More CSS Changes....
Server overview page now looks more..... fluid
Boxes have their correct color top colors back, When admin side was changed to dark theme all by the yellow was changed to a single color, this is reverted.
Node overview page uses blue over gray box for total servers.
Lightened the text color on the side bar
Removed delete button for allocations that are assigned.
Changes Node configuration box to not hurt eyes
Changed `code` color to be a little lighter, more contrast / easier to read (From #999 to #c3c3c3)
Added Readonly style, was white box with grey letters. Changes to Dark grey box and white letters.
Changed cursor for disabled / read-only to `not-allowed` instead of `text`
Closes#1918 -> Dropdown text was grey with a grey background.
Added Green and Yellow Text colors
Added Text-Danger
Changed Link color, to be a tad lighter
Added well/well-sm/well-lg to pterodactyl.css
Changed well to match the dark theme.
Hovering over Start / Restart show respective colors Green / Blue
Fix for some terminal output not being wrapped properly on mobile
overflow-x: auto; just to show
`ServerLog: [FAdmin] prop_physics(models/props_building_details/storefront_template001a_bars.mdl) Got removed` is not being wrapped on mobile properly
Fixed scaling issue with Firefox where it would scale the search bar to 30% of the width of the box-tools container instead of 30% of the row container. (Note this is not a fix for the issue with it appearing on a separate line on mobiles).
* show terminal notification on top
* show notification only when not scrolled down and new output available
* terminal: move scrolled down check outside of push loop
* Add deletion of multiple selected files
* Adjust success/failure text to properly represent multiple files
* Actually update the minimized versions with the new code
* Use let instead of var and seperate items into seperate code tags
* Deleting the selected items now supports the new endpoint
* Replaced the select buttons with checkboxes
* Selections is now handled by find all the selected checkboxes
* Add a warning if no files/folders are selected when pressing delete
* Add a select all files/folders checkbox
* Move mass delete button into a mass actions dropdown
* Move style to css file
* Actually update the minimized files (again)
* Mass actions button is now disabled by default
* Clicking on a row selects the checkbox and enables the actions button
* Fix clicking anything else but the row or checkbox triggering selection