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<h1>The 'ltin' Program</h1>
Typing 'ltin' at the prompt will bring up skynet's own
user conferencing system. This is a group of discussion
areas where skynet's users can read other peoples ideas
and opinions on many different subjects and add some of
their own. These topics are not just computer related,
but also include music, hobbies, films and TV, jokes
and other areas where skynet's users can exchange ideas
and ask for and receive help.
When you type 'ltin' at the command prompt you see a
screen like this one:<br>
<table border=1><tr><td><pre>
Group Selection ( 22) h=help
1 control
2 junk
3 skynet.soc.comp General Computer Society stuff
4 skynet.general General skynet stuff
5 Suggestions for new groups
6 skynet.test.mod Moderated Test group
7 The IE-Professional Newsletter
8 skynet.quotes Quotes from people on skynet
9 Help for new users
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11 Skynets Website dicsussion group
12 Techie stuff questions / queries
13 skynet.roast.pissog Well if you have to ask ...
14 skynet.poo Well Poo ...
15 General music discussion
16 skynet.lists.lotd Laugh of the Day mailing list
<n>=set current to n, TAB=next unread, /=search pattern, c)atchup,
g)oto, j=line down, k=line up, h)elp, m)ove, q)uit, r=toggle all/unread,
s)ubscribe, S)ub pattern, u)nsubscribe, U)nsub pattern, y)ank in/out
Hit the 'A' key and a highlight bar will appear, and use the arrow keys to
move up and down to select the newsgroup you wish to read. Then use the right
arrow key and a screen like the one below will appear:<br>
<table border=1><tr><td><pre> (13T 46A 0K 0H) h=help
1 2 filter-rules wanted Damien Mc Kenna
2 3 american videos Caolan McNamara
3 6 fortune JJ Sheehy
4 Atari ST fs Stephen Mulcahy [s
5 5 fips for ext2fs Norm
6 2 vi JJ Sheehy
7 EISA Robert Early (Cons
8 13 standard output in X Final Year Project
9 2 Excel Data Format Stephen Mulcahy [s
10 2 sound under linux Norm
11 5 random sig generators Caolan McNamara
12 2 RAM types Stephen Mulcahy [s
13 2 RedHat 4.0 Ivan Griffin
<n>=set current to n, TAB=next unread, /=search pattern, ^K)ill/select,
a)uthor search, c)atchup, j=line down, k=line up, K=mark read, l)ist thread,
|=pipe, m)ail, o=print, q)uit, r=toggle all/unread, s)ave, t)ag, w=post
*** End of Articles ***</pre></td></tr></table>
Then when the highlight bar is over the article you want to read,
hit the right arrow again and the article will be displayed on the
screen like this:<br>
<table border=1><TR><TD><PRE>
Mon, 04 Nov 1996 08:01:15 skynet.soc.comp Thread 1 of 1
Lines 23 Internet Meeting.... No responses John Buswell (sysadm) at Skynet UL Computer Society
Anyone thats interested the Limerick IOL Usergroup has been renamed by
Paul O'Mara to LINUS. You no longer require to be a IOL user. Paul says
it's normally a few drinks and stuff while discussing general internet
stuff etc..
Anyone interested they're next meeting is on this Wednesday (6th Nov)
in the Glenworth Hotel at 8:30pm.
If you can't make it they have their meetings on the first wednesday of
each month in the Glenworth Hotel at 8:30pm.
Its free.. but you have to pay for your own drink! :)
For further info email: omara here on skynet.
<n>=set current to n, TAB=next unread, /=search pattern, ^K)ill/select,
a)uthor search, B)ody search, c)atchup, f)ollowup, K=mark read,
|=pipe, m)ail, o=print, q)uit, r)eply mail, s)ave, t)ag, w=post
--More--(89%) [930/1037]
At any one time, all the available commands are shown in the panel at
the botom of the screen, i.e. hit 'w' to add a comment, 's' to save the
article to a file in your account, and 'q' to quit.
At any time, you can use the left and right, up and down arrows to go to
different newsgroups and read different articles.
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