Dane Everitt f0ac0725b6
[Security] Don't return all servers on the system when not a root admin and admin level servers are requested
Cleaned up the API endpoint by simplifying the logic and adds test case to cover this bug.

If you ever need to list _all_ of the servers on the system you should be using the application API endpoint for the servers most likely.
2020-07-26 10:43:46 -07:00

174 lines
6.9 KiB

namespace Pterodactyl\Tests\Integration\Api\Client;
use Pterodactyl\Models\User;
use Pterodactyl\Models\Server;
use Pterodactyl\Models\Subuser;
use Pterodactyl\Models\Permission;
class ClientControllerTest extends ClientApiIntegrationTestCase
* Test that only the servers a logged in user is assigned to are returned by the
* API endpoint. Obviously there are cases such as being an administrator or being
* a subuser, but for this test we just want to test a basic scenario and pretend
* subusers do not exist at all.
public function testOnlyLoggedInUsersServersAreReturned()
/** @var \Pterodactyl\Models\User[] $users */
$users = factory(User::class)->times(3)->create();
/** @var \Pterodactyl\Models\Server[] $servers */
$servers = [
$this->createServerModel(['user_id' => $users[0]->id]),
$this->createServerModel(['user_id' => $users[1]->id]),
$this->createServerModel(['user_id' => $users[2]->id]),
$response = $this->actingAs($users[0])->getJson('/api/client');
$response->assertJsonPath('object', 'list');
$response->assertJsonPath('data.0.object', Server::RESOURCE_NAME);
$response->assertJsonPath('data.0.attributes.identifier', $servers[0]->uuidShort);
$response->assertJsonPath('data.0.attributes.server_owner', true);
$response->assertJsonPath('meta.pagination.total', 1);
$response->assertJsonPath('meta.pagination.per_page', 50);
* Test that servers where the user is a subuser are returned by default in the API call.
public function testServersUserIsASubuserOfAreReturned()
/** @var \Pterodactyl\Models\User[] $users */
$users = factory(User::class)->times(3)->create();
$servers = [
$this->createServerModel(['user_id' => $users[0]->id]),
$this->createServerModel(['user_id' => $users[1]->id]),
$this->createServerModel(['user_id' => $users[2]->id]),
// Set user 0 as a subuser of server 1. Thus, we should get two servers
// back in the response when making the API call as user 0.
'user_id' => $users[0]->id,
'server_id' => $servers[1]->id,
'permissions' => [Permission::ACTION_WEBSOCKET_CONNECT],
$response = $this->actingAs($users[0])->getJson('/api/client');
$response->assertJsonCount(2, 'data');
$response->assertJsonPath('data.0.attributes.server_owner', true);
$response->assertJsonPath('data.0.attributes.identifier', $servers[0]->uuidShort);
$response->assertJsonPath('data.1.attributes.server_owner', false);
$response->assertJsonPath('data.1.attributes.identifier', $servers[1]->uuidShort);
* Returns only servers that the user owns, not servers they are a subuser of.
public function testFilterOnlyOwnerServers()
/** @var \Pterodactyl\Models\User[] $users */
$users = factory(User::class)->times(3)->create();
$servers = [
$this->createServerModel(['user_id' => $users[0]->id]),
$this->createServerModel(['user_id' => $users[1]->id]),
$this->createServerModel(['user_id' => $users[2]->id]),
// Set user 0 as a subuser of server 1. Thus, we should get two servers
// back in the response when making the API call as user 0.
'user_id' => $users[0]->id,
'server_id' => $servers[1]->id,
'permissions' => [Permission::ACTION_WEBSOCKET_CONNECT],
$response = $this->actingAs($users[0])->getJson('/api/client?type=owner');
$response->assertJsonCount(1, 'data');
$response->assertJsonPath('data.0.attributes.server_owner', true);
$response->assertJsonPath('data.0.attributes.identifier', $servers[0]->uuidShort);
* Tests that the permissions from the Panel are returned correctly.
public function testPermissionsAreReturned()
/** @var \Pterodactyl\Models\User $user */
$user = factory(User::class)->create();
'object' => 'system_permissions',
'attributes' => [
'permissions' => Permission::permissions()->toArray(),
* Test that only servers a user can access because they are an administrator are returned. This
* will always exclude any servers they can see because they're the owner or a subuser of the server.
public function testOnlyAdminLevelServersAreReturned()
/** @var \Pterodactyl\Models\User[] $users */
$users = factory(User::class)->times(4)->create();
$users[0]->update(['root_admin' => true]);
$servers = [
$this->createServerModel(['user_id' => $users[0]->id]),
$this->createServerModel(['user_id' => $users[1]->id]),
$this->createServerModel(['user_id' => $users[2]->id]),
$this->createServerModel(['user_id' => $users[3]->id]),
'user_id' => $users[0]->id,
'server_id' => $servers[1]->id,
'permissions' => [Permission::ACTION_WEBSOCKET_CONNECT],
// Only servers 2 & 3 (0 indexed) should be returned by the API at this point. The user making
// the request is the owner of server 0, and a subuser of server 1 so they should be exluded.
$response = $this->actingAs($users[0])->getJson('/api/client?type=admin');
$response->assertJsonCount(2, 'data');
$response->assertJsonPath('data.0.attributes.server_owner', false);
$response->assertJsonPath('data.0.attributes.identifier', $servers[2]->uuidShort);
$response->assertJsonPath('data.1.attributes.server_owner', false);
$response->assertJsonPath('data.1.attributes.identifier', $servers[3]->uuidShort);
* Test that no servers get returned if the user requests all admin level servers by using
* ?type=admin in the request.
public function testNoServersAreReturnedIfAdminFilterIsPassedByRegularUser()
/** @var \Pterodactyl\Models\User[] $users */
$users = factory(User::class)->times(3)->create();
$this->createServerModel(['user_id' => $users[0]->id]);
$this->createServerModel(['user_id' => $users[1]->id]);
$this->createServerModel(['user_id' => $users[2]->id]);
$response = $this->actingAs($users[0])->getJson('/api/client?type=admin');
$response->assertJsonCount(0, 'data');