2021-01-05 14:52:49 -07:00
import React, { useContext, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import getNodes, { Context as NodesContext } from '@/api/admin/nodes/getNodes';
import FlashMessageRender from '@/components/FlashMessageRender';
import useFlash from '@/plugins/useFlash';
import { AdminContext } from '@/state/admin';
import { NavLink, useRouteMatch } from 'react-router-dom';
2020-08-22 16:49:18 -06:00
import tw from 'twin.macro';
import AdminContentBlock from '@/components/admin/AdminContentBlock';
2021-01-05 14:52:49 -07:00
import AdminCheckbox from '@/components/admin/AdminCheckbox';
import AdminTable, { TableBody, TableHead, TableHeader, TableRow, Pagination, Loading, NoItems, ContentWrapper } from '@/components/admin/AdminTable';
import Button from '@/components/elements/Button';
2021-01-06 09:52:07 -07:00
import CopyOnClick from '@/components/elements/CopyOnClick';
import { bytesToHuman, megabytesToBytes } from '@/helpers';
2021-01-05 14:52:49 -07:00
const RowCheckbox = ({ id }: { id: number}) => {
const isChecked = AdminContext.useStoreState(state => state.nodes.selectedNodes.indexOf(id) >= 0);
const appendSelectedNode = AdminContext.useStoreActions(actions => actions.nodes.appendSelectedNode);
const removeSelectedNode = AdminContext.useStoreActions(actions => actions.nodes.removeSelectedNode);
return (
onChange={(e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
if (e.currentTarget.checked) {
} else {
const NodesContainer = () => {
const match = useRouteMatch();
const { page, setPage } = useContext(NodesContext);
const { clearFlashes, clearAndAddHttpError } = useFlash();
2021-01-06 09:52:07 -07:00
const { data: nodes, error, isValidating } = getNodes([ 'location' ]);
2021-01-05 14:52:49 -07:00
useEffect(() => {
if (!error) {
clearAndAddHttpError({ error, key: 'nodes' });
}, [ error ]);
const length = nodes?.items?.length || 0;
const setSelectedNodes = AdminContext.useStoreActions(actions => actions.nodes.setSelectedNodes);
const selectedNodesLength = AdminContext.useStoreState(state => state.nodes.selectedNodes.length);
const onSelectAllClick = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
setSelectedNodes(e.currentTarget.checked ? (nodes?.items?.map(node => node.id) || []) : []);
useEffect(() => {
}, [ page ]);
2020-08-22 16:49:18 -06:00
return (
2021-01-07 09:44:24 -07:00
<AdminContentBlock title={'Nodes'}>
2021-01-05 14:52:49 -07:00
<div css={tw`w-full flex flex-row items-center mb-8`}>
2020-10-04 14:25:58 -06:00
<div css={tw`flex flex-col`}>
<h2 css={tw`text-2xl text-neutral-50 font-header font-medium`}>Nodes</h2>
<p css={tw`text-base text-neutral-400`}>All nodes available on the system.</p>
2021-01-06 15:39:23 -07:00
<NavLink to={`${match.url}/new`} css={tw`ml-auto`}>
<Button type={'button'} size={'large'} css={tw`h-10 px-4 py-0`}>
New Node
2020-08-22 16:49:18 -06:00
2021-01-05 14:52:49 -07:00
<FlashMessageRender byKey={'nodes'} css={tw`mb-4`}/>
{ nodes === undefined || (error && isValidating) ?
length < 1 ?
checked={selectedNodesLength === (length === 0 ? -1 : length)}
<Pagination data={nodes} onPageSelect={setPage}>
<div css={tw`overflow-x-auto`}>
<table css={tw`w-full table-auto`}>
<TableHeader name={'ID'}/>
<TableHeader name={'Name'}/>
2021-01-06 09:52:07 -07:00
<TableHeader name={'Location'}/>
<TableHeader name={'FQDN'}/>
<TableHeader name={'Total Memory'}/>
<TableHeader name={'Total Disk'}/>
<th css={tw`px-6 py-2`}/>
2021-01-05 14:52:49 -07:00
nodes.items.map(node => (
<TableRow key={node.id}>
<td css={tw`pl-6`}>
<RowCheckbox id={node.id}/>
2021-01-06 09:52:07 -07:00
<td css={tw`px-6 text-sm text-neutral-200 text-left whitespace-nowrap`}>
<CopyOnClick text={node.id.toString()}>
<code css={tw`font-mono bg-neutral-900 rounded py-1 px-2`}>{node.id}</code>
2021-01-05 14:52:49 -07:00
<td css={tw`px-6 text-sm text-neutral-200 text-left whitespace-nowrap`}>
<NavLink to={`${match.url}/${node.id}`} css={tw`text-primary-400 hover:text-primary-300`}>
2021-01-06 09:52:07 -07:00
{/* TODO: Have permission check for displaying location information. */}
<td css={tw`px-6 text-sm text-left whitespace-nowrap`}>
<NavLink to={`/admin/locations/${node.relations.location?.id}`} css={tw`text-primary-400 hover:text-primary-300`}>
<div css={tw`text-sm text-neutral-200`}>
<div css={tw`text-sm text-neutral-400`}>
<td css={tw`px-6 text-sm text-neutral-200 text-left whitespace-nowrap`}>
<CopyOnClick text={node.fqdn}>
<code css={tw`font-mono bg-neutral-900 rounded py-1 px-2`}>{node.fqdn}</code>
<td css={tw`px-6 text-sm text-neutral-200 text-left whitespace-nowrap`}>{bytesToHuman(megabytesToBytes(node.memory))}</td>
<td css={tw`px-6 text-sm text-neutral-200 text-left whitespace-nowrap`}>{bytesToHuman(megabytesToBytes(node.disk))}</td>
<td css={tw`px-6 whitespace-nowrap`}>
{ node.scheme === 'https' ?
<span css={tw`px-2 inline-flex text-xs leading-5 font-medium rounded-full bg-green-100 text-green-800`}>
<span css={tw`px-2 inline-flex text-xs leading-5 font-medium rounded-full bg-red-200 text-red-800`}>
2021-01-05 14:52:49 -07:00
2020-08-22 16:49:18 -06:00
2021-01-05 14:52:49 -07:00
export default () => {
const [ page, setPage ] = useState<number>(1);
return (
<NodesContext.Provider value={{ page, setPage }}>