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namespace Pterodactyl\Http\Controllers\Api\Client\Servers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Pterodactyl\Models\Backup;
use Pterodactyl\Models\Server;
use Pterodactyl\Models\AuditLog;
use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse;
use Pterodactyl\Models\Permission;
use Illuminate\Auth\Access\AuthorizationException;
use Pterodactyl\Services\Backups\DeleteBackupService;
use Pterodactyl\Services\Backups\DownloadLinkService;
use Pterodactyl\Services\Backups\InitiateBackupService;
use Pterodactyl\Repositories\Wings\DaemonBackupRepository;
use Pterodactyl\Transformers\Api\Client\BackupTransformer;
use Pterodactyl\Http\Controllers\Api\Client\ClientApiController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\BadRequestHttpException;
use Pterodactyl\Http\Requests\Api\Client\Servers\Backups\StoreBackupRequest;
class BackupController extends ClientApiController
* @var \Pterodactyl\Services\Backups\InitiateBackupService
private $initiateBackupService;
* @var \Pterodactyl\Services\Backups\DeleteBackupService
private $deleteBackupService;
* @var \Pterodactyl\Services\Backups\DownloadLinkService
private $downloadLinkService;
* @var \Pterodactyl\Repositories\Wings\DaemonBackupRepository
private $repository;
* BackupController constructor.
public function __construct(
DaemonBackupRepository $repository,
DeleteBackupService $deleteBackupService,
InitiateBackupService $initiateBackupService,
DownloadLinkService $downloadLinkService
) {
$this->repository = $repository;
$this->initiateBackupService = $initiateBackupService;
$this->deleteBackupService = $deleteBackupService;
$this->downloadLinkService = $downloadLinkService;
* Returns all of the backups for a given server instance in a paginated
* result set.
* @throws \Illuminate\Auth\Access\AuthorizationException
public function index(Request $request, Server $server): array
if (!$request->user()->can(Permission::ACTION_BACKUP_READ, $server)) {
throw new AuthorizationException();
$limit = min($request->query('per_page') ?? 20, 50);
return $this->fractal->collection($server->backups()->paginate($limit))
* Starts the backup process for a server.
* @throws \Spatie\Fractalistic\Exceptions\InvalidTransformation
* @throws \Spatie\Fractalistic\Exceptions\NoTransformerSpecified
* @throws \Throwable
public function store(StoreBackupRequest $request, Server $server): array
/** @var \Pterodactyl\Models\Backup $backup */
$backup = $server->audit(AuditLog::SERVER__BACKUP_STARTED, function (AuditLog $model, Server $server) use ($request) {
$action = $this->initiateBackupService
->setIgnoredFiles(explode(PHP_EOL, $request->input('ignored') ?? ''));
// Only set the lock status if the user even has permission to delete backups,
// otherwise ignore this status. This gets a little funky since it isn't clear
// how best to allow a user to create a backup that is locked without also preventing
// them from just filling up a server with backups that can never be deleted?
if ($request->user()->can(Permission::ACTION_BACKUP_DELETE, $server)) {
$action->setIsLocked((bool) $request->input('is_locked'));
$backup = $action->handle($server, $request->input('name'));
$model->metadata = ['backup_uuid' => $backup->uuid];
return $backup;
return $this->fractal->item($backup)
* Toggles the lock status of a given backup for a server.
* @throws \Throwable
* @throws \Illuminate\Auth\Access\AuthorizationException
public function toggleLock(Request $request, Server $server, Backup $backup): array
if (!$request->user()->can(Permission::ACTION_BACKUP_DELETE, $server)) {
throw new AuthorizationException();
$action = $backup->is_locked ? AuditLog::SERVER__BACKUP_UNLOCKED : AuditLog::SERVER__BACKUP_LOCKED;
$server->audit($action, function (AuditLog $audit) use ($backup) {
$audit->metadata = ['backup_uuid' => $backup->uuid];
$backup->update(['is_locked' => !$backup->is_locked]);
return $this->fractal->item($backup)
* Returns information about a single backup.
* @throws \Illuminate\Auth\Access\AuthorizationException
public function view(Request $request, Server $server, Backup $backup): array
if (!$request->user()->can(Permission::ACTION_BACKUP_READ, $server)) {
throw new AuthorizationException();
return $this->fractal->item($backup)
* Deletes a backup from the panel as well as the remote source where it is currently
* being stored.
* @throws \Throwable
public function delete(Request $request, Server $server, Backup $backup): JsonResponse
if (!$request->user()->can(Permission::ACTION_BACKUP_DELETE, $server)) {
throw new AuthorizationException();
$server->audit(AuditLog::SERVER__BACKUP_DELETED, function (AuditLog $audit) use ($backup) {
$audit->metadata = ['backup_uuid' => $backup->uuid];
return new JsonResponse([], JsonResponse::HTTP_NO_CONTENT);
* Download the backup for a given server instance. For daemon local files, the file
* will be streamed back through the Panel. For AWS S3 files, a signed URL will be generated
* which the user is redirected to.
* @throws \Throwable
* @throws \Illuminate\Auth\Access\AuthorizationException
public function download(Request $request, Server $server, Backup $backup): JsonResponse
if (!$request->user()->can(Permission::ACTION_BACKUP_DOWNLOAD, $server)) {
throw new AuthorizationException();
if ($backup->disk !== Backup::ADAPTER_AWS_S3 && $backup->disk !== Backup::ADAPTER_WINGS) {
throw new BadRequestHttpException('The backup requested references an unknown disk driver type and cannot be downloaded.');
$url = $this->downloadLinkService->handle($backup, $request->user());
$server->audit(AuditLog::SERVER__BACKUP_DOWNLOADED, function (AuditLog $audit) use ($backup) {
$audit->metadata = ['backup_uuid' => $backup->uuid];
return new JsonResponse([
'object' => 'signed_url',
'attributes' => ['url' => $url],
* Handles restoring a backup by making a request to the Wings instance telling it
* to begin the process of finding (or downloading) the backup and unpacking it
* over the server files.
* If the "truncate" flag is passed through in this request then all of the
* files that currently exist on the server will be deleted before restoring.
* Otherwise the archive will simply be unpacked over the existing files.
* @throws \Throwable
public function restore(Request $request, Server $server, Backup $backup): JsonResponse
if (!$request->user()->can(Permission::ACTION_BACKUP_RESTORE, $server)) {
throw new AuthorizationException();
// Cannot restore a backup unless a server is fully installed and not currently
// processing a different backup restoration request.
if (!is_null($server->status)) {
throw new BadRequestHttpException('This server is not currently in a state that allows for a backup to be restored.');
if (!$backup->is_successful && !$backup->completed_at) {
throw new BadRequestHttpException('This backup cannot be restored at this time: not completed or failed.');
$server->audit(AuditLog::SERVER__BACKUP_RESTORE_STARTED, function (AuditLog $audit, Server $server) use ($backup, $request) {
$audit->metadata = ['backup_uuid' => $backup->uuid];
// If the backup is for an S3 file we need to generate a unique Download link for
// it that will allow Wings to actually access the file.
if ($backup->disk === Backup::ADAPTER_AWS_S3) {
$url = $this->downloadLinkService->handle($backup, $request->user());
// Update the status right away for the server so that we know not to allow certain
// actions against it via the Panel API.
$server->update(['status' => Server::STATUS_RESTORING_BACKUP]);
$this->repository->setServer($server)->restore($backup, $url ?? null, $request->input('truncate'));
return new JsonResponse([], JsonResponse::HTTP_NO_CONTENT);