Merge pull request #229 from Pterodactyl/analysis-zGbJor
Sometimes its quicker to let StyleCI do this for me.
This commit is contained in:
98 changed files with 1634 additions and 1536 deletions
@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
return array(
"confirmpassword" => "Passwort bestätigen",
return [
"emailsent" => "Die E-Mail mit dem Rücksetzungslink ist unterwegs.",
'confirmpassword' => 'Passwort bestätigen',
"errorencountered" => "Während der Anfrage ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.",
'emailsent' => 'Die E-Mail mit dem Rücksetzungslink ist unterwegs.',
"failed" => "Die Zugangsdaten sind ungültig.",
'errorencountered' => 'Während der Anfrage ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.',
"remeberme" => "Angemeldet bleiben",
'failed' => 'Die Zugangsdaten sind ungültig.',
"resetpassword" => "Passwort zurücksetzen",
'remeberme' => 'Angemeldet bleiben',
"sendlink" => "Passwort Rücksetzungslink anfordern.",
'resetpassword' => 'Passwort zurücksetzen',
"throttle" => "Zu viele Loginversuche. Bitte in :seconds Sekunden erneut versuchen.",
'sendlink' => 'Passwort Rücksetzungslink anfordern.',
"totp_failed" => "Das TOTP Token ist ungültig. Bitte stelle sicher dass das generierte Token gültig ist.",
'throttle' => 'Zu viele Loginversuche. Bitte in :seconds Sekunden erneut versuchen.',
'totp_failed' => 'Das TOTP Token ist ungültig. Bitte stelle sicher dass das generierte Token gültig ist.',
@ -1,30 +1,31 @@
return array(
"account" => array(
return [
"delete_user" => "Benutzer löschen",
'account' => [
"email_password" => "Email Passwort",
'delete_user' => 'Benutzer löschen',
"new_email" => "Neue Email",
'email_password' => 'Email Passwort',
"new_password" => "Neues Passwort",
'new_email' => 'Neue Email',
"totp_apps" => "Du benötigst eine TOTP unterstützende App (z.B. Google Authenticator, DUO Mobile, Authy, Enpass) um diese Option zu nutzen.",
'new_password' => 'Neues Passwort',
"totp_checkpoint_help" => "Bitte verifiziere deine TOTP Einstellungen indem du den QR Code mit einer App auf deinem Smartphone scannst und gebe die 6 Stellige Nummer im Eingabefeld unten ein. Drücke die Eingabetaste wenn du fertig bist.",
'totp_apps' => 'Du benötigst eine TOTP unterstützende App (z.B. Google Authenticator, DUO Mobile, Authy, Enpass) um diese Option zu nutzen.',
"totp_disable" => "Deaktiviere Zwei-Faktor Authentifizierung",
'totp_checkpoint_help' => 'Bitte verifiziere deine TOTP Einstellungen indem du den QR Code mit einer App auf deinem Smartphone scannst und gebe die 6 Stellige Nummer im Eingabefeld unten ein. Drücke die Eingabetaste wenn du fertig bist.',
"totp_disable_help" => "Um Zwei-Faktor Authentifizierung zu deaktiveren musst du ein gültiges TOTP Token eingeben. Danach wird Zwei-Faktor Authentifizierung deaktivert.",
'totp_disable' => 'Deaktiviere Zwei-Faktor Authentifizierung',
"totp_enable" => "Aktiviere Zwei-Faktor Authentifizierung",
'totp_disable_help' => 'Um Zwei-Faktor Authentifizierung zu deaktiveren musst du ein gültiges TOTP Token eingeben. Danach wird Zwei-Faktor Authentifizierung deaktivert.',
"totp_enabled" => "Zwei-Faktor Authentifizierung wurde erfolgreich aktiviert. Bitte schließe dieses Popup um den Vorgang abzuschließen.",
'totp_enable' => 'Aktiviere Zwei-Faktor Authentifizierung',
"totp_enabled_error" => "Das angegebene TOTP Token konnte nicht verifiziert werden. Bitte versuche es noch einmal.",
'totp_enabled' => 'Zwei-Faktor Authentifizierung wurde erfolgreich aktiviert. Bitte schließe dieses Popup um den Vorgang abzuschließen.',
"totp_enable_help" => "Anscheinend hast du Zwei-Faktor Authentifizierung deaktiviert. Diese Authentifizierungsmethode schützt dein Konto zusätzlich vor unauthorisierten Zugriffen. Wenn du es aktivierst wirst du bei jedem Login dazu aufgefordert ein TOTP Token einzugeben bevor du dich einloggen kannst. Dieses Token kann mit einem Smartphone oder anderen TOTP unterstützenden Gerät erzeugt werden.",
'totp_enabled_error' => 'Das angegebene TOTP Token konnte nicht verifiziert werden. Bitte versuche es noch einmal.',
"totp_header" => "Zwei-Faktor Authentifizierung",
'totp_enable_help' => 'Anscheinend hast du Zwei-Faktor Authentifizierung deaktiviert. Diese Authentifizierungsmethode schützt dein Konto zusätzlich vor unauthorisierten Zugriffen. Wenn du es aktivierst wirst du bei jedem Login dazu aufgefordert ein TOTP Token einzugeben bevor du dich einloggen kannst. Dieses Token kann mit einem Smartphone oder anderen TOTP unterstützenden Gerät erzeugt werden.',
"totp_qr" => "TOTP QR Code",
'totp_header' => 'Zwei-Faktor Authentifizierung',
"totp_token" => "TOTP Token",
'totp_qr' => 'TOTP QR Code',
"update_email" => "Email aktualisieren",
'totp_token' => 'TOTP Token',
"update_pass" => "Passwort aktualisieren",
'update_email' => 'Email aktualisieren',
"update_user" => "Benutzer aktualisieren",
'update_pass' => 'Passwort aktualisieren',
'update_user' => 'Benutzer aktualisieren',
"confirm" => "Bist du sicher?",
"form_error" => "Folgende Fehler wurden beim Verarbeiten der Anfrage festgestellt.",
'confirm' => 'Bist du sicher?',
"no_servers" => "Aktuell hast du keinen Zugriff auf irgendwelche server.",
'form_error' => 'Folgende Fehler wurden beim Verarbeiten der Anfrage festgestellt.',
"password_req" => "Passwörter müssen folgende Anforderungen erfüllen: mindestens ein Klein- und Großbuchstabe, eine Ziffer und eine Länge von mindestens 8 Zeichen.",
'no_servers' => 'Aktuell hast du keinen Zugriff auf irgendwelche server.',
"server_name" => "Server Name",
'password_req' => 'Passwörter müssen folgende Anforderungen erfüllen: mindestens ein Klein- und Großbuchstabe, eine Ziffer und eine Länge von mindestens 8 Zeichen.',
"validation_error" => "Beim validieren der Daten ist ein Fehler aufgetreten:",
'server_name' => 'Server Name',
"view_as_admin" => "Du siehst die Serverliste als Administrator. Daher werden alle registrierten Server angezeigt. Server deren Eigentümer du bist sind mit einem blauen Punkt links neben dem Namen markiert.",
'validation_error' => 'Beim validieren der Daten ist ein Fehler aufgetreten:',
'view_as_admin' => 'Du siehst die Serverliste als Administrator. Daher werden alle registrierten Server angezeigt. Server deren Eigentümer du bist sind mit einem blauen Punkt links neben dem Namen markiert.',
@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
return array(
"next" => "Nächste »",
return [
"previous" => "« Vorherige",
'next' => 'Nächste »',
"sidebar" => array(
'previous' => '« Vorherige',
"account_controls" => "Account Verwaltung",
'sidebar' => [
"account_security" => "Account Sicherheit",
'account_controls' => 'Account Verwaltung',
"account_settings" => "Account Einstellungen",
'account_security' => 'Account Sicherheit',
"files" => "Datei Manager",
'account_settings' => 'Account Einstellungen',
"manage" => "Server verwalten",
'files' => 'Datei Manager',
"overview" => "Server Übersicht",
'manage' => 'Server verwalten',
"servers" => "Deine Server",
'overview' => 'Server Übersicht',
"server_controls" => "Server Verwaltung",
'servers' => 'Deine Server',
"subusers" => "Sub-Benutzer verwalten",
'server_controls' => 'Server Verwaltung',
'subusers' => 'Sub-Benutzer verwalten',
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
return array(
"password" => "Dein Passwort muss länger als 6 Zeichen sein und mit der Wiederolung übereinstimmen.",
return [
"reset" => "Dein Passwort wurde zurückgesetzt!",
'password' => 'Dein Passwort muss länger als 6 Zeichen sein und mit der Wiederolung übereinstimmen.',
"sent" => "Du erhältst eine E-Mail mit dem Zurücksetzungslink!",
'reset' => 'Dein Passwort wurde zurückgesetzt!',
"token" => "Dieses Paswortrücksetzungstoken ist ungültig.",
'sent' => 'Du erhältst eine E-Mail mit dem Zurücksetzungslink!',
"user" => "Wir können keinen Nutzer mit dieser Email Adresse finden.",
'token' => 'Dieses Paswortrücksetzungstoken ist ungültig.',
'user' => 'Wir können keinen Nutzer mit dieser Email Adresse finden.',
@ -1,28 +1,29 @@
return array(
"ajax" => array(
return [
"socket_error" => "Wir konnten uns nicht zum Socket.IO server verbinden. Möglicherweise bestehen Netzwerkprobleme. Das Panel funktioniert unter Umständen nicht wie erwartet.",
'ajax' => [
"socket_status" => "Der status dieses Servers hat sich geändert zu:",
'socket_error' => 'Wir konnten uns nicht zum Socket.IO server verbinden. Möglicherweise bestehen Netzwerkprobleme. Das Panel funktioniert unter Umständen nicht wie erwartet.',
"socket_status_crashed" => "Dieser Server wurde als ABGESTÜRZT erkannt.",
'socket_status' => 'Der status dieses Servers hat sich geändert zu:',
'socket_status_crashed' => 'Dieser Server wurde als ABGESTÜRZT erkannt.',
"files" => array(
"back" => "Zurück zum Dateimanager",
'files' => [
"loading" => "Lade Dateibaum, das könnte ein paar Sekunden dauern...",
'back' => 'Zurück zum Dateimanager',
"saved" => "Datei erfolgreich gespeichert.",
'loading' => 'Lade Dateibaum, das könnte ein paar Sekunden dauern...',
"yaml_notice" => "Du bearbeitest gearde eine YAML Datei. Diese Dateien benötigen Leerzeichen. Wir haben dafür gesorgt dass Tabs automatisch durch :dropdown Leerzeichen ersetzt werden.",
'saved' => 'Datei erfolgreich gespeichert.',
'yaml_notice' => 'Du bearbeitest gearde eine YAML Datei. Diese Dateien benötigen Leerzeichen. Wir haben dafür gesorgt dass Tabs automatisch durch :dropdown Leerzeichen ersetzt werden.',
"index" => array(
"add_new" => "Neuen Server hinzufügen",
'index' => [
"allocation" => "Zuweisung",
'add_new' => 'Neuen Server hinzufügen',
"command" => "Konsolenbefehl eingeben",
'allocation' => 'Zuweisung',
"connection" => "Standardverbindung",
'command' => 'Konsolenbefehl eingeben',
"control" => "Systemsteuerung",
'connection' => 'Standardverbindung',
"cpu_use" => "CPU Verbrauch",
'control' => 'Systemsteuerung',
"disk_space" => "Festplattenspeicher",
'cpu_use' => 'CPU Verbrauch',
"memory_use" => "Speicherverbrauch",
'disk_space' => 'Festplattenspeicher',
"mem_limit" => "Speichergrenze",
'memory_use' => 'Speicherverbrauch',
"server_info" => "Server Information",
'mem_limit' => 'Speichergrenze',
"usage" => "Verbrauch",
'server_info' => 'Server Information',
"xaxis" => "Zeit (2s Abstand)",
'usage' => 'Verbrauch',
'xaxis' => 'Zeit (2s Abstand)',
@ -1,29 +1,30 @@
return array(
"again" => "wiederholen",
return [
"close" => "Schließen",
'again' => 'wiederholen',
"connection" => "Verbindung",
'close' => 'Schließen',
"cpu" => "CPU",
'connection' => 'Verbindung',
"current_password" => "Aktuelles Passwort",
'cpu' => 'CPU',
"disabled" => "Deaktiviert",
'current_password' => 'Aktuelles Passwort',
"email" => "Email",
'disabled' => 'Deaktiviert',
"enabled" => "Aktiviert",
'email' => 'Email',
"language" => "Sprache",
'enabled' => 'Aktiviert',
"location" => "Ort",
'language' => 'Sprache',
"login" => "Login",
'location' => 'Ort',
"memory" => "Arbeitsspeicher",
'login' => 'Login',
"no" => "Nein",
'memory' => 'Arbeitsspeicher',
"node" => "Node",
'no' => 'Nein',
"players" => "Spieler",
'node' => 'Node',
"registered" => "Registriert",
'players' => 'Spieler',
"restart" => "Neustart",
'registered' => 'Registriert',
"root_administrator" => "Root Administrator",
'restart' => 'Neustart',
"save" => "Speichern",
'root_administrator' => 'Root Administrator',
"start" => "Start",
'save' => 'Speichern',
"status" => "Status",
'start' => 'Start',
"stop" => "Stop",
'status' => 'Status',
"submit" => "Absenden",
'stop' => 'Stop',
"success" => "Erfolgreich",
'submit' => 'Absenden',
"whoops" => "Uuups",
'success' => 'Erfolgreich',
"yes" => "Ja",
'whoops' => 'Uuups',
'yes' => 'Ja',
@ -1,70 +1,71 @@
return array(
"accepted" => ":attribute muss akzeptiert werden.",
return [
"active_url" => ":attribute ist keine gültige URL.",
'accepted' => ':attribute muss akzeptiert werden.',
"after" => ":attribute muss ein Datum in diesem Format sein: :date",
'active_url' => ':attribute ist keine gültige URL.',
"alpha" => ":attribute darf nur Buchstaben enthalten.",
'after' => ':attribute muss ein Datum in diesem Format sein: :date',
"alpha_dash" => ":attribute darf nur Buchstaben, Ziffern und Bindestriche enthalten.",
'alpha' => ':attribute darf nur Buchstaben enthalten.',
"alpha_num" => ":attribute darf nur Zahlen und Buchstaben enthalten.",
'alpha_dash' => ':attribute darf nur Buchstaben, Ziffern und Bindestriche enthalten.',
"array" => ":attribute muss ein Array sein.",
'alpha_num' => ':attribute darf nur Zahlen und Buchstaben enthalten.',
"before" => ":attribute muss ein Datum in diesem Format sein: :date",
'array' => ':attribute muss ein Array sein.',
"between" => array(
'before' => ':attribute muss ein Datum in diesem Format sein: :date',
"array" => ":attribute muss aus :min bis :max Elemente bestehen.",
'between' => [
"file" => ":attribute muss zwischen :min und :max Kilobyte liegen.",
'array' => ':attribute muss aus :min bis :max Elemente bestehen.',
"numeric" => ":attribute muss zwischen :min und :max liegen.",
'file' => ':attribute muss zwischen :min und :max Kilobyte liegen.',
"string" => ":attribute muss aus :min bis :max Zeichen bestehen.",
'numeric' => ':attribute muss zwischen :min und :max liegen.',
'string' => ':attribute muss aus :min bis :max Zeichen bestehen.',
"boolean" => ":attribute muss wahr oder falsch sein.",
"confirmed" => ":attribute wiederholung stimmt nicht überein.",
'boolean' => ':attribute muss wahr oder falsch sein.',
"custom" => array(
'confirmed' => ':attribute wiederholung stimmt nicht überein.',
"attribute-name" => array(
'custom' => [
"rule-name" => "custom-message",
'attribute-name' => [
'rule-name' => 'custom-message',
"date" => ":attribute ist kein gültiges Datum.",
"date_format" => ":attribute entspricht nicht dem Format: :format",
'date' => ':attribute ist kein gültiges Datum.',
"different" => ":attribute und :other muss verschieden sein.",
'date_format' => ':attribute entspricht nicht dem Format: :format',
"digits" => ":attribute muss aus :digits Ziffern bestehen.",
'different' => ':attribute und :other muss verschieden sein.',
"digits_between" => ":attribute muss aus :min bis :max Ziffern bestehen.",
'digits' => ':attribute muss aus :digits Ziffern bestehen.',
"exists" => "das ausgewählte Attribut :attribute ist ungültig.",
'digits_between' => ':attribute muss aus :min bis :max Ziffern bestehen.',
"filled" => ":attribute ist erforderlich.",
'exists' => 'das ausgewählte Attribut :attribute ist ungültig.',
"image" => ":attribute muss ein Bild sein.",
'filled' => ':attribute ist erforderlich.',
"in" => "Das ausgewählte Attribut :attribute ist ungültig.",
'image' => ':attribute muss ein Bild sein.',
"integer" => ":attribute muss eine Zahl sein.",
'in' => 'Das ausgewählte Attribut :attribute ist ungültig.',
"ip" => ":attribute muss eine gültige IP Adresse sein.",
'integer' => ':attribute muss eine Zahl sein.',
"json" => ":attribute muss ein gültiger JSON String sein.",
'ip' => ':attribute muss eine gültige IP Adresse sein.',
"max" => array(
'json' => ':attribute muss ein gültiger JSON String sein.',
"array" => ":attribute darf nicht aus mehr als :max Elementen bestehen.",
'max' => [
"file" => ":attribute darf nicht größer als :max Kilobytes sein.",
'array' => ':attribute darf nicht aus mehr als :max Elementen bestehen.',
"numeric" => ":attribute darf nicht größer als :max sein.",
'file' => ':attribute darf nicht größer als :max Kilobytes sein.',
"string" => ":attribute darf nicht mehr als :max Zeichen lang sein.",
'numeric' => ':attribute darf nicht größer als :max sein.',
'string' => ':attribute darf nicht mehr als :max Zeichen lang sein.',
"mimes" => ":attribute muss eine Datei des Typs :values sein.",
"min" => array(
'mimes' => ':attribute muss eine Datei des Typs :values sein.',
"array" => ":attribute muss aus mindestens :min Elementen bestehen.",
'min' => [
"file" => ":attribute muss mindestens :min Kilobytes sein.",
'array' => ':attribute muss aus mindestens :min Elementen bestehen.',
"numeric" => ":attribute muss mindestens :min sein.",
'file' => ':attribute muss mindestens :min Kilobytes sein.',
"string" => ":attribute muss mindestens :min Zeichen lang sein.",
'numeric' => ':attribute muss mindestens :min sein.',
'string' => ':attribute muss mindestens :min Zeichen lang sein.',
"not_in" => "Das ausgewählte Attribut :attribute ist ungültig.",
"numeric" => ":attribute muss eine Zahl sein.",
'not_in' => 'Das ausgewählte Attribut :attribute ist ungültig.',
"regex" => ":attribute Format ungültig.",
'numeric' => ':attribute muss eine Zahl sein.',
"required" => ":attribute ist erforderlich.",
'regex' => ':attribute Format ungültig.',
"required_if" => ":attribute ist erforderlich wenn :other gleich :value ist.",
'required' => ':attribute ist erforderlich.',
"required_with" => ":attribute ist erforderlich wenn eines von :values gesetzt ist.",
'required_if' => ':attribute ist erforderlich wenn :other gleich :value ist.',
"required_without" => ":attribute ist erforderlich wenn :values nicht gesetzt ist.",
'required_with' => ':attribute ist erforderlich wenn eines von :values gesetzt ist.',
"required_without_all" => ":attribute ist erforderlich wenn keines von :values gesetzt ist.",
'required_without' => ':attribute ist erforderlich wenn :values nicht gesetzt ist.',
"required_with_all" => ":attribute ist erforderlich wenn :values gesetzt ist.",
'required_without_all' => ':attribute ist erforderlich wenn keines von :values gesetzt ist.',
"same" => ":attribute und :other müssen übereinstimmen.",
'required_with_all' => ':attribute ist erforderlich wenn :values gesetzt ist.',
"size" => array(
'same' => ':attribute und :other müssen übereinstimmen.',
"array" => ":attribute muss mindestens :size Elemente enthalten.",
'size' => [
"file" => ":attribute muss :size Kilobytes groß sein.",
'array' => ':attribute muss mindestens :size Elemente enthalten.',
"numeric" => ":attribute muss :size groß sein.",
'file' => ':attribute muss :size Kilobytes groß sein.',
"string" => ":attribute muss :size Zeichen lang sein.",
'numeric' => ':attribute muss :size groß sein.',
'string' => ':attribute muss :size Zeichen lang sein.',
"string" => ":attribute muss eine Zeichenkette sein.",
"timezone" => ":attribute muss eine gültige Zeitzone sein.",
'string' => ':attribute muss eine Zeichenkette sein.',
"totp" => "totp Token ist ungültig. Ist es abgelaufen?",
'timezone' => ':attribute muss eine gültige Zeitzone sein.',
"unique" => ":attribute wurde bereits verwendet.",
'totp' => 'totp Token ist ungültig. Ist es abgelaufen?',
"url" => ":attribute Format ungültig.",
'unique' => ':attribute wurde bereits verwendet.',
'url' => ':attribute Format ungültig.',
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
return array(
"resetpassword" => "Reset Password",
return [
'resetpassword' => 'Reset Password',
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
return array(
"confirmpassword" => "Confirm Password",
return [
"emailsent" => "Your password reset email is on its way.",
'confirmpassword' => 'Confirm Password',
"errorencountered" => "There was an error encountered while attempting to process this request.",
'emailsent' => 'Your password reset email is on its way.',
"failed" => "These credentials do not match our records.",
'errorencountered' => 'There was an error encountered while attempting to process this request.',
"remeberme" => "Remember Me",
'failed' => 'These credentials do not match our records.',
"resetpassword" => "Reset Password",
'remeberme' => 'Remember Me',
"sendlink" => "Send Password Reset Link",
'resetpassword' => 'Reset Password',
"throttle" => "Too many login attempts. Please try again in :seconds seconds.",
'sendlink' => 'Send Password Reset Link',
"totp_failed" => "The TOTP token provided was invalid. Please ensure that the token generated by your device was valid.",
'throttle' => 'Too many login attempts. Please try again in :seconds seconds.',
'totp_failed' => 'The TOTP token provided was invalid. Please ensure that the token generated by your device was valid.',
@ -1,30 +1,31 @@
return array(
"account" => array(
return [
"delete_user" => "Delete User",
'account' => [
"email_password" => "Email Password",
'delete_user' => 'Delete User',
"new_email" => "New Email",
'email_password' => 'Email Password',
"new_password" => "New Password",
'new_email' => 'New Email',
"totp_apps" => "You must have a TOTP supporting application (e.g Google Authenticator, DUO Mobile, Authy, Enpass) to use this option.",
'new_password' => 'New Password',
"totp_checkpoint_help" => "Please verify your TOTP settings by scanning the QR Code to the right with your phone's authenticator application, and then enter the 6 number code generated by the application in the box below. Press the enter key when finished.",
'totp_apps' => 'You must have a TOTP supporting application (e.g Google Authenticator, DUO Mobile, Authy, Enpass) to use this option.',
"totp_disable" => "Disable Two-Factor Authentication",
'totp_checkpoint_help' => "Please verify your TOTP settings by scanning the QR Code to the right with your phone's authenticator application, and then enter the 6 number code generated by the application in the box below. Press the enter key when finished.",
"totp_disable_help" => "In order to disable TOTP on this account you will need to provide a valid TOTP token. Once validated TOTP protection on this account will be disabled.",
'totp_disable' => 'Disable Two-Factor Authentication',
"totp_enable" => "Enable Two-Factor Authentication",
'totp_disable_help' => 'In order to disable TOTP on this account you will need to provide a valid TOTP token. Once validated TOTP protection on this account will be disabled.',
"totp_enabled" => "Your account has been enabled with TOTP verification. Please click the close button on this box to finish.",
'totp_enable' => 'Enable Two-Factor Authentication',
"totp_enabled_error" => "The TOTP token provided was unable to be verified. Please try again.",
'totp_enabled' => 'Your account has been enabled with TOTP verification. Please click the close button on this box to finish.',
"totp_enable_help" => "It appears that you do not have Two-Factor authentication enabled. This method of authentication adds an additional barrier preventing unauthorized entry to your account. If you enable it you will be required to input a code generated on your phone or other TOTP supporting device before finishing your login.",
'totp_enabled_error' => 'The TOTP token provided was unable to be verified. Please try again.',
"totp_header" => "Two-Factor Authentication",
'totp_enable_help' => 'It appears that you do not have Two-Factor authentication enabled. This method of authentication adds an additional barrier preventing unauthorized entry to your account. If you enable it you will be required to input a code generated on your phone or other TOTP supporting device before finishing your login.',
"totp_qr" => "TOTP QR Code",
'totp_header' => 'Two-Factor Authentication',
"totp_token" => "TOTP Token",
'totp_qr' => 'TOTP QR Code',
"update_email" => "Update Email",
'totp_token' => 'TOTP Token',
"update_pass" => "Update Password",
'update_email' => 'Update Email',
"update_user" => "Update User",
'update_pass' => 'Update Password',
'update_user' => 'Update User',
"confirm" => "Are you sure?",
"form_error" => "The following errors were encountered while trying to process this request.",
'confirm' => 'Are you sure?',
"no_servers" => "You do not currently have any servers listed on your account.",
'form_error' => 'The following errors were encountered while trying to process this request.',
"password_req" => "Passwords must meet the following requirements: at least one uppercase character, one lowercase character, one digit, and be at least 8 characters in length.",
'no_servers' => 'You do not currently have any servers listed on your account.',
"server_name" => "Server Name",
'password_req' => 'Passwords must meet the following requirements: at least one uppercase character, one lowercase character, one digit, and be at least 8 characters in length.',
"validation_error" => "An error occured while validating the data you submitted:",
'server_name' => 'Server Name',
"view_as_admin" => "You are viewing this server listing as an admin. As such, all servers installed on the system are displayed. Any servers that you are set as the owner of are marked with a blue dot to the left of their name.",
'validation_error' => 'An error occured while validating the data you submitted:',
'view_as_admin' => 'You are viewing this server listing as an admin. As such, all servers installed on the system are displayed. Any servers that you are set as the owner of are marked with a blue dot to the left of their name.',
@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
return array(
"next" => "Next »",
return [
"previous" => "« Previous",
'next' => 'Next »',
"sidebar" => array(
'previous' => '« Previous',
"account_controls" => "Account Controls",
'sidebar' => [
"account_security" => "Account Security",
'account_controls' => 'Account Controls',
"account_settings" => "Account Settings",
'account_security' => 'Account Security',
"files" => "File Manager",
'account_settings' => 'Account Settings',
"manage" => "Manage Server",
'files' => 'File Manager',
"overview" => "Server Overview",
'manage' => 'Manage Server',
"servers" => "Your Servers",
'overview' => 'Server Overview',
"server_controls" => "Server Controls",
'servers' => 'Your Servers',
"subusers" => "Manage Sub-Users",
'server_controls' => 'Server Controls',
'subusers' => 'Manage Sub-Users',
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
return array(
"password" => "Passwords must be at least six characters and match the confirmation.",
return [
"reset" => "Your password has been reset!",
'password' => 'Passwords must be at least six characters and match the confirmation.',
"sent" => "We have e-mailed your password reset link!",
'reset' => 'Your password has been reset!',
"token" => "This password reset token is invalid.",
'sent' => 'We have e-mailed your password reset link!',
"user" => "We can't find a user with that e-mail address.",
'token' => 'This password reset token is invalid.',
'user' => "We can't find a user with that e-mail address.",
@ -1,28 +1,29 @@
return array(
"ajax" => array(
return [
"socket_error" => "We were unable to connect to the main Socket.IO server, there may be network issues currently. The panel may not work as expected.",
'ajax' => [
"socket_status" => "This server's power status has changed to",
'socket_error' => 'We were unable to connect to the main Socket.IO server, there may be network issues currently. The panel may not work as expected.',
"socket_status_crashed" => "This server has been detected as CRASHED.",
'socket_status' => "This server's power status has changed to",
'socket_status_crashed' => 'This server has been detected as CRASHED.',
"files" => array(
"back" => "Back to File Manager",
'files' => [
"loading" => "Loading file listing, this might take a few seconds...",
'back' => 'Back to File Manager',
"saved" => "File has successfully been saved.",
'loading' => 'Loading file listing, this might take a few seconds...',
"yaml_notice" => "You are currently editing a YAML file. These files do not accept tabs, they must use spaces. We've gone ahead and made it so that hitting tab will insert :dropdown spaces.",
'saved' => 'File has successfully been saved.',
'yaml_notice' => "You are currently editing a YAML file. These files do not accept tabs, they must use spaces. We've gone ahead and made it so that hitting tab will insert :dropdown spaces.",
"index" => array(
"add_new" => "Add New Server",
'index' => [
"allocation" => "Allocation",
'add_new' => 'Add New Server',
"command" => "Enter Console Command",
'allocation' => 'Allocation',
"connection" => "Default Connection",
'command' => 'Enter Console Command',
"control" => "Control Server",
'connection' => 'Default Connection',
"cpu_use" => "CPU Usage",
'control' => 'Control Server',
"disk_space" => "Disk Space",
'cpu_use' => 'CPU Usage',
"memory_use" => "Memory Usage",
'disk_space' => 'Disk Space',
"mem_limit" => "Memory Limit",
'memory_use' => 'Memory Usage',
"server_info" => "Server Information",
'mem_limit' => 'Memory Limit',
"usage" => "Usage",
'server_info' => 'Server Information',
"xaxis" => "Time (2s Increments)",
'usage' => 'Usage',
'xaxis' => 'Time (2s Increments)',
@ -1,29 +1,30 @@
return array(
"again" => "Again",
return [
"close" => "Close",
'again' => 'Again',
"connection" => "Connection",
'close' => 'Close',
"cpu" => "CPU",
'connection' => 'Connection',
"current_password" => "Current Password",
'cpu' => 'CPU',
"disabled" => "Disabled",
'current_password' => 'Current Password',
"email" => "Email",
'disabled' => 'Disabled',
"enabled" => "Enabled",
'email' => 'Email',
"language" => "Language",
'enabled' => 'Enabled',
"location" => "Location",
'language' => 'Language',
"login" => "Login",
'location' => 'Location',
"memory" => "Memory",
'login' => 'Login',
"no" => "No",
'memory' => 'Memory',
"node" => "Node",
'no' => 'No',
"players" => "Players",
'node' => 'Node',
"registered" => "Registered",
'players' => 'Players',
"restart" => "Restart",
'registered' => 'Registered',
"root_administrator" => "Root Administrator",
'restart' => 'Restart',
"save" => "Save",
'root_administrator' => 'Root Administrator',
"start" => "Start",
'save' => 'Save',
"status" => "Status",
'start' => 'Start',
"stop" => "Stop",
'status' => 'Status',
"submit" => "Submit",
'stop' => 'Stop',
"success" => "Success",
'submit' => 'Submit',
"whoops" => "Whoops",
'success' => 'Success',
"yes" => "Yes",
'whoops' => 'Whoops',
'yes' => 'Yes',
@ -1,70 +1,71 @@
return array(
"accepted" => "The :attribute must be accepted.",
return [
"active_url" => "The :attribute is not a valid URL.",
'accepted' => 'The :attribute must be accepted.',
"after" => "The :attribute must be a date after :date.",
'active_url' => 'The :attribute is not a valid URL.',
"alpha" => "The :attribute may only contain letters.",
'after' => 'The :attribute must be a date after :date.',
"alpha_dash" => "The :attribute may only contain letters, numbers, and dashes.",
'alpha' => 'The :attribute may only contain letters.',
"alpha_num" => "The :attribute may only contain letters and numbers.",
'alpha_dash' => 'The :attribute may only contain letters, numbers, and dashes.',
"array" => "The :attribute must be an array.",
'alpha_num' => 'The :attribute may only contain letters and numbers.',
"before" => "The :attribute must be a date before :date.",
'array' => 'The :attribute must be an array.',
"between" => array(
'before' => 'The :attribute must be a date before :date.',
"array" => "The :attribute must have between :min and :max items.",
'between' => [
"file" => "The :attribute must be between :min and :max kilobytes.",
'array' => 'The :attribute must have between :min and :max items.',
"numeric" => "The :attribute must be between :min and :max.",
'file' => 'The :attribute must be between :min and :max kilobytes.',
"string" => "The :attribute must be between :min and :max characters.",
'numeric' => 'The :attribute must be between :min and :max.',
'string' => 'The :attribute must be between :min and :max characters.',
"boolean" => "The :attribute field must be true or false.",
"confirmed" => "The :attribute confirmation does not match.",
'boolean' => 'The :attribute field must be true or false.',
"custom" => array(
'confirmed' => 'The :attribute confirmation does not match.',
"attribute-name" => array(
'custom' => [
"rule-name" => "custom-message",
'attribute-name' => [
'rule-name' => 'custom-message',
"date" => "The :attribute is not a valid date.",
"date_format" => "The :attribute does not match the format :format.",
'date' => 'The :attribute is not a valid date.',
"different" => "The :attribute and :other must be different.",
'date_format' => 'The :attribute does not match the format :format.',
"digits" => "The :attribute must be :digits digits.",
'different' => 'The :attribute and :other must be different.',
"digits_between" => "The :attribute must be between :min and :max digits.",
'digits' => 'The :attribute must be :digits digits.',
"exists" => "The selected :attribute is invalid.",
'digits_between' => 'The :attribute must be between :min and :max digits.',
"filled" => "The :attribute field is required.",
'exists' => 'The selected :attribute is invalid.',
"image" => "The :attribute must be an image.",
'filled' => 'The :attribute field is required.',
"in" => "The selected :attribute is invalid.",
'image' => 'The :attribute must be an image.',
"integer" => "The :attribute must be an integer.",
'in' => 'The selected :attribute is invalid.',
"ip" => "The :attribute must be a valid IP address.",
'integer' => 'The :attribute must be an integer.',
"json" => "The :attribute must be a valid JSON string.",
'ip' => 'The :attribute must be a valid IP address.',
"max" => array(
'json' => 'The :attribute must be a valid JSON string.',
"array" => "The :attribute may not have more than :max items.",
'max' => [
"file" => "The :attribute may not be greater than :max kilobytes.",
'array' => 'The :attribute may not have more than :max items.',
"numeric" => "The :attribute may not be greater than :max.",
'file' => 'The :attribute may not be greater than :max kilobytes.',
"string" => "The :attribute may not be greater than :max characters.",
'numeric' => 'The :attribute may not be greater than :max.',
'string' => 'The :attribute may not be greater than :max characters.',
"mimes" => "The :attribute must be a file of type: :values.",
"min" => array(
'mimes' => 'The :attribute must be a file of type: :values.',
"array" => "The :attribute must have at least :min items.",
'min' => [
"file" => "The :attribute must be at least :min kilobytes.",
'array' => 'The :attribute must have at least :min items.',
"numeric" => "The :attribute must be at least :min.",
'file' => 'The :attribute must be at least :min kilobytes.',
"string" => "The :attribute must be at least :min characters.",
'numeric' => 'The :attribute must be at least :min.',
'string' => 'The :attribute must be at least :min characters.',
"not_in" => "The selected :attribute is invalid.",
"numeric" => "The :attribute must be a number.",
'not_in' => 'The selected :attribute is invalid.',
"regex" => "The :attribute format is invalid.",
'numeric' => 'The :attribute must be a number.',
"required" => "The :attribute field is required.",
'regex' => 'The :attribute format is invalid.',
"required_if" => "The :attribute field is required when :other is :value.",
'required' => 'The :attribute field is required.',
"required_with" => "The :attribute field is required when :values is present.",
'required_if' => 'The :attribute field is required when :other is :value.',
"required_without" => "The :attribute field is required when :values is not present.",
'required_with' => 'The :attribute field is required when :values is present.',
"required_without_all" => "The :attribute field is required when none of :values are present.",
'required_without' => 'The :attribute field is required when :values is not present.',
"required_with_all" => "The :attribute field is required when :values is present.",
'required_without_all' => 'The :attribute field is required when none of :values are present.',
"same" => "The :attribute and :other must match.",
'required_with_all' => 'The :attribute field is required when :values is present.',
"size" => array(
'same' => 'The :attribute and :other must match.',
"array" => "The :attribute must contain :size items.",
'size' => [
"file" => "The :attribute must be :size kilobytes.",
'array' => 'The :attribute must contain :size items.',
"numeric" => "The :attribute must be :size.",
'file' => 'The :attribute must be :size kilobytes.',
"string" => "The :attribute must be :size characters.",
'numeric' => 'The :attribute must be :size.',
'string' => 'The :attribute must be :size characters.',
"string" => "The :attribute must be a string.",
"timezone" => "The :attribute must be a valid zone.",
'string' => 'The :attribute must be a string.',
"totp" => "The totp token is invalid. Did it expire?",
'timezone' => 'The :attribute must be a valid zone.',
"unique" => "The :attribute has already been taken.",
'totp' => 'The totp token is invalid. Did it expire?',
"url" => "The :attribute format is invalid.",
'unique' => 'The :attribute has already been taken.',
'url' => 'The :attribute format is invalid.',
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
return array(
"confirmpassword" => "Kinnita salasõna",
return [
"emailsent" => "Teie salasõna algväärtustus link on teel",
'confirmpassword' => 'Kinnita salasõna',
"errorencountered" => "Selle protsessi toimumisel toimus viga",
'emailsent' => 'Teie salasõna algväärtustus link on teel',
"failed" => "Sisestus ei klapi meie andmetega",
'errorencountered' => 'Selle protsessi toimumisel toimus viga',
"remeberme" => "Mäleta mind",
'failed' => 'Sisestus ei klapi meie andmetega',
"resetpassword" => "Algväärtusta salasõna",
'remeberme' => 'Mäleta mind',
"sendlink" => "Saada salasõna algväärtustamise link",
'resetpassword' => 'Algväärtusta salasõna',
"throttle" => "Liiga palju sisselogimiskatseid. Palun proovi uuesti :seconds sekundi pärast",
'sendlink' => 'Saada salasõna algväärtustamise link',
"totp_failed" => "Sinu Kahe-kihilise autentimise tooken oli väär. Palun veendu, et genereeritud tooken on õige.",
'throttle' => 'Liiga palju sisselogimiskatseid. Palun proovi uuesti :seconds sekundi pärast',
'totp_failed' => 'Sinu Kahe-kihilise autentimise tooken oli väär. Palun veendu, et genereeritud tooken on õige.',
@ -1,31 +1,32 @@
return array(
"account" => array(
return [
"delete_user" => "Kustuta kasutaja",
'account' => [
"email_password" => "Email Salasõna",
'delete_user' => 'Kustuta kasutaja',
"new_email" => "Uus Email",
'email_password' => 'Email Salasõna',
"new_password" => "Uus salasõna",
'new_email' => 'Uus Email',
"totp_apps" => "Teil peab olema Kahe-kihilise autentimeerimine (Google Authenticator, DUO Mobile, Authy, Enpass) olema lubatud, et kasutada seda valikut",
'new_password' => 'Uus salasõna',
"totp_checkpoint_help" => "Palun kinnita oma Kahe-kihilise autentiseerimise seaded üle, kas skännides QR kood või sisestades 6 numbriline kood ",
'totp_apps' => 'Teil peab olema Kahe-kihilise autentimeerimine (Google Authenticator, DUO Mobile, Authy, Enpass) olema lubatud, et kasutada seda valikut',
"totp_disable" => "Keela Kahe-kihiline autentimine",
'totp_checkpoint_help' => 'Palun kinnita oma Kahe-kihilise autentiseerimise seaded üle, kas skännides QR kood või sisestades 6 numbriline kood ',
"totp_disable_help" => "Selleks, et keelata Kahe-kihiline autenteerimine sellel kasutajal sisesta õige tooken. ",
'totp_disable' => 'Keela Kahe-kihiline autentimine',
"totp_enable" => "Luba Kahe-kihiline autentimine
'totp_disable_help' => 'Selleks, et keelata Kahe-kihiline autenteerimine sellel kasutajal sisesta õige tooken. ',
'totp_enable' => 'Luba Kahe-kihiline autentimine
"totp_enabled" => "Teie kontol on aktiveeritud Kahe-kihiline autentimine. Palun sulge see kast, et lõpetada",
"totp_enabled_error" => "Sisestatud Kahe-kihilse autentimise tookenit ei olnud võimalik kinnitada. Palun proovi uuesti",
'totp_enabled' => 'Teie kontol on aktiveeritud Kahe-kihiline autentimine. Palun sulge see kast, et lõpetada',
"totp_enable_help" => "Paistab, et Teil pole Kahe-kihiline autentimine lubatud. See autentimise meetod lisab kaitsva kihi teie konto peale võimalikude rünnakute eest. Lubamisel on teil vaja sisestada kood, enne kui saate sisselogitud",
'totp_enabled_error' => 'Sisestatud Kahe-kihilse autentimise tookenit ei olnud võimalik kinnitada. Palun proovi uuesti',
"totp_header" => "Kahe-kihiline autenteerimine",
'totp_enable_help' => 'Paistab, et Teil pole Kahe-kihiline autentimine lubatud. See autentimise meetod lisab kaitsva kihi teie konto peale võimalikude rünnakute eest. Lubamisel on teil vaja sisestada kood, enne kui saate sisselogitud',
"totp_qr" => "Kahe-kihilse autentimissüsteemi QR kood",
'totp_header' => 'Kahe-kihiline autenteerimine',
"totp_token" => "Kahe-kihilise autentimise tooken",
'totp_qr' => 'Kahe-kihilse autentimissüsteemi QR kood',
"update_email" => "Uuenda Emaili",
'totp_token' => 'Kahe-kihilise autentimise tooken',
"update_pass" => "Uuenda salasõna",
'update_email' => 'Uuenda Emaili',
"update_user" => "Uuenda kasutajat",
'update_pass' => 'Uuenda salasõna',
'update_user' => 'Uuenda kasutajat',
"confirm" => "Oled kindel?",
"form_error" => "Järgmised errorid tekkisid proovides täita seda protsessi",
'confirm' => 'Oled kindel?',
"no_servers" => "Teil ei ole hetkel ühtegi serverit ühendatud kontoga.",
'form_error' => 'Järgmised errorid tekkisid proovides täita seda protsessi',
"password_req" => "Salasõna peab koosnema järgmisest: Üks suuretäht, üks väiketäht, üks number ja vähemalt 8 tähemärki pikk",
'no_servers' => 'Teil ei ole hetkel ühtegi serverit ühendatud kontoga.',
"server_name" => "Serveri nimi",
'password_req' => 'Salasõna peab koosnema järgmisest: Üks suuretäht, üks väiketäht, üks number ja vähemalt 8 tähemärki pikk',
"validation_error" => "Andmete valideerimisel tekkis viga",
'server_name' => 'Serveri nimi',
"view_as_admin" => "Te vaatate seda serverit, kui admin. Seetõttu kõik serverid, mis on installitud on nähtaval. Iga server, mida Te omate on märgitud siniselt nime kõrval.",
'validation_error' => 'Andmete valideerimisel tekkis viga',
'view_as_admin' => 'Te vaatate seda serverit, kui admin. Seetõttu kõik serverid, mis on installitud on nähtaval. Iga server, mida Te omate on märgitud siniselt nime kõrval.',
@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
return array(
"next" => "Järgmine »",
return [
"previous" => "« Eelmine",
'next' => 'Järgmine »',
"sidebar" => array(
'previous' => '« Eelmine',
"account_controls" => "Kasutaja seaded",
'sidebar' => [
"account_security" => "Kasutaja turvalisus",
'account_controls' => 'Kasutaja seaded',
"account_settings" => "Kasutaja seaded",
'account_security' => 'Kasutaja turvalisus',
"files" => "Faili haldur",
'account_settings' => 'Kasutaja seaded',
"manage" => "Halda serverit",
'files' => 'Faili haldur',
"overview" => "Serveri ülevaade",
'manage' => 'Halda serverit',
"servers" => "Teie serverid",
'overview' => 'Serveri ülevaade',
"server_controls" => "Serveri seaded",
'servers' => 'Teie serverid',
"subusers" => "Halda kasutajaid",
'server_controls' => 'Serveri seaded',
'subusers' => 'Halda kasutajaid',
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
return array(
"password" => "Salasõna peab olema vähemalt 6 tähte ja peab klappima kinnitusega",
return [
"reset" => "Teie salasõna on algväärtustatud",
'password' => 'Salasõna peab olema vähemalt 6 tähte ja peab klappima kinnitusega',
"sent" => "Me oleme meilinud sulle salasõna algväärtustamise lingi",
'reset' => 'Teie salasõna on algväärtustatud',
"token" => "Salasõna algväärtustamise tooken on väär",
'sent' => 'Me oleme meilinud sulle salasõna algväärtustamise lingi',
"user" => "Me ei leia kasutaja selle Emailiga",
'token' => 'Salasõna algväärtustamise tooken on väär',
'user' => 'Me ei leia kasutaja selle Emailiga',
@ -1,28 +1,29 @@
return array(
"ajax" => array(
return [
"socket_error" => "Me ei saanud ühendust peamise Socket.IO serveriga, selle tõttu võib olla internetiga probleeme. Paneel võib toimida valesti.",
'ajax' => [
"socket_status" => "Selle serveri staatus on muutunud - ",
'socket_error' => 'Me ei saanud ühendust peamise Socket.IO serveriga, selle tõttu võib olla internetiga probleeme. Paneel võib toimida valesti.',
"socket_status_crashed" => "Serveri staatuseks on märgitud: hävinud",
'socket_status' => 'Selle serveri staatus on muutunud - ',
'socket_status_crashed' => 'Serveri staatuseks on märgitud: hävinud',
"files" => array(
"back" => "Tagasi faili haldurisse",
'files' => [
"loading" => "Faili listi laadimine võib võtta mõned sekundid",
'back' => 'Tagasi faili haldurisse',
"saved" => "Fail on edukalt salvestatud",
'loading' => 'Faili listi laadimine võib võtta mõned sekundid',
"yaml_notice" => "Praegu sa muudad YAML faili. Need failid ei aksepteeri TABi, nad peavad kasutama tühikut. Seetõttu muutsime me TABi vajutamisel :dropdown tühikut",
'saved' => 'Fail on edukalt salvestatud',
'yaml_notice' => 'Praegu sa muudad YAML faili. Need failid ei aksepteeri TABi, nad peavad kasutama tühikut. Seetõttu muutsime me TABi vajutamisel :dropdown tühikut',
"index" => array(
"add_new" => "Lisa uus server",
'index' => [
"allocation" => "Jaotus",
'add_new' => 'Lisa uus server',
"command" => "Sisesta konsooli käsk",
'allocation' => 'Jaotus',
"connection" => "Vaikimisi ühendus",
'command' => 'Sisesta konsooli käsk',
"control" => "Kontrolli serverit",
'connection' => 'Vaikimisi ühendus',
"cpu_use" => "CPU kasutus",
'control' => 'Kontrolli serverit',
"disk_space" => "Kõvaketta ruum",
'cpu_use' => 'CPU kasutus',
"memory_use" => "Mälu kasutus",
'disk_space' => 'Kõvaketta ruum',
"mem_limit" => "Mälu limiit",
'memory_use' => 'Mälu kasutus',
"server_info" => "Serveri informatsioon",
'mem_limit' => 'Mälu limiit',
"usage" => "Kasutus",
'server_info' => 'Serveri informatsioon',
"xaxis" => "Aeg (2s vahedega)",
'usage' => 'Kasutus',
'xaxis' => 'Aeg (2s vahedega)',
@ -1,29 +1,30 @@
return array(
"again" => "Uuesti",
return [
"close" => "Sulge",
'again' => 'Uuesti',
"connection" => "Ühendus",
'close' => 'Sulge',
"cpu" => "CPU",
'connection' => 'Ühendus',
"current_password" => "Praegune salasõna",
'cpu' => 'CPU',
"disabled" => "Välja lülitatud",
'current_password' => 'Praegune salasõna',
"email" => "Email",
'disabled' => 'Välja lülitatud',
"enabled" => "Lubatud",
'email' => 'Email',
"language" => "Keel",
'enabled' => 'Lubatud',
"location" => "Asukoht",
'language' => 'Keel',
"login" => "Logi sisse",
'location' => 'Asukoht',
"memory" => "Mälu",
'login' => 'Logi sisse',
"no" => "Ei",
'memory' => 'Mälu',
"node" => "Node",
'no' => 'Ei',
"players" => "Mängijad",
'node' => 'Node',
"registered" => "Registreeritud",
'players' => 'Mängijad',
"restart" => "Taaskäivita",
'registered' => 'Registreeritud',
"root_administrator" => "Juur Administraator",
'restart' => 'Taaskäivita',
"save" => "Salvesta",
'root_administrator' => 'Juur Administraator',
"start" => "Start",
'save' => 'Salvesta',
"status" => "Staatus",
'start' => 'Start',
"stop" => "Peata",
'status' => 'Staatus',
"submit" => "Sisesta",
'stop' => 'Peata',
"success" => "Õnnestus",
'submit' => 'Sisesta',
"whoops" => "Oihhh",
'success' => 'Õnnestus',
"yes" => "Jah",
'whoops' => 'Oihhh',
'yes' => 'Jah',
@ -1,70 +1,71 @@
return array(
"accepted" => ":attribute oeab olema aksepteeritud",
return [
"active_url" => ":attribute ei ole õige URL",
'accepted' => ':attribute oeab olema aksepteeritud',
"after" => ":attribute peab olema kuupäev pärast :date",
'active_url' => ':attribute ei ole õige URL',
"alpha" => ":attribute tohib sisaldada ainult numbreid",
'after' => ':attribute peab olema kuupäev pärast :date',
"alpha_dash" => ":attribute tohib sisaldada ainult tähti, numbreid ja sidekriipse",
'alpha' => ':attribute tohib sisaldada ainult numbreid',
"alpha_num" => ":attribute tohib ainult sisaldada tähti ja numbreid",
'alpha_dash' => ':attribute tohib sisaldada ainult tähti, numbreid ja sidekriipse',
"array" => ":attribute peab olema massiiv",
'alpha_num' => ':attribute tohib ainult sisaldada tähti ja numbreid',
"before" => ":attribute peab olema kuupäev enne :date",
'array' => ':attribute peab olema massiiv',
"between" => array(
'before' => ':attribute peab olema kuupäev enne :date',
"array" => ":attribute peab jääma :min ja :max eseme vahele",
'between' => [
"file" => ":attribute peab jääma :min ja :max kilobaidi vahele",
'array' => ':attribute peab jääma :min ja :max eseme vahele',
"numeric" => ":attribute peab olema vahemikus :min ja :max",
'file' => ':attribute peab jääma :min ja :max kilobaidi vahele',
"string" => ":attribute peab jääma :min ja :max vahele",
'numeric' => ':attribute peab olema vahemikus :min ja :max',
'string' => ':attribute peab jääma :min ja :max vahele',
"boolean" => ":attribute peab olema kas tõene või väär",
"confirmed" => ":attribute kinnitus ei klapi",
'boolean' => ':attribute peab olema kas tõene või väär',
"custom" => array(
'confirmed' => ':attribute kinnitus ei klapi',
"attribute-name" => array(
'custom' => [
"rule-name" => "Kohandatud-sõnum",
'attribute-name' => [
'rule-name' => 'Kohandatud-sõnum',
"date" => ":attribute ei ole õige kuupäeva formaat",
"date_format" => ":attribute ei klapi formaadiga :format",
'date' => ':attribute ei ole õige kuupäeva formaat',
"different" => ":attribute ja :other peavad olema erinevad",
'date_format' => ':attribute ei klapi formaadiga :format',
"digits" => ":attribute peab olema :digits numbrit",
'different' => ':attribute ja :other peavad olema erinevad',
"digits_between" => ":attribute peab olema :min ja :max numbrit",
'digits' => ':attribute peab olema :digits numbrit',
"exists" => "Valitud :attribute on väär",
'digits_between' => ':attribute peab olema :min ja :max numbrit',
"filled" => ":attribute väli on kohustuslik",
'exists' => 'Valitud :attribute on väär',
"image" => ":attribute peab olema pilt",
'filled' => ':attribute väli on kohustuslik',
"in" => ":attribute on vale valik",
'image' => ':attribute peab olema pilt',
"integer" => ":attribute peab olema täisarv",
'in' => ':attribute on vale valik',
"ip" => ":attribute peab olema õige IP aadress",
'integer' => ':attribute peab olema täisarv',
"json" => ":attribute peab olema lubatud JSON vektor",
'ip' => ':attribute peab olema õige IP aadress',
"max" => array(
'json' => ':attribute peab olema lubatud JSON vektor',
"array" => ":attribute ei tohi sisaldada rohkem, kui :max eset",
'max' => [
"file" => ":attribute ei tohi olla suurem, kui :max kilobaiti",
'array' => ':attribute ei tohi sisaldada rohkem, kui :max eset',
"numeric" => ":attribute ei tohi olla suurem, kui :max",
'file' => ':attribute ei tohi olla suurem, kui :max kilobaiti',
"string" => ":attribute ei tohi olla suurem, kui :max tähte",
'numeric' => ':attribute ei tohi olla suurem, kui :max',
'string' => ':attribute ei tohi olla suurem, kui :max tähte',
"mimes" => ":attribute peab olema :values tüüpi fail",
"min" => array(
'mimes' => ':attribute peab olema :values tüüpi fail',
"array" => ":attribute peab sisaldama vähemalt :min eset",
'min' => [
"file" => ":attribute peab olema vähemalt :min kilobaiti",
'array' => ':attribute peab sisaldama vähemalt :min eset',
"numeric" => ":attribute peab olema vähemalt :min",
'file' => ':attribute peab olema vähemalt :min kilobaiti',
"string" => ":attribute peab olema vähemalt :min tähemärgi pikkusega",
'numeric' => ':attribute peab olema vähemalt :min',
'string' => ':attribute peab olema vähemalt :min tähemärgi pikkusega',
"not_in" => ":attribute on väär valik",
"numeric" => ":attribute peab olema number",
'not_in' => ':attribute on väär valik',
"regex" => ":attribute formaat on vale",
'numeric' => ':attribute peab olema number',
"required" => ":attribute väli on kohustuslik",
'regex' => ':attribute formaat on vale',
"required_if" => ":attribute on vajalik, kui :other on :value",
'required' => ':attribute väli on kohustuslik',
"required_with" => ":attribute väli peab olema täidetud, kui :values on olemas",
'required_if' => ':attribute on vajalik, kui :other on :value',
"required_without" => ":attribute väli peab olema täidetud, kui :values puudub",
'required_with' => ':attribute väli peab olema täidetud, kui :values on olemas',
"required_without_all" => ":attribute on vajalik, kui ükski :values ei ole olemas",
'required_without' => ':attribute väli peab olema täidetud, kui :values puudub',
"required_with_all" => ":attribute väli on vajalik, kui :attribute on olemas",
'required_without_all' => ':attribute on vajalik, kui ükski :values ei ole olemas',
"same" => ":attribute ja :other peavad klappima",
'required_with_all' => ':attribute väli on vajalik, kui :attribute on olemas',
"size" => array(
'same' => ':attribute ja :other peavad klappima',
"array" => ":attribute peab sisaldama :size esemet",
'size' => [
"file" => ":attribute peab olema :size kilobaiti",
'array' => ':attribute peab sisaldama :size esemet',
"numeric" => ":attribute peab olema :size suurusa",
'file' => ':attribute peab olema :size kilobaiti',
"string" => ":attribute peab olema :size märki",
'numeric' => ':attribute peab olema :size suurusa',
'string' => ':attribute peab olema :size märki',
"string" => ":attribute peab olema vektor",
"timezone" => ":attribute peab olema õige ala",
'string' => ':attribute peab olema vektor',
"totp" => "Kahe-kihilise autentimisesüsteemi tooken on väär, kas see aegus?",
'timezone' => ':attribute peab olema õige ala',
"unique" => ":attribute on juba võetud.",
'totp' => 'Kahe-kihilise autentimisesüsteemi tooken on väär, kas see aegus?',
"url" => ":attribute on vale formaat",
'unique' => ':attribute on juba võetud.',
'url' => ':attribute on vale formaat',
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
return array(
"account" => array(
return [
"totp_header" => "Authentification à deux facteurs",
'account' => [
'totp_header' => 'Authentification à deux facteurs',
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
return array(
"language" => "Langage",
return [
"save" => "Sauvegarder",
'language' => 'Langage',
"status" => "Status",
'save' => 'Sauvegarder',
'status' => 'Status',
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
return array(
"before" => ":attribute doit être une date antérieur a :date.",
return [
"ip" => ":attribute doit être une adresse IP valide.",
'before' => ':attribute doit être une date antérieur a :date.',
'ip' => ':attribute doit être une adresse IP valide.',
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
return array(
"confirmpassword" => "Bekreft passord",
return [
"emailsent" => "Din epost om å endre passord er på vei.",
'confirmpassword' => 'Bekreft passord',
"errorencountered" => "Det skjedde en feil under forsøket på utføre denne oppgaven.",
'emailsent' => 'Din epost om å endre passord er på vei.',
"failed" => "Denne påloggingsinformasjonen samsvarer ikke med våre opplysninger.",
'errorencountered' => 'Det skjedde en feil under forsøket på utføre denne oppgaven.',
"remeberme" => "Husk meg",
'failed' => 'Denne påloggingsinformasjonen samsvarer ikke med våre opplysninger.',
"resetpassword" => "Tilbakestill passord",
'remeberme' => 'Husk meg',
"sendlink" => "Send link for tilbakestilling av passord",
'resetpassword' => 'Tilbakestill passord',
'sendlink' => 'Send link for tilbakestilling av passord',
@ -1,26 +1,27 @@
return array(
"account" => array(
return [
"delete_user" => "Slett bruker",
'account' => [
"email_password" => "Epost passord",
'delete_user' => 'Slett bruker',
"new_email" => "Ny epost",
'email_password' => 'Epost passord',
"new_password" => "Nytt passord",
'new_email' => 'Ny epost',
"totp_apps" => "Du må ha en TOTP støttet applikasjon (F.eks. Google Authenticator, DUO Mobile, Authy, Enpass) for å benytte dette alternativet.",
'new_password' => 'Nytt passord',
"totp_checkpoint_help" => "Vennligst bekreft dine TOTP instillinger ved å skanne QR-Koden til høyre med din telefons autenitseringsapplikasjon, og skriv inn den 6 sifrede koden generert av applikasjonen i boksen under. Trykk enter når du er ferdig.",
'totp_apps' => 'Du må ha en TOTP støttet applikasjon (F.eks. Google Authenticator, DUO Mobile, Authy, Enpass) for å benytte dette alternativet.',
"totp_disable" => "Deaktiver to-faktor autentisering",
'totp_checkpoint_help' => 'Vennligst bekreft dine TOTP instillinger ved å skanne QR-Koden til høyre med din telefons autenitseringsapplikasjon, og skriv inn den 6 sifrede koden generert av applikasjonen i boksen under. Trykk enter når du er ferdig.',
"totp_enable" => "Aktiver to-faktor autentisering",
'totp_disable' => 'Deaktiver to-faktor autentisering',
"totp_enabled" => "Din konto har blitt aktivert med TOTP verifikasjon. Vennligst trykk på lukk knappen for å fullføre.",
'totp_enable' => 'Aktiver to-faktor autentisering',
"totp_enabled_error" => "TOTP nøkkelen kunne ikke verifiseres. Vennligst prøv igjen.",
'totp_enabled' => 'Din konto har blitt aktivert med TOTP verifikasjon. Vennligst trykk på lukk knappen for å fullføre.',
"totp_enable_help" => "Det ser ut til at du ikke har slått på to-faktor autentisering. Denne autentiseringsmetoden legger til ett ekstra lag, som forhindrer uatorisert tilgang til din konto. Hvis du aktiverer dette, vil det kreves en kode generert på telefonen din, eller en annen TOTP støttet enhet før du fullfører innlogging.",
'totp_enabled_error' => 'TOTP nøkkelen kunne ikke verifiseres. Vennligst prøv igjen.',
"totp_header" => "To-faktor autentisering",
'totp_enable_help' => 'Det ser ut til at du ikke har slått på to-faktor autentisering. Denne autentiseringsmetoden legger til ett ekstra lag, som forhindrer uatorisert tilgang til din konto. Hvis du aktiverer dette, vil det kreves en kode generert på telefonen din, eller en annen TOTP støttet enhet før du fullfører innlogging.',
"totp_qr" => "TOTP QR-Kode",
'totp_header' => 'To-faktor autentisering',
"totp_token" => "TOTP nøkkel",
'totp_qr' => 'TOTP QR-Kode',
"update_email" => "Oppdater epost",
'totp_token' => 'TOTP nøkkel',
"update_pass" => "Oppdater passord",
'update_email' => 'Oppdater epost',
"update_user" => "Oppdater bruker",
'update_pass' => 'Oppdater passord',
'update_user' => 'Oppdater bruker',
"confirm" => "Er du sikker?",
"form_error" => "Følgende feilmeldinger dukket opp da forspørselen ble behandlet.",
'confirm' => 'Er du sikker?',
"no_servers" => "Du har for øyeblikket ingen servere registrert på din konto.",
'form_error' => 'Følgende feilmeldinger dukket opp da forspørselen ble behandlet.',
"server_name" => "Servernavn",
'no_servers' => 'Du har for øyeblikket ingen servere registrert på din konto.',
'server_name' => 'Servernavn',
@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
return array(
"next" => "Neste »",
return [
"previous" => "« Forrige",
'next' => 'Neste »',
"sidebar" => array(
'previous' => '« Forrige',
"account_controls" => "Kontokontroll",
'sidebar' => [
"account_security" => "Kontosikkerhet",
'account_controls' => 'Kontokontroll',
"account_settings" => "Kontoinstillinger",
'account_security' => 'Kontosikkerhet',
"files" => "Filbehandling",
'account_settings' => 'Kontoinstillinger',
"manage" => "Administrer server",
'files' => 'Filbehandling',
"overview" => "Serveroversikt",
'manage' => 'Administrer server',
"servers" => "Dine servere",
'overview' => 'Serveroversikt',
"server_controls" => "Serverkontroll",
'servers' => 'Dine servere',
"subusers" => "Administrer underbrukere",
'server_controls' => 'Serverkontroll',
'subusers' => 'Administrer underbrukere',
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
return array(
"password" => "Passordet må ha minimum 6 tegn, og matche bekreftelsen.",
return [
"reset" => "Passordet ditt har blitt tilbakestilt!",
'password' => 'Passordet må ha minimum 6 tegn, og matche bekreftelsen.',
"sent" => "Vi har sendt deg en epost med link til å tilbakestille passord!",
'reset' => 'Passordet ditt har blitt tilbakestilt!',
"user" => "Vi kan ikke finne noen bruker med denne epost adressen.",
'sent' => 'Vi har sendt deg en epost med link til å tilbakestille passord!',
'user' => 'Vi kan ikke finne noen bruker med denne epost adressen.',
@ -1,26 +1,27 @@
return array(
"ajax" => array(
return [
"socket_status" => "Serverens strømstatus er endret til",
'ajax' => [
"socket_status_crashed" => "Serveren har blitt oppdaget som kræsjet.",
'socket_status' => 'Serverens strømstatus er endret til',
'socket_status_crashed' => 'Serveren har blitt oppdaget som kræsjet.',
"files" => array(
"back" => "Tilbake til filbehandling",
'files' => [
"loading" => "Laster filliste, dette kan ta et par sekunder...",
'back' => 'Tilbake til filbehandling',
"saved" => "Filen har blitt lagret!",
'loading' => 'Laster filliste, dette kan ta et par sekunder...',
'saved' => 'Filen har blitt lagret!',
"index" => array(
"add_new" => "Legg til ny server",
'index' => [
"allocation" => "Tildeling",
'add_new' => 'Legg til ny server',
"command" => "Skriv inn konsollkommando",
'allocation' => 'Tildeling',
"connection" => "Standard tilkobling",
'command' => 'Skriv inn konsollkommando',
"control" => "Serverkontroll",
'connection' => 'Standard tilkobling',
"cpu_use" => "Prosessorbruk",
'control' => 'Serverkontroll',
"disk_space" => "Diskplass",
'cpu_use' => 'Prosessorbruk',
"memory_use" => "Minnebruk",
'disk_space' => 'Diskplass',
"mem_limit" => "Minnegrense",
'memory_use' => 'Minnebruk',
"server_info" => "Serverinformasjon",
'mem_limit' => 'Minnegrense',
"usage" => "Bruk",
'server_info' => 'Serverinformasjon',
"xaxis" => "Tid (2s intervaller)",
'usage' => 'Bruk',
'xaxis' => 'Tid (2s intervaller)',
@ -1,28 +1,29 @@
return array(
"close" => "Lukk",
return [
"connection" => "Tilkobling",
'close' => 'Lukk',
"cpu" => "Prosessor",
'connection' => 'Tilkobling',
"current_password" => "Nåværende passord",
'cpu' => 'Prosessor',
"disabled" => "Deaktivert",
'current_password' => 'Nåværende passord',
"email" => "Epost",
'disabled' => 'Deaktivert',
"enabled" => "Aktivert",
'email' => 'Epost',
"language" => "Språk",
'enabled' => 'Aktivert',
"location" => "Plassering",
'language' => 'Språk',
"login" => "Logg inn",
'location' => 'Plassering',
"memory" => "Minne",
'login' => 'Logg inn',
"no" => "Nei",
'memory' => 'Minne',
"node" => "Node",
'no' => 'Nei',
"players" => "Spillere",
'node' => 'Node',
"registered" => "Registrert",
'players' => 'Spillere',
"restart" => "Omstart",
'registered' => 'Registrert',
"root_administrator" => "Hovedadministrator",
'restart' => 'Omstart',
"save" => "Lagre",
'root_administrator' => 'Hovedadministrator',
"start" => "Start",
'save' => 'Lagre',
"status" => "Status",
'start' => 'Start',
"stop" => "Stopp",
'status' => 'Status',
"submit" => "Send inn",
'stop' => 'Stopp',
"success" => "Suksess",
'submit' => 'Send inn',
"whoops" => "Ooops",
'success' => 'Suksess',
"yes" => "Ja",
'whoops' => 'Ooops',
'yes' => 'Ja',
@ -1,28 +1,29 @@
return array(
"after" => ":attribute må være en dato etter :date.",
return [
"between" => array(
'after' => ':attribute må være en dato etter :date.',
"file" => ":attribute må være mellom :min og :max kilobyte.",
'between' => [
'file' => ':attribute må være mellom :min og :max kilobyte.',
"custom" => array(
"attribute-name" => array(
'custom' => [
"rule-name" => "egendefinert melding",
'attribute-name' => [
'rule-name' => 'egendefinert melding',
"date" => ":attribute er ikke en gyldig dato.",
"different" => ":attribute og :other må være forskjellige.",
'date' => ':attribute er ikke en gyldig dato.',
"image" => ":attribute må være et bilde.",
'different' => ':attribute og :other må være forskjellige.',
"max" => array(
'image' => ':attribute må være et bilde.',
"string" => ":attribute må være større enn :max tegn.",
'max' => [
'string' => ':attribute må være større enn :max tegn.',
"min" => array(
"string" => ":attribute må være minst :min tegn.",
'min' => [
'string' => ':attribute må være minst :min tegn.',
"numeric" => ":attribute må være et tall.",
"required_with_all" => ":attribute feltet er på krevd nå :values er til stede.",
'numeric' => ':attribute må være et tall.',
"size" => array(
'required_with_all' => ':attribute feltet er på krevd nå :values er til stede.',
"array" => ":attribute må inneholde :size elementer.",
'size' => [
'array' => ':attribute må inneholde :size elementer.',
"totp" => "TOTP nøkkelen er ugyldig. Har den gått ut på dato?",
"url" => ":attribute fomatet er ikke gyldig.",
'totp' => 'TOTP nøkkelen er ugyldig. Har den gått ut på dato?',
'url' => ':attribute fomatet er ikke gyldig.',
@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
return array(
"confirmpassword" => "Bevestig wachtwoord",
return [
"emailsent" => "Jouw wachtwoord herstel e-mail is onderweg.",
'confirmpassword' => 'Bevestig wachtwoord',
"errorencountered" => "Er was een probleem tijdens het verwerken van dit verzoek.",
'emailsent' => 'Jouw wachtwoord herstel e-mail is onderweg.',
"failed" => "De ingevulde gegevens komen niet overeen met onze gegevens.",
'errorencountered' => 'Er was een probleem tijdens het verwerken van dit verzoek.',
"remeberme" => "Onthoud mij",
'failed' => 'De ingevulde gegevens komen niet overeen met onze gegevens.',
"resetpassword" => "Wachtwoord herstellen",
'remeberme' => 'Onthoud mij',
"sendlink" => "Verstuur wachtwoord herstel link",
'resetpassword' => 'Wachtwoord herstellen',
"throttle" => "Te veel inlog pogingen. Probeer het opnieuw in :seconds seconden.",
'sendlink' => 'Verstuur wachtwoord herstel link',
"totp_failed" => "De TOTP token verstrekt is ongeldig. Controleer alsjeblieft of de token die door jouw apparaat is gegenereerd geldig is.",
'throttle' => 'Te veel inlog pogingen. Probeer het opnieuw in :seconds seconden.',
'totp_failed' => 'De TOTP token verstrekt is ongeldig. Controleer alsjeblieft of de token die door jouw apparaat is gegenereerd geldig is.',
@ -1,30 +1,31 @@
return array(
"account" => array(
return [
"delete_user" => "Verwijder gebruiker",
'account' => [
"email_password" => "Email wachtwoord",
'delete_user' => 'Verwijder gebruiker',
"new_email" => "Nieuw e-mail adres",
'email_password' => 'Email wachtwoord',
"new_password" => "Nieuw wachtwoord",
'new_email' => 'Nieuw e-mail adres',
"totp_apps" => "Je moet een TOTP ondersteunende applicatie (bv. Google Authenticator, DUO Mobile, Authy, Enpass) hebben om deze optie te gebruiken.",
'new_password' => 'Nieuw wachtwoord',
"totp_checkpoint_help" => "Verifieer alsjeblieft jouw TOTP instellingen door de QR Code aan de rechterkant te scannen met de authenticatie applicatie van jouw telefoon. Vul daarna de door de applicatie gegenereerde 6 cijferige code in het vak hier onder in. Druk op enter wanneer je klaar bent.",
'totp_apps' => 'Je moet een TOTP ondersteunende applicatie (bv. Google Authenticator, DUO Mobile, Authy, Enpass) hebben om deze optie te gebruiken.',
"totp_disable" => "Schakel Two-Factor Authenticatie uit",
'totp_checkpoint_help' => 'Verifieer alsjeblieft jouw TOTP instellingen door de QR Code aan de rechterkant te scannen met de authenticatie applicatie van jouw telefoon. Vul daarna de door de applicatie gegenereerde 6 cijferige code in het vak hier onder in. Druk op enter wanneer je klaar bent.',
"totp_disable_help" => "Om TOTP uit te schakelen is een geldige TOTP token nodig. Zodra deze is bevestigd zal TOTP beveiliging worden uitgeschakeld op dit account.",
'totp_disable' => 'Schakel Two-Factor Authenticatie uit',
"totp_enable" => "Schakel Two-Factor Authenticatie in",
'totp_disable_help' => 'Om TOTP uit te schakelen is een geldige TOTP token nodig. Zodra deze is bevestigd zal TOTP beveiliging worden uitgeschakeld op dit account.',
"totp_enabled" => "TOTP verificatie is geactiveerd op jouw account. Klik alsjeblieft op de sluiten knop.",
'totp_enable' => 'Schakel Two-Factor Authenticatie in',
"totp_enabled_error" => "De verstrekt TOTP token kon niet worden geverifeerd. Probeer het alsjeblieft nog een keer.",
'totp_enabled' => 'TOTP verificatie is geactiveerd op jouw account. Klik alsjeblieft op de sluiten knop.',
"totp_enable_help" => "Het lijkt er op dat je Two-Factor authenticatie niet aan hebt staan. Deze methode van authenticatie voegt een extra barrière toe en voorkomt daarmee ongeautoriseerde toegang tot jouw account. Indien je het inschakelt zal je een code gegenereerd vanaf jouw telefoon of ander TOTP ondersteunend apparaat moeten ingeven om succesvol te kunnen inloggen.",
'totp_enabled_error' => 'De verstrekt TOTP token kon niet worden geverifeerd. Probeer het alsjeblieft nog een keer.',
"totp_header" => "Two-Factor Authenticatie",
'totp_enable_help' => 'Het lijkt er op dat je Two-Factor authenticatie niet aan hebt staan. Deze methode van authenticatie voegt een extra barrière toe en voorkomt daarmee ongeautoriseerde toegang tot jouw account. Indien je het inschakelt zal je een code gegenereerd vanaf jouw telefoon of ander TOTP ondersteunend apparaat moeten ingeven om succesvol te kunnen inloggen.',
"totp_qr" => "TOTP QR Code",
'totp_header' => 'Two-Factor Authenticatie',
"totp_token" => "TOTP Token",
'totp_qr' => 'TOTP QR Code',
"update_email" => "E-mail updaten",
'totp_token' => 'TOTP Token',
"update_pass" => "Wachtwoord updaten",
'update_email' => 'E-mail updaten',
"update_user" => "Gebruikers updaten",
'update_pass' => 'Wachtwoord updaten',
'update_user' => 'Gebruikers updaten',
"confirm" => "Weet je het zeker?",
"form_error" => "Tijdens het verwerken van dit verzoek zijn we de volgende problemen tegen gekomen:",
'confirm' => 'Weet je het zeker?',
"no_servers" => "Je hebt op dit moment geen servers gekoppeld aan jouw account.",
'form_error' => 'Tijdens het verwerken van dit verzoek zijn we de volgende problemen tegen gekomen:',
"password_req" => "Wachtwoorden moeten voldoen aan de volgende eisen: minimaal één hoofdletter, één kleine letter, één getal, en minimaal 8 karakters lang.",
'no_servers' => 'Je hebt op dit moment geen servers gekoppeld aan jouw account.',
"server_name" => "Server naam",
'password_req' => 'Wachtwoorden moeten voldoen aan de volgende eisen: minimaal één hoofdletter, één kleine letter, één getal, en minimaal 8 karakters lang.',
"validation_error" => "Er is een probleem opgetreden tijdens het valideren van de data die je verzond:",
'server_name' => 'Server naam',
"view_as_admin" => "Je bekijkt deze server als administrator. Hierdoor zie je alle servers geïnstalleerd op het systeem. Servers waarvan jij de eigenaar bent hebben een blauw rondje aan de linkerkant van hun naam.",
'validation_error' => 'Er is een probleem opgetreden tijdens het valideren van de data die je verzond:',
'view_as_admin' => 'Je bekijkt deze server als administrator. Hierdoor zie je alle servers geïnstalleerd op het systeem. Servers waarvan jij de eigenaar bent hebben een blauw rondje aan de linkerkant van hun naam.',
@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
return array(
"next" => "Volgende",
return [
"previous" => "Vorige",
'next' => 'Volgende',
"sidebar" => array(
'previous' => 'Vorige',
"account_controls" => "Account beheer",
'sidebar' => [
"account_security" => "Account beveiliging",
'account_controls' => 'Account beheer',
"account_settings" => "Account instellingen",
'account_security' => 'Account beveiliging',
"files" => "Bestanden beheerder",
'account_settings' => 'Account instellingen',
"manage" => "Beheer server",
'files' => 'Bestanden beheerder',
"overview" => "Server overzicht",
'manage' => 'Beheer server',
"servers" => "Jouw servers",
'overview' => 'Server overzicht',
"server_controls" => "Server Bediening",
'servers' => 'Jouw servers',
"subusers" => "Beheer sub-gebruiker",
'server_controls' => 'Server Bediening',
'subusers' => 'Beheer sub-gebruiker',
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
return array(
"password" => "Wachtwoord moet minimaal zes karakters lang zijn en de bevestiging moet overeenkomen.",
return [
"reset" => "Jouw wachtwoord is hersteld!",
'password' => 'Wachtwoord moet minimaal zes karakters lang zijn en de bevestiging moet overeenkomen.',
"sent" => "We hebben jouw wachtwoord reset link naar je gemaild!",
'reset' => 'Jouw wachtwoord is hersteld!',
"token" => "Deze token wachtwoord reset token is ongeldig.",
'sent' => 'We hebben jouw wachtwoord reset link naar je gemaild!',
"user" => "We kunnen geen gebruiker vinden met dat e-mail adres.",
'token' => 'Deze token wachtwoord reset token is ongeldig.',
'user' => 'We kunnen geen gebruiker vinden met dat e-mail adres.',
@ -1,28 +1,29 @@
return array(
"ajax" => array(
return [
"socket_error" => "Het was niet mogelijk om met de hoofd Socket.IO server te verbinden. Er is mogelijk op het moment een netwerk probleem. Het panel werkt mogelijk niet zoals verwacht.",
'ajax' => [
"socket_status" => "De status van deze server is veranderd naar",
'socket_error' => 'Het was niet mogelijk om met de hoofd Socket.IO server te verbinden. Er is mogelijk op het moment een netwerk probleem. Het panel werkt mogelijk niet zoals verwacht.',
"socket_status_crashed" => "Deze server is gedetecteerd als gecrasht.",
'socket_status' => 'De status van deze server is veranderd naar',
'socket_status_crashed' => 'Deze server is gedetecteerd als gecrasht.',
"files" => array(
"back" => "Terug naar Bestanden Beheer",
'files' => [
"loading" => "Bestandenlijst wordt geladen, dit kan even duren...",
'back' => 'Terug naar Bestanden Beheer',
"saved" => "Bestand is succesvol opgeslagen.",
'loading' => 'Bestandenlijst wordt geladen, dit kan even duren...',
"yaml_notice" => "Je bent bezig met het bewerken van een YAML bestand. Zo'n bestand accepteer geen tabs, er moeten spaties worden gebruikt. We hebben er voor gezorgd dat als je op tab drukt, er automatisch spaties worden toegevoegd.",
'saved' => 'Bestand is succesvol opgeslagen.',
'yaml_notice' => "Je bent bezig met het bewerken van een YAML bestand. Zo'n bestand accepteer geen tabs, er moeten spaties worden gebruikt. We hebben er voor gezorgd dat als je op tab drukt, er automatisch spaties worden toegevoegd.",
"index" => array(
"add_new" => "Nieuwe server toevoegen",
'index' => [
"allocation" => "Allocatie",
'add_new' => 'Nieuwe server toevoegen',
"command" => "Vul een console commando in",
'allocation' => 'Allocatie',
"connection" => "Standaard verbinding",
'command' => 'Vul een console commando in',
"control" => "Beheer server",
'connection' => 'Standaard verbinding',
"cpu_use" => "CPU gebruik",
'control' => 'Beheer server',
"disk_space" => "Schijfruimte",
'cpu_use' => 'CPU gebruik',
"memory_use" => "Geheugen gebruik",
'disk_space' => 'Schijfruimte',
"mem_limit" => "Geheugen limiet",
'memory_use' => 'Geheugen gebruik',
"server_info" => "Server informatie",
'mem_limit' => 'Geheugen limiet',
"usage" => "Gebruik",
'server_info' => 'Server informatie',
"xaxis" => "Tijd (neemt elke 2 seconden toe)",
'usage' => 'Gebruik',
'xaxis' => 'Tijd (neemt elke 2 seconden toe)',
@ -1,29 +1,30 @@
return array(
"again" => "Opnieuw",
return [
"close" => "Sluiten",
'again' => 'Opnieuw',
"connection" => "Connectie",
'close' => 'Sluiten',
"cpu" => "CPU",
'connection' => 'Connectie',
"current_password" => "Huidig wachtwoord",
'cpu' => 'CPU',
"disabled" => "Uitgeschakeld",
'current_password' => 'Huidig wachtwoord',
"email" => "E-mail",
'disabled' => 'Uitgeschakeld',
"enabled" => "Ingeschakeld",
'email' => 'E-mail',
"language" => "Taal",
'enabled' => 'Ingeschakeld',
"location" => "Locatie",
'language' => 'Taal',
"login" => "Inloggen",
'location' => 'Locatie',
"memory" => "Geheugen",
'login' => 'Inloggen',
"no" => "Nee",
'memory' => 'Geheugen',
"node" => "Node",
'no' => 'Nee',
"players" => "Spelers",
'node' => 'Node',
"registered" => "Geregistreerd",
'players' => 'Spelers',
"restart" => "Herstarten",
'registered' => 'Geregistreerd',
"root_administrator" => "Root Administrator",
'restart' => 'Herstarten',
"save" => "Opslaan",
'root_administrator' => 'Root Administrator',
"start" => "Start",
'save' => 'Opslaan',
"status" => "Status",
'start' => 'Start',
"stop" => "Stop",
'status' => 'Status',
"submit" => "Verzenden",
'stop' => 'Stop',
"success" => "Succes",
'submit' => 'Verzenden',
"whoops" => "Oeps",
'success' => 'Succes',
"yes" => "Ja",
'whoops' => 'Oeps',
'yes' => 'Ja',
@ -1,70 +1,71 @@
return array(
"accepted" => ":attribute moet worden geaccepteerd.",
return [
"active_url" => ":attribute is geen geldige URL.",
'accepted' => ':attribute moet worden geaccepteerd.',
"after" => ":attribute moet een datum zijn na :date.",
'active_url' => ':attribute is geen geldige URL.',
"alpha" => ":attribute mag alleen letters bevatten.",
'after' => ':attribute moet een datum zijn na :date.',
"alpha_dash" => ":attribute mag alleen letters, cijfers, en streepjes bevatten.",
'alpha' => ':attribute mag alleen letters bevatten.',
"alpha_num" => ":attribute mag alleen letters en cijfers bevatten.",
'alpha_dash' => ':attribute mag alleen letters, cijfers, en streepjes bevatten.',
"array" => ":attribute moet een reeks zijn.",
'alpha_num' => ':attribute mag alleen letters en cijfers bevatten.',
"before" => ":attribute moet een datum zijn voor :date.",
'array' => ':attribute moet een reeks zijn.',
"between" => array(
'before' => ':attribute moet een datum zijn voor :date.',
"array" => ":attribute moet tussen minimaal :min en maximaal :max delen hebben.",
'between' => [
"file" => ":attribute moet tussen :min en :max kilobytes groot zijn.",
'array' => ':attribute moet tussen minimaal :min en maximaal :max delen hebben.',
"numeric" => ":attribute moet tussen :min en :max zijn.",
'file' => ':attribute moet tussen :min en :max kilobytes groot zijn.',
"string" => ":attribute moet minimaal :min en maximaal :max karakters lang zijn.",
'numeric' => ':attribute moet tussen :min en :max zijn.',
'string' => ':attribute moet minimaal :min en maximaal :max karakters lang zijn.',
"boolean" => "Het :attribute veld moet waar of niet waar zijn.",
"confirmed" => ":attribute bevestiging komt niet overeen.",
'boolean' => 'Het :attribute veld moet waar of niet waar zijn.',
"custom" => array(
'confirmed' => ':attribute bevestiging komt niet overeen.',
"attribute-name" => array(
'custom' => [
"rule-name" => "aangepast-bericht",
'attribute-name' => [
'rule-name' => 'aangepast-bericht',
"date" => ":attribute is geen geldige datum.",
"date_format" => ":attribute komt niet overeen met het formaat :format.",
'date' => ':attribute is geen geldige datum.',
"different" => ":attribute en :other moeten verschillend zijn.",
'date_format' => ':attribute komt niet overeen met het formaat :format.',
"digits" => ":attribute moet :digits cijfers lang zijn.",
'different' => ':attribute en :other moeten verschillend zijn.',
"digits_between" => ":attribute moet tussen :min en :max cijfers zijn.",
'digits' => ':attribute moet :digits cijfers lang zijn.',
"exists" => "Geselecteerde :attribute is ongeldig.",
'digits_between' => ':attribute moet tussen :min en :max cijfers zijn.',
"filled" => "Het :attribute veld is verplicht.",
'exists' => 'Geselecteerde :attribute is ongeldig.',
"image" => ":attribute moet een afbeelding zijn.",
'filled' => 'Het :attribute veld is verplicht.',
"in" => "Geselecteerde :attribute is ongeldig.",
'image' => ':attribute moet een afbeelding zijn.',
"integer" => ":attribute moet een integer zijn.",
'in' => 'Geselecteerde :attribute is ongeldig.',
"ip" => ":attribute moet een geldig IP adres zijn.",
'integer' => ':attribute moet een integer zijn.',
"json" => ":attribute moet ene geldige JSON string zijn.",
'ip' => ':attribute moet een geldig IP adres zijn.',
"max" => array(
'json' => ':attribute moet ene geldige JSON string zijn.',
"array" => ":attribute mag niet langer zijn dan maximaal :max delen.",
'max' => [
"file" => ":attribute mag niet groter zijn dan :max kilobytes.",
'array' => ':attribute mag niet langer zijn dan maximaal :max delen.',
"numeric" => ":attribute mag niet groter zijn dan :max.",
'file' => ':attribute mag niet groter zijn dan :max kilobytes.',
"string" => ":attribute mag niet groter zijn dan :max karakters.",
'numeric' => ':attribute mag niet groter zijn dan :max.',
'string' => ':attribute mag niet groter zijn dan :max karakters.',
"mimes" => ":attribute moet een bestand van het type: :values zijn.",
"min" => array(
'mimes' => ':attribute moet een bestand van het type: :values zijn.',
"array" => ":attribute moet minimaal :min delen hebben.",
'min' => [
"file" => ":attribute moet minimaal :min kilobytes groot zijn.",
'array' => ':attribute moet minimaal :min delen hebben.',
"numeric" => ":attribute moet minimaal :min zijn.",
'file' => ':attribute moet minimaal :min kilobytes groot zijn.',
"string" => ":attribute moet minimaal :min karakters lang zijn.",
'numeric' => ':attribute moet minimaal :min zijn.',
'string' => ':attribute moet minimaal :min karakters lang zijn.',
"not_in" => "Geselecteerd :attribute is ongeldig.",
"numeric" => ":attribute moet een cijfer zijn.",
'not_in' => 'Geselecteerd :attribute is ongeldig.',
"regex" => "Het formaat van :attribute is ongeldig.",
'numeric' => ':attribute moet een cijfer zijn.',
"required" => "Het veld :attribute is verplicht.",
'regex' => 'Het formaat van :attribute is ongeldig.',
"required_if" => "Het :attribute veld is verplicht wanneer :other :value is",
'required' => 'Het veld :attribute is verplicht.',
"required_with" => "Het :attribute veld is verplicht wanneer :values aanwezig is.",
'required_if' => 'Het :attribute veld is verplicht wanneer :other :value is',
"required_without" => "Het :attribute veld is verplicht wanneer :values niet aanwezig is.",
'required_with' => 'Het :attribute veld is verplicht wanneer :values aanwezig is.',
"required_without_all" => "Het :attribute veld is verplicht wanneer geen :values aanwezig zijn.",
'required_without' => 'Het :attribute veld is verplicht wanneer :values niet aanwezig is.',
"required_with_all" => "Het :attribute veld is verplicht wanneer :values aanwezig is.",
'required_without_all' => 'Het :attribute veld is verplicht wanneer geen :values aanwezig zijn.',
"same" => ":attribute en :other moeten overeenkomen.",
'required_with_all' => 'Het :attribute veld is verplicht wanneer :values aanwezig is.',
"size" => array(
'same' => ':attribute en :other moeten overeenkomen.',
"array" => ":attribute moet :size delen bevatten.",
'size' => [
"file" => ":attribute moet :size kilobytes zijn.",
'array' => ':attribute moet :size delen bevatten.',
"numeric" => ":attribute moet :size zijn.",
'file' => ':attribute moet :size kilobytes zijn.',
"string" => ":attribute moet :size karakters zijn.",
'numeric' => ':attribute moet :size zijn.',
'string' => ':attribute moet :size karakters zijn.',
"string" => ":attribute moet een string zijn.",
"timezone" => ":attribute moet een geldige zone zijn.",
'string' => ':attribute moet een string zijn.',
"totp" => "De TOTP token is ongeldig. Is hij verlopen?",
'timezone' => ':attribute moet een geldige zone zijn.',
"unique" => ":attribute is al in gebruik.",
'totp' => 'De TOTP token is ongeldig. Is hij verlopen?',
"url" => "Het :attribute formaat is ongeldig.",
'unique' => ':attribute is al in gebruik.',
'url' => 'Het :attribute formaat is ongeldig.',
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
return array(
"confirmpassword" => "Confirmar senha",
return [
"emailsent" => "O seu email para trocar de senha está a caminho.",
'confirmpassword' => 'Confirmar senha',
"errorencountered" => "Ocorreu um erro durante a tentativa de processar esse pedido.",
'emailsent' => 'O seu email para trocar de senha está a caminho.',
"failed" => "Estas credenciais não estão de acordo com os nossos registros.",
'errorencountered' => 'Ocorreu um erro durante a tentativa de processar esse pedido.',
"remeberme" => "Lembre-me",
'failed' => 'Estas credenciais não estão de acordo com os nossos registros.',
"resetpassword" => "Trocar senha",
'remeberme' => 'Lembre-me',
"sendlink" => "Enviar link de troca de senha",
'resetpassword' => 'Trocar senha',
"throttle" => "Muitas tentativas de login. Por favor tente novamente em :seconds segundos.",
'sendlink' => 'Enviar link de troca de senha',
"totp_failed" => "O token TOTP dado é inválido. Por favor tenha certeza que o token gerado pelo seu dispositivo era correto.",
'throttle' => 'Muitas tentativas de login. Por favor tente novamente em :seconds segundos.',
'totp_failed' => 'O token TOTP dado é inválido. Por favor tenha certeza que o token gerado pelo seu dispositivo era correto.',
@ -1,30 +1,31 @@
return array(
"account" => array(
return [
"delete_user" => "Deletar Usuário",
'account' => [
"email_password" => "Senha do Email",
'delete_user' => 'Deletar Usuário',
"new_email" => "Novo Email",
'email_password' => 'Senha do Email',
"new_password" => "Nova Senha",
'new_email' => 'Novo Email',
"totp_apps" => "Você precisa ter uma aplicação com suporte a TOTP (exemplo: Google Authenticator, DUO Mobile, Authy) para usar essa opção.",
'new_password' => 'Nova Senha',
"totp_checkpoint_help" => "Por favor verifique suas configurações de TOTP escanenando o QR Code à direita com o seu aplicativo de TOTP, e então forneça o código de 6 digitos dado pleo aplicativo na caixa abaixo. Aperte a tecla Enter quando tiver acabado.",
'totp_apps' => 'Você precisa ter uma aplicação com suporte a TOTP (exemplo: Google Authenticator, DUO Mobile, Authy) para usar essa opção.',
"totp_disable" => "Desativar Autenticação em Duas Etapas",
'totp_checkpoint_help' => 'Por favor verifique suas configurações de TOTP escanenando o QR Code à direita com o seu aplicativo de TOTP, e então forneça o código de 6 digitos dado pleo aplicativo na caixa abaixo. Aperte a tecla Enter quando tiver acabado.',
"totp_disable_help" => "Para desativar o TOTP nesta conta será necessário fornecer um código TOTP válido. Uma vez validado, a autenticação em duas etapas nesta conta será desativada.",
'totp_disable' => 'Desativar Autenticação em Duas Etapas',
"totp_enable" => "Ativar Autenticação em Duas Etapas",
'totp_disable_help' => 'Para desativar o TOTP nesta conta será necessário fornecer um código TOTP válido. Uma vez validado, a autenticação em duas etapas nesta conta será desativada.',
"totp_enabled" => "Sua conta foi ativada com autenticação TOTP. Por favor clique no botão de fechar desta caixa para finalizar.",
'totp_enable' => 'Ativar Autenticação em Duas Etapas',
"totp_enabled_error" => "O código TOTP fornecido não foi autenticado. Por favor tente novamente.",
'totp_enabled' => 'Sua conta foi ativada com autenticação TOTP. Por favor clique no botão de fechar desta caixa para finalizar.',
"totp_enable_help" => "Você não parece ter a autenticação em duas etapas ativada. Esse método de autenticação adiciona uma barreira adicional prevenindo acesso não autorizado à sua conta. Se você ativar, será necessário fornecer um código gerado no seu celular ou outro dispositivo com suporte a TOTP antes de terminar o login.",
'totp_enabled_error' => 'O código TOTP fornecido não foi autenticado. Por favor tente novamente.',
"totp_header" => "Autenticação em Duas Etapas",
'totp_enable_help' => 'Você não parece ter a autenticação em duas etapas ativada. Esse método de autenticação adiciona uma barreira adicional prevenindo acesso não autorizado à sua conta. Se você ativar, será necessário fornecer um código gerado no seu celular ou outro dispositivo com suporte a TOTP antes de terminar o login.',
"totp_qr" => "QR Code TOTP",
'totp_header' => 'Autenticação em Duas Etapas',
"totp_token" => "Token TOTP",
'totp_qr' => 'QR Code TOTP',
"update_email" => "Atualizar Email",
'totp_token' => 'Token TOTP',
"update_pass" => "Atualizar Senha",
'update_email' => 'Atualizar Email',
"update_user" => "Atualizar Usuário",
'update_pass' => 'Atualizar Senha',
'update_user' => 'Atualizar Usuário',
"confirm" => "Você tem certeza?",
"form_error" => "Os seguintes erros ocorreram durante o processo do seu pedido.",
'confirm' => 'Você tem certeza?',
"no_servers" => "Você não tem nenhum servidor na sua conta atualmente.",
'form_error' => 'Os seguintes erros ocorreram durante o processo do seu pedido.',
"password_req" => "Senhas devem cumprir o seguinte requiriso: pelo menos uma letra maiúscula, um minúscula, um dígito, e ter 8 caracteres no total.",
'no_servers' => 'Você não tem nenhum servidor na sua conta atualmente.',
"server_name" => "Nome do Servidor",
'password_req' => 'Senhas devem cumprir o seguinte requiriso: pelo menos uma letra maiúscula, um minúscula, um dígito, e ter 8 caracteres no total.',
"validation_error" => "Um erro ocorreu durante a validação de suas informações:",
'server_name' => 'Nome do Servidor',
"view_as_admin" => "Você está vendo a lista de servidores como administrador. Assim, todos os servidores no sistema são mostrados. Qualquer servidor em que você esteja marcado como dono será mostrado com um ponto azul à esquerda de seu nome.",
'validation_error' => 'Um erro ocorreu durante a validação de suas informações:',
'view_as_admin' => 'Você está vendo a lista de servidores como administrador. Assim, todos os servidores no sistema são mostrados. Qualquer servidor em que você esteja marcado como dono será mostrado com um ponto azul à esquerda de seu nome.',
@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
return array(
"next" => "Próximo »",
return [
"previous" => "« Anteriro",
'next' => 'Próximo »',
"sidebar" => array(
'previous' => '« Anteriro',
"account_controls" => "Controle de Conta",
'sidebar' => [
"account_security" => "Segurança da conta",
'account_controls' => 'Controle de Conta',
"account_settings" => "Configuração da Conta",
'account_security' => 'Segurança da conta',
"files" => "Gerenciador de Arquivos",
'account_settings' => 'Configuração da Conta',
"manage" => "Configurar Server",
'files' => 'Gerenciador de Arquivos',
"overview" => "Visão Geral dos Servidores",
'manage' => 'Configurar Server',
"servers" => "Seus Servidores",
'overview' => 'Visão Geral dos Servidores',
"server_controls" => "Controles do Servidor",
'servers' => 'Seus Servidores',
"subusers" => "Configurar Sub-Usuários",
'server_controls' => 'Controles do Servidor',
'subusers' => 'Configurar Sub-Usuários',
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
return array(
"password" => "Senhas precisam ter ao menos 6 caracteres e combinar com a confirmação.",
return [
"reset" => "Sua senha foi resetada!",
'password' => 'Senhas precisam ter ao menos 6 caracteres e combinar com a confirmação.',
"sent" => "Nós te enviamos um email com o link para resetar sua senha!",
'reset' => 'Sua senha foi resetada!',
"token" => "O token para resetar esta senha é inválido.",
'sent' => 'Nós te enviamos um email com o link para resetar sua senha!',
"user" => "Nós não pudemos achar um usuário com este endereço de email.",
'token' => 'O token para resetar esta senha é inválido.',
'user' => 'Nós não pudemos achar um usuário com este endereço de email.',
@ -1,28 +1,29 @@
return array(
"ajax" => array(
return [
"socket_error" => "Nós não conseguimos se conectar ao servidor principal do Socket.IO, talvez tenha problemas de conexão acontecendo. O painel pode não funcionar como esperado.",
'ajax' => [
"socket_status" => "O estado desse servidor foi alterado para",
'socket_error' => 'Nós não conseguimos se conectar ao servidor principal do Socket.IO, talvez tenha problemas de conexão acontecendo. O painel pode não funcionar como esperado.',
"socket_status_crashed" => "Esse server foi detectado como CRASHED.",
'socket_status' => 'O estado desse servidor foi alterado para',
'socket_status_crashed' => 'Esse server foi detectado como CRASHED.',
"files" => array(
"back" => "Voltar ao Gerenciador de Arquivos",
'files' => [
"loading" => "Carregando lista de arquivos, isso pode levar alguns segundos...",
'back' => 'Voltar ao Gerenciador de Arquivos',
"saved" => "Arquivo salvo com sucesso.",
'loading' => 'Carregando lista de arquivos, isso pode levar alguns segundos...',
"yaml_notice" => "Você está atualmente editando um arquivo YAML. Esses arquivos não aceitam tabs, eles precisam usar espaços. Nós fomos além disso e quando você aprtar tab :dropdown espaços serão colocados.",
'saved' => 'Arquivo salvo com sucesso.',
'yaml_notice' => 'Você está atualmente editando um arquivo YAML. Esses arquivos não aceitam tabs, eles precisam usar espaços. Nós fomos além disso e quando você aprtar tab :dropdown espaços serão colocados.',
"index" => array(
"add_new" => "Adicionar novo servidor",
'index' => [
"allocation" => "Alocação",
'add_new' => 'Adicionar novo servidor',
"command" => "Enviar Comando de Console",
'allocation' => 'Alocação',
"connection" => "Conexão Padrão",
'command' => 'Enviar Comando de Console',
"control" => "Controlar Servidor",
'connection' => 'Conexão Padrão',
"cpu_use" => "Uso de CPU",
'control' => 'Controlar Servidor',
"disk_space" => "Espaço em Disco",
'cpu_use' => 'Uso de CPU',
"memory_use" => "Uso de Memória",
'disk_space' => 'Espaço em Disco',
"mem_limit" => "Limite de Memória",
'memory_use' => 'Uso de Memória',
"server_info" => "Informações do Servidor",
'mem_limit' => 'Limite de Memória',
"usage" => "Uso",
'server_info' => 'Informações do Servidor',
"xaxis" => "Tempo (Incremento de 2s)",
'usage' => 'Uso',
'xaxis' => 'Tempo (Incremento de 2s)',
@ -1,29 +1,30 @@
return array(
"again" => "Novamente",
return [
"close" => "Fechar",
'again' => 'Novamente',
"connection" => "Conexão",
'close' => 'Fechar',
"cpu" => "CPU",
'connection' => 'Conexão',
"current_password" => "Senha Atual",
'cpu' => 'CPU',
"disabled" => "Desativado",
'current_password' => 'Senha Atual',
"email" => "O :attribute precisa ser um endereço de email válido.",
'disabled' => 'Desativado',
"enabled" => "Ativado",
'email' => 'O :attribute precisa ser um endereço de email válido.',
"language" => "Língua",
'enabled' => 'Ativado',
"location" => "Localização",
'language' => 'Língua',
"login" => "Login",
'location' => 'Localização',
"memory" => "Memória",
'login' => 'Login',
"no" => "Não",
'memory' => 'Memória',
"node" => "Node",
'no' => 'Não',
"players" => "Jogadores",
'node' => 'Node',
"registered" => "Registrado",
'players' => 'Jogadores',
"restart" => "Reiniciar",
'registered' => 'Registrado',
"root_administrator" => "Mudar isso para \"Sim\" dará ao usuário permissões completas administrativas ao PufferPanel.",
'restart' => 'Reiniciar',
"save" => "Salvar",
'root_administrator' => 'Mudar isso para "Sim" dará ao usuário permissões completas administrativas ao PufferPanel.',
"start" => "Iniciar",
'save' => 'Salvar',
"status" => "Status",
'start' => 'Iniciar',
"stop" => "Parar",
'status' => 'Status',
"submit" => "Enviar",
'stop' => 'Parar',
"success" => "Sucesso",
'submit' => 'Enviar',
"whoops" => "Opa",
'success' => 'Sucesso',
"yes" => "Sim",
'whoops' => 'Opa',
'yes' => 'Sim',
@ -1,70 +1,71 @@
return array(
"accepted" => "O :attribute precisa ser aceito.",
return [
"active_url" => "O :attribute não é uma URL válida.",
'accepted' => 'O :attribute precisa ser aceito.',
"after" => "O :attribute precisa ser uma data após :date.",
'active_url' => 'O :attribute não é uma URL válida.',
"alpha" => "O :attribute só pode conter letras.",
'after' => 'O :attribute precisa ser uma data após :date.',
"alpha_dash" => "O :attribute pode apenas conter letras, números, e hífens.",
'alpha' => 'O :attribute só pode conter letras.',
"alpha_num" => "O :attribute pode apenas conter letras e números.",
'alpha_dash' => 'O :attribute pode apenas conter letras, números, e hífens.',
"array" => "O :attribute precisa ser uma lista.",
'alpha_num' => 'O :attribute pode apenas conter letras e números.',
"before" => "O :attribute precisa ser uma data antes de :date.",
'array' => 'O :attribute precisa ser uma lista.',
"between" => array(
'before' => 'O :attribute precisa ser uma data antes de :date.',
"array" => "O :attribute precisa estar entre :min e :max itens.",
'between' => [
"file" => "O :attribute precisa estar entre :min e :max kilobytes.",
'array' => 'O :attribute precisa estar entre :min e :max itens.',
"numeric" => "O :attribute precisa estar entre :min e :max.",
'file' => 'O :attribute precisa estar entre :min e :max kilobytes.',
"string" => "O :attribute precisa estar entre :min e :max caracteres.",
'numeric' => 'O :attribute precisa estar entre :min e :max.',
'string' => 'O :attribute precisa estar entre :min e :max caracteres.',
"boolean" => "O :attribute precisa ser falso ou verdadeiro.",
"confirmed" => "O :attribute de confirmação não combina.",
'boolean' => 'O :attribute precisa ser falso ou verdadeiro.',
"custom" => array(
'confirmed' => 'O :attribute de confirmação não combina.',
"attribute-name" => array(
'custom' => [
"rule-name" => "custom-message",
'attribute-name' => [
'rule-name' => 'custom-message',
"date" => "O :attribute não é uma data válida.",
"date_format" => "O :attribute não combina com o formato :format.",
'date' => 'O :attribute não é uma data válida.',
"different" => "O :attribute e :other precisam ser diferentes.",
'date_format' => 'O :attribute não combina com o formato :format.',
"digits" => "O :attribute precisa ter :digits dígitos.",
'different' => 'O :attribute e :other precisam ser diferentes.',
"digits_between" => "O :attribute precisa estar entre :min e :max dígitos.",
'digits' => 'O :attribute precisa ter :digits dígitos.',
"exists" => "O :attribute selecionado é inválido.",
'digits_between' => 'O :attribute precisa estar entre :min e :max dígitos.',
"filled" => "O campo :attribute é obrigatório.",
'exists' => 'O :attribute selecionado é inválido.',
"image" => "O :attribute precisa ser uma imagem.",
'filled' => 'O campo :attribute é obrigatório.',
"in" => "O :attribute é inválido.",
'image' => 'O :attribute precisa ser uma imagem.',
"integer" => "O :attribute precisa ser um número inteiro.",
'in' => 'O :attribute é inválido.',
"ip" => "O :attribute precisa ser um endereço IP válido.",
'integer' => 'O :attribute precisa ser um número inteiro.',
"json" => "O :attribute precia ser um texto JSON válido.",
'ip' => 'O :attribute precisa ser um endereço IP válido.',
"max" => array(
'json' => 'O :attribute precia ser um texto JSON válido.',
"array" => "O :attribute não pode ter mais do que :max itens.",
'max' => [
"file" => "O :attribute não pode ser maior que :max kilobytes.",
'array' => 'O :attribute não pode ter mais do que :max itens.',
"numeric" => "O :attribute não pode ser maior que :max.",
'file' => 'O :attribute não pode ser maior que :max kilobytes.',
"string" => "O :attribute não pode ter mais do que :max caracteres.",
'numeric' => 'O :attribute não pode ser maior que :max.',
'string' => 'O :attribute não pode ter mais do que :max caracteres.',
"mimes" => "O :attribute precisa ser um arquivo do tipo: :values.",
"min" => array(
'mimes' => 'O :attribute precisa ser um arquivo do tipo: :values.',
"array" => "O :attribute precisa ter ao menos :min itens.",
'min' => [
"file" => "O :attribute precisa ser ao menos :min kilobytes.",
'array' => 'O :attribute precisa ter ao menos :min itens.',
"numeric" => "O :attribute precisa ser ao menos :min.",
'file' => 'O :attribute precisa ser ao menos :min kilobytes.',
"string" => "O :attribute precisa ter ao menos :min caracteres.",
'numeric' => 'O :attribute precisa ser ao menos :min.',
'string' => 'O :attribute precisa ter ao menos :min caracteres.',
"not_in" => "O :attribute selecionado é inválido.",
"numeric" => "O :attribute precisa ser um número.",
'not_in' => 'O :attribute selecionado é inválido.',
"regex" => "O formato de :attribute é inválido.",
'numeric' => 'O :attribute precisa ser um número.',
"required" => "O campo :attribute é obrigatório.",
'regex' => 'O formato de :attribute é inválido.',
"required_if" => "O campo :attribute é obrigatório quando :other é :value.",
'required' => 'O campo :attribute é obrigatório.',
"required_with" => "O campo :attribute é obrigatório quando :values está presente.",
'required_if' => 'O campo :attribute é obrigatório quando :other é :value.',
"required_without" => "O campo :attribute é obrigatório quando :values não estão presentes.",
'required_with' => 'O campo :attribute é obrigatório quando :values está presente.',
"required_without_all" => "O campo :attribute é obrigatório quando nenhum de :values estão presentes.",
'required_without' => 'O campo :attribute é obrigatório quando :values não estão presentes.',
"required_with_all" => "O campo :attribute é obrigatório quando :values estão presentes.",
'required_without_all' => 'O campo :attribute é obrigatório quando nenhum de :values estão presentes.',
"same" => "O campo :attribute e :other precisam combinar.",
'required_with_all' => 'O campo :attribute é obrigatório quando :values estão presentes.',
"size" => array(
'same' => 'O campo :attribute e :other precisam combinar.',
"array" => "O :attribute precisa conter :size itens.",
'size' => [
"file" => "O :attribute precisa ser :size kilobytes.",
'array' => 'O :attribute precisa conter :size itens.',
"numeric" => "O :attribute precisa ser :size.",
'file' => 'O :attribute precisa ser :size kilobytes.',
"string" => "O :attribute precisa ser :size caracteres.",
'numeric' => 'O :attribute precisa ser :size.',
'string' => 'O :attribute precisa ser :size caracteres.',
"string" => "O :attribute precisa ser um texto.",
"timezone" => "O :attribute precisa ser um fuso horário válido.",
'string' => 'O :attribute precisa ser um texto.',
"totp" => "O token TOTP é inválido. Ele expirou?",
'timezone' => 'O :attribute precisa ser um fuso horário válido.',
"unique" => "O :attribute já foi pego.",
'totp' => 'O token TOTP é inválido. Ele expirou?',
"url" => "O formato de :attribute é inválido.",
'unique' => 'O :attribute já foi pego.',
'url' => 'O formato de :attribute é inválido.',
@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
return array(
"confirmpassword" => "Confirmă Parola",
return [
"emailsent" => "Emailul de resetare al parolei va fi trimis.",
'confirmpassword' => 'Confirmă Parola',
"errorencountered" => "S-a întâmpinat o problema la procesarea cererii tale.",
'emailsent' => 'Emailul de resetare al parolei va fi trimis.',
"failed" => "Aceste detalii nu corespund valorilor noastre.",
'errorencountered' => 'S-a întâmpinat o problema la procesarea cererii tale.',
"remeberme" => "Reține-mă",
'failed' => 'Aceste detalii nu corespund valorilor noastre.',
"resetpassword" => "Resetează Parola",
'remeberme' => 'Reține-mă',
"sendlink" => "Trimite Link de Resetare al Parolei",
'resetpassword' => 'Resetează Parola',
"throttle" => "Prea multe încercări de logare. Încearcă iar în :seconds secunde.",
'sendlink' => 'Trimite Link de Resetare al Parolei',
"totp_failed" => "Codul TOTP introdus nu este valid. Asigură-te că ai introdus corect codul generat de dispozitiv.",
'throttle' => 'Prea multe încercări de logare. Încearcă iar în :seconds secunde.',
'totp_failed' => 'Codul TOTP introdus nu este valid. Asigură-te că ai introdus corect codul generat de dispozitiv.',
@ -1,30 +1,31 @@
return array(
"account" => array(
return [
"delete_user" => "Șterge Utilizatorul",
'account' => [
"email_password" => "Trimite Parola prin Email",
'delete_user' => 'Șterge Utilizatorul',
"new_email" => "Email Nou",
'email_password' => 'Trimite Parola prin Email',
"new_password" => "Parola Nouă",
'new_email' => 'Email Nou',
"totp_apps" => "Trebuie să ai o aplicație care suportă TOTP (ex. Google Authentificator, DUO Mobile, Authy, Enpass) să folosești această funcție.",
'new_password' => 'Parola Nouă',
"totp_checkpoint_help" => "Te rog verifică setările tale TOTP scanând Codul QR cu aplicația ta de autentificare de pe telefon, și după introdu codul de 6 cifre generat de aplicație în spațiul următor. Apasă butonul trimite când ai terminat.",
'totp_apps' => 'Trebuie să ai o aplicație care suportă TOTP (ex. Google Authentificator, DUO Mobile, Authy, Enpass) să folosești această funcție.',
"totp_disable" => "Dezactivează Autentificarea în 2 Pași",
'totp_checkpoint_help' => 'Te rog verifică setările tale TOTP scanând Codul QR cu aplicația ta de autentificare de pe telefon, și după introdu codul de 6 cifre generat de aplicație în spațiul următor. Apasă butonul trimite când ai terminat.',
"totp_disable_help" => "Ca să dezactivezi TOTP pe acest cont, trebuie să introduci un Cod TOTP valid. O dată validat, protecția TOTP pe acest cont va fi dezactivată.",
'totp_disable' => 'Dezactivează Autentificarea în 2 Pași',
"totp_enable" => "Activează Autentificarea prin 2 Pași",
'totp_disable_help' => 'Ca să dezactivezi TOTP pe acest cont, trebuie să introduci un Cod TOTP valid. O dată validat, protecția TOTP pe acest cont va fi dezactivată.',
"totp_enabled" => "Verificarea TOTP a fost activată pe contul tău. Te rog apasă să închizi această fereastră pentru a finaliza.",
'totp_enable' => 'Activează Autentificarea prin 2 Pași',
"totp_enabled_error" => "Codul introdus nu a putut fi verificat. Te rog încearcă iar.",
'totp_enabled' => 'Verificarea TOTP a fost activată pe contul tău. Te rog apasă să închizi această fereastră pentru a finaliza.',
"totp_enable_help" => "Nu ai Autentificarea prin 2 Pași activată. Această modalitate de autentificare adaugă un plus de protecție contului tău. Dacă ai activat asta, va fi necesar să introduci un Cod generat de aplicația de pe telefonul tău înainte de a te loga.",
'totp_enabled_error' => 'Codul introdus nu a putut fi verificat. Te rog încearcă iar.',
"totp_header" => "Autentificare prin 2 Pași",
'totp_enable_help' => 'Nu ai Autentificarea prin 2 Pași activată. Această modalitate de autentificare adaugă un plus de protecție contului tău. Dacă ai activat asta, va fi necesar să introduci un Cod generat de aplicația de pe telefonul tău înainte de a te loga.',
"totp_qr" => "Codul QR TOTP",
'totp_header' => 'Autentificare prin 2 Pași',
"totp_token" => "Codul TOTP",
'totp_qr' => 'Codul QR TOTP',
"update_email" => "Actualizează Emailul",
'totp_token' => 'Codul TOTP',
"update_pass" => "Actualizează Parola",
'update_email' => 'Actualizează Emailul',
"update_user" => "Actualizează Utilizatorul",
'update_pass' => 'Actualizează Parola',
'update_user' => 'Actualizează Utilizatorul',
"confirm" => "Ești sigur?",
"form_error" => "S-au întâmpinat următoarele erori la validarea cererii trimise.",
'confirm' => 'Ești sigur?',
"no_servers" => "Nu există nici un server atribuit contului tău.",
'form_error' => 'S-au întâmpinat următoarele erori la validarea cererii trimise.',
"password_req" => "Parola trebuie să respecte următoarele cerințe: cel puțin o literă mare, o literă mică, o cifră, și să fie în total din cel puțin 8 caractere.",
'no_servers' => 'Nu există nici un server atribuit contului tău.',
"server_name" => "Numele Serverului",
'password_req' => 'Parola trebuie să respecte următoarele cerințe: cel puțin o literă mare, o literă mică, o cifră, și să fie în total din cel puțin 8 caractere.',
"validation_error" => "S-a întâmpinat o problema la validarea datelor introduse:",
'server_name' => 'Numele Serverului',
"view_as_admin" => "Vezi acestă listă cu servere deoarece ești admin. De asemenea, vezi toate serverele instalate în sistem. Orice Server la care ești setat proprietar o să apare un punct albastru în fața numelui.",
'validation_error' => 'S-a întâmpinat o problema la validarea datelor introduse:',
'view_as_admin' => 'Vezi acestă listă cu servere deoarece ești admin. De asemenea, vezi toate serverele instalate în sistem. Orice Server la care ești setat proprietar o să apare un punct albastru în fața numelui.',
@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
return array(
"next" => "Următorul »",
return [
"previous" => "« Precedent",
'next' => 'Următorul »',
"sidebar" => array(
'previous' => '« Precedent',
"account_controls" => "Setările Contului",
'sidebar' => [
"account_security" => "Securitatea Contului",
'account_controls' => 'Setările Contului',
"account_settings" => "Setările Contului",
'account_security' => 'Securitatea Contului',
"files" => "Manager de Fișiere",
'account_settings' => 'Setările Contului',
"manage" => "Controlează Serverul",
'files' => 'Manager de Fișiere',
"overview" => "Interfața Serverului",
'manage' => 'Controlează Serverul',
"servers" => "Serverele Tale",
'overview' => 'Interfața Serverului',
"server_controls" => "Controlează Serverul",
'servers' => 'Serverele Tale',
"subusers" => "Setează Sub-Utilizatorii",
'server_controls' => 'Controlează Serverul',
'subusers' => 'Setează Sub-Utilizatorii',
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
return array(
"password" => "Parola trebuie să conțină cel puțin 6 caractere și să o confirmi corect.",
return [
"reset" => "Parola ta a fost resetată!",
'password' => 'Parola trebuie să conțină cel puțin 6 caractere și să o confirmi corect.',
"sent" => "Ți-am trimis pe e-mail linkul de resetare al parolei!",
'reset' => 'Parola ta a fost resetată!',
"token" => "Acest cod de resetare al parolei este invalid.",
'sent' => 'Ți-am trimis pe e-mail linkul de resetare al parolei!',
"user" => "Nu s-a găsit nici un utilizator cu acestă adresă de e-mail.",
'token' => 'Acest cod de resetare al parolei este invalid.',
'user' => 'Nu s-a găsit nici un utilizator cu acestă adresă de e-mail.',
@ -1,28 +1,29 @@
return array(
"ajax" => array(
return [
"socket_error" => "Nu s-a putut conecta la Serverul Socket.IO, pot exista probleme de conectivitate. Panoul poate să nu funcționeze corect.",
'ajax' => [
"socket_status" => "Statusul acestui server a fost schimbat în: ",
'socket_error' => 'Nu s-a putut conecta la Serverul Socket.IO, pot exista probleme de conectivitate. Panoul poate să nu funcționeze corect.',
"socket_status_crashed" => "Serverul a fost detectat ca CRASHED.",
'socket_status' => 'Statusul acestui server a fost schimbat în: ',
'socket_status_crashed' => 'Serverul a fost detectat ca CRASHED.',
"files" => array(
"back" => "Înapoi la Managerul de Fișiere",
'files' => [
"loading" => "Se încarcă lista de fișiere, poate dura câteva secunde...",
'back' => 'Înapoi la Managerul de Fișiere',
"saved" => "Fișierul a fost salvat cu succes.",
'loading' => 'Se încarcă lista de fișiere, poate dura câteva secunde...',
"yaml_notice" => "Editezi un fișier YAML. Aceste fișiere nu acceptă taburi, ele trebuie să folosească spații. De aceea, dacă vei apasă tab se vor insera :dropdown spații.",
'saved' => 'Fișierul a fost salvat cu succes.',
'yaml_notice' => 'Editezi un fișier YAML. Aceste fișiere nu acceptă taburi, ele trebuie să folosească spații. De aceea, dacă vei apasă tab se vor insera :dropdown spații.',
"index" => array(
"add_new" => "Adaugă un Server Nou",
'index' => [
"allocation" => "Alocarea",
'add_new' => 'Adaugă un Server Nou',
"command" => "Introdu Comanda",
'allocation' => 'Alocarea',
"connection" => "Conexiune de bază",
'command' => 'Introdu Comanda',
"control" => "Controlează Serverul",
'connection' => 'Conexiune de bază',
"cpu_use" => "Utilizarea CPU",
'control' => 'Controlează Serverul',
"disk_space" => "Spațiu pe Disc",
'cpu_use' => 'Utilizarea CPU',
"memory_use" => "Utilizarea Memoriei",
'disk_space' => 'Spațiu pe Disc',
"mem_limit" => "Limita Memoriei",
'memory_use' => 'Utilizarea Memoriei',
"server_info" => "Informațiile Serverului",
'mem_limit' => 'Limita Memoriei',
"usage" => "Utilizare",
'server_info' => 'Informațiile Serverului',
"xaxis" => "Timp (2s adăugate)",
'usage' => 'Utilizare',
'xaxis' => 'Timp (2s adăugate)',
@ -1,29 +1,30 @@
return array(
"again" => "Iar",
return [
"close" => "Închide",
'again' => 'Iar',
"connection" => "Conexiunea",
'close' => 'Închide',
"cpu" => "CPU",
'connection' => 'Conexiunea',
"current_password" => "Parola Curentă",
'cpu' => 'CPU',
"disabled" => "Dezactivat",
'current_password' => 'Parola Curentă',
"email" => "Email",
'disabled' => 'Dezactivat',
"enabled" => "Activat",
'email' => 'Email',
"language" => "Limba",
'enabled' => 'Activat',
"location" => "Locația",
'language' => 'Limba',
"login" => "Loghează-te",
'location' => 'Locația',
"memory" => "Memorie",
'login' => 'Loghează-te',
"no" => "Nu",
'memory' => 'Memorie',
"node" => "Nod",
'no' => 'Nu',
"players" => "Jucători",
'node' => 'Nod',
"registered" => "Înregistrat",
'players' => 'Jucători',
"restart" => "Repornește",
'registered' => 'Înregistrat',
"root_administrator" => "Administrator cu Acces Total",
'restart' => 'Repornește',
"save" => "Salvează",
'root_administrator' => 'Administrator cu Acces Total',
"start" => "Pornește",
'save' => 'Salvează',
"status" => "Status",
'start' => 'Pornește',
"stop" => "Oprește",
'status' => 'Status',
"submit" => "Trimite",
'stop' => 'Oprește',
"success" => "Succes",
'submit' => 'Trimite',
"whoops" => "Ups",
'success' => 'Succes',
"yes" => "Da",
'whoops' => 'Ups',
'yes' => 'Da',
@ -1,70 +1,71 @@
return array(
"accepted" => ":attribute trebuie să fie acceptat.",
return [
"active_url" => ":attribute nu e un URL valid.",
'accepted' => ':attribute trebuie să fie acceptat.',
"after" => ":attribute trebuie să fie o dată după :date.",
'active_url' => ':attribute nu e un URL valid.',
"alpha" => ":attribute trebuie să conțină doar litere.",
'after' => ':attribute trebuie să fie o dată după :date.',
"alpha_dash" => ":attribute trebuie să conțină doar litere, cifre și spații.",
'alpha' => ':attribute trebuie să conțină doar litere.',
"alpha_num" => ":attribute trebuie să conțină doar litere și numere.",
'alpha_dash' => ':attribute trebuie să conțină doar litere, cifre și spații.',
"array" => ":attribute trebuie să fie mai multe.",
'alpha_num' => ':attribute trebuie să conțină doar litere și numere.',
"before" => ":attribute trebuie să fie o dată după :date.",
'array' => ':attribute trebuie să fie mai multe.',
"between" => array(
'before' => ':attribute trebuie să fie o dată după :date.',
"array" => ":attribute trebuie să aibă între :min și :max elemente.",
'between' => [
"file" => ":attribute trebuie să fie între :min și :max kilobytes.",
'array' => ':attribute trebuie să aibă între :min și :max elemente.',
"numeric" => ":attribute trebuie să fie între :min și :max.",
'file' => ':attribute trebuie să fie între :min și :max kilobytes.',
"string" => ":attribute trebuie să fie între :min și :max caractere.",
'numeric' => ':attribute trebuie să fie între :min și :max.',
'string' => ':attribute trebuie să fie între :min și :max caractere.',
"boolean" => "Câmpul :attribute trebuie să fie true sau false.",
"confirmed" => "Confirmarea :attribute nu corespunde.",
'boolean' => 'Câmpul :attribute trebuie să fie true sau false.',
"custom" => array(
'confirmed' => 'Confirmarea :attribute nu corespunde.',
"attribute-name" => array(
'custom' => [
"rule-name" => "custom-message",
'attribute-name' => [
'rule-name' => 'custom-message',
"date" => ":attribute nu e o dată validă.",
"date_format" => ":attribute nu respectă formatul :format.",
'date' => ':attribute nu e o dată validă.',
"different" => ":attribute și :other trebuie să difere.",
'date_format' => ':attribute nu respectă formatul :format.',
"digits" => ":attribute trebuie să fie din :digits cifre.",
'different' => ':attribute și :other trebuie să difere.',
"digits_between" => ":attribute trebuie să între :min și :max caractere.",
'digits' => ':attribute trebuie să fie din :digits cifre.',
"exists" => ":attribute selectat este invalid.",
'digits_between' => ':attribute trebuie să între :min și :max caractere.',
"filled" => "Câmpul :attribute este necesar să fie completat.",
'exists' => ':attribute selectat este invalid.',
"image" => ":attribute trebuie să fie o imagine.",
'filled' => 'Câmpul :attribute este necesar să fie completat.',
"in" => ":attibute selectat este invalid.",
'image' => ':attribute trebuie să fie o imagine.',
"integer" => ":attribute trebuie să fie un întreg.",
'in' => ':attibute selectat este invalid.',
"ip" => ":attribute trebuie să fie o adresă IP validă.",
'integer' => ':attribute trebuie să fie un întreg.',
"json" => ":attribute trebuie să fie un șir JSON validă.",
'ip' => ':attribute trebuie să fie o adresă IP validă.',
"max" => array(
'json' => ':attribute trebuie să fie un șir JSON validă.',
"array" => ":attribute nu trebuie să aibă mai mult de :max elemente.",
'max' => [
"file" => ":attribute nu trebuie să fie mai mare de :max kilobytes.",
'array' => ':attribute nu trebuie să aibă mai mult de :max elemente.',
"numeric" => ":attribute nu trebuie să fie mai mare de :max.",
'file' => ':attribute nu trebuie să fie mai mare de :max kilobytes.',
"string" => ":attribute nu trebuie să fie mai mare de :max caractere.",
'numeric' => ':attribute nu trebuie să fie mai mare de :max.',
'string' => ':attribute nu trebuie să fie mai mare de :max caractere.',
"mimes" => ":attribute trebuie să fie un fișier de tip: :values.",
"min" => array(
'mimes' => ':attribute trebuie să fie un fișier de tip: :values.',
"array" => ":attribute trebuie să aibă cel puțin :min elemente.",
'min' => [
"file" => ":attribute trebuie să fie mai mic de :min kilobytes.",
'array' => ':attribute trebuie să aibă cel puțin :min elemente.',
"numeric" => ":attribute trebuie să fie cel puțin :min.",
'file' => ':attribute trebuie să fie mai mic de :min kilobytes.',
"string" => ":attribute trebuie să fie cel puțin din :min caractere.",
'numeric' => ':attribute trebuie să fie cel puțin :min.',
'string' => ':attribute trebuie să fie cel puțin din :min caractere.',
"not_in" => ":attribute selectat nu este valid.",
"numeric" => ":attribute nu e un număr.",
'not_in' => ':attribute selectat nu este valid.',
"regex" => "Formatul :attribute este invalid.",
'numeric' => ':attribute nu e un număr.',
"required" => "Câmpul :attribute este necesar să fie completat.",
'regex' => 'Formatul :attribute este invalid.',
"required_if" => "Câmpul :attribute este necesar să fie completat când :other este :value.",
'required' => 'Câmpul :attribute este necesar să fie completat.',
"required_with" => "Câmpul :attribute e necesar să fie completat când :values este prezent.",
'required_if' => 'Câmpul :attribute este necesar să fie completat când :other este :value.',
"required_without" => "Câmpul :attribute este necesar să fie completat când :values nu este prezent.",
'required_with' => 'Câmpul :attribute e necesar să fie completat când :values este prezent.',
"required_without_all" => "Câmpul :attribute este necesar să fie completat când niciunul din :values este prezent.",
'required_without' => 'Câmpul :attribute este necesar să fie completat când :values nu este prezent.',
"required_with_all" => "Câmpul :attribute este necesar să fie completat când :values este prezent.",
'required_without_all' => 'Câmpul :attribute este necesar să fie completat când niciunul din :values este prezent.',
"same" => ":attribute și :other nu corespund.",
'required_with_all' => 'Câmpul :attribute este necesar să fie completat când :values este prezent.',
"size" => array(
'same' => ':attribute și :other nu corespund.',
"array" => ":attribute trebuie să conțină :size elemente.",
'size' => [
"file" => ":attribute trebuie să aibă :size kilobytes.",
'array' => ':attribute trebuie să conțină :size elemente.',
"numeric" => ":attribute trebuie să fie din :size.",
'file' => ':attribute trebuie să aibă :size kilobytes.',
"string" => ":attribute trebuie să fie din :size caractere.",
'numeric' => ':attribute trebuie să fie din :size.',
'string' => ':attribute trebuie să fie din :size caractere.',
"string" => ":attribute trebuie să fie un șir/serie.",
"timezone" => ":attribute trebuie să fie o zonă validă.",
'string' => ':attribute trebuie să fie un șir/serie.',
"totp" => "Codul TOTP este invalid. Verifică dacă a expirat.",
'timezone' => ':attribute trebuie să fie o zonă validă.',
"unique" => ":attribute este deja folosit.",
'totp' => 'Codul TOTP este invalid. Verifică dacă a expirat.',
"url" => "Formatul :attribute este invalid.",
'unique' => ':attribute este deja folosit.',
'url' => 'Formatul :attribute este invalid.',
@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
return array(
"confirmpassword" => "Подтвердить пароль",
return [
"emailsent" => "Письмо со сбросом пароля Вам отправлено.",
'confirmpassword' => 'Подтвердить пароль',
"errorencountered" => "Произошла ошибка при попытке обработать этот запрос.",
'emailsent' => 'Письмо со сбросом пароля Вам отправлено.',
"failed" => "Эти учетные данные не соответствуют нашим записям.",
'errorencountered' => 'Произошла ошибка при попытке обработать этот запрос.',
"remeberme" => "Запомнить меня",
'failed' => 'Эти учетные данные не соответствуют нашим записям.',
"resetpassword" => "Сброс пароля",
'remeberme' => 'Запомнить меня',
"sendlink" => "Выслать ссылку для сброса пароля",
'resetpassword' => 'Сброс пароля',
"throttle" => "Слишком много попыток входа. Попробуйте снова через :seconds секунд.",
'sendlink' => 'Выслать ссылку для сброса пароля',
"totp_failed" => "TOTP токен недействителен. Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что токен, сформированный устройством является действительным.",
'throttle' => 'Слишком много попыток входа. Попробуйте снова через :seconds секунд.',
'totp_failed' => 'TOTP токен недействителен. Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что токен, сформированный устройством является действительным.',
@ -1,30 +1,31 @@
return array(
"account" => array(
return [
"delete_user" => "Удалить пользователя",
'account' => [
"email_password" => "Пароль Email",
'delete_user' => 'Удалить пользователя',
"new_email" => "Новое письмо",
'email_password' => 'Пароль Email',
"new_password" => "Новый пароль",
'new_email' => 'Новое письмо',
"totp_apps" => "Вы должны воспользоваться TOTP приложением (т.е. Google Authenticator, DUO Mobile, Authy, Enpass) для использования этой опции.",
'new_password' => 'Новый пароль',
"totp_checkpoint_help" => "Пожалуйста, проверьте настройки TOTP путем сканирования QR-код приложением аутентификатором, введите код из 6 цифр, которые сгенерированы приложением.",
'totp_apps' => 'Вы должны воспользоваться TOTP приложением (т.е. Google Authenticator, DUO Mobile, Authy, Enpass) для использования этой опции.',
"totp_disable" => "Отключить двухфакторную аутентификацию",
'totp_checkpoint_help' => 'Пожалуйста, проверьте настройки TOTP путем сканирования QR-код приложением аутентификатором, введите код из 6 цифр, которые сгенерированы приложением.',
"totp_disable_help" => "Для того, чтобы отключить TOTP на этот аккаунте Вам необходимо предоставить действительный токен TOTP.",
'totp_disable' => 'Отключить двухфакторную аутентификацию',
"totp_enable" => "Включить двухфакторную аутентификацию",
'totp_disable_help' => 'Для того, чтобы отключить TOTP на этот аккаунте Вам необходимо предоставить действительный токен TOTP.',
"totp_enabled" => "К Вашей учетной записи подключена проверка TOTP. Пожалуйста, нажмите на кнопку закрыть.",
'totp_enable' => 'Включить двухфакторную аутентификацию',
"totp_enabled_error" => "TOTP токен невозможно проверить. Пожалуйста, попробуйте снова.",
'totp_enabled' => 'К Вашей учетной записи подключена проверка TOTP. Пожалуйста, нажмите на кнопку закрыть.',
"totp_enable_help" => "У Вас ещё не включена функция двухфакторной проверки подлинности. Этот метод аутентификации добавляет дополнительный условие, предотвращающий несанкционированный доступ к вашей учетной записи. Если вы включите его - вам потребуется ввести код, сформированный на вашем телефоне или другом устройстве с поддержкой TOTP.",
'totp_enabled_error' => 'TOTP токен невозможно проверить. Пожалуйста, попробуйте снова.',
"totp_header" => "Двухфакторная аутентификация",
'totp_enable_help' => 'У Вас ещё не включена функция двухфакторной проверки подлинности. Этот метод аутентификации добавляет дополнительный условие, предотвращающий несанкционированный доступ к вашей учетной записи. Если вы включите его - вам потребуется ввести код, сформированный на вашем телефоне или другом устройстве с поддержкой TOTP.',
"totp_qr" => "TOTP QR Код",
'totp_header' => 'Двухфакторная аутентификация',
"totp_token" => "TOTP Токен",
'totp_qr' => 'TOTP QR Код',
"update_email" => "Обновить Email",
'totp_token' => 'TOTP Токен',
"update_pass" => "Обновить пароль",
'update_email' => 'Обновить Email',
"update_user" => "Обновить пользователя",
'update_pass' => 'Обновить пароль',
'update_user' => 'Обновить пользователя',
"confirm" => "Вы уверены?",
"form_error" => "Следующие ошибки были обнаружены при попытке обработать этот запрос.",
'confirm' => 'Вы уверены?',
"no_servers" => "На этом аккаунте в настоящее время нет серверов.",
'form_error' => 'Следующие ошибки были обнаружены при попытке обработать этот запрос.',
"password_req" => "Пароли должны отвечать следующим требованиям: по крайней мере, один символ верхнего регистра, один символ нижнего регистра, одна цифра, и быть не менее 8 символов в длину.",
'no_servers' => 'На этом аккаунте в настоящее время нет серверов.',
"server_name" => "Имя сервера",
'password_req' => 'Пароли должны отвечать следующим требованиям: по крайней мере, один символ верхнего регистра, один символ нижнего регистра, одна цифра, и быть не менее 8 символов в длину.',
"validation_error" => "Произошла ошибка при проверке Ваших данных:",
'server_name' => 'Имя сервера',
"view_as_admin" => "Вы просматриваете список серверов как администратор. Отображаются все установленные сервера. Сервер, помеченный синей точкой, принадлежит этому владельцу.",
'validation_error' => 'Произошла ошибка при проверке Ваших данных:',
'view_as_admin' => 'Вы просматриваете список серверов как администратор. Отображаются все установленные сервера. Сервер, помеченный синей точкой, принадлежит этому владельцу.',
@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
return array(
"next" => "туда »",
return [
"previous" => "« сюда",
'next' => 'туда »',
"sidebar" => array(
'previous' => '« сюда',
"account_controls" => "Управление аккаунтом",
'sidebar' => [
"account_security" => "Безопасность аккаунта",
'account_controls' => 'Управление аккаунтом',
"account_settings" => "Настройка аккаунта",
'account_security' => 'Безопасность аккаунта',
"files" => "Файл Менеджер",
'account_settings' => 'Настройка аккаунта',
"manage" => "Управление сервером",
'files' => 'Файл Менеджер',
"overview" => "Обзор сервера",
'manage' => 'Управление сервером',
"servers" => "Ваши сервера",
'overview' => 'Обзор сервера',
"server_controls" => "Управление сервером",
'servers' => 'Ваши сервера',
"subusers" => "Управление суб-пользователями",
'server_controls' => 'Управление сервером',
'subusers' => 'Управление суб-пользователями',
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
return array(
"password" => "Пароли должны быть не менее шести символов.",
return [
"reset" => "Ваш пароль был сброшен!",
'password' => 'Пароли должны быть не менее шести символов.',
"sent" => "Мы отправили ссылку сброса пароля!",
'reset' => 'Ваш пароль был сброшен!',
"token" => "Токен сброса пароля недействителен.",
'sent' => 'Мы отправили ссылку сброса пароля!',
"user" => "Мы не можем найти пользователя с таким email.",
'token' => 'Токен сброса пароля недействителен.',
'user' => 'Мы не можем найти пользователя с таким email.',
@ -1,28 +1,29 @@
return array(
"ajax" => array(
return [
"socket_error" => "Нам не удалось подключиться к Socket.IO сервера, из за проблемы сети. Панель может работать не так, как ожидалось.",
'ajax' => [
"socket_status" => "Этот сервер изменил статус на",
'socket_error' => 'Нам не удалось подключиться к Socket.IO сервера, из за проблемы сети. Панель может работать не так, как ожидалось.',
"socket_status_crashed" => "Этот сервер определен как CRASHED.",
'socket_status' => 'Этот сервер изменил статус на',
'socket_status_crashed' => 'Этот сервер определен как CRASHED.',
"files" => array(
"back" => "Обратно в Файлменеджер",
'files' => [
"loading" => "Загружается список файлов, подождите несколько секунд...",
'back' => 'Обратно в Файлменеджер',
"saved" => "Файл успешно сохранен.",
'loading' => 'Загружается список файлов, подождите несколько секунд...',
"yaml_notice" => "Вы редактируете YAML файл. Вместо символов табуляции используйте :dropdown пробелы.",
'saved' => 'Файл успешно сохранен.',
'yaml_notice' => 'Вы редактируете YAML файл. Вместо символов табуляции используйте :dropdown пробелы.',
"index" => array(
"add_new" => "Добавить новый сервер",
'index' => [
"allocation" => "Распределение",
'add_new' => 'Добавить новый сервер',
"command" => "Введите команду консоли",
'allocation' => 'Распределение',
"connection" => "Соединение по умолчанию",
'command' => 'Введите команду консоли',
"control" => "Управление сервером",
'connection' => 'Соединение по умолчанию',
"cpu_use" => "Использование процессора",
'control' => 'Управление сервером',
"disk_space" => "Дисковое пространство",
'cpu_use' => 'Использование процессора',
"memory_use" => "Использование памяти",
'disk_space' => 'Дисковое пространство',
"mem_limit" => "Лимит памяти",
'memory_use' => 'Использование памяти',
"server_info" => "Информация о сервере",
'mem_limit' => 'Лимит памяти',
"usage" => "Использование",
'server_info' => 'Информация о сервере',
"xaxis" => "Время (2с интервал)",
'usage' => 'Использование',
'xaxis' => 'Время (2с интервал)',
@ -1,29 +1,30 @@
return array(
"again" => "Снова",
return [
"close" => "Закрыть",
'again' => 'Снова',
"connection" => "Соединение",
'close' => 'Закрыть',
"cpu" => "CPU",
'connection' => 'Соединение',
"current_password" => "Текущий пароль",
'cpu' => 'CPU',
"disabled" => "Отключено",
'current_password' => 'Текущий пароль',
"email" => "Email",
'disabled' => 'Отключено',
"enabled" => "Включено",
'email' => 'Email',
"language" => "Язык",
'enabled' => 'Включено',
"location" => "Местоположение",
'language' => 'Язык',
"login" => "Логин",
'location' => 'Местоположение',
"memory" => "Память",
'login' => 'Логин',
"no" => "Нет",
'memory' => 'Память',
"node" => "Нода",
'no' => 'Нет',
"players" => "Игроков",
'node' => 'Нода',
"registered" => "Зарегистрирован",
'players' => 'Игроков',
"restart" => "Рестарт",
'registered' => 'Зарегистрирован',
"root_administrator" => "Главный администратор",
'restart' => 'Рестарт',
"save" => "Сохранить",
'root_administrator' => 'Главный администратор',
"start" => "Старт",
'save' => 'Сохранить',
"status" => "Статус",
'start' => 'Старт',
"stop" => "Стоп",
'status' => 'Статус',
"submit" => "Отправить",
'stop' => 'Стоп',
"success" => "Успешно",
'submit' => 'Отправить',
"whoops" => "Whoops",
'success' => 'Успешно',
"yes" => "Да",
'whoops' => 'Whoops',
'yes' => 'Да',
@ -1,70 +1,71 @@
return array(
"accepted" => ":attribute должен быть принят.",
return [
"active_url" => ":attribute неверный URL.",
'accepted' => ':attribute должен быть принят.',
"after" => ":attribute должно быть после даты :date.",
'active_url' => ':attribute неверный URL.',
"alpha" => ":attribute может содержать только буквы.",
'after' => ':attribute должно быть после даты :date.',
"alpha_dash" => ":attribute может содержать буквы, числа и тире.",
'alpha' => ':attribute может содержать только буквы.',
"alpha_num" => ":attribute может содержать буквы и цифры.",
'alpha_dash' => ':attribute может содержать буквы, числа и тире.',
"array" => ":attribute должен быть массивом.",
'alpha_num' => ':attribute может содержать буквы и цифры.',
"before" => ":attribute должен быть перед датой :date.",
'array' => ':attribute должен быть массивом.',
"between" => array(
'before' => ':attribute должен быть перед датой :date.',
"array" => ":attribute должен быть между :min и :max.",
'between' => [
"file" => ":attribute должен быть между :min и :max килобайт.",
'array' => ':attribute должен быть между :min и :max.',
"numeric" => ":attribute должен быть между :min и :max.",
'file' => ':attribute должен быть между :min и :max килобайт.',
"string" => ":attribute должен быть между :min и :max символов.",
'numeric' => ':attribute должен быть между :min и :max.',
'string' => ':attribute должен быть между :min и :max символов.',
"boolean" => ":attribute поле должно быть true или false.",
"confirmed" => ":attribute подтверждение не совпадает.",
'boolean' => ':attribute поле должно быть true или false.',
"custom" => array(
'confirmed' => ':attribute подтверждение не совпадает.',
"attribute-name" => array(
'custom' => [
"rule-name" => "custom-message",
'attribute-name' => [
'rule-name' => 'custom-message',
"date" => ":attribute неправильная дата.",
"date_format" => ":attribute не соответствует формату :format.",
'date' => ':attribute неправильная дата.',
"different" => ":attribute и :other должны бить различными.",
'date_format' => ':attribute не соответствует формату :format.',
"digits" => ":attributeдолжны быть :digits цифрами.",
'different' => ':attribute и :other должны бить различными.',
"digits_between" => ":attribute должны быть между :min и :max цифрами.",
'digits' => ':attributeдолжны быть :digits цифрами.',
"exists" => "Выбран недопустимый :attribute.",
'digits_between' => ':attribute должны быть между :min и :max цифрами.',
"filled" => ":attribute поле, обязательное для заполнения.",
'exists' => 'Выбран недопустимый :attribute.',
"image" => ":attribute должен быть изображением.",
'filled' => ':attribute поле, обязательное для заполнения.',
"in" => "Выбран недопустимый :attribute.",
'image' => ':attribute должен быть изображением.',
"integer" => ":attribute должен быть целым числом.",
'in' => 'Выбран недопустимый :attribute.',
"ip" => ":attribute должен быть IP адресом.",
'integer' => ':attribute должен быть целым числом.',
"json" => ":attribute должен быть JSON строкой.",
'ip' => ':attribute должен быть IP адресом.',
"max" => array(
'json' => ':attribute должен быть JSON строкой.',
"array" => ":attribute не может иметь более :max позиций.",
'max' => [
"file" => ":attribute не может быть больше, чем :max килобайт.",
'array' => ':attribute не может иметь более :max позиций.',
"numeric" => ":attribute не может быть больше, чем :max.",
'file' => ':attribute не может быть больше, чем :max килобайт.',
"string" => ":attribute не может быть больше, че :max символов.",
'numeric' => ':attribute не может быть больше, чем :max.',
'string' => ':attribute не может быть больше, че :max символов.',
"mimes" => ":attribute должен быть файлом: :values.",
"min" => array(
'mimes' => ':attribute должен быть файлом: :values.',
"array" => ":attribute должны иметь по крайней мере :min позиций.",
'min' => [
"file" => ":attribute должен быть не менее :min килобайт.",
'array' => ':attribute должны иметь по крайней мере :min позиций.',
"numeric" => ":attribute должен быть не менее :min.",
'file' => ':attribute должен быть не менее :min килобайт.',
"string" => ":attribute должен быть не менее :min символов.",
'numeric' => ':attribute должен быть не менее :min.',
'string' => ':attribute должен быть не менее :min символов.',
"not_in" => "Выбран недопустимый :attribute.",
"numeric" => ":attribute должен быть числом.",
'not_in' => 'Выбран недопустимый :attribute.',
"regex" => ":attribute недопустимый формат.",
'numeric' => ':attribute должен быть числом.',
"required" => ":attribute обязательно к заполнению.",
'regex' => ':attribute недопустимый формат.',
"required_if" => ":attribute должно быть заполнено когда :other в :value.",
'required' => ':attribute обязательно к заполнению.',
"required_with" => ":attribute поле должно быть заполнено когда :values присутствует.",
'required_if' => ':attribute должно быть заполнено когда :other в :value.',
"required_without" => ":attribute должно быть заполнено когда :values не присутствует.",
'required_with' => ':attribute поле должно быть заполнено когда :values присутствует.',
"required_without_all" => ":attribute должно быть заполнено когда пустое значение :values.",
'required_without' => ':attribute должно быть заполнено когда :values не присутствует.',
"required_with_all" => ":attribute должно быть заполнено когда :values присутствует.",
'required_without_all' => ':attribute должно быть заполнено когда пустое значение :values.',
"same" => ":attribute и :other должны совпадать.",
'required_with_all' => ':attribute должно быть заполнено когда :values присутствует.',
"size" => array(
'same' => ':attribute и :other должны совпадать.',
"array" => ":attribute должен содержать :size позиций.",
'size' => [
"file" => ":attribute должен быть :size килобайт.",
'array' => ':attribute должен содержать :size позиций.',
"numeric" => ":attribute должен быть :size.",
'file' => ':attribute должен быть :size килобайт.',
"string" => ":attribute должен быть :size символов.",
'numeric' => ':attribute должен быть :size.',
'string' => ':attribute должен быть :size символов.',
"string" => ":attribute должен быть строкой.",
"timezone" => ":attribute должен быть часовым поясом.",
'string' => ':attribute должен быть строкой.',
"totp" => "Тotp токен недействителен. Просрочен?",
'timezone' => ':attribute должен быть часовым поясом.',
"unique" => ":attribute уже использован.",
'totp' => 'Тotp токен недействителен. Просрочен?',
"url" => ":attribute недопустимый формат.",
'unique' => ':attribute уже использован.',
'url' => ':attribute недопустимый формат.',
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
return array(
"resetpassword" => "Återställ lösenord",
return [
"sendlink" => "SendSkicka återställningslänk för att återställa dittt lösenord",
'resetpassword' => 'Återställ lösenord',
'sendlink' => 'SendSkicka återställningslänk för att återställa dittt lösenord',
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
return array(
"account" => array(
return [
"totp_header" => "Två-faktors autentisering",
'account' => [
'totp_header' => 'Två-faktors autentisering',
"view_as_admin" => "Du visar den här serverlistan som admin, därför är alla servrar installerade synliga. Serverar som du äger är markerade med en blå cirkel till vänster om servern.",
'view_as_admin' => 'Du visar den här serverlistan som admin, därför är alla servrar installerade synliga. Serverar som du äger är markerade med en blå cirkel till vänster om servern.',
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
return array(
return [
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