href=""></a>).
<p>This newsletter was created under <i><b>Linux</b></i> using the <i>Andrew</i> System's <i>ez</i> editor, <i>Lucid Emacs</i> in HTML Mode, John Bradley's <i>xv</i> image viewer, and <i>NCSA Mosaic</i> to preview and debug the generated HTML.

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<title>Signal To Noise #3 - Dos</title>
<a name="DESCENT">
<img src="descent.gif"><br><h1>Descent, Dark Forces and Heretic</h1>
<p>Following the success of 3D action adventure DOOM ( I or II), both id and Interplay release new offerings.
<p>id released Heretic, a game written in co-operation with Raven Software, who are renowned for their spectacular graphics. The game has a nice magic/dungeons and dragons type feel to it, with some lovely animated monsters and entertaining humourous touches. Definitely for someone who wants more of the planar action of DOOM.
<p>Lucasfilm released Dark Forces. This is another game using the DOOM engine, based on the immensly popular Star Wars films. It again has some really nice graphics, particularly of animated Storm Troopers. However its major flaw is the strange absence of any networking support. Weird.
<p>Interplay went one further and released Descent. Descent is awesome. Descent kicks DOOMs ass. In fairness to id, they were first out with DOOM, and are working on what is expected to be the mother of all games, Quake.
<p>However, Descent is definitely the game of the moment. Dazzling 3D action with full 3-dimensional movement, Descent is sure to confuse, confound and utterly amaze all gamers. Even the 3D map takes a while to grasp. Network support is a definite improvement over DOOM, with 8 player games, themes, the ability to join in and leave games on the fly.
If you have not seen Descent, get a copy now!
<hr align="center" width=45%><p>
<a name="OS2">
<h1>OS/2 Warp!</h1></center>
<p>With the news that Microsoft's Windows 95 is delayed until at least August, it seems that IBM have a very valuable head-start over them, having released a stable version of their new operating system, OS/2 Warp. OS/2 originally started life as a joint venture between Microsoft and IBM but the two parted company somewhere along the line and IBM continued to produce OS/2, Microsoft to produce MS-Windows. Unlike the brain-damage of MS-Windows, OS/2 did actually support true-multitasking of processes. At this stage of proceedings, it has a track history as a stable operating system, with many more years of coding and debugging having gone into it than its rival Windows '95.
<p> IBM claim that Warp will run on a system with 4MB of Ram, although like most other 32-bit operating systems for the PC these days, 8Mb is really a practical lower limit.
<p>Reaction to Warp has seemed to be pretty positive in general. The user interface has been fine-tuned and improved, and navigating your way around it makes sense. It does not confuse, as Windows '95 does - and it does not have this irritating inferior NeXTStep rip-off look to it.
<p>IBM have event put together a Web Browser specially customized to take full advantage of the OS/2 32-bit API.
<p>Industry opinion seems to be that Windows '95 has already won the Operating Systems race. This is quite an amazing situation considering the product has not even been released yet, and the fact that it has no track-history of stability. It all comes down to the big Microsoft monster I suppose.
<p>With the performance of OS/2 Warp, its availability NOW, and the powerful commercial backing (something Linux lacks) and support of IBM, it may give Microsoft more of a challenge than they expect.
<p>All Microsoft-haters out there - lets hope so!
<p>Incidentally, I read recently that Bill Gates was the first person to break the hacker-ethic and
charge people for software (his Altair Basic). I'll bet RMS would like to get his hands on him :-)

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
<title>S2N Newsletter #3 - Editorial</title>
<center><img src="logo4b.gif"></center>
<hr width="45%" align="center">Hi there,
<p>Welcome to the third issue of the Computer Society's newsletter (finally!) There has been a bit of a time lag between issue two and this one, due in part to pressures of project deadlines and exams, but now that I have a bit of time again, I decided to make amends and get this finally out.
<p>Quite a lot has happened in this interval, including:
<li>the releases of software such as <i>OS/2 WARP</i>, <a href="">NCOM</a>'s awesome <i>Netscape</i> web-browser, the DOOM sucessors <i>Descent</i> and <i>Heretic</i>;
<li><a href="news3-misc.html#WIRETAP">the US Government's now-infamous Wiretap bill</a>;
<li>Douglas Rushkoff's book <i>Cyberia</i>;
<li><a href="news3-misc.html#MAGAZINES">millions of new Internet users and all these new Internet magazines</a><a href="news3-misc.html#MAGAZINES">!</a></ul>
<p>Wow... this is actually good from the perspective of having to write a newsletter as it provides for plenty to write about! I have changed the format somewhat of this issue - I hope it provides for easier reading.
<hr width="45%" align="center">
<p><a href="http://localhost/~ivan/"><img src="ivan.gif">Ivan</a>, the Editor ;-)

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<title>Signal To Noise #3 - EndZone</title>
<h1><img src="logo2.gif"></h1>
<h2><img allign="middle" src="man.gif"> Skynet People:</h2>
<b>System Administrators</b>: John Quinn (<a href="">quinnj</a>), Hary J. Walsh (<a href=">hjw</a>), Ivan Griffin <br>
(<a href="">ivan</a>), Ger MacGuire (<a href="">ger</a>), Stephen Mulcahy (<a href="">stephen</a>), David Airlie (<a href="">airlied</a>)
<p><b>FTP Administrators</b>: Declan Malone (<a href="">dec</a>)
<p><b>W3 Administrators</b>: David Knowles (<a href="">chopper</a>), Peter O'Brien (<a href="">woppi</a>)
<p><b>Newsletter Editor and Designer</b>: Ivan Griffin

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@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
<title>Signal To Noise #3 - Miscellaneous</title>
<a name="GIF"><h1><img src="pixmap.gif">GIF Licence Problems with CompuServer
and Unisys</h1>
<p>CompuServe and Unisys quite recently shocked the entire world computer community with an announcement about the introduction of licences and royalties to the use of the GIF standard for storing images on computers.
<p>This was especially worrying to maintainers and users of W3 sites, as GIF is a very common format for the storing of images.<br>
GIF (which stands for Graphics Interchange Format) is a standard introduced by CompuServe into Public Domain in 1987 to facilitate the transfer of computer-stored images over its networks.
<p>The whole controversy revolves around the fact that GIF depends on a compression routine called Lev Zempel Welch (LZW). This routine was developed at and patented by Unisys in 1985.
<p>While LZW had become quite commonplace in Public Domain software throughout the world, it was not actually public property. Initially it was thought that the announcement by CompuServe of the licencing problems et cetera was an attempt by CompuServe to take control over its GIF standard. However, it transpired it was just a passing on of the demands imposed by Unisys.
<p>The new licence agreement states there is a one-time licencing fee of $1.00 for developers and a licencing fee of $0.15 or 1.5% per registered copy of the software (whichever is greater) which utilizes Unisys' LZW techniques. Interestingly enough, this includes PKZIP and the free InfoZip version.
<p>Unisys does not intend pursuing royalties from GIF-based software developed before 1995. Developers working on new/enhanced version of commercial on-line software require licences.
<p>There is no licence for fees to be paid for non-commercial, freeware GIF-based applications including Internet software.
<p>Thankfully, this means that using GIFs in W3 pages will not require any form of licence or royalites at present.
<p>For more information, try the <a href="">Unisys home page</a> or e-mail
<hr align="center" width=45%><p>
<a name="MAGAZINES">
<center><img src="ict.gif">
<h1>New Internet magazines keep appearing!</h1></center>
<p>It seems that ever day I venture into the newsagents recently, another magazine offering Internet coverage appears.
<p>Unbelieveable! <a href="">.net</a>, <a href="">Internet and Comms Today</a>, ONLINE-WORLD and many other url-list based publications are competing for what I would have considered a specialist market.
<p>According to the cover of issue 4 of .net, there are currently &quot;23.5m netsurfing daily&quot;. Guess there must be a market for all these glossy magazines after all!
<hr align="center" width=45%><p>
<a name="ULIX">
<center><h1>The New University Web Pages</h1></center>
<p>The Information Technology Department staff here at the University finally seem to have realized the importance of the Web. Staff recently had to have their photographs taken for inclusion in new Web Pages being developed by ITD for the University.
<p>In the new pages, each Academic College and Department will sport its own set of pages detailing its activities et cetera.
<p>It is definitely good to see individuals in this institution finally acknowledging the need to establish an identity for the University on the Internet. In fairness to ITD, the new pages are not too bad, appearing pretty comprehensive indeed.
<p>Two quite confusing points are (1) the abnormally large U.L. logo which greets visitors to the site - it looks terrible on any browser, and (2) the lack of a link to the Computer Society site.
<p>A commendable effort nevertheless.
<a href="">Take a loog yourself!</a>
<hr align="center" width=45%><p>
<a name="WIRETAP">
<center><img src="cyberright.gif">
<h1>U.S. Wiretap Bill.</h1>
<h4>(The image used above is available, with others at the <a href=""></a> archive.)</h4></center>
<p>New laws were passing in the United States granting the FBI to spy on telephone conversations, Bulletin Board transmissions and to read Electronic Mail.<p>
The Digital Telephony Bill allows for wiretapping of the communications infrastructure used for providing information technology services. New technologies are to be &quot;wiretap-ready&quot; when first deployed and companies are to provide for staff and resources to execute FBI arranged wiretaps.
<p>The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) initially vehemently opposed the bill, but removed themselves from the confrontation arena in exchange for concessions in the provisions of the bill. Public opinions is divided as to whether the EFF did not do enough, or indeed chose a wiser path to reducing the impact of a terrible inevitability.
<p>Many other reaction groups formed on-line, such as the Electronic Privacy Information Centre, the American Civil Liberties Union and Voters Telecoms Watch.
<p>To avoid potentially dangerous legal-battles with the powerful telecommunications industry, the government was forced to make last-minute changes to the bill to provide for expenses of upgrading equipment and hiring new staff.
<p>Many privacy concerned individuals will probably be making increased use of programs such as Phil Zimmerman's Pretty Good Privacy (PGP). Zimmerman was previously jailed for writing the software, which has become an Internet standard for message authentication and encryption. Zimmerman was accused of exporting State Secrets in the form of public-key technology out of the United States.
<p>Perhaps a worrying aspect of these draconian measures is the fact that the United States is the world leader in telecommunications technology. Technology thus exported from the U.S. will be &quot;wiretap-ready&quot;, assisting authorities in other countries should they be considering similar measures.
<p>It is quite remarkable that in a country where the Postal Service is protected strongly in law, that the governing authorities can read private e-mail.
<p>The idea has been voiced that all transactions, whether public or of a private nature, should be encrypted at present - thus generating a volume of encrypted traffic so large it would become impossible for privacy-invading authorities to decypher.
<p>For further information, try contacting:<br>
<a href="gopher://">Voters Telecoms Watch</a> (<a href=""><i></i></a>),
<a href="gopher://">Electronic Privacy Information Centre</a> (<a href=""><i></i></a>),
<a href="gopher://gopher.eff.orf/11/EFF/Policy/Digital_Telephony">Electronic Frontier Foundation</a> (<a href=""><i></i></a>)
<p>or alternatively reading the newsgroups <a href=""></a> and <a href=""></a>

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@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
<title>Signal To Noise #3 - Unix</title>
<a name="GEM">
<center><img src="linux-povray-small.gif">i
<h1>Linux wins UNIX Review Outstanding Product Award!</h1></center>
In the December 1994 edition of UNIX Review, the Linux operating system received an Outstanding Product Award.
<p>Each year, the staff examine and discuss hundreds of tools and applications. Awards are presented as a tribute to the year's best software for UNIX. Linux won the award in the &quot;Gem&quot; catagory.
<p>To quote the review, &quot;... this success shows that the freeware community is still alive, thriving, and teaching commercial sites new things about cooperation and cutting-edge technology. A real tour de force!&quot;
<p>Other winners in the same awards were:
<p><b>Software Development Front End</b>:<dl>
<dd>Advanced Application Development Environment, by Forte Software, Inc. </dd></dl>
<p><b>Software Development Back End</b>: <dl>
<dd>SunPro Workshop for C++, by SunSoft. </dd></dl>
<p><b>Networking</b>: <dl>
<dd>Mosaic, by the (American) National Center for Supercomputing Applications. </dd></dl>
<p><b>Groupware</b>: <dl>
<dd>Lotus Notes for UNIX, by Lotus Development Corp.</dd> </dl>
<p><b>Editor's Award</b>: <dl>
<dd>O'Reilly and Associates for documenting many aspects of UNIX/X with &quot;lucid prose, quality presentation, and deep understanding of what readers need&quot;. </dd></dl>
<p>For more information about UNIX Review magazine:<br>
UNIX Review, Reader Service Department, P.O. Box 5176, Pittsfield MA 01203-9940.<br>
Editor's e-mail address: <p>
<hr align="center" width=45%>
<a name="LUCID">
<center><h1>End of Lucid Inc.</h1></center>
<p>For anyone else who was wondering what happened to the Internet site in their attempts to ftp the latest verison of Lucid Emacs, I read recently that the UNIX Software Development Company, Lucid Inc., closed down sometime over last summer.
<p>Lucid was renowned for its C and Lisp compilers for UNIX, and as the innovators behind Lucid Emacs (described in #1 of the newsletter).
<p>The Lucid Emacs product is not dead however - it is still freely available, albeit under the name of XEmacs. It is supported by<br>
the remaining collaborators of the project - Sun Microsystems, Inc. and the University of Illinois.
<p>Jamie Zawinski, the primary developer and maintainer of Lucid Emacs - formerly of Lucid, Inc. - is now working with Netscape Communications, Inc.<p>
<hr align="center" width=45%>
<a name="DOOM">
<center><h1>Svgalib DOOM for Linux</h1></center>
<p>DOOM, the game that changed the whole computer entertainment industry, was made available for Linux again recently in a slightly different format. In its original guise, it was an X-Window System client. Now it has been release as a 320x200x256 console version, identical to its MSDOS counterpart.
<p>The Linux Svgalib DOOM uses the Svgalib library for graphics functions and the Voxware sound system. Initial impressions indicate that it is well faster that the MSDOS version. The Svgalib version is based on a v1.8 engine, and thus requires newer Wad files<br>
to work with - the older Wads crash in Demo mode with the new engine.
<p>Unlike its MSDOS counterpart, DOOM for Linux does not use the Novell IPX protocol for networking but TCP/IP. In this respect, it is compatible with DOOM clients for other workstations, such as the Sun Solaris version.
<p>Personally I love this version of DOOM, and it allowed me to delete the DOS version entirely. It does seem to have two tiny bugs - it locks up with newer Linux kernels (greater than version 1.1.63?), due perhaps to changes in the way the keyboard interface is written.
<p>Also, it doesn't quite work with my PS/2 mouse. This may be due in part to the Svgalib shared library on my machine, I'm not sure. Anyways, the quick and easy workaround is a little script to run the &quot;mouse droppings&quot; conversion program. Then, a compatible mouse type can be selected and it runs fine. On exiting from the game, this conversion program is then killed.
<p>If only there was a Linux version of Descent... *sigh*... <p>
<hr align="center" width=45%>
<a name="NETSCAPE">
<center><h1>Netscape Web Browser </h1></center>
<p>Anyone who has been using the Web recently will have come across the new Web Browser Netscape. It was release amid a blase of publicity from Netscape Communications, a new commercial Web software company.
<p>NCOM is fronted by Jim Clark (ex-founder of Silicon Graphics) and Marc Andreessen (one of the original Mosaic authors).
<p>Netscape is available for UNIX, MS-Windows and the Mac. It takes advantage of the multi-streamed nature of the TCP/IP protocols, opening parallel connections to a Web server This lets it retrieve inline images from a page in parallel, at an amazing speed.
<p>It also supports interlaced GIFs, allowing the picture to be built up<br>
in increasing detail as it is downloaded. Its interface is very well-constructed and intuitive, and impressive.
<p>Nonetheless, Netscape does have a few worrying points:
<li>Netscape itself is free for non-commercial applications. However, it does place a very high demand on Web servers due to the parallel operation of its requests. There is a Web server optimized to handle these parallel requests but unfortunately it is a commercial product from none other than Netscape Communications.
<li>It supports some HTML commands which are non-standard thus causing annoyance to the committees trying to standardize the language.
<li>It is a peculiar size in comparison to that other popular browser, Mosaic. As a result, Web pages which have been designed for Mosaic tend to look a tad strange with Netscape due to size differences. There has been a lot of comment on the Net about this and it has been suggested that pages be designed for Mosaic and that Netscape users themselves customize their browser using X-Resources et cetera.</ul>
<img src="netscape.gif"><p>
<hr align="center" width=45%>
<a name="SPECS">
<center><h1>Specs for a Linux-based PC</h1></center>
<p>Since many people are considering installing Linux on the PCs, I thought it might be a good idea to give some kind of guideline as to what hardware is suitable.<br>
The minimum specifications are probably a 386SX16, with 4MB or Ram, a 20MB hard drive, a 512KB Graphics Card and a 14in SVGA Monitor. However, a 486SX is really needed, and perhaps more cost-effective for first-time buyers - offering greater upgradability.
<p><b>Hard Drive:</b>
<dd>Go for as large a hard drive as you can. Especially if you intend to drive-share Linux with other operating systems such as DOS, MS-Windows or OS/2, you will be quickly suprised at how fast the drive fills up. A 250MB drive is really the minimum for a decent Linux installation, sharing with MSDOS and MS-Windows.</dd>
<dd>I would partition 80-100MB MSDOS, and 150-170MB Ext2FS (Linux). For such a small system it is probably easy to use a swap file rather than a swap partition. Incidentally, make sure the drive capacity quoted is the actual physical capacity and not this terrible practice of listing a double-spaced size.</dl>
<p><b>System Unit:</b>
<dd>While desktop units take up perhaps less space, do remember they have fewer free drive bays and expansion ports than tower units have. Tower units are becoming increasingly cheap recently. Bear in mind expansion prospects such as CD-ROM drives, extra hard-drives and tape-streamers when buying your system unit.</dl>
<p><b>Graphics Card:</b>
<dd>A 512KB SVGA Card is really the minimum here. With that you'll be able to run the console version of DOOM. 1MB is really needed to run X at any decent resolution (800x600x16m, or 1024x768x256).
<dd>Be careful too in choosing the card brand. Not ever card is supported by X, and the same is true for the Svgalib. In general,
<dd>most Cirrus Logic, Tseng ET4000, Video 7, Trident, Western Digital and ATI cards are supported. Some S3 cards are supported but not the Diamond Stealth. However, compatibility of graphics card is not as big a problem as it used to be with Linux as of recent.</dl>
<p><b>Sound Card:</b>
<dd>When buying a sound card, your best bet is probably a true 16-bit card capable of sampling at CD quality (44.1 kHz) in stereo. Go for a card that is Sound Blaster-compatible.
<dd>Check out the cards that provide built-in CD-ROM and SCSI/2 interfaces for little extra cost.</dl>
<p><b>Bus Type:</b>
<dd>ISA, EISA, VLB and PCI are supported by Linux.</dd>
<dd>Peripheral Chip Interconnect (PCI) is perhaps the fastest Local Bus type, but appears to be suffering some teething problems as a standard. It allows for true plug-and-play capabilities. PCI is not compatible with ISA.</dd>
<dd>VESA Local Bus (VLB) can be very fast but suffers from the ISA problem of requiring jumpers. VESA is backwardly compatible with ISA.</dl>
<dd>4MB is an absolute minimum, and at this you would want to be patient for compiling or running X.</dd>
<dd>8MB gives a welcome boost in speed, and is fine for running X or compiling although at times it can get sluggish when both are running together.</dd>
<dd>16MB is good for graphics work, multi-user functionality etc. X is very fast in 16MB of RAM.</dd>
<dd>32MB is really needed for more than about 3 - 4 simultaneous users.</dl>
<dd>At present, it really makes sense to consider double-speed CD-ROM drives and 16-bit soundcards, thus achieveing the MPC2 multimedia standard. With anything less applications using digital video playback etc. will drop frames, games will be sluggish ... While triple- and quad-speed drives exist, their expense at present does not justify their purpose.</dl>

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Newsletters hosted by Skynet
<H1>Newsletters Hosted by Skynet.</h1>
The UL Computer Soc's <a href="comp_soc/">Newsletters</a>
<em>compiled by<A HREF="">Ivan Griffin</em></A>.
<a href="/~mickh">"The Buzz"</a> - An excellent magazine from Sligo.
<em>compiled by <a href="/~mickh">Michael Hegarty</a>

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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
<TITLE>Skynet Users Curricula Vitae</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffef" TEXT="#444444">
<IMG SRC="/Images/skynet_t.gif">
<H1>Skynet Users Curricula Vitae.</H1>
<HR size=3 width=80%>
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~keith/cv/cv.html">
Keith Ahern </A>- Final year Information Technology & Telecommunications.
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~akira/cv/index.html">
Andrew Good </A>- Final year Information Technology & Telecommunications.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF="/~dowlingm/cv.html">
Mark Dowling</A> - Final year Industrial Chemistry.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF="/~robert/cv.html">
Robert Early</A> - Final year Computer Science & Information Systems.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF="/~stephen/cv.html">
Stephen Mulcahy</A> - Graduate Diploma in Computer Engineering.
<img src=/icons/ball.gif>
<a href=/~powerp/cv.html>
Paul Power</a> - Final Year Computer Engineering.
<HR size=3 width=80%>
<H4>If any users want their cv linked from this page mail
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@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
<TITLE>Skynet's Interesting pages.</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffef"
TEXT= "#444444">
<IMG SRC="/Images/skynet_t.gif">
<H1>Skynet's Interesting Pages.</H1>
<img src="/icons/ball.gif">
Garret Flynn's xcellent <a href="/~flynng/security">security pages</a>.
<img src="/icons/ball.gif">
Keith Ahern's <a href="/~keith/fyp">VRML Data Visualisation Tool</a>.
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif align=top">
Andrew Good's Java <a href="/~akira/fyp/">Educational Tool for the Web</a>.
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif align=top">
This week's<A HREF=""><em>
An Focal </em></A> - University of Limericks' College Paper.
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
Today's <A HREF="/Images/drfun.jpeg">Dr. Fun</A> updated
from the <A HREF="">Dr. Fun</A>
archive in the U.K.
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif align=top">
Stephen Mulcahy's<A HREF="/~stephen/graphics.html">Polyray Graphics</A>
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif align=top">
Neil Gaimans <A HREF="/~ivan/sandman/sandman.html"><em>
Sandman </em></A> - One of the greatest works of comic art ever.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
Another <A HREF=/sandman/><em>Sandman</em></A> page.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
The <A HREF=/~tenfor/tenfor.html>Ten Forward</A> (UL Trek society)
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~robert/dance.html">The Irish House Music Page.</A> Information
on the dance music scene in Ireland.
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
The <A HREF="/~robert/4d.html">Fourth Dimension's</A> (un)official home
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
Brian Duggans bang up to date <a href="/~dugganb/rally/">Rally Pages</a>.
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
Ivan's <A HREF="/~ivan/tori/tori.html"> Tori Amos </A>
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
Mark Dowling's <A HREF=/~dowlingm/babylon5.html>Babylon 5</A> Pages.
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
Chopper's <A HREF="/~chopper/links.html">Links pages</A>
- the product of way too many hours surfing!
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
Cheat codes for <A HREF="/~ivan/doom/doom-codes.html">DOOM.</A>
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~woppi/icon_index.html"> Icons </A> for your
web pages.
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
Interesting <A HREF="/~flynng"> Multimedia</A> links, mad picture too.
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
Common music <A HREF="/~woppi/effects.html">effects</A> explained.
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~woppi/lynx.html">Links</A> to sites of
interest for Music, Guitars, and DSP's.
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~ger/htmlref">HTML Reference Guide</A>.
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
Linux <A HREF="/gs/">Installation and Getting Started</A> by Matt Welsh.
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
Hypertext Markup Language <A HREF="/html/">Specification 2.0</A>.
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
A <A HREF="/~will/c++.html">C++ tutorial</A> for those budding hackers.
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~maverick/aviation.html">aviation</A> page.
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
Paul Powers
<A HREF=/~powerp/tutorial/tutorial.html>C / UNIX tutorial</A> pages.
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
Keith Aherns
<A HREF=/~keith/Clock/clock.html>VRML (3D) Interactive Clock</A>.
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
The <A HREF="/~debates/">UL Debating Union</A> Home-Page.
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
The <A HREF="/~ivan/signatures.html">Horrible Skynet .sig Files</A> Home-Page.
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
The <A HREF="/~morph/warning1.html"> Blue Page</A>. Please read all
disclaimers before entering the
<A HREF="/~morph/warning1.html"> Blue Page</A>.
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
The current Irish and UK <A
HREF="/~neil/music/charts/index.html"> singles and albums charts</A>...and
more. <BR>
<HR size=3 width=80%>
<H2>Current projects by skynet users.</H2>
<img src=/icons/ball.gif align=top>
Garret Flynn : <A HREF=/~flynng/fyp.html>Internet phone</a> under Linux!
<img src=/icons/ball.gif align=top>
Andrew Good : Interactive <a href="">educational
tool</a> for the Web.
<img src="/icons/ball.gif">
Keith Ahern: <a href="/~keith/fyp">VRML Data Visualisation Tool</a>.
<HR size=3 width=80%>
<H2>Users Curricula Vitae.</H2>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
Are you looking for
<A HREF=cv.html>
highly motivated
</A> employees???
<HR align=center size=3 width=90%>
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<HEAD><TITLE>Skynets Homepages</TITLE></HEAD>
TEXT= #444444>
<HR size=3>
<IMG SRC=/Images/users_left.gif ALIGN=LEFT>
<IMG SRC=/Images/users_right.gif ALIGN=RIGHT>
<H1>Skynet Homepages</H1>
Skynet Administration claims no responsibility for contents of user web pages
- although we do our best.
<HR size=3>
<table border=0>
<tr align=top><th><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></th>
<th><A HREF=usersPages.html>Skynet Users' Home Pages</A><P>
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@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
<HEAD><TITLE>Skynets Homepages</TITLE></HEAD>
TEXT= #444444>
<HR size=3 >
<IMG SRC=/Images/users_left.gif ALIGN=LEFT>
<IMG SRC=/Images/users_right.gif ALIGN=RIGHT>
<H1>Skynet users with Homepages</H1>
Skynet Administration claims no responsibility for contents of user web pages
- although we do our best.
<HR size=3>
<!-- xx xxx xx - List now in a sorta alphabetical order
-- Pleeze try to adhere to it :) - Darryl
-- 04 Apr 96 - Improved with sentinel's index - Darryl.
-- 26 Apr 96 - Added "ranger" - Ivan.
<H2><a href="#A">A</a> <a href="#B">B</a> <a href="#C">C</a> <a href="#D">D</a> <a href="#E">E</a> <a href="#F">F</a> <a href="#G">G</a> <a href="#H">H</a> <a href="#I">I</a> <a href="#J">J</a> <a href="#K">K</a> <a href="#L">L</a> <a href="#M">M</a>
<a href="#N">N</a> <a href="#O">O</a> <a href="#P">P</a> <a href="#Q">Q</a> <a href="#R">R</a> <a href="#S">S</a> <a href="#T">T</a> <a href="#U">U</a> <a href="#V">V</a> <a href="#W">W</a> <a href="#X">X</a> <a href="#Y">Y</a> <a href="#Z">Z</a> <a href=
<a name="A">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~dart>d'Art</A> what's yer name?<br>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF="/~frood/">Robert "Frood" Armstrong</a> -
It's Bob's Art Gallery!
<a name="B">
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~pagan">John Buswell</a> who doesn't have very much there at the
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~bigbro/>BigBro</a> and his G-2000 Computers...
<a name="C">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~woppi/>Woppi Choo</A> - Strange name, Strange person!
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~childs/>Stephen Childs</A> - Tom Waits aficionado.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~dracula/>Ivan `Leon' Coughlan</A> - You play with matches...
you get burned.'
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~whiz/>Chris Colins</A> - The Magic Man.'
<a name="D">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~daviesp>Paul `?' Davies</A> - Our <em>wee</em> scottish friend.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~sentinel/>Hugh `Sentinel' Dowling</A> - This space for rent...
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~dugganb/>Brian `!' Duggan</A> - It's true what they say about
Kerry men...
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~dowlingm/>Mark `PRO' Dowling</A> - A chemist with a healthy
fondness for Babylon 5.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~doozer/>Ronan 'Doozer'</A> Whats yer surname?
<a name="E">
<a name="F">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~flynng>Garret 'Highlander' Flynn</A> - Want to see a picture of
somebody on drugs!
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF="">Paul `TO DO' Fitzpatrick</A> -
The Daleks are coming!
<img src="/icons/ball.gif">
<a href="/~gonzalo/">Gonzalo Fernandez</a> - Who remembers "Fernandez must die"!
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~macgyver">Paul 'MacGyver' Finnegan</A> - ...whose HTML
mistakes are purely intentional
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~neil">Neil Fanning</A> - New! Neil on the Net!
<a name="G">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~eric>Eric `Follically Challenged' Gilmore</A> - finally a
convert .. long live Linux.
<a name="H">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~hartye/>Ed Harty</A> What a Guy!
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~amanda>Amanda Haynes</A> - Skynets very own Poet Lauriette.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~harted>David Harte</A> - Our toss 4-star...
<a name="I">
<a name="J">
<a name="K">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~ray/>Raymond "Mrs. Mongavitch"?? Kelly</A> - The homepage-almighty!
<a name="L">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~paladin/>Robert `Paladin' Leyden</A> The Emperor ;-)
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~ranger/>Denis `Ranger' Looby</A> hows it going?
<a name="M">
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~phoenix">Pat McCarthy</A> - Our first Aeronautical Engineer on
Skynets web pages ?
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~mellodym">Martin Mellody</A> - Gee, that page looks kinda
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<a href="/~johnm">John Mulcahy</a> <b>Descent</b> into depravity!
<!-- BR>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~hastur/>Niall `Hastur' McCaffery</A> - The most annoying person
known to man. -->
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~sea/>David `Sea Wolf?' Mulqueen</A> - I honestly don't know.
<img src="/icons/ball.gif">
<a href="/~dmap">Damien Mc Kenna</a> - FWiBBle FWiBBle FWiBBle!
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~caolan/>Caolan McNamara</A> What can i say..
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~ciaranm">Ciaran Madden</A> -
Want a look at this guys <b>Wibbly
Wobbly Wonder </b>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~garry/>Garry Mc Nulty</A> - At Last He Joins Us..
<a name="N">
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~david">David Nicholls</A> - an improvement on his
<A HREF="/tmp/david.html">other page</A> anyway.
<a name="O">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A href="/~starman">James 'Starman' O'Connell</A> Who says
Caherconish people are boring..
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~morph/>Darryl "Morph" O'Donnell</A> - Ericsson's answer to WB
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~brianog/>Brian 'Norm' O'Gorman</A>!
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~aphex>Alan O'Leary</A> Looking for a taste of Java ?
<a name="P">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~picard/>Jean Luc Picard</A> - Engage!
<img src="/icons/ball.gif">
<a href=/~powerp/>Paul Power</a> - What can I say ?
<a name="Q">
<a name="R">
<a name="S">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~scallytj/>T.J. Scally</a> another man with a web page...
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~gwh">Eoin 'gwh' Shaw</A> - He told us to call it "The Great
White Hunters Homepage" ..
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~heathclf">Mark Stacey</A> - Check out this guy's Command &
Conquer page
<a name="T">
<a name="U">
<a name="V">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~bren>
Brendan `Joe' Vaughan</A> - Just another cambian.
<a name="W">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~will/>Conor Williams</A> Nice Picture :-)
<a name="X">
<a name="Y">
<a name="Z">
<a name="who">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF="/~colm">Colm</a> who I don't know anything about...
<img src="/icons/ball.gif">
<a href="/~john/">John</a> - Nice fractal!
<HR ALIGN=CENTER size=2 width=60%>
If you're a Skynet user and you would like to see your home page here, mail
<A HREF=mailto:webadm@skynet>webadm</A>.
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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
-- /users/sysadmPages.html
-- last updated:
-- 27/02/96 Darryl O Donnell - To reflect changes in admin teams
-- 05/03/96 Ivan Griffin - ditto
<HEAD><TITLE>Skynets Homepages</TITLE></HEAD>
TEXT= #444444>
<HR size=3 >
<IMG SRC=/Images/users_left.gif ALIGN=LEFT>
<IMG SRC=/Images/users_right.gif ALIGN=RIGHT>
<h1 align=center>Skynet Sys-Admin Team Home Pages!</h2>
<P ALIGN=center><EM>...the hairy hackers' haunts...</EM>
<HR size=3>
<table border=4 width=100%>
<tr><td align=center rowspan=2>
<h2>System Maintenance</h2>
<hr size=2 width=60%>
-- nested table... dodgy perhaps, but it works :-)
-- well, actually works with Netscape, not Mosaic/X11 nor Arena/X11
<table border=0>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td><td><a href="/~quinnj/">John Quinn</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td><td><a href="/~airlied/">Dave Airlie</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td><td><a href="/~stephen/">Stephen Mulcahy</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td><td><a href="/~robert/">Robert Early</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td><td><a href="/~flynng/">Garret Flynn</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td><td><a href="/~isles/">Eileesh Buckley</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td><td><a href="/~del/">Derek Gibson</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td><td><a href="/~hugh">Hugh Dowling</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td><td><a href="/~caolan">Caolan McNamara</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td><td><a href="/~hartye">Ed Harty</a></td></tr>
<h2>FTP Administration</h2>
<hr size=2 width=60%>
<table border=0>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td>
<td><a href="/~carvalho/">John Gaughan</a></td></tr>
<td align=center>
<h2>Web Administration</h2>
<hr size=2 width=60%>
<table border=0>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td><td><a href="/~ivan/">Ivan Griffin</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td><td><a href="/~keith/">Keith Ahern</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td><td><a href="/~akira/">Andrew Good</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td><td><a href="/~morph/">Darryl O' Donnell</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td><td><a href="/~aphex/">Alan O' Leary</a></td></tr>
<tr><td align=center>
<table border=0>
<hr size=2 width=60%>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td><td><a href="/~hjw/">Hary J. Walsh</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td><td><a href="/~ger/">Ger Maguire</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td><td><a href="/~chopper/">David Knowles</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td>
<td><a href="/~dec/">Declan Malone</a></td></tr>
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@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
-- /users/sysadmPages.html
-- last updated:
-- 27/02/96 Darryl O Donnell - to reflect changes in team personel
-- 05/03/96 Ivan Griffin - ditto
<HEAD><TITLE>Skynets Homepages</TITLE></HEAD>
TEXT= #444444>
<HR size=3 >
<IMG SRC=/Images/users_left.gif ALIGN=LEFT>
<IMG SRC=/Images/users_right.gif ALIGN=RIGHT>
<h1 align=center>Skynet Sys-Admin Team Home Pages!</h2>
<P ALIGN=center><EM>...the hairy hackers' haunts...</EM>
<HR size=3>
<h2>System Maintenance</h2>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~quinnj/">John Quinn</a>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~airlied/">Dave Airlie</a>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~stephen/">Stephen Mulcahy</a>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~robert/">Robert Early</a>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~flynng/">Garret Flynn</a>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~isles/">Eileesh Buckley</a>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~del/">Derek Gibson</a>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~sentinel/">Hugh Dowling</a>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~caolan/">Caolan McNamara</a>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~hartye/">Ed Harty</a>
<hr size=2 width=60%>
<h2>Web Administration</h2>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~ivan/">Ivan Griffin</a>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~keith/">Keith Ahern</a>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~akira/">Andrew Good</a>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~morph/">Darryl O' Donnell</a>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~aphex/">Alan O' Leary</a>
<hr size=2 width=60%>
<h2>FTP Administration</h2>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<a href="/~carvalho/">John Gaughan</a>
<hr size=2 width=60%>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~hjw/">Hary J. Walsh</a>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~chopper/">David Knowles</a>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~dec/">Declan Malone</a>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~ger/">Ger Maguire</a>
<hr size=2 width=60%>
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@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
-- /users/sysadmPages.html
-- last updated: 12/12/95
-- Ivan Griffin
<HEAD><TITLE>Skynets Homepages</TITLE></HEAD>
TEXT= #444444>
<HR size=3 >
<IMG SRC=/Images/users_left.gif ALIGN=LEFT>
<IMG SRC=/Images/users_right.gif ALIGN=RIGHT>
<h1 align=center>Skynet Sys-Admin Team Home Pages!</h2>
<P ALIGN=center><EM>...the hairy hackers' haunts...</EM>
<HR size=3>
<table border=4 width=100%>
<tr><td align=center rowspan=2>
<h2>System Maintenance</h2>
<hr size=2 width=60%>
-- nested table... dodgy perhaps, but it works :-)
<table border=0>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td><td><a href="/~quinnj/">John Quinn</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td><td><a href="/~ger/">Ger Maguire</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td><td><a href="/~airlied/">Dave Airlie</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td><td><a href="/~stephen/">Stephen Mulcahy</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td><td><a href="/~robert/">Robert Early</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td><td><a href="/~flynng/">Garret Flynn</a></td></tr>
<table border=0>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td><td><a href="/~hjw/">Hary J. Walsh</a></td></tr>
<td align=center>
<h2>Web Administration</h2>
<hr size=2 width=60%>
<table border=0>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td><td><a href="/~ivan/">Ivan Griffin</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td><td><a href="/~keith/">Keith Ahern</a></td></tr>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td><td><a href="/~akira/">Andrew Good</a></td></tr>
<table border=0>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td><td><a href="/~chopper/">David Knowles</a></td></tr>
<tr><td align=center>
<h2>FTP Administration</h2>
<hr size=2 width=60%>
<table border=0>
<tr><td><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td>
<td><a href="/~dec/">Declan Malone</a></td></tr>
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-- /users/sysadmPages.html
-- last updated: 27/02/96
-- Darryl O Donnell
-- to reflect changes in team personel
<HEAD><TITLE>Skynets Homepages</TITLE></HEAD>
TEXT= #444444>
<HR size=3 >
<IMG SRC=/Images/users_left.gif ALIGN=LEFT>
<IMG SRC=/Images/users_right.gif ALIGN=RIGHT>
<h1 align=center>Skynet Sys-Admin Team Home Pages!</h2>
<P ALIGN=center><EM>...the hairy hackers' haunts...</EM>
<HR size=3>
<h2>System Maintenance</h2>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~quinnj/">John Quinn</a>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~airlied/">Dave Airlie</a>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~stephen/">Stephen Mulcahy</a>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~robert/">Robert Early</a>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~flynng/">Garret Flynn</a>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~isles/">Eileesh Buckley</a>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></td><td><a href="/~del/">Derek Gibson</a>
<hr size=2 width=60%>
<h2>Web Administration</h2>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~ivan/">Ivan Griffin</a>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~keith/">Keith Ahern</a>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~akira/">Andrew Good</a>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~morph/">Darryl O' Donnell</a>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~aphex/">Alan O' Leary</a>
<hr size=2 width=60%>
<h2>FTP Administration</h2>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<a href="/~carvalho/">John Gaughan</a>
<hr size=2 width=60%>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~hjw/">Hary J. Walsh</a>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~chopper/">David Knowles</a>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~dec/">Declan Malone</a>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif><a href="/~ger/">Ger Maguire</a>
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<HEAD><TITLE>Skynets Homepages</TITLE></HEAD>
TEXT= #444444>
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<H1>Skynet Homepages</H1>
Skynet Administration claims no responsibility for contents of user web pages
- although we do our best.
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<table border=0>
<tr align=top><th><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif></th>
<th><A HREF=usersPages.html>Skynet Users' Home Pages</A><P>
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@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
<HEAD><TITLE>Skynets Homepages</TITLE></HEAD>
TEXT= #444444>
<HR size=3 >
<IMG SRC=/Images/users_left.gif ALIGN=LEFT>
<IMG SRC=/Images/users_right.gif ALIGN=RIGHT>
<H1>Skynet users with Homepages</H1>
Skynet Administration claims no responsibility for contents of user web pages
- although we do our best.
<HR size=3>
<!-- xx xxx xx - List now in a sorta alphabetical order
-- Pleeze try to adhere to it :) - Darryl
-- 04 Apr 96 - Improved with sentinel's index - Darryl.
-- 26 Apr 96 - Added "ranger" - Ivan.
-- 11 Nov 96 - Added all known users pages. - Gary.
<H2><a href="#A">A</a> <a href="#B">B</a> <a href="#C">C</a> <a href="#D">D</a> <a href="#E">E</a> <a href="#F">F</a> <a href="#G">G</a> <a href="#H">H</a> <a href="#I">I</a> <a href="#J">J</a> <a href="#K">K</a> <a href="#L">L</a> <a href="#M">M</a>
<a href="#N">N</a> <a href="#O">O</a> <a href="#P">P</a> <a href="#Q">Q</a> <a href="#R">R</a> <a href="#S">S</a> <a href="#T">T</a> <a href="#U">U</a> <a href="#V">V</a> <a href="#W">W</a> <a href="#X">X</a> <a href="#Y">Y</a> <a href="#Z">Z</a></H2>
<a name="A">
<UL> <IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~frood>Rob Armstrong</A>'s Homepage<br>
<a name="B">
<UL> <IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~romieb>Romie Beechinor</A>'s Homepage<br>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~mickb>Mick Boulneau</A>'s Homepage<br>
</UL> <a name="C">
<UL> <IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~cactus>Cactus</A>' Homepage<br>
<img src=/icons/ball.gif>
<a href=/~dach>Niall 'Hastur' Caffrey</a>'s Homepage. Don't bother<br>
<img src=/icons/ball.gif>
<a href=/~dracula>Ivan 'Dracula' Caughlan</a>'s Homepage<br>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<a href=/~childs>Stephen Childs</a>' Homepage<br>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~whiz>Chris 'Whiz' Collins</A>' Homepage<br>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~peritas>Tadhg 'Peritas' Concannon</A>'s Homepage<br>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~rcoyne>Ronan Coyne</A>'s Homepage<br>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~superant>Anthony 'Superant' Cunningham</A>'s Homepage<br>
</UL> <a name="D">
<UL> <img src=/icons/ball.gif>
<a href=/~colm>Colm 'Rameses Niblick' DeClair</a>'s Homepage<br>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~manuel>Manuel Desbonnet</A>'s Homepage<br>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~eddie>Eddie Doherty</A>'s Homepage<br>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~dowlingm>Mark Dowling</A>'s Homepage<br>
<img src=/icons/ball.gif>
<a href=/~dugganb>Brian Duggan</a>'s Homepage<br>
</UL> <a name="E">
<UL> <img src=/icons/ball.gif>
<a href=/~egnarts>Egnart</a>'s Homepage<br>
</UL> <a name="F">
<UL> <IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~padhraig>Padhraig Fox</A>'s Homepage<br>
</UL> <a name="G">
</UL> <a name="H">
<UL> <IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~maxx>Gary 'Maxx' Halpin</A>'s Homepage<br>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~madman>Eamon Harbison</A>'s Homepage<br>
<img src=/icons/ball.gif>
<a href=/~harted>Dave Harte</a>'s Homepage<br>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~suicide>Rory 'Roy Boy' Hession</A>'s Homepage<br>
<img src=/icons/ball.gif>
<a href=/~dysusrme>Lee 'Gaud' Hosty</a>'s Homepage<br>
</UL> <a name="I">
</UL> <a name="J">
</UL> <a name="K">
<UL> <IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~ray>Ray Kelly</A>'s Homepage<br>
</UL> <a name="L">
<UL> <img src=/icons/ball.gif>
<a href=/~lobo>Lobo</a>'s Homepage<br>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~ranger>Denis Looby</A>'s Homepage<br>
</UL> <a name="M">
<UL> <IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~macgyver>MacGyver</A>'s Homepage<br>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~garry>Garry McNulty</A>'s Homepage<br>
<img src=/icons/ball.gif>
<a href=/~ciaranm>Ciaran 'Normski' Madden</a>'s Homepage<br>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~mathewsp>Pat 'Mr. Johnson' Mathews</A>' Homepage<br>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~dart>Darren 'd'Art' Morris</A>' Homepage<br>
<img src=/icons/ball.gif>
<a href=/~johnm>John Mulcahy</a>'s Homepage<br>
<img src=/icons/ball.gif>
<a href=/~god>David Mulligan</a>'s Homepage<br>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~mellodym>Martin Mellody</A>'s Homepage<br>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~dac>Brian Murphy</A>'s Homepage<br>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~mcdonnel>Derek McDonnel</A>'s Homepage<br>
</UL> <a name="N">
<UL> <IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~neil>Neil</A>'s Homepage<br>
<img src=/icons/ball.gif>
<a href=/~david>David Nicholls</a>' Homepage<br>
</UL> <a name="O">
<UL> <IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~starman>Jim 'Starman' O'Connell</A>'s Homepage<br>
<img src=/icons/ball.gif>
<a href=/~brianog>Brian Og</a>'s Homepage<br>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~kieran>Kieran O'Regan</A>'s Homepage<br>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~shabba>Damien 'Shabba' O'Sullivan</A>'s Homepage<br>
</UL> <a name="P">
<UL> <IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~tycho>Gary 'Tycho' Pigott</A>'s Homepage<br>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~powerp>Paul Power</A>'s Homepage<br>
</UL> <a name="Q">
<UL> <IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~tom>Thomas Quilligan</A>'s Homepage<br>
</UL> <a name="R">
<UL> <IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~orca>Colin 'Leviathan' Ryan</A>'s Homepage<br>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~sly>John 'Sly' Ryan</A>'s Homepage<br>
</UL> <a name="S">
<UL> <IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~psharma>Puneet Sharma</A>'s Homepage<br>
<img src=/icons/ball.gif>
<a href=/~gwh>Eoin Shaw</a>'s Homepage<br>
</UL> <a name="T">
<UL> </UL> <a name="U">
</UL> <a name="V">
<UL> <IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<a href=/~bren>Bren Vaughan</a>'s Homepage<br>
</UL> <a name="W">
<UL> <img src=/icons/ball.gif>
<a href=/~lisa>Lisa Walsh</a>'s Homepage<br>
</UL> <a name="X">
</UL> <a name="Y">
</UL> <a name="Z">
<HR ALIGN=CENTER size=2 width=60%>
If you're a Skynet user and you would like to see your home page here, mail
<A HREF=mailto:webadm@skynet>webadm</A>.
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@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
<HEAD><TITLE>Skynets Homepages</TITLE></HEAD>
TEXT= #444444>
<HR size=3 >
<IMG SRC=/Images/users_left.gif ALIGN=LEFT>
<IMG SRC=/Images/users_right.gif ALIGN=RIGHT>
<H1>Skynet users with Homepages</H1>
Skynet Administration claims no responsibility for contents of user web pages
- although we do our best.
<HR size=3>
<!-- Last edited 27/02/96
-- Darryl
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~bren>
Brendan `Joe' Vaughan</A> - Just another cambian.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~flynng>Garret 'Highlander' Flynn</A> - Want to see a picture of
somebody on drugs!
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~woppi/>Woppi Choo</A> - Strange name, Strange person!
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~picard/>Jean Luc Picard</A> - Engage!
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~will/>Conor Williams</A> Nice Picture :-)
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~doozer/>Ronan 'Doozer'</A> Whats yer surname?
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~paladin/>Robert `Paladin' Leyden</A> The Emperor ;-)
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~eric>Eric `Follically Challenged' Gilmore</A> - finally a
convert .. long live Linux.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~amanda>Amanda Haynes</A> - Skynets very own Poet Lauriette.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~daviesp>Paul `?' Davies</A> - Our <em>wee</em> scottish friend.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~caolan/>Caolan McNamara</A> What can i say..
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~hartye/>Ed Harty</A> What a Guy!
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~brianog/>Brian 'Norm' O'Gorman</A> !
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~maverick/>Mark `Maverick' Leyden</A> - 2nd fresher and largest
picture on the skynet web.
<!-- BR>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~hastur/>Niall `Hastur' McCaffery</A> - The most annoying person
known to man. -->
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~childs/>Stephen Childs</A> - Tom Waits aficionado.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~sea/>David `Sea Wolf?' Mulqueen</A> - I honestly don't know.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~dracula/>Ivan `Leon' Coughlan</A> - You play with matches...
you get burned.'
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~sentinel/>Hugh `Sentinel' Dowling</A> - This space for rent...
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~dugganb/>Brian `!' Duggan</A> - It's true what they say about
Kerry men...
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~dowlingm/>Mark `PRO' Dowling</A> - A chemist with a healthy
fondness for Babylon 5.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF="">Paul `TO DO' Fitzpatrick</A> -
The Daleks are coming!
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~morph/>Darryl "Morph" O'Donnell</A> - Ericsson's answer to WB
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~ray/>Raymond "Mrs. Mongavitch"?? Kelly</A> - The homepage-almighty!
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<a href="/~johnm">John Mulcahy</a> <b>Descent</b> into depravity!
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~pagan">John Buswell</a> who doesn't have very much there at the
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~dart>d'Art</A> what's yer name?
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~aphex>Alan O'Leary</A> Looking for a taste of Java ?
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A href="/~starman">James 'Starman' O'Connell</A> Who says
Caherconish people are boring..
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF="/~colm">Colm</a> who I don't know anything about...
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~scallytj/>T.J. Scally</a> another man with a web page...
<img src="/icons/ball.gif">
<a href=/~powerp/>Paul Power</a> - What can I say ?
<img src="/icons/ball.gif">
<a href="/~john/">John</a> - Nice fractal!
<img src="/icons/ball.gif">
<a href="/~gonzalo/">Gonzalo Fernandez</a> - Who remembers "Fernandez must die"!
<img src="/icons/ball.gif">
<a href="/~dmap">Damien Mc Kenna</a> - FWiBBle FWiBBle FWiBBle!
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~macgyver">Paul 'MacGyver' Finnegan</A> - ...whose HTML
mistakes are purely intentional
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~ciaranm">Ciaran Madden</A> - Want a look at this guys <b>Wibbly
Wobbly Wonder </b>
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~gwh">Eoin Shaw</A> - He told us to call it "The Great Hunters Homepage" ...
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~david">David Nicholls</A> - an improvement on his
<A HREF="/tmp/david.html">other page</A> anyway.
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~neil">Neil Fanning</A> - New! Neil on the Net!
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~phoenix">Pat McCarthy</A> - Our first Aeronautical Engineer on
Skynets web pages ?
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~mellodym">Martin Mellody</A> - Gee, that page looks kinda
<HR ALIGN=CENTER size=2 width=60%>
If you're a Skynet user and you would like to see your home page here, mail
<A HREF=mailto:webadm@skynet>webadm</A>.
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<hr align=center size=3 width=90%>
Problems with Skynet, broken links? Please mail
<A HREF=""></a>,<br>
(Skynet users <B>MUST</B> mail <A HREF="mailto:webadm@skynet">webadm@skynet</a>)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
<HEAD><TITLE>Skynets Homepages</TITLE></HEAD>
TEXT= #444444>
<HR size=3 >
<IMG SRC=/Images/users_left.gif ALIGN=LEFT>
<IMG SRC=/Images/users_right.gif ALIGN=RIGHT>
<H1>Skynet users with Homepages</H1>
Skynet Administration claims no responsibility for contents of user web pages
- although we do our best.
<HR size=3>
<!-- xx xxx xx - List now in a sorta alphabetical order
-- Pleeze try to adhere to it :) - Darryl
-- 04 Apr 96 - Improved with sentinel's index - Darryl.
<H2><a href="#A">A</a> <a href="#B">B</a> <a href="#C">C</a> <a href="#D">D</a> <a href="#E">E</a> <a href="#F">F</a> <a href="#G">G</a> <a href="#H">H</a> <a href="#I">I</a> <a href="#J">J</a> <a href="#K">K</a> <a href="#L">L</a> <a href="#M">M</a>
<a href="#N">N</a> <a href="#O">O</a> <a href="#P">P</a> <a href="#Q">Q</a> <a href="#R">R</a> <a href="#S">S</a> <a href="#T">T</a> <a href="#U">U</a> <a href="#V">V</a> <a href="#W">W</a> <a href="#X">X</a> <a href="#Y">Y</a> <a href="#Z">Z</a> <a href=
<a name="A">
<UL><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~dart>d'Art</A> what's yer name?
<a name="B">
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~pagan">John Buswell</a> who doesn't have very much there at the
<a name="C">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~woppi/>Woppi Choo</A> - Strange name, Strange person!
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~childs/>Stephen Childs</A> - Tom Waits aficionado.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~dracula/>Ivan `Leon' Coughlan</A> - You play with matches...
you get burned.'
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~whiz/>Chris Collins</A> - .'
<a name="D">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~daviesp>Paul `?' Davies</A> - Our <em>wee</em> scottish friend.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~sentinel/>Hugh `Sentinel' Dowling</A> - This space for rent...
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~dugganb/>Brian `!' Duggan</A> - It's true what they say about
Kerry men...
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~dowlingm/>Mark `PRO' Dowling</A> - A chemist with a healthy
fondness for Babylon 5.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~doozer/>Ronan 'Doozer'</A> Whats yer surname?
<a name="E">
<a name="F">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~flynng>Garret 'Highlander' Flynn</A> - Want to see a picture of
somebody on drugs!
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF="">Paul `TO DO' Fitzpatrick</A> -
The Daleks are coming!
<img src="/icons/ball.gif">
<a href="/~gonzalo/">Gonzalo Fernandez</a> - Who remembers "Fernandez must die"!
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~macgyver">Paul 'MacGyver' Finnegan</A> - ...whose HTML
mistakes are purely intentional
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~neil">Neil Fanning</A> - New! Neil on the Net!
<a name="G">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~eric>Eric `Follically Challenged' Gilmore</A> - finally a
convert .. long live Linux.
<a name="H">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~hartye/>Ed Harty</A> What a Guy!
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~amanda>Amanda Haynes</A> - Skynets very own Poet Lauriette.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~harted>David Harte</A> - Our toss 4-star...
<a name="I">
<a name="J">
<a name="K">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~ray/>Raymond "Mrs. Mongavitch"?? Kelly</A> - The homepage-almighty!
<a name="L">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~paladin/>Robert `Paladin' Leyden</A> The Emperor ;-)
<a name="M">
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~phoenix">Pat McCarthy</A> - Our first Aeronautical Engineer on
Skynets web pages ?
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~mellodym">Martin Mellody</A> - Gee, that page looks kinda
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<a href="/~johnm">John Mulcahy</a> <b>Descent</b> into depravity!
<!-- BR>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~hastur/>Niall `Hastur' McCaffery</A> - The most annoying person
known to man. -->
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~sea/>David `Sea Wolf?' Mulqueen</A> - I honestly don't know.
<img src="/icons/ball.gif">
<a href="/~dmap">Damien Mc Kenna</a> - FWiBBle FWiBBle FWiBBle!
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~caolan/>Caolan McNamara</A> What can i say..
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~ciaranm">Ciaran Madden</A> -
Want a look at this guys <b>Wibbly
Wobbly Wonder </b>
<a name="N">
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~david">David Nicholls</A> - an improvement on his
<A HREF="/tmp/david.html">other page</A> anyway.
<a name="O">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A href="/~starman">James 'Starman' O'Connell</A> Who says
Caherconish people are boring..
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~morph/>Darryl "Morph" O'Donnell</A> - Ericsson's answer to WB
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~brianog/>Brian 'Norm' O'Gorman</A>!
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~aphex>Alan O'Leary</A> Looking for a taste of Java ?
<a name="P">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~picard/>Jean Luc Picard</A> - Engage!
<img src="/icons/ball.gif">
<a href=/~powerp/>Paul Power</a> - What can I say ?
<a name="Q">
<a name="R">
<a name="S">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~scallytj/>T.J. Scally</a> another man with a web page...
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~gwh">Eoin Shaw</A> - He told us to call it "The Great Hunters Homepage" ..
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~heathclf">Mark Stacey</A> - Check out this guy's Command &
Conquer page
<a name="T">
<a name="U">
<a name="V">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~bren>
Brendan `Joe' Vaughan</A> - Just another cambian.
<a name="W">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~will/>Conor Williams</A> Nice Picture :-)
<a name="X">
<a name="Y">
<a name="Z">
<a name="who">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF="/~colm">Colm</a> who I don't know anything about...
<img src="/icons/ball.gif">
<a href="/~john/">John</a> - Nice fractal!
<HR ALIGN=CENTER size=2 width=60%>
If you're a Skynet user and you would like to see your home page here, mail
<A HREF=mailto:webadm@skynet>webadm</A>.
<HR ALIGN=CENTER size=2 width=60%>
<A HREF=/index.html>[Home]</A>
<A HREF=/aboutskynet/aboutskynet.html>[About Skynet]</A>
<A HREF=/users/users.html>[Homepages]</A>
<A HREF=>[ftp site]</A>
<a href="/cgi-bin/search.cgi/search/skynet">[Search]</a>
<A HREF=/pages/pages.html>[Interesting pages]</A>
<A HREF=/newsletters/newsletters.html>[Newsletters]</A>
<hr align=center size=3 width=90%>
Problems with Skynet, broken links? Please mail
<A HREF=""></a>,<br>
(Skynet users <B>MUST</B> mail <A HREF="mailto:webadm@skynet">webadm@skynet</a>)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
<HEAD><TITLE>Skynets Homepages</TITLE></HEAD>
TEXT= #444444>
<HR size=3 >
<IMG SRC=/Images/users_left.gif ALIGN=LEFT>
<IMG SRC=/Images/users_right.gif ALIGN=RIGHT>
<H1>Skynet users with Homepages</H1>
Skynet Administration claims no responsibility for contents of user web pages
- although we do our best.
<HR size=3>
<!-- Last edited 02/04/96
-- List now in a sorta alphabetical order
-- Pleeze try to adhere to it :)
-- Darryl
<UL><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~dart>d'Art</A> what's yer name?
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~pagan">John Buswell</a> who doesn't have very much there at the
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~woppi/>Woppi Choo</A> - Strange name, Strange person!
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~childs/>Stephen Childs</A> - Tom Waits aficionado.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~dracula/>Ivan `Leon' Coughlan</A> - You play with matches...
you get burned.'
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~daviesp>Paul `?' Davies</A> - Our <em>wee</em> scottish friend.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~sentinel/>Hugh `Sentinel' Dowling</A> - This space for rent...
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~dugganb/>Brian `!' Duggan</A> - It's true what they say about
Kerry men...
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~dowlingm/>Mark `PRO' Dowling</A> - A chemist with a healthy
fondness for Babylon 5.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~doozer/>Ronan 'Doozer'</A> Whats yer surname?
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~flynng>Garret 'Highlander' Flynn</A> - Want to see a picture of
somebody on drugs!
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF="">Paul `TO DO' Fitzpatrick</A> -
The Daleks are coming!
<img src="/icons/ball.gif">
<a href="/~gonzalo/">Gonzalo Fernandez</a> - Who remembers "Fernandez must die"!
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~macgyver">Paul 'MacGyver' Finnegan</A> - ...whose HTML
mistakes are purely intentional
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~neil">Neil Fanning</A> - New! Neil on the Net!
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~eric>Eric `Follically Challenged' Gilmore</A> - finally a
convert .. long live Linux.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~hartye/>Ed Harty</A> What a Guy!
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~amanda>Amanda Haynes</A> - Skynets very own Poet Lauriette.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~ray/>Raymond "Mrs. Mongavitch"?? Kelly</A> - The homepage-almighty!
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~paladin/>Robert `Paladin' Leyden</A> The Emperor ;-)
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~phoenix">Pat McCarthy</A> - Our first Aeronautical Engineer on
Skynets web pages ?
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~mellodym">Martin Mellody</A> - Gee, that page looks kinda
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<a href="/~johnm">John Mulcahy</a> <b>Descent</b> into depravity!
<!-- BR>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~hastur/>Niall `Hastur' McCaffery</A> - The most annoying person
known to man. -->
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~sea/>David `Sea Wolf?' Mulqueen</A> - I honestly don't know.
<img src="/icons/ball.gif">
<a href="/~dmap">Damien Mc Kenna</a> - FWiBBle FWiBBle FWiBBle!
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~david">David Nicholls</A> - an improvement on his
<A HREF="/tmp/david.html">other page</A> anyway.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~caolan/>Caolan McNamara</A> What can i say..
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~ciaranm">Ciaran Madden</A> - Want a look at this guys <b>Wibbly
Wobbly Wonder </b>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A href="/~starman">James 'Starman' O'Connell</A> Who says
Caherconish people are boring..
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~morph/>Darryl "Morph" O'Donnell</A> - Ericsson's answer to WB
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~brianog/>Brian 'Norm' O'Gorman</A> !
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~aphex>Alan O'Leary</A> Looking for a taste of Java ?
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~picard/>Jean Luc Picard</A> - Engage!
<img src="/icons/ball.gif">
<a href=/~powerp/>Paul Power</a> - What can I say ?
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~scallytj/>T.J. Scally</a> another man with a web page...
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~gwh">Eoin Shaw</A> - He told us to call it "The Great Hunters Homepage" ..
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~bren>
Brendan `Joe' Vaughan</A> - Just another cambian.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~will/>Conor Williams</A> Nice Picture :-)
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF="/~colm">Colm</a> who I don't know anything about...
<img src="/icons/ball.gif">
<a href="/~john/">John</a> - Nice fractal!
<HR ALIGN=CENTER size=2 width=60%>
If you're a Skynet user and you would like to see your home page here, mail
<A HREF=mailto:webadm@skynet>webadm</A>.
<HR ALIGN=CENTER size=2 width=60%>
<A HREF=/index.html>[Home]</A>
<A HREF=/aboutskynet/aboutskynet.html>[About Skynet]</A>
<A HREF=/users/users.html>[Homepages]</A>
<A HREF=>[ftp site]</A>
<a href="/cgi-bin/search.cgi/search/skynet">[Search]</a>
<A HREF=/pages/pages.html>[Interesting pages]</A>
<A HREF=/newsletters/newsletters.html>[Newsletters]</A>
<hr align=center size=3 width=90%>
Problems with Skynet, broken links? Please mail
<A HREF=""></a>,<br>
(Skynet users <B>MUST</B> mail <A HREF="mailto:webadm@skynet">webadm@skynet</a>)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
<HEAD><TITLE>Skynets Homepages</TITLE></HEAD>
TEXT= #444444>
<HR size=3 >
<IMG SRC=/Images/users_left.gif ALIGN=LEFT>
<IMG SRC=/Images/users_right.gif ALIGN=RIGHT>
<H1>Skynet users with Homepages</H1>
Skynet Administration claims no responsibility for contents of user web pages
- although we do our best.
<HR size=3>
<!-- Last edited 02/04/96
-- List now in a sorta alphabetical order
-- Pleeze try to adhere to it :)
-- Darryl
<UL><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~dart>d'Art</A> what's yer name?
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~pagan">John Buswell</a> who doesn't have very much there at the
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~woppi/>Woppi Choo</A> - Strange name, Strange person!
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~childs/>Stephen Childs</A> - Tom Waits aficionado.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~dracula/>Ivan `Leon' Coughlan</A> - You play with matches...
you get burned.'
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~daviesp>Paul `?' Davies</A> - Our <em>wee</em> scottish friend.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~sentinel/>Hugh `Sentinel' Dowling</A> - This space for rent...
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~dugganb/>Brian `!' Duggan</A> - It's true what they say about
Kerry men...
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~dowlingm/>Mark `PRO' Dowling</A> - A chemist with a healthy
fondness for Babylon 5.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~doozer/>Ronan 'Doozer'</A> Whats yer surname?
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~flynng>Garret 'Highlander' Flynn</A> - Want to see a picture of
somebody on drugs!
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF="">Paul `TO DO' Fitzpatrick</A> -
The Daleks are coming!
<img src="/icons/ball.gif">
<a href="/~gonzalo/">Gonzalo Fernandez</a> - Who remembers "Fernandez must die"!
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~macgyver">Paul 'MacGyver' Finnegan</A> - ...whose HTML
mistakes are purely intentional
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~neil">Neil Fanning</A> - New! Neil on the Net!
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~eric>Eric `Follically Challenged' Gilmore</A> - finally a
convert .. long live Linux.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~hartye/>Ed Harty</A> What a Guy!
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~amanda>Amanda Haynes</A> - Skynets very own Poet Lauriette.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~ray/>Raymond "Mrs. Mongavitch"?? Kelly</A> - The homepage-almighty!
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~paladin/>Robert `Paladin' Leyden</A> The Emperor ;-)
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~phoenix">Pat McCarthy</A> - Our first Aeronautical Engineer on
Skynets web pages ?
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~mellodym">Martin Mellody</A> - Gee, that page looks kinda
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<a href="/~johnm">John Mulcahy</a> <b>Descent</b> into depravity!
<!-- BR>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~hastur/>Niall `Hastur' McCaffery</A> - The most annoying person
known to man. -->
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~sea/>David `Sea Wolf?' Mulqueen</A> - I honestly don't know.
<img src="/icons/ball.gif">
<a href="/~dmap">Damien Mc Kenna</a> - FWiBBle FWiBBle FWiBBle!
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~david">David Nicholls</A> - an improvement on his
<A HREF="/tmp/david.html">other page</A> anyway.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~caolan/>Caolan McNamara</A> What can i say..
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~ciaranm">Ciaran Madden</A> - Want a look at this guys <b>Wibbly
Wobbly Wonder </b>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A href="/~starman">James 'Starman' O'Connell</A> Who says
Caherconish people are boring..
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~morph/>Darryl "Morph" O'Donnell</A> - Ericsson's answer to WB
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~brianog/>Brian 'Norm' O'Gorman</A> !
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~aphex>Alan O'Leary</A> Looking for a taste of Java ?
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~picard/>Jean Luc Picard</A> - Engage!
<img src="/icons/ball.gif">
<a href=/~powerp/>Paul Power</a> - What can I say ?
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~scallytj/>T.J. Scally</a> another man with a web page...
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~gwh">Eoin Shaw</A> - He told us to call it "The Great Hunters Homepage" ..
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~bren>
Brendan `Joe' Vaughan</A> - Just another cambian.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~will/>Conor Williams</A> Nice Picture :-)
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF="/~colm">Colm</a> who I don't know anything about...
<img src="/icons/ball.gif">
<a href="/~john/">John</a> - Nice fractal!
<HR ALIGN=CENTER size=2 width=60%>
If you're a Skynet user and you would like to see your home page here, mail
<A HREF=mailto:webadm@skynet>webadm</A>.
<HR ALIGN=CENTER size=2 width=60%>
<A HREF=/index.html>[Home]</A>
<A HREF=/aboutskynet/aboutskynet.html>[About Skynet]</A>
<A HREF=/users/users.html>[Homepages]</A>
<A HREF=>[ftp site]</A>
<a href="/cgi-bin/search.cgi/search/skynet">[Search]</a>
<A HREF=/pages/pages.html>[Interesting pages]</A>
<A HREF=/newsletters/newsletters.html>[Newsletters]</A>
<hr align=center size=3 width=90%>
Problems with Skynet, broken links? Please mail
<A HREF=""></a>,<br>
(Skynet users <B>MUST</B> mail <A HREF="mailto:webadm@skynet">webadm@skynet</a>)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
<HEAD><TITLE>Skynets Homepages</TITLE></HEAD>
TEXT= #444444>
<HR size=3 >
<IMG SRC=/Images/users_left.gif ALIGN=LEFT>
<IMG SRC=/Images/users_right.gif ALIGN=RIGHT>
<H1>Skynet users with Homepages</H1>
Skynet Administration claims no responsibility for contents of user web pages
- although we do our best.
<HR size=3>
<!-- Last edited 02/04/96
-- List now in a sorta alphabetical order
-- Pleeze try to adhere to it :)
-- Darryl
<H2><a href="#A">A</a> <a href="#B">B</a> <a href="#C">C</a> <a href="#D">D</a> <a href="#E">E</a> <a href="#F">F</a> <a href="#G">G</a> <a href="#H">H</a> <a href="#I">I</a> <a href="#J">J</a> <a href="#K">K</a> <a href="#L">L</a> <a href="#M">M</a> <a href="#N">N</a> <a href="#O">O</a> <a href="#P">P</a> <a href="#Q">Q</a> <a href="#R">R</a> <a href="#S">S</a> <a href="#T">T</a> <a href="#U">U</a> <a href="#V">V</a> <a href="#W">W</a> <a href="#X">X</a> <a href="#Y">Y</a> <a href="#Z">Z</a> <a href="#who">?</a></H2>
<a name="A">
<UL><IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~dart>d'Art</A> what's yer name?
<a name="B">
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~pagan">John Buswell</a> who doesn't have very much there at the
<a name="C">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~woppi/>Woppi Choo</A> - Strange name, Strange person!
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~childs/>Stephen Childs</A> - Tom Waits aficionado.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~dracula/>Ivan `Leon' Coughlan</A> - You play with matches...
you get burned.'
<a name="D">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~daviesp>Paul `?' Davies</A> - Our <em>wee</em> scottish friend.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~sentinel/>Hugh `Sentinel' Dowling</A> - This space for rent...
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~dugganb/>Brian `!' Duggan</A> - It's true what they say about
Kerry men...
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~dowlingm/>Mark `PRO' Dowling</A> - A chemist with a healthy
fondness for Babylon 5.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~doozer/>Ronan 'Doozer'</A> Whats yer surname?
<a name="E">
<a name="F">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~flynng>Garret 'Highlander' Flynn</A> - Want to see a picture of
somebody on drugs!
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF="">Paul `TO DO' Fitzpatrick</A> -
The Daleks are coming!
<img src="/icons/ball.gif">
<a href="/~gonzalo/">Gonzalo Fernandez</a> - Who remembers "Fernandez must die"!
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~macgyver">Paul 'MacGyver' Finnegan</A> - ...whose HTML
mistakes are purely intentional
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~neil">Neil Fanning</A> - New! Neil on the Net!
<a name="G">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~eric>Eric `Follically Challenged' Gilmore</A> - finally a
convert .. long live Linux.
<a name="H">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~hartye/>Ed Harty</A> What a Guy!
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~amanda>Amanda Haynes</A> - Skynets very own Poet Lauriette.
<a name="I">
<a name="J">
<a name="K">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~ray/>Raymond "Mrs. Mongavitch"?? Kelly</A> - The homepage-almighty!
<a name="L">
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~paladin/>Robert `Paladin' Leyden</A> The Emperor ;-)
<a name="M">
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~phoenix">Pat McCarthy</A> - Our first Aeronautical Engineer on
Skynets web pages ?
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~mellodym">Martin Mellody</A> - Gee, that page looks kinda
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<a href="/~johnm">John Mulcahy</a> <b>Descent</b> into depravity!
<!-- BR>
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~hastur/>Niall `Hastur' McCaffery</A> - The most annoying person
known to man. -->
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~sea/>David `Sea Wolf?' Mulqueen</A> - I honestly don't know.
<img src="/icons/ball.gif">
<a href="/~dmap">Damien Mc Kenna</a> - FWiBBle FWiBBle FWiBBle!
<a name="N">
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~david">David Nicholls</A> - an improvement on his
<A HREF="/tmp/david.html">other page</A> anyway.
<IMG SRC=/icons/ball.gif>
<A HREF=/~caolan/>Caolan McNamara</A> What can i say..
<IMG SRC="/icons/ball.gif">
<A HREF="/~ciaranm">Ciaran Madden</A> - Want a look at this guys <b>Wibbly
Wobbly Wonder </b>
<a name="O">
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<A href="/~starman">James 'Starman' O'Connell</A> Who says
Caherconish people are boring..
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<A HREF=/~morph/>Darryl "Morph" O'Donnell</A> - Ericsson's answer to WB
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<A HREF=/~brianog/>Brian 'Norm' O'Gorman</A> !
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<A HREF=/~aphex>Alan O'Leary</A> Looking for a taste of Java ?
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<A HREF=/~picard/>Jean Luc Picard</A> - Engage!
<img src="/icons/ball.gif">
<a href=/~powerp/>Paul Power</a> - What can I say ?
<a name="Q">
<a name="R">
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<A HREF=/~scallytj/>T.J. Scally</a> another man with a web page...
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<A HREF="/~gwh">Eoin Shaw</A> - He told us to call it "The Great Hunters Homepage" ..
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<A HREF=/~bren>
Brendan `Joe' Vaughan</A> - Just another cambian.
<a name="W">
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<A HREF=/~will/>Conor Williams</A> Nice Picture :-)
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<a name="Z">
<a name="who">
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<A HREF="/~colm">Colm</a> who I don't know anything about...
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<a href="/~john/">John</a> - Nice fractal!
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