Merge branch 'dane/type-cleanup' into v2
This commit is contained in:
30 changed files with 959 additions and 565 deletions
@ -43,6 +43,10 @@ rules:
- warn
- warn
- always
- always
- warn
- argsIgnorePattern: '^_'
varsIgnorePattern: '^_'
# Remove errors for not having newlines between operands of ternary expressions
# Remove errors for not having newlines between operands of ternary expressions
multiline-ternary: 0
multiline-ternary: 0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
import { Model, UUID, WithRelationships, withRelationships } from '@/api/admin/index';
import { Nest } from '@/api/admin/nest';
import http, { QueryBuilderParams, withQueryBuilderParams } from '@/api/http';
import { AdminTransformers } from '@/api/admin/transformers';
export interface Egg extends Model {
id: number;
uuid: UUID;
nestId: number;
author: string;
name: string;
description: string | null;
features: string[] | null;
dockerImages: string[];
configFiles: Record<string, any> | null;
configStartup: Record<string, any> | null;
configStop: string | null;
configFrom: number | null;
startup: string;
scriptContainer: string;
copyScriptFrom: number | null;
scriptEntry: string;
scriptIsPrivileged: boolean;
scriptInstall: string | null;
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: Date;
relationships: {
nest?: Nest;
variables?: EggVariable[];
export interface EggVariable extends Model {
id: number;
eggId: number;
name: string;
description: string;
environmentVariable: string;
defaultValue: string;
isUserViewable: boolean;
isUserEditable: boolean;
isRequired: boolean;
rules: string;
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: Date;
* Gets a single egg from the database and returns it.
export const getEgg = async (id: number | string): Promise<WithRelationships<Egg, 'nest' | 'variables'>> => {
const { data } = await http.get(`/api/application/eggs/${id}`, {
params: {
include: [ 'nest', 'variables' ],
return withRelationships(AdminTransformers.toEgg(data), 'nest', 'variables');
export const searchEggs = async (nestId: number, params: QueryBuilderParams<'name'>): Promise<WithRelationships<Egg, 'variables'>[]> => {
const { data } = await http.get(`/api/application/nests/${nestId}/eggs`, {
params: {
include: [ 'variables' ],
@ -1,5 +1,38 @@
import { createContext } from 'react';
import { createContext } from 'react';
export interface Model {
relationships: Record<string, unknown>;
export type UUID = string;
* Marks the provided relationships keys as present in the given model
* rather than being optional to improve typing responses.
export type WithRelationships<M extends Model, R extends string> = Omit<M, 'relationships'> & {
relationships: Omit<M['relationships'], keyof R> & {
[K in R]: NonNullable<M['relationships'][K]>;
* Helper type that allows you to infer the type of an object by giving
* it the specific API request function with a return type. For example:
* type EggT = InferModel<typeof getEgg>;
export type InferModel<T extends (...args: any) => any> = ReturnType<T> extends Promise<infer U> ? U : T;
* Helper function that just returns the model you pass in, but types the model
* such that TypeScript understands the relationships on it. This is just to help
* reduce the amount of duplicated type casting all over the codebase.
export const withRelationships = <M extends Model, R extends string> (model: M, ..._keys: R[]) => {
return model as unknown as WithRelationships<M, R>;
export interface ListContext<T> {
export interface ListContext<T> {
page: number;
page: number;
setPage: (page: ((p: number) => number) | number) => void;
setPage: (page: ((p: number) => number) | number) => void;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
import { Model } from '@/api/admin/index';
import { Node } from '@/api/admin/node';
export interface Location extends Model {
id: number;
short: string;
long: string;
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: Date;
relationships: {
nodes?: Node[];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
import { Model, UUID } from '@/api/admin/index';
import { Egg } from '@/api/admin/egg';
import http, { QueryBuilderParams, withQueryBuilderParams } from '@/api/http';
import { AdminTransformers } from '@/api/admin/transformers';
export interface Nest extends Model {
id: number;
uuid: UUID;
author: string;
name: string;
description?: string;
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: Date;
relationships: {
eggs?: Egg[];
export const searchNests = async (params: QueryBuilderParams<'name'>): Promise<Nest[]> => {
const { data } = await http.get('/api/application/nests', {
params: withQueryBuilderParams(params),
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
import http from '@/api/http';
import { Egg, rawDataToEgg } from '@/api/admin/eggs/getEgg';
interface Filters {
name?: string;
export default (nestId: number, filters?: Filters, include: string[] = []): Promise<Egg[]> => {
const params = {};
if (filters !== undefined) {
Object.keys(filters).forEach(key => {
// @ts-ignore
params['filter[' + key + ']'] = filters[key];
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
http.get(`/api/application/nests/${nestId}/eggs`, { params: { include: include.join(','), ...params } })
.then(response => resolve(
( || []).map(rawDataToEgg)
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
import http from '@/api/http';
import { Nest, rawDataToNest } from '@/api/admin/nests/getNests';
interface Filters {
name?: string;
export default (filters?: Filters): Promise<Nest[]> => {
const params = {};
if (filters !== undefined) {
Object.keys(filters).forEach(key => {
// @ts-ignore
params['filter[' + key + ']'] = filters[key];
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
http.get('/api/application/nests', { params: { ...params } })
.then(response => resolve(
( || []).map(rawDataToNest)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
import { Model, UUID, WithRelationships, withRelationships } from '@/api/admin/index';
import { Location } from '@/api/admin/location';
import http from '@/api/http';
import { AdminTransformers } from '@/api/admin/transformers';
import { Server } from '@/api/admin/server';
interface NodePorts {
http: {
listen: number;
public: number;
sftp: {
listen: number;
public: number;
export interface Allocation extends Model {
id: number;
ip: string;
port: number;
alias: string | null;
isAssigned: boolean;
relationships: {
node?: Node;
server?: Server | null;
getDisplayText(): string;
export interface Node extends Model {
id: number;
uuid: UUID;
isPublic: boolean;
locationId: number;
databaseHostId: number;
name: string;
description: string | null;
fqdn: string;
ports: NodePorts;
scheme: 'http' | 'https';
isBehindProxy: boolean;
isMaintenanceMode: boolean;
memory: number;
memoryOverallocate: number;
disk: number;
diskOverallocate: number;
uploadSize: number;
daemonBase: string;
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: Date;
relationships: {
location?: Location;
* Gets a single node and returns it.
export const getNode = async (id: string | number): Promise<WithRelationships<Node, 'location'>> => {
const { data } = await http.get(`/api/application/nodes/${id}`, {
params: {
include: [ 'location' ],
return withRelationships(AdminTransformers.toNode(, 'location');
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
import useSWR, { SWRResponse } from 'swr';
import { AxiosError } from 'axios';
import { useRouteMatch } from 'react-router-dom';
import http from '@/api/http';
import { Model, UUID, withRelationships, WithRelationships } from '@/api/admin/index';
import { AdminTransformers } from '@/api/admin/transformers';
import { Allocation, Node } from '@/api/admin/node';
import { User } from '@/api/admin/user';
import { Egg, EggVariable } from '@/api/admin/egg';
import { Nest } from '@/api/admin/nest';
* Defines the limits for a server that exists on the Panel.
interface ServerLimits {
memory: number;
swap: number;
disk: number;
io: number;
cpu: number;
threads: string | null;
oomDisabled: boolean;
export interface ServerVariable extends EggVariable {
serverValue: string;
* Defines a single server instance that is returned from the Panel's admin
* API endpoints.
export interface Server extends Model {
id: number;
uuid: UUID;
externalId: string | null;
identifier: string;
name: string;
description: string;
status: string;
userId: number;
nodeId: number;
allocationId: number;
eggId: number;
nestId: number;
limits: ServerLimits;
featureLimits: {
databases: number;
allocations: number;
backups: number;
container: {
startup: string;
image: string;
environment: Record<string, string>;
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: Date;
relationships: {
allocations?: Allocation[];
nest?: Nest;
egg?: Egg;
node?: Node;
user?: User;
variables?: ServerVariable[];
* A standard API response with the minimum viable details for the frontend
* to correctly render a server.
type LoadedServer = WithRelationships<Server, 'allocations' | 'user' | 'node'>;
* Fetches a server from the API and ensures that the allocations, user, and
* node data is loaded.
export const getServer = async (id: number | string): Promise<LoadedServer> => {
const { data } = await http.get(`/api/application/servers/${id}`, {
params: {
include: [ 'allocations', 'user', 'node' ],
return withRelationships(AdminTransformers.toServer(data), 'allocations', 'user', 'node');
* Returns an SWR instance by automatically loading in the server for the currently
* loaded route match in the admin area.
export const useServerFromRoute = (): SWRResponse<LoadedServer, AxiosError> => {
const { params } = useRouteMatch<{ id: string }>();
return useSWR(`/api/application/servers/${}`, async () => getServer(, {
revalidateOnMount: false,
revalidateOnFocus: false,
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ export interface ServerVariable {
updatedAt: Date;
updatedAt: Date;
const rawDataToServerVariable = ({ attributes }: FractalResponseData): ServerVariable => ({
export const rawDataToServerVariable = ({ attributes }: FractalResponseData): ServerVariable => ({
eggId: attributes.egg_id,
eggId: attributes.egg_id,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
/* eslint-disable camelcase */
import { Allocation, Node } from '@/api/admin/node';
import { Server, ServerVariable } from '@/api/admin/server';
import { FractalResponseData, FractalResponseList } from '@/api/http';
import { User, UserRole } from '@/api/admin/user';
import { Location } from '@/api/admin/location';
import { Egg, EggVariable } from '@/api/admin/egg';
import { Nest } from '@/api/admin/nest';
const isList = (data: FractalResponseList | FractalResponseData): data is FractalResponseList => data.object === 'list';
function transform<T, M = undefined> (data: undefined, transformer: (callback: FractalResponseData) => T, missing?: M): undefined;
function transform<T, M> (data: FractalResponseData | undefined, transformer: (callback: FractalResponseData) => T, missing?: M): T | M | undefined;
function transform<T, M> (data: FractalResponseList | undefined, transformer: (callback: FractalResponseData) => T, missing?: M): T[] | undefined;
function transform<T> (data: FractalResponseData | FractalResponseList | undefined, transformer: (callback: FractalResponseData) => T, missing = undefined) {
if (data === undefined) return undefined;
if (isList(data)) {
return !data ? missing : transformer(data);
export class AdminTransformers {
static toServer = ({ attributes }: FractalResponseData): Server => {
const { oom_disabled, ...limits } = attributes.limits;
const { allocations, egg, nest, node, user, variables } = attributes.relationships || {};
return {
uuid: attributes.uuid,
externalId: attributes.external_id,
identifier: attributes.identifier,
description: attributes.description,
status: attributes.status,
userId: attributes.owner_id,
nodeId: attributes.node_id,
allocationId: attributes.allocation_id,
eggId: attributes.egg_id,
nestId: attributes.nest_id,
limits: { ...limits, oomDisabled: oom_disabled },
featureLimits: attributes.feature_limits,
container: attributes.container,
createdAt: new Date(attributes.created_at),
updatedAt: new Date(attributes.updated_at),
relationships: {
allocations: transform(allocations as FractalResponseList | undefined, this.toAllocation),
nest: transform(nest as FractalResponseData | undefined, this.toNest),
egg: transform(egg as FractalResponseData | undefined, this.toEgg),
node: transform(node as FractalResponseData | undefined, this.toNode),
user: transform(user as FractalResponseData | undefined, this.toUser),
variables: transform(variables as FractalResponseList | undefined, this.toServerEggVariable),
static toNode = ({ attributes }: FractalResponseData): Node => {
return {
uuid: attributes.uuid,
isPublic: attributes.public,
locationId: attributes.location_id,
databaseHostId: attributes.database_host_id,
description: attributes.description,
fqdn: attributes.fqdn,
ports: {
http: {
public: attributes.publicPortHttp,
listen: attributes.listenPortHttp,
sftp: {
public: attributes.publicPortSftp,
listen: attributes.listenPortSftp,
scheme: attributes.scheme,
isBehindProxy: attributes.behindProxy,
isMaintenanceMode: attributes.maintenance_mode,
memory: attributes.memory,
memoryOverallocate: attributes.memory_overallocate,
disk: attributes.disk,
diskOverallocate: attributes.disk_overallocate,
uploadSize: attributes.upload_size,
daemonBase: attributes.daemonBase,
createdAt: new Date(attributes.created_at),
updatedAt: new Date(attributes.updated_at),
relationships: {
location: transform(attributes.relationships?.location as FractalResponseData, this.toLocation),
static toUserRole = ({ attributes }: FractalResponseData): UserRole => ({
description: attributes.description,
relationships: {},
static toUser = ({ attributes }: FractalResponseData): User => {
return {
uuid: attributes.uuid,
externalId: attributes.external_id,
username: attributes.username,
language: attributes.language,
adminRoleId: attributes.adminRoleId || null,
roleName: attributes.role_name,
isRootAdmin: attributes.root_admin,
isUsingTwoFactor: attributes['2fa'] || false,
avatarUrl: attributes.avatar_url,
createdAt: new Date(attributes.created_at),
updatedAt: new Date(attributes.updated_at),
relationships: {
role: transform(attributes.relationships?.role as FractalResponseData, this.toUserRole) || null,
static toLocation = ({ attributes }: FractalResponseData): Location => ({
short: attributes.short,
long: attributes.long,
createdAt: new Date(attributes.created_at),
updatedAt: new Date(attributes.updated_at),
relationships: {
nodes: transform(attributes.relationships?.node as FractalResponseList, this.toNode),
static toEgg = ({ attributes }: FractalResponseData): Egg => ({
uuid: attributes.uuid,
nestId: attributes.nest_id,
description: attributes.description,
features: attributes.features,
dockerImages: attributes.docker_images,
configFiles: attributes.config?.files,
configStartup: attributes.config?.startup,
configStop: attributes.config?.stop,
configFrom: attributes.config?.extends,
startup: attributes.startup,
copyScriptFrom: attributes.copy_script_from,
scriptContainer: attributes.script?.container,
scriptEntry: attributes.script?.entry,
scriptIsPrivileged: attributes.script?.privileged,
scriptInstall: attributes.script?.install,
createdAt: new Date(attributes.created_at),
updatedAt: new Date(attributes.updated_at),
relationships: {
nest: transform(attributes.relationships?.nest as FractalResponseData, this.toNest),
variables: transform(attributes.relationships?.variables as FractalResponseList, this.toEggVariable),
static toEggVariable = ({ attributes }: FractalResponseData): EggVariable => ({
eggId: attributes.egg_id,
description: attributes.description,
environmentVariable: attributes.env_variable,
defaultValue: attributes.default_value,
isUserViewable: attributes.user_viewable,
isUserEditable: attributes.user_editable,
isRequired: attributes.required,
rules: attributes.rules,
createdAt: new Date(attributes.created_at),
updatedAt: new Date(attributes.updated_at),
relationships: {},
static toServerEggVariable = (data: FractalResponseData): ServerVariable => ({
serverValue: data.attributes.server_value,
static toAllocation = ({ attributes }: FractalResponseData): Allocation => ({
ip: attributes.ip,
port: attributes.port,
alias: attributes.alias || null,
isAssigned: attributes.assigned,
relationships: {
node: transform(attributes.relationships?.node as FractalResponseData, this.toNode),
server: transform(attributes.relationships?.server as FractalResponseData, this.toServer),
getDisplayText (): string {
const raw = `${this.ip}:${this.port}`;
return !this.alias ? raw : `${this.alias} (${raw})`;
static toNest = ({ attributes }: FractalResponseData): Nest => ({
uuid: attributes.uuid,
description: attributes.description,
createdAt: new Date(attributes.created_at),
updatedAt: new Date(attributes.updated_at),
relationships: {
eggs: transform(attributes.relationships?.eggs as FractalResponseList, this.toEgg),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
import { Model, UUID } from '@/api/admin/index';
import { Server } from '@/api/admin/server';
import http, { QueryBuilderParams, withQueryBuilderParams } from '@/api/http';
import { AdminTransformers } from '@/api/admin/transformers';
export interface User extends Model {
id: number;
uuid: UUID;
externalId: string;
username: string;
email: string;
language: string;
adminRoleId: number | null;
roleName: string;
isRootAdmin: boolean;
isUsingTwoFactor: boolean;
avatarUrl: string;
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: Date;
relationships: {
role: UserRole | null;
servers?: Server[];
export interface UserRole extends Model {
id: string;
name: string;
description: string;
export const getUser = async (id: string | number): Promise<User> => {
const { data } = await http.get(`/api/application/users/${id}`);
return AdminTransformers.toUser(;
export const searchUserAccounts = async (params: QueryBuilderParams<'username' | 'email'>): Promise<User[]> => {
const { data } = await http.get('/api/application/users', {
params: withQueryBuilderParams(params),
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
import http from '@/api/http';
import { User, rawDataToUser } from '@/api/admin/users/getUsers';
interface Filters {
username?: string;
email?: string;
export default (filters?: Filters): Promise<User[]> => {
const params = {};
if (filters !== undefined) {
Object.keys(filters).forEach(key => {
// @ts-ignore
params['filter[' + key + ']'] = filters[key];
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
http.get('/api/application/users', { params: { ...params } })
.then(response => resolve(
( || []).map(rawDataToUser)
@ -111,3 +111,43 @@ export function getPaginationSet (data: any): PaginationDataSet {
totalPages: data.total_pages,
totalPages: data.total_pages,
type QueryBuilderFilterValue = string | number | boolean | null;
export interface QueryBuilderParams<FilterKeys extends string = string, SortKeys extends string = string> {
filters?: {
[K in FilterKeys]?: QueryBuilderFilterValue | Readonly<QueryBuilderFilterValue[]>;
sorts?: {
[K in SortKeys]?: -1 | 0 | 1 | 'asc' | 'desc' | null;
* Helper function that parses a data object provided and builds query parameters
* for the Laravel Query Builder package automatically. This will apply sorts and
* filters deterministically based on the provided values.
export const withQueryBuilderParams = (data?: QueryBuilderParams): Record<string, unknown> => {
if (!data) return {};
const filters = Object.keys(data.filters || {}).reduce((obj, key) => {
const value = data.filters?.[key];
return !value || value === '' ? obj : { ...obj, [`filter[${key}]`]: value };
}, {} as NonNullable<QueryBuilderParams['filters']>);
const sorts = Object.keys(data.sorts || {}).reduce((arr, key) => {
const value = data.sorts?.[key];
if (!value || ![ 'asc', 'desc', 1, -1 ].includes(value)) {
return arr;
return [ ...arr, (value === -1 || value === 'desc' ? '-' : '') + key ];
}, [] as string[]);
return {
sorts: !sorts.length ? undefined : sorts.join(','),
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
import useSWR, { SWRResponse } from 'swr';
import http from '@/api/http';
import { rawDataToServer, Server } from '@/api/admin/servers/getServers';
import { useRouteMatch } from 'react-router-dom';
import { AxiosError } from 'axios';
export default (): SWRResponse<Server, AxiosError> => {
const { params } = useRouteMatch<{ id: string }>();
return useSWR(`/api/application/servers/${}`, async (key) => {
const { data } = await http.get(key, {
params: {
includes: [ 'allocations', 'user', 'variables' ],
return rawDataToServer(data);
}, { revalidateOnMount: false, revalidateOnFocus: false });
@ -5,35 +5,36 @@ import tw, { styled } from 'twin.macro';
export const SubNavigation = styled.div`
export const SubNavigation = styled.div`
${tw`flex flex-row items-center flex-shrink-0 h-12 mb-4 border-b border-neutral-700`};
${tw`flex flex-row items-center flex-shrink-0 h-12 mb-4 border-b border-neutral-700`};
& > div {
${tw`flex flex-col justify-center flex-shrink-0 h-full`};
& > a {
& > a {
${tw`flex flex-row items-center h-full px-4 border-t text-neutral-300`};
${tw`flex flex-row items-center h-full px-4 border-b text-neutral-300 text-base whitespace-nowrap border-transparent`};
border-top-color: transparent !important;
& > svg {
& > svg {
${tw`w-6 h-6 mr-2`};
${tw`w-6 h-6 mr-2`};
& > span {
${tw`text-base whitespace-nowrap`};
&:active, &.active {
&:active, &.active {
${tw`border-b text-primary-300 border-primary-300`};
${tw`text-primary-300 border-primary-300`};
export const SubNavigationLink = ({ to, name, children }: { to: string, name: string, children: React.ReactNode }) => {
interface Props {
return (
to: string;
name: string;
interface PropsWithIcon extends Props {
icon: React.ComponentType;
children?: never;
interface PropsWithoutIcon extends Props {
icon?: never;
children: React.ReactNode;
export const SubNavigationLink = ({ to, name, icon: IconComponent, children }: PropsWithIcon | PropsWithoutIcon) => (
<NavLink to={to} exact>
<NavLink to={to} exact>
{IconComponent ? <IconComponent/> : children}{name}
@ -1,70 +1,60 @@
import Label from '@/components/elements/Label';
import Label from '@/components/elements/Label';
import Select from '@/components/elements/Select';
import Select from '@/components/elements/Select';
import { useFormikContext } from 'formik';
import { useField } from 'formik';
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { Egg } from '@/api/admin/eggs/getEgg';
import { Egg, searchEggs } from '@/api/admin/egg';
import searchEggs from '@/api/admin/nests/searchEggs';
import { WithRelationships } from '@/api/admin';
export default ({ nestId, egg, setEgg }: { nestId: number | null; egg: Egg | null, setEgg: (value: Egg | null) => void }) => {
interface Props {
const { setFieldValue } = useFormikContext();
nestId?: number;
selectedEggId?: number;
const [ eggs, setEggs ] = useState<Egg[]>([]);
onEggSelect: (egg: Egg | null) => void;
* So you may be asking yourself, "what cluster-fuck of code is this?"
* Well, this code makes sure that when the egg changes, that the environment
* object has empty string values instead of undefined so React doesn't think
* the variable fields are uncontrolled.
const setEgg2 = (newEgg: Egg | null) => {
if (newEgg === null) {
// Reset all variables to be empty, don't inherit the previous values.
export default ({ nestId, selectedEggId, onEggSelect }: Props) => {
const newVariables = newEgg?.relations.variables;
const [ , , { setValue, setTouched } ] = useField<Record<string, string | undefined>>('environment');
newVariables?.forEach(v => setFieldValue('environment.' + v.envVariable, ''));
const [ eggs, setEggs ] = useState<WithRelationships<Egg, 'variables'>[] | null>(null);
const variables = egg?.relations.variables?.filter(v => newVariables?.find(v2 => v2.envVariable === v.envVariable) === undefined);
// Clear any variables that don't exist on the new egg.
variables?.forEach(v => setFieldValue('environment.' + v.envVariable, undefined));
useEffect(() => {
useEffect(() => {
if (nestId === null) {
if (!nestId) return setEggs(null);
searchEggs(nestId, {}, [ 'variables' ])
searchEggs(nestId, {}).then(eggs => {
.then(eggs => {
if (eggs.length < 1) {
onEggSelect(eggs[0] || null);
}).catch(error => console.error(error));
.catch(error => console.error(error));
}, [ nestId ]);
}, [ nestId ]);
const onSelectChange = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLSelectElement>) => {
if (!eggs) return;
const match = eggs.find(egg => String( === e.currentTarget.value);
if (!match) return onEggSelect(null);
// Ensure that only new egg variables are present in the record storing all
// of the possible variables. This ensures the fields are controlled, rather
// than uncontrolled when a user begins typing in them.
setValue(match.relationships.variables.reduce((obj, value) => ({
[value.environmentVariable]: undefined,
}), {}));
return (
return (
<Select id={'eggId'} name={'eggId'} defaultValue={selectedEggId} onChange={onSelectChange}>
defaultValue={egg?.id || undefined}
{!eggs ?
<option disabled>Loading...</option>
onChange={e => setEgg2(eggs.find(egg => === e.currentTarget.value) || null)}
| => (
{ => (
<option key={} value={}>
<option key={} value={}>
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
import Label from '@/components/elements/Label';
import Select from '@/components/elements/Select';
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { Nest } from '@/api/admin/nests/getNests';
import searchNests from '@/api/admin/nests/searchNests';
export default ({ nestId, setNestId }: { nestId: number | null; setNestId: (value: number | null) => void }) => {
const [ nests, setNests ] = useState<Nest[] | null>(null);
useEffect(() => {
.then(nests => setNests(nests))
.catch(error => console.error(error));
}, []);
return (
<Select value={nestId || undefined} onChange={e => setNestId(Number(e.currentTarget.value))}>
{nests?.map(v => (
<option key={} value={}>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
import Label from '@/components/elements/Label';
import Select from '@/components/elements/Select';
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { Nest, searchNests } from '@/api/admin/nest';
interface Props {
selectedNestId?: number;
onNestSelect: (nest: number) => void;
export default ({ selectedNestId, onNestSelect }: Props) => {
const [ nests, setNests ] = useState<Nest[] | null>(null);
useEffect(() => {
.catch(error => console.error(error));
}, []);
return (
<Select value={selectedNestId} onChange={e => onNestSelect(Number(e.currentTarget.value))}>
{!nests ?
<option disabled>Loading...</option>
nests?.map(v => (
<option key={v.uuid} value={}>
@ -1,24 +1,18 @@
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { useFormikContext } from 'formik';
import { useFormikContext } from 'formik';
import { User } from '@/api/admin/users/getUsers';
import searchUsers from '@/api/admin/users/searchUsers';
import SearchableSelect, { Option } from '@/components/elements/SearchableSelect';
import SearchableSelect, { Option } from '@/components/elements/SearchableSelect';
import { User, searchUserAccounts } from '@/api/admin/user';
export default ({ selected }: { selected: User | null }) => {
export default ({ selected }: { selected: User }) => {
const context = useFormikContext();
const context = useFormikContext();
const [ user, setUser ] = useState<User | null>(selected);
const [ user, setUser ] = useState<User | null>(selected);
const [ users, setUsers ] = useState<User[] | null>(null);
const [ users, setUsers ] = useState<User[] | null>(null);
const onSearch = (query: string): Promise<void> => {
const onSearch = async (query: string) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
searchUsers({ username: query, email: query })
await searchUserAccounts({ filters: { username: query, email: query } })
.then((users) => {
return resolve();
const onSelect = (user: User | null) => {
const onSelect = (user: User | null) => {
@ -26,9 +20,7 @@ export default ({ selected }: { selected: User | null }) => {
context.setFieldValue('ownerId', user?.id || null);
context.setFieldValue('ownerId', user?.id || null);
const getSelectedText = (user: User | null): string => {
const getSelectedText = (user: User | null): string => user?.email || '';
return user?.email || '';
return (
return (
@ -5,27 +5,29 @@ import tw from 'twin.macro';
import Button from '@/components/elements/Button';
import Button from '@/components/elements/Button';
import ConfirmationModal from '@/components/elements/ConfirmationModal';
import ConfirmationModal from '@/components/elements/ConfirmationModal';
import deleteServer from '@/api/admin/servers/deleteServer';
import deleteServer from '@/api/admin/servers/deleteServer';
import { TrashIcon } from '@heroicons/react/outline';
import { useServerFromRoute } from '@/api/admin/server';
import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom';
interface Props {
export default () => {
serverId: number;
const history = useHistory();
onDeleted: () => void;
export default ({ serverId, onDeleted }: Props) => {
const [ visible, setVisible ] = useState(false);
const [ visible, setVisible ] = useState(false);
const [ loading, setLoading ] = useState(false);
const [ loading, setLoading ] = useState(false);
const { data: server } = useServerFromRoute();
const { clearFlashes, clearAndAddHttpError } = useStoreActions((actions: Actions<ApplicationStore>) => actions.flashes);
const {
} = useStoreActions((actions: Actions<ApplicationStore>) => actions.flashes);
const onDelete = () => {
const onDelete = () => {
if (!server) return;
.then(() => {
.then(() => history.push('/admin/servers'))
.catch(error => {
.catch(error => {
clearAndAddHttpError({ key: 'server', error });
clearAndAddHttpError({ key: 'server', error });
@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ export default ({ serverId, onDeleted }: Props) => {
if (!server) return null;
return (
return (
@ -47,11 +51,14 @@ export default ({ serverId, onDeleted }: Props) => {
Are you sure you want to delete this server?
Are you sure you want to delete this server?
<Button type={'button'} size={'xsmall'} color={'red'} onClick={() => setVisible(true)}>
<svg xmlns="" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke="currentColor" css={tw`h-5 w-5`}>
<path strokeLinecap="round" strokeLinejoin="round" strokeWidth={2} d="M19 7l-.867 12.142A2 2 0 0116.138 21H7.862a2 2 0 01-1.995-1.858L5 7m5 4v6m4-6v6m1-10V4a1 1 0 00-1-1h-4a1 1 0 00-1 1v3M4 7h16" />
onClick={() => setVisible(true)}
css={tw`flex items-center justify-center`}
<TrashIcon css={tw`w-5 h-5 mr-2`}/> Delete Server
@ -1,17 +1,13 @@
import React from 'react';
import React from 'react';
import AdminBox from '@/components/admin/AdminBox';
import AdminBox from '@/components/admin/AdminBox';
import tw from 'twin.macro';
import tw from 'twin.macro';
import { Context } from '@/components/admin/servers/ServerRouter';
import Button from '@/components/elements/Button';
import Button from '@/components/elements/Button';
import { useServerFromRoute } from '@/api/admin/server';
const ServerManageContainer = () => {
export default () => {
const server = Context.useStoreState(state => state.server);
const { data: server } = useServerFromRoute();
if (server === undefined) {
if (!server) return null;
return (
return (
return (
<div css={tw`grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 xl:grid-cols-3 gap-x-2 gap-y-2`}>
<div css={tw`grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 xl:grid-cols-3 gap-x-2 gap-y-2`}>
@ -52,17 +48,3 @@ const ServerManageContainer = () => {
export default () => {
const server = Context.useStoreState(state => state.server);
if (server === undefined) {
return (
return (
@ -4,48 +4,29 @@ import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import { useLocation } from 'react-router';
import { useLocation } from 'react-router';
import tw from 'twin.macro';
import tw from 'twin.macro';
import { Route, Switch, useRouteMatch } from 'react-router-dom';
import { Route, Switch, useRouteMatch } from 'react-router-dom';
import { action, Action, createContextStore } from 'easy-peasy';
import { Server } from '@/api/admin/servers/getServers';
import AdminContentBlock from '@/components/admin/AdminContentBlock';
import AdminContentBlock from '@/components/admin/AdminContentBlock';
import Spinner from '@/components/elements/Spinner';
import Spinner from '@/components/elements/Spinner';
import FlashMessageRender from '@/components/FlashMessageRender';
import FlashMessageRender from '@/components/FlashMessageRender';
import { SubNavigation, SubNavigationLink } from '@/components/admin/SubNavigation';
import { SubNavigation, SubNavigationLink } from '@/components/admin/SubNavigation';
import ServerSettingsContainer from '@/components/admin/servers/ServerSettingsContainer';
import ServerSettingsContainer from '@/components/admin/servers/ServerSettingsContainer';
import getServerDetails from '@/api/swr/admin/getServerDetails';
import useFlash from '@/plugins/useFlash';
import useFlash from '@/plugins/useFlash';
import { useServerFromRoute } from '@/api/admin/server';
import { AdjustmentsIcon, CogIcon, DatabaseIcon, FolderIcon, ShieldExclamationIcon } from '@heroicons/react/outline';
export const ServerIncludes = [ 'allocations', 'user', 'variables' ];
export default () => {
interface ctx {
server: Server | undefined;
setServer: Action<ctx, Server | undefined>;
export const Context = createContextStore<ctx>({
server: undefined,
setServer: action((state, payload) => {
state.server = payload;
const ServerRouter = () => {
const location = useLocation();
const location = useLocation();
const match = useRouteMatch<{ id?: string }>();
const match = useRouteMatch<{ id?: string }>();
const { clearFlashes, clearAndAddHttpError } = useFlash();
const { clearFlashes, clearAndAddHttpError } = useFlash();
const { data: server, error, isValidating, mutate } = getServerDetails();
const { data: server, error, isValidating, mutate } = useServerFromRoute();
useEffect(() => {
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
useEffect(() => {
if (!error) {
if (!error) clearFlashes('server');
if (error) clearAndAddHttpError({ error, key: 'server' });
} else {
clearAndAddHttpError({ error, key: 'server' });
}, [ error ]);
}, [ error ]);
if (!server || (error && isValidating)) {
if (!server || (error && isValidating)) {
@ -67,60 +48,18 @@ const ServerRouter = () => {
<FlashMessageRender byKey={'server'} css={tw`mb-4`}/>
<FlashMessageRender byKey={'server'} css={tw`mb-4`}/>
<SubNavigationLink to={`${match.url}`} name={'Settings'}>
<SubNavigationLink to={`${match.url}`} name={'Settings'} icon={CogIcon}/>
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor">
<SubNavigationLink to={`${match.url}/startup`} name={'Startup'} icon={AdjustmentsIcon}/>
<SubNavigationLink to={`${match.url}/databases`} name={'Databases'} icon={DatabaseIcon}/>
<SubNavigationLink to={`${match.url}/mounts`} name={'Mounts'} icon={FolderIcon}/>
<SubNavigationLink to={`${match.url}/manage`} name={'Manage'} icon={ShieldExclamationIcon}/>
d="M11.49 3.17c-.38-1.56-2.6-1.56-2.98 0a1.532 1.532 0 01-2.286.948c-1.372-.836-2.942.734-2.106 2.042-.947 2.287-1.561.379-1.561 2.6 0 2.978a1.532 1.532 0 01.947 2.287c-.836 1.372.734 2.942 2.106 2.106a1.532 1.532 0 012.287.947c.379 1.561 2.6 1.561 2.978 0a1.533 1.533 0 012.287-.947c1.372.836 2.942-.734 2.106-2.106a1.533 1.533 0 01.947-2.287c1.561-.379 1.561-2.6 0-2.978a1.532 1.532 0 01-.947-2.287c.836-1.372-.734-2.942-2.106-2.106a1.532 1.532 0 01-2.287-.947zM10 13a3 3 0 100-6 3 3 0 000 6z"
<SubNavigationLink to={`${match.url}/startup`} name={'Startup'}>
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor">
<path d="M5 4a1 1 0 00-2 0v7.268a2 2 0 000 3.464V16a1 1 0 102 0v-1.268a2 2 0 000-3.464V4zM11 4a1 1 0 10-2 0v1.268a2 2 0 000 3.464V16a1 1 0 102 0V8.732a2 2 0 000-3.464V4zM16 3a1 1 0 011 1v7.268a2 2 0 010 3.464V16a1 1 0 11-2 0v-1.268a2 2 0 010-3.464V4a1 1 0 011-1z"/>
<SubNavigationLink to={`${match.url}/databases`} name={'Databases'}>
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor">
d="M3 12v3c0 1.657 3.134 3 7 3s7-1.343 7-3v-3c0 1.657-3.134 3-7 3s-7-1.343-7-3z"
d="M3 7v3c0 1.657 3.134 3 7 3s7-1.343 7-3V7c0 1.657-3.134 3-7 3S3 8.657 3 7z"
d="M17 5c0 1.657-3.134 3-7 3S3 6.657 3 5s3.134-3 7-3 7 1.343 7 3z"
<SubNavigationLink to={`${match.url}/mounts`} name={'Mounts'}>
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor">
<path d="M2 6a2 2 0 012-2h5l2 2h5a2 2 0 012 2v6a2 2 0 01-2 2H4a2 2 0 01-2-2V6z"/>
<SubNavigationLink to={`${match.url}/manage`} name={'Manage'}>
<svg xmlns="" className="h-5 w-5" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="currentColor">
d="M10 1.944A11.954 11.954 0 012.166 5C2.056 5.649 2 6.319 2 7c0 5.225 3.34 9.67 8 11.317C14.66 16.67 18 12.225 18 7c0-.682-.057-1.35-.166-2.001A11.954 11.954 0 0110 1.944zM11 14a1 1 0 11-2 0 1 1 0 012 0zm0-7a1 1 0 10-2 0v3a1 1 0 102 0V7z"
<Switch location={location}>
<Switch location={location}>
<Route path={`${match.path}`} exact>
<Route path={`${match.path}`} exact>
<ServerSettingsContainer server={server}/>
<Route path={`${match.path}/startup`} exact>
<Route path={`${match.path}/startup`} exact>
<ServerStartupContainer server={server}/>
<Route path={`${match.path}/manage`} exact>
<Route path={`${match.path}/manage`} exact>
@ -129,11 +68,3 @@ const ServerRouter = () => {
export default () => {
return (
@ -1,168 +1,22 @@
import getAllocations from '@/api/admin/nodes/getAllocations';
import { useServerFromRoute } from '@/api/admin/server';
import { Server } from '@/api/admin/servers/getServers';
import ServerDeleteButton from '@/components/admin/servers/ServerDeleteButton';
import ServerDeleteButton from '@/components/admin/servers/ServerDeleteButton';
import Label from '@/components/elements/Label';
import Select from '@/components/elements/Select';
import SelectField, { AsyncSelectField, Option } from '@/components/elements/SelectField';
import { faBalanceScale, faConciergeBell, faNetworkWired } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
import React from 'react';
import React from 'react';
import AdminBox from '@/components/admin/AdminBox';
import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom';
import tw from 'twin.macro';
import tw from 'twin.macro';
import { object } from 'yup';
import { object } from 'yup';
import updateServer, { Values } from '@/api/admin/servers/updateServer';
import updateServer, { Values } from '@/api/admin/servers/updateServer';
import Field from '@/components/elements/Field';
import { Form, Formik, FormikHelpers } from 'formik';
import SpinnerOverlay from '@/components/elements/SpinnerOverlay';
import { useStoreActions } from 'easy-peasy';
import { Form, Formik, FormikHelpers, useFormikContext } from 'formik';
import { Context, ServerIncludes } from '@/components/admin/servers/ServerRouter';
import { ApplicationStore } from '@/state';
import { Actions, useStoreActions } from 'easy-peasy';
import Button from '@/components/elements/Button';
import Button from '@/components/elements/Button';
import FormikSwitch from '@/components/elements/FormikSwitch';
import BaseSettingsBox from '@/components/admin/servers/settings/BaseSettingsBox';
import BaseSettingsBox from '@/components/admin/servers/settings/BaseSettingsBox';
import FeatureLimitsBox from '@/components/admin/servers/settings/FeatureLimitsBox';
import FeatureLimitsBox from '@/components/admin/servers/settings/FeatureLimitsBox';
import NetworkingBox from '@/components/admin/servers/settings/NetworkingBox';
import ServerResourceBox from '@/components/admin/servers/settings/ServerResourceBox';
export function ServerAllocationsContainer ({ server }: { server: Server }) {
export default () => {
const { isSubmitting } = useFormikContext();
const { data: server, mutate } = useServerFromRoute();
const { clearFlashes, clearAndAddHttpError } = useStoreActions(actions => actions.flashes);
const loadOptions = async (inputValue: string, callback: (options: Option[]) => void) => {
if (!server) return null;
const allocations = await getAllocations(server.nodeId, { ip: inputValue, server_id: '0' });
callback( => {
return { value:, label: a.getDisplayText() };
return (
<AdminBox icon={faNetworkWired} title={'Networking'} css={tw`relative w-full`}>
<SpinnerOverlay visible={isSubmitting}/>
<div css={tw`mb-6`}>
<Label>Primary Allocation</Label>
{server.relations?.allocations?.map(a => (
<option key={} value={}>{a.getDisplayText()}</option>
label={'Add Allocations'}
label={'Remove Allocations'}
options={server.relations?.allocations?.map(a => {
return { value:, label: a.getDisplayText() };
}) || []}
export function ServerResourceContainer () {
const { isSubmitting } = useFormikContext();
return (
<AdminBox icon={faBalanceScale} title={'Resources'} css={tw`relative w-full`}>
<SpinnerOverlay visible={isSubmitting}/>
<div css={tw`mb-6 md:w-full md:flex md:flex-row`}>
<div css={tw`mb-6 md:w-full md:flex md:flex-col md:mr-4 md:mb-0`}>
label={'CPU Limit'}
description={'Each thread on the system is considered to be 100%. Setting this value to 0 will allow the server to use CPU time without restriction.'}
<div css={tw`mb-6 md:w-full md:flex md:flex-col md:ml-4 md:mb-0`}>
label={'CPU Pinning'}
description={'Advanced: Enter the specific CPU cores that this server can run on, or leave blank to allow all cores. This can be a single number, and or a comma seperated list, and or a dashed range. Example: 0, 0-1,3, or 0,1,3,4. It is recommended to leave this value blank and let the CPU handle balancing the load.'}
<div css={tw`mb-6 md:w-full md:flex md:flex-row`}>
<div css={tw`mb-6 md:w-full md:flex md:flex-col md:mr-4 md:mb-0`}>
label={'Memory Limit'}
description={'The maximum amount of memory allowed for this container. Setting this to 0 will allow unlimited memory in a container.'}
<div css={tw`mb-6 md:w-full md:flex md:flex-col md:ml-4 md:mb-0`}>
label={'Swap Limit'}
<div css={tw`mb-6 md:w-full md:flex md:flex-row`}>
<div css={tw`mb-6 md:w-full md:flex md:flex-col md:mr-4 md:mb-0`}>
label={'Disk Limit'}
description={'This server will not be allowed to boot if it is using more than this amount of space. If a server goes over this limit while running it will be safely stopped and locked until enough space is available. Set to 0 to allow unlimited disk usage.'}
<div css={tw`mb-6 md:w-full md:flex md:flex-col md:ml-4 md:mb-0`}>
label={'Block IO Proportion'}
description={'Advanced: The IO performance of this server relative to other running containers on the system. Value should be between 10 and 1000.'}
<div css={tw`mb-2 md:w-full md:flex md:flex-row`}>
<div css={tw`bg-neutral-800 border border-neutral-900 shadow-inner p-4 rounded`}>
label={'Out of Memory Killer'}
description={'Enabling the Out of Memory Killer may cause server processes to exit unexpectedly.'}
export default function ServerSettingsContainer2 ({ server }: { server: Server }) {
const history = useHistory();
const { clearFlashes, clearAndAddHttpError } = useStoreActions((actions: Actions<ApplicationStore>) => actions.flashes);
const setServer = Context.useStoreActions(actions => actions.setServer);
const submit = (values: Values, { setSubmitting, setFieldValue }: FormikHelpers<Values>) => {
const submit = (values: Values, { setSubmitting, setFieldValue }: FormikHelpers<Values>) => {
@ -171,9 +25,9 @@ export default function ServerSettingsContainer2 ({ server }: { server: Server }
// OOM Killer is enabled, rather than when disabled.
// OOM Killer is enabled, rather than when disabled.
values.limits.oomDisabled = !values.limits.oomDisabled;
values.limits.oomDisabled = !values.limits.oomDisabled;
updateServer(, values, ServerIncludes)
updateServer(, values)
.then(s => {
.then(s => {
setServer({ ...server, ...s });
// setServer({ ...server, ...s });
// TODO: Figure out how to properly clear react-selects for allocations.
// TODO: Figure out how to properly clear react-selects for allocations.
setFieldValue('addAllocations', []);
setFieldValue('addAllocations', []);
@ -192,8 +46,7 @@ export default function ServerSettingsContainer2 ({ server }: { server: Server }
externalId: server.externalId || '',
externalId: server.externalId || '',
ownerId: server.ownerId,
ownerId: server.userId,
limits: {
limits: {
memory: server.limits.memory,
memory: server.limits.memory,
swap: server.limits.swap,
swap: server.limits.swap,
@ -205,19 +58,16 @@ export default function ServerSettingsContainer2 ({ server }: { server: Server }
// OOM Killer is enabled, rather than when disabled.
// OOM Killer is enabled, rather than when disabled.
oomDisabled: !server.limits.oomDisabled,
oomDisabled: !server.limits.oomDisabled,
featureLimits: {
featureLimits: {
allocations: server.featureLimits.allocations,
allocations: server.featureLimits.allocations,
backups: server.featureLimits.backups,
backups: server.featureLimits.backups,
databases: server.featureLimits.databases,
databases: server.featureLimits.databases,
allocationId: server.allocationId,
allocationId: server.allocationId,
addAllocations: [] as number[],
addAllocations: [] as number[],
removeAllocations: [] as number[],
removeAllocations: [] as number[],
{({ isSubmitting, isValid }) => (
{({ isSubmitting, isValid }) => (
@ -225,19 +75,19 @@ export default function ServerSettingsContainer2 ({ server }: { server: Server }
<div css={tw`grid grid-cols-1 gap-y-6`}>
<div css={tw`grid grid-cols-1 gap-y-6`}>
<ServerAllocationsContainer server={server}/>
<div css={tw`flex flex-col`}>
<div css={tw`flex flex-col`}>
<div css={tw`bg-neutral-700 rounded shadow-md px-4 xl:px-5 py-5 mt-6`}>
<div css={tw`bg-neutral-700 rounded shadow-md py-2 px-6 mt-6`}>
<div css={tw`flex flex-row`}>
<div css={tw`flex flex-row`}>
onDeleted={() => history.push('/admin/servers')}
<Button type="submit" size="small" css={tw`ml-auto`} disabled={isSubmitting || !isValid}>
disabled={isSubmitting || !isValid}
Save Changes
Save Changes
@ -248,4 +98,4 @@ export default function ServerSettingsContainer2 ({ server }: { server: Server }
@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
import { getEgg, Egg, EggVariable } from '@/api/admin/eggs/getEgg';
import { Egg, EggVariable, getEgg } from '@/api/admin/egg';
import { Server } from '@/api/admin/servers/getServers';
import updateServerStartup, { Values } from '@/api/admin/servers/updateServerStartup';
import updateServerStartup, { Values } from '@/api/admin/servers/updateServerStartup';
import EggSelect from '@/components/admin/servers/EggSelect';
import EggSelect from '@/components/admin/servers/EggSelect';
import NestSelect from '@/components/admin/servers/NestSelect';
import NestSelector from '@/components/admin/servers/NestSelector';
import { Context, ServerIncludes } from '@/components/admin/servers/ServerRouter';
import FormikSwitch from '@/components/elements/FormikSwitch';
import FormikSwitch from '@/components/elements/FormikSwitch';
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import Button from '@/components/elements/Button';
import Button from '@/components/elements/Button';
@ -17,6 +15,8 @@ import { ApplicationStore } from '@/state';
import { Actions, useStoreActions } from 'easy-peasy';
import { Actions, useStoreActions } from 'easy-peasy';
import Label from '@/components/elements/Label';
import Label from '@/components/elements/Label';
import { object } from 'yup';
import { object } from 'yup';
import { Server, useServerFromRoute } from '@/api/admin/server';
import { InferModel } from '@/api/admin';
function ServerStartupLineContainer ({ egg, server }: { egg: Egg | null; server: Server }) {
function ServerStartupLineContainer ({ egg, server }: { egg: Egg | null; server: Server }) {
const { isSubmitting, setFieldValue } = useFormikContext();
const { isSubmitting, setFieldValue } = useFormikContext();
@ -60,26 +60,18 @@ function ServerStartupLineContainer ({ egg, server }: { egg: Egg | null; server:
function ServerServiceContainer ({ egg, setEgg, server }: { egg: Egg | null, setEgg: (value: Egg | null) => void, server: Server }) {
function ServerServiceContainer ({ egg, setEgg, server }: { egg: Egg | null, setEgg: (value: Egg | null) => void, server: Server }) {
const { isSubmitting } = useFormikContext();
const { isSubmitting } = useFormikContext();
const [ nestId, setNestId ] = useState<number | null>(server.nestId);
const [ nestId, setNestId ] = useState(server.nestId);
return (
return (
<AdminBox title={'Service Configuration'} css={tw`relative w-full`}>
<AdminBox title={'Service Configuration'} isLoading={isSubmitting}>
<SpinnerOverlay visible={isSubmitting}/>
<div css={tw`mb-6`}>
<div css={tw`mb-6`}>
<NestSelect nestId={nestId} setNestId={setNestId}/>
<NestSelector selectedNestId={nestId} onNestSelect={setNestId}/>
<div css={tw`mb-6`}>
<div css={tw`mb-6`}>
<EggSelect nestId={nestId} egg={egg} setEgg={setEgg}/>
<EggSelect nestId={nestId} selectedEggId={egg?.id} onEggSelect={setEgg}/>
<div css={tw`bg-neutral-800 border border-neutral-900 shadow-inner p-4 rounded`}>
<div css={tw`bg-neutral-800 border border-neutral-900 shadow-inner p-4 rounded`}>
<FormikSwitch name={'skipScript'} label={'Skip Egg Install Script'} description={'Soon™'}/>
label={'Skip Egg Install Script'}
@ -107,7 +99,7 @@ function ServerImageContainer () {
function ServerVariableContainer ({ variable, defaultValue }: { variable: EggVariable, defaultValue: string }) {
function ServerVariableContainer ({ variable, defaultValue }: { variable: EggVariable, defaultValue: string }) {
const key = 'environment.' + variable.envVariable;
const key = 'environment.' + variable.environmentVariable;
const { isSubmitting, setFieldValue } = useFormikContext();
const { isSubmitting, setFieldValue } = useFormikContext();
@ -158,11 +150,11 @@ function ServerStartupForm ({ egg, setEgg, server }: { egg: Egg | null, setEgg:
<div css={tw`grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 gap-y-6 gap-x-8`}>
<div css={tw`grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 gap-y-6 gap-x-8`}>
{egg?.relations.variables?.map((v, i) => (
{egg?.relationships.variables?.map((v, i) => (
defaultValue={server.relations?.variables.find(v2 => v.eggId === v2.eggId && v.envVariable === v2.envVariable)?.serverValue || v.defaultValue}
defaultValue={server.relationships?.variables?.find(v2 => v.eggId === v2.eggId && v.environmentVariable === v2.environmentVariable)?.serverValue || v.defaultValue}
@ -179,26 +171,28 @@ function ServerStartupForm ({ egg, setEgg, server }: { egg: Egg | null, setEgg:
export default function ServerStartupContainer ({ server }: { server: Server }) {
export default () => {
const { data: server } = useServerFromRoute();
const { clearFlashes, clearAndAddHttpError } = useStoreActions((actions: Actions<ApplicationStore>) => actions.flashes);
const { clearFlashes, clearAndAddHttpError } = useStoreActions((actions: Actions<ApplicationStore>) => actions.flashes);
const [ egg, setEgg ] = useState<InferModel<typeof getEgg> | null>(null);
const [ egg, setEgg ] = useState<Egg | null>(null);
const setServer = Context.useStoreActions(actions => actions.setServer);
useEffect(() => {
useEffect(() => {
if (!server) return;
.then(egg => setEgg(egg))
.then(egg => setEgg(egg))
.catch(error => console.error(error));
.catch(error => console.error(error));
}, []);
}, [ server?.eggId ]);
if (!server) return null;
const submit = (values: Values, { setSubmitting }: FormikHelpers<Values>) => {
const submit = (values: Values, { setSubmitting }: FormikHelpers<Values>) => {
updateServerStartup(, values, ServerIncludes)
updateServerStartup(, values)
.then(s => {
// .then(s => {
setServer({ ...server, ...s });
// mutate(data => {, ...s });
// })
.catch(error => {
.catch(error => {
clearAndAddHttpError({ key: 'server', error });
clearAndAddHttpError({ key: 'server', error });
@ -212,7 +206,7 @@ export default function ServerStartupContainer ({ server }: { server: Server })
startup: server.container.startup,
startup: server.container.startup,
// Don't ask.
// Don't ask.
environment: Object.fromEntries(egg?.relations.variables?.map(v => [ v.envVariable, '' ]) || []),
environment: Object.fromEntries(egg? => [ v.environmentVariable, '' ]) || []),
image: server.container.image,
image: server.container.image,
eggId: server.eggId,
eggId: server.eggId,
skipScripts: false,
skipScripts: false,
@ -222,9 +216,10 @@ export default function ServerStartupContainer ({ server }: { server: Server })
// @ts-ignore
@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ import AdminBox from '@/components/admin/AdminBox';
import { faCogs } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
import { faCogs } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
import Field from '@/components/elements/Field';
import Field from '@/components/elements/Field';
import OwnerSelect from '@/components/admin/servers/OwnerSelect';
import OwnerSelect from '@/components/admin/servers/OwnerSelect';
import getServerDetails from '@/api/swr/admin/getServerDetails';
import { useServerFromRoute } from '@/api/admin/server';
export default () => {
export default () => {
const { data: server } = getServerDetails();
const { data: server } = useServerFromRoute();
const { isSubmitting } = useFormikContext();
const { isSubmitting } = useFormikContext();
if (!server) return null;
if (!server) return null;
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ export default () => {
<div css={tw`grid grid-cols-1 xl:grid-cols-2 gap-4 lg:gap-6`}>
<div css={tw`grid grid-cols-1 xl:grid-cols-2 gap-4 lg:gap-6`}>
<Field id={'name'} name={'name'} label={'Server Name'} type={'text'}/>
<Field id={'name'} name={'name'} label={'Server Name'} type={'text'}/>
<Field id={'externalId'} name={'externalId'} label={'External Identifier'} type={'text'}/>
<Field id={'externalId'} name={'externalId'} label={'External Identifier'} type={'text'}/>
<OwnerSelect selected={server.relations.user || null}/>
<OwnerSelect selected={server.relationships.user}/>
@ -4,14 +4,10 @@ import AdminBox from '@/components/admin/AdminBox';
import { faConciergeBell } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
import { faConciergeBell } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
import tw from 'twin.macro';
import tw from 'twin.macro';
import Field from '@/components/elements/Field';
import Field from '@/components/elements/Field';
import getServerDetails from '@/api/swr/admin/getServerDetails';
export default () => {
export default () => {
const { data: server } = getServerDetails();
const { isSubmitting } = useFormikContext();
const { isSubmitting } = useFormikContext();
if (!server) return null;
return (
return (
<AdminBox icon={faConciergeBell} title={'Feature Limits'} isLoading={isSubmitting}>
<AdminBox icon={faConciergeBell} title={'Feature Limits'} isLoading={isSubmitting}>
<div css={tw`grid grid-cols-1 xl:grid-cols-2 gap-4 lg:gap-6`}>
<div css={tw`grid grid-cols-1 xl:grid-cols-2 gap-4 lg:gap-6`}>
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
import React from 'react';
import { useFormikContext } from 'formik';
import SelectField, { AsyncSelectField, Option } from '@/components/elements/SelectField';
import getAllocations from '@/api/admin/nodes/getAllocations';
import AdminBox from '@/components/admin/AdminBox';
import { faNetworkWired } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
import tw from 'twin.macro';
import Label from '@/components/elements/Label';
import Select from '@/components/elements/Select';
import { useServerFromRoute } from '@/api/admin/server';
export default () => {
const { isSubmitting } = useFormikContext();
const { data: server } = useServerFromRoute();
if (!server) return null;
const loadOptions = async (inputValue: string, callback: (options: Option[]) => void) => {
const allocations = await getAllocations(server.nodeId, { ip: inputValue, server_id: '0' });
callback( => {
return { value:, label: a.getDisplayText() };
return (
<AdminBox icon={faNetworkWired} title={'Networking'} isLoading={isSubmitting}>
<div css={tw`grid grid-cols-1 gap-4 lg:gap-6`}>
<Label htmlFor={'allocationId'}>Primary Allocation</Label>
<Select id={'allocationId'} name={'allocationId'}>
{server.relationships.allocations?.map(a => (
<option key={} value={}>{a.getDisplayText()}</option>
label={'Add Allocations'}
label={'Remove Allocations'}
options={server.relationships.allocations?.map(a => {
return { value:, label: a.getDisplayText() };
}) || []}
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
import { useFormikContext } from 'formik';
import AdminBox from '@/components/admin/AdminBox';
import { faBalanceScale } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
import tw from 'twin.macro';
import Field from '@/components/elements/Field';
import FormikSwitch from '@/components/elements/FormikSwitch';
import React from 'react';
import { useServerFromRoute } from '@/api/admin/server';
export default () => {
const { isSubmitting } = useFormikContext();
const { data: server } = useServerFromRoute();
if (!server) return null;
return (
<AdminBox icon={faBalanceScale} title={'Resources'} isLoading={isSubmitting}>
<div css={tw`grid grid-cols-1 xl:grid-cols-2 gap-4 lg:gap-6`}>
label={'CPU Limit'}
description={'Each thread on the system is considered to be 100%. Setting this value to 0 will allow the server to use CPU time without restriction.'}
label={'CPU Pinning'}
description={'Advanced: Enter the specific CPU cores that this server can run on, or leave blank to allow all cores. This can be a single number, and or a comma seperated list, and or a dashed range. Example: 0, 0-1,3, or 0,1,3,4. It is recommended to leave this value blank and let the CPU handle balancing the load.'}
label={'Memory Limit'}
description={'The maximum amount of memory allowed for this container. Setting this to 0 will allow unlimited memory in a container.'}
label={'Swap Limit'}
label={'Disk Limit'}
description={'This server will not be allowed to boot if it is using more than this amount of space. If a server goes over this limit while running it will be safely stopped and locked until enough space is available. Set to 0 to allow unlimited disk usage.'}
label={'Block IO Proportion'}
description={'Advanced: The IO performance of this server relative to other running containers on the system. Value should be between 10 and 1000.'}
<div css={tw`xl:col-span-2 bg-neutral-800 border border-neutral-900 shadow-inner p-4 rounded`}>
label={'Out of Memory Killer'}
description={'Enabling the Out of Memory Killer may cause server processes to exit unexpectedly.'}
@ -9,13 +9,9 @@ interface Props {
isSecondary?: boolean;
isSecondary?: boolean;
const ButtonStyle = styled.button<Omit<Props, 'isLoading'>>`
const ButtonStyle = styled.button<Props>`
${tw`relative inline-block rounded p-2 tracking-wide text-sm transition-all duration-150 border`};
${tw`relative inline-block rounded p-2 tracking-wide text-sm transition-all duration-150 border`};
& > span {
${props => ((!props.isSecondary && !props.color) || props.color === 'primary') && css<Props>`
${props => ((!props.isSecondary && !props.color) || props.color === 'primary') && css<Props>`
${props => !props.isSecondary && tw`bg-primary-500 border-primary-600 border text-primary-50`};
${props => !props.isSecondary && tw`bg-primary-500 border-primary-600 border text-primary-50`};
@ -77,21 +73,23 @@ const ButtonStyle = styled.button<Omit<Props, 'isLoading'>>`
&:disabled { opacity: 0.55; cursor: default }
${props => props.isLoading && tw`text-transparent`};
&:disabled {
${tw`opacity-75 cursor-not-allowed`};
type ComponentProps = Omit<JSX.IntrinsicElements['button'], 'ref' | keyof Props> & Props;
type ComponentProps = Omit<JSX.IntrinsicElements['button'], 'ref' | keyof Props> & Props;
const Button: React.FC<ComponentProps> = ({ children, isLoading, ...props }) => (
const Button: React.FC<ComponentProps> = ({ children, isLoading, disabled, ...props }) => (
<ButtonStyle {...props}>
<ButtonStyle {...props} isLoading={isLoading} disabled={isLoading || disabled}>
{isLoading &&
{isLoading &&
<div css={tw`flex absolute justify-center items-center w-full h-full left-0 top-0`}>
<div css={tw`flex absolute justify-center items-center w-full h-full left-0 top-0`}>
<Spinner size={'small'}/>
<Spinner size={'small'}/>
<span css={isLoading ? tw`text-transparent` : undefined}>
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