Agenix is for storing secrets in an encrypted manner using ssh keys.
All these commands require you to be in the secrets folder ``cd secrets``
#### Prep
1. Go to yer .ssh folder and see if you have a ``id_ed25519`` key ([tutorial][7])
2. Make a pull request to add (````) to the [secrets config][8].
3. An existing admin will pull, run ``agenix --rekey`` and commit changes.
4. Once committed and pushed up and merged in, you will be able to edit secrets.
``id_ed25519`` is preferred due to its neatness and security (Yes @silver is pedantic.)
#### Editing
When editing a terminal editor will open (nano).
You must use teh path defined in the ``secrets.nix`` file.
agenix -e stream_ulfm.age
agenix -e ldap/self_service.age
agenix -e gitlab/runners/runner01.age
### Updating inputs
Occasionally you will want to update the inputs for the project.
It is best to do this every few months or so, there is always a risk of things changing so a small pain often is better than a nightmare if left longer.
As seen in [this merge request][9] the layout of one config changed which had to be fixed.
We should be updating ``nixpkgs`` at least once a semester, ideally to teh next NixOS release so we cna show ITD our servers are patched and up to date.