'time_help'=>'The schedule system supports the use of Cronjob syntax when defining when tasks should begin running. Use the fields above to specify when these tasks should begin running or select options from the multiple select menus.',
'task_help'=>'Times for tasks are relative to the previously defined task. Each schedule may have no more than 5 tasks assigned to it and tasks may not be scheduled more than 15 minutes apart.',
'payload_help'=>'For example, if you selected <code>Send Command</code> enter the command here. If you selected <code>Send Power Option</code> put the power action here (e.g. <code>restart</code>).',
'description'=>'Allows sending a command from the console. If the user does not have stop or restart permissions they cannot send the application\'s stop command.',
'title'=>'List Files',
'description'=>'Allows user to list all files and folders on the server but not view file contents.',
'title'=>'Edit Files',
'description'=>'Allows user to open a file for viewing only.',
'title'=>'Save Files',
'description'=>'Allows user to save modified file contents.',
'title'=>'Rename & Move Files',
'description'=>'Allows user to move and rename files and folders on the filesystem.',
'title'=>'Copy Files',
'description'=>'Allows user to copy files and folders on the filesystem.',
'title'=>'Compress Files',
'description'=>'Allows user to make archives of files and folders on the system.',
'title'=>'Decompress Files',
'description'=>'Allows user to decompress .zip and .tar(.gz) archives.',
'title'=>'Create Files',
'description'=>'Allows user to create a new file within the panel.',
'title'=>'Upload Files',
'description'=>'Allows user to upload files through the file manager.',
'title'=>'Delete Files',
'description'=>'Allows user to delete files from the system.',
'title'=>'Download Files',
'description'=>'Allows user to download files. If a user is given this permission they can download and view file contents even if that permission is not assigned on the panel.',
'title'=>'List Subusers',
'description'=>'Allows user to view a listing of all subusers assigned to the server.',
'title'=>'View Subuser',
'description'=>'Allows user to view permissions assigned to subusers.',
'title'=>'Edit Subuser',
'description'=>'Allows a user to edit permissions assigned to other subusers.',
'title'=>'Create Subuser',
'description'=>'Allows user to create additional subusers on the server.',
'title'=>'Delete Subuser',
'description'=>'Allows a user to delete other subusers on the server.',
'title'=>'Set Default Connection',
'description'=>'Allows user to set the default connection used for a server as well as view avaliable ports.',
'title'=>'View Startup Command',
'description'=>'Allows user to view the startup command and associated variables for a server.',
'title'=>'Edit Startup Command',
'description'=>'Allows a user to modify startup variables for a server.',
'description'=>'Allows a user to edit a schedule including all of the schedule\'s tasks. This will allow the user to remove individual tasks, but not delete the schedule itself.',
'header_sub'=>'Manage all of your files directly from the web.',
'loading'=>'Loading initial file structure, this could take a few seconds.',
'path'=>'When configuring any file paths in your server plugins or settings you should use :path as your base path. The maximum size for web-based file uploads to this node is :size.',