2015-12-06 18:58:49 +00:00
@ extends ( 'layouts.master' )
@ section ( 'title' )
Viewing Server : {{ $server -> name }}
@ endsection
@ section ( 'scripts' )
@ parent
2016-01-02 02:35:50 +00:00
< script src = " //cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/highcharts/4.2.1/highcharts.js " ></ script >
2015-12-06 18:58:49 +00:00
< script src = " { { asset('js/chartjs/chart.bar.js') }} " ></ script >
@ endsection
@ section ( 'content' )
2016-01-04 21:48:22 +00:00
< div class = " col-md-12 " >
2016-01-03 05:28:33 +00:00
< ul class = " nav nav-tabs tabs_with_panel " id = " config_tabs " >
< li id = " triggerConsoleView " class = " active " >< a href = " #console " data - toggle = " tab " > {{ trans ( 'server.index.control' ) }} </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " #stats " data - toggle = " tab " > {{ trans ( 'server.index.usage' ) }} </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " #allocation " data - toggle = " tab " > {{ trans ( 'server.index.allocation' ) }} </ a ></ li >
</ ul >
2015-12-06 18:58:49 +00:00
< div class = " tab-content " >
2016-01-03 05:28:33 +00:00
< div class = " tab-pane active " id = " console " >
< div class = " panel panel-default " >
< div class = " panel-heading " ></ div >
< div class = " panel-body " >
< div class = " row " >
< div class = " col-md-12 " >
< textarea id = " live_console " class = " form-control console " readonly = " readonly " > Loading Previous Content ...</ textarea >
</ div >
< div class = " col-md-6 " >
< hr />
< form action = " # " method = " post " id = " console_command " style = " display:none; " >
< fieldset >
< div class = " input-group " >
< input type = " text " class = " form-control " name = " command " id = " ccmd " placeholder = " { { trans('server.index.command') }} " />
< span class = " input-group-btn " >
< button id = " sending_command " class = " btn btn-primary btn-sm " >& rarr ; </ button >
</ span >
</ div >
</ fieldset >
</ form >
< div class = " alert alert-danger " id = " sc_resp " style = " display:none;margin-top: 15px; " ></ div >
</ div >
< div class = " col-md-6 " style = " text-align:center; " >
< hr />
< button class = " btn btn-success btn-sm disabled " data - attr = " power " data - action = " start " > Start </ button >
< button class = " btn btn-primary btn-sm disabled " data - attr = " power " data - action = " restart " > Restart </ button >
< button class = " btn btn-danger btn-sm disabled " data - attr = " power " data - action = " stop " > Stop </ button >
< button class = " btn btn-danger btn-sm disabled " data - attr = " power " data - action = " kill " >< i class = " fa fa-ban " data - toggle = " tooltip " data - placement = " top " title = " Kill Running Process " ></ i ></ button >
< button class = " btn btn-primary btn-sm " data - toggle = " modal " data - target = " #pauseConsole " id = " pause_console " >< small >< i class = " fa fa-pause fa-fw " ></ i ></ small ></ button >
< div id = " pw_resp " style = " display:none;margin-top: 15px; " ></ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " row " >
< div class = " col-md-12 " id = " stats_players " >
< h3 > Active Players </ h3 >< hr />
< div id = " players_notice " class = " alert alert-info " >
< i class = " fa fa-spinner fa-spin " ></ i > Waiting for response from server ...
</ div >
< span id = " toggle_players " style = " display:none; " >
< p class = " text-muted " > No players are online .</ p >
</ span >
</ div >
2015-12-06 18:58:49 +00:00
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
2016-01-03 05:28:33 +00:00
< div class = " tab-pane " id = " stats " >
< div class = " panel panel-default " >
< div class = " panel-heading " ></ div >
< div class = " panel-body " >
< div class = " row " >
< div class = " col-xs-11 text-center " id = " chart_memory " style = " height:250px; " ></ div >
< div class = " col-xs-11 text-center " id = " chart_cpu " style = " height:250px; " ></ div >
</ div >
2015-12-06 18:58:49 +00:00
</ div >
2016-01-03 05:28:33 +00:00
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " tab-pane " id = " allocation " >
< div class = " panel panel-default " >
< div class = " panel-heading " ></ div >
< div class = " panel-body " >
< div class = " alert alert-info " > Below is a listing of all avaliable IPs and Ports for your service . To change the default connection address for your server , simply click on the one you would like to make default below .</ div >
2016-01-03 20:15:14 +00:00
< ul class = " nav nav-pills nav-stacked " id = " conn_options " >
2016-01-03 05:28:33 +00:00
@ foreach ( $allocations as $allocation )
< li role = " presentation " @ if ( $allocation -> ip === $server -> ip && $allocation -> port === $server -> port ) class = " active " @ endif >< a href = " #/set-connnection/ { { $allocation->ip }}: { { $allocation->port }} " data - action = " set-connection " data - connection = " { { $allocation->ip }}: { { $allocation->port }} " > {{ $allocation -> ip }} < span class = " badge " > {{ $allocation -> port }} </ span ></ a ></ li >
@ endforeach
</ ul >
2015-12-06 18:58:49 +00:00
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
2016-01-03 05:28:33 +00:00
< div class = " row " >
< div class = " col-xs-11 " id = " col11_setter " ></ div >
</ div >
2015-12-06 18:58:49 +00:00
</ div >
< div class = " modal fade " id = " pauseConsole " tabindex = " -1 " role = " dialog " aria - labelledby = " PauseConsole " aria - hidden = " true " >
< div class = " modal-dialog " >
< div class = " modal-content " >
< div class = " modal-header " >
< button type = " button " class = " close " data - dismiss = " modal " aria - hidden = " true " >& times ; </ button >
< h4 class = " modal-title " id = " PauseConsole " > {{ trans ( 'server.index.scrollstop' ) }} </ h4 >
</ div >
< div class = " modal-body " >
< div class = " row " >
< div class = " col-md-12 " >
< textarea id = " paused_console " class = " form-control console " readonly = " readonly " ></ textarea >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " modal-footer " >
< button type = " button " class = " btn btn-default " data - dismiss = " modal " > {{ trans ( 'strings.close' ) }} </ button >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< script >
$ ( window ) . load ( function () {
$ ( '[data-toggle="tooltip"]' ) . tooltip ();
2016-01-02 02:35:50 +00:00
// -----------------+
// Charting Methods |
// -----------------+
2016-01-03 05:28:33 +00:00
$ ( window ) . resize ( function () {
$ ( '#chart_memory' ) . highcharts () . setSize ( $ ( '#col11_setter' ) . width (), 250 );
$ ( '#chart_cpu' ) . highcharts () . setSize ( $ ( '#col11_setter' ) . width (), 250 );
2016-01-02 02:35:50 +00:00
$ ( '#chart_memory' ) . highcharts ({
chart : {
type : 'area' ,
animation : Highcharts . svg ,
marginRight : 10 ,
2016-01-03 05:28:33 +00:00
renderTo : 'container' ,
width : $ ( '#col11_setter' ) . width ()
2016-01-02 02:35:50 +00:00
colors : [
'#113F8C' ,
'#00A1CB' ,
'#01A4A4' ,
'#61AE24' ,
'#D0D102' ,
'#D70060' ,
'#E54028' ,
'#F18D05' ,
'#616161' ,
'#32742C' ,
credits : {
enabled : false ,
title : {
text : 'Live Memory Usage' ,
tooltip : {
shared : true ,
crosshairs : true ,
formatter : function () {
var s = '<b>Memory Usage</b>' ;
$ . each ( this . points , function () {
s += '<br/>' + this . series . name + ': ' +
this . y + 'MB' ;
return s ;
xAxis : {
visible : false ,
yAxis : {
title : {
text : 'Memory Usage (MB)' ,
plotLines : [{
value : 0 ,
width : 1 ,
plotOptions : {
area : {
fillOpacity : 0.10 ,
marker : {
enabled : false ,
legend : {
enabled : false
series : [{
name : 'Total Memory' ,
data : [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ]
$ ( '#chart_cpu' ) . highcharts ({
chart : {
type : 'area' ,
animation : Highcharts . svg ,
marginRight : 10 ,
2016-01-03 05:28:33 +00:00
renderTo : 'container' ,
width : $ ( '#col11_setter' ) . width ()
2016-01-02 02:35:50 +00:00
colors : [
'#113F8C' ,
'#00A1CB' ,
'#01A4A4' ,
'#61AE24' ,
'#D0D102' ,
'#D70060' ,
'#E54028' ,
'#F18D05' ,
'#616161' ,
'#32742C' ,
credits : {
enabled : false ,
title : {
text : 'Live CPU Usage' ,
tooltip : {
shared : true ,
crosshairs : true ,
formatter : function () {
var s = '<b>CPU Usage</b>' ;
$ . each ( this . points , function () {
s += '<br/>' + this . series . name + ': ' +
this . y + '%' ;
return s ;
xAxis : {
visible : false ,
yAxis : {
title : {
text : 'CPU Usage (%)' ,
plotLines : [{
value : 0 ,
width : 1 ,
plotOptions : {
area : {
fillOpacity : 0.10 ,
stacking : 'normal' ,
lineWidth : 1 ,
marker : {
enabled : false ,
legend : {
enabled : true
series : [{
name : 'Total CPU' ,
data : [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ]
2015-12-06 18:58:49 +00:00
// Socket Recieves New Server Stats
2016-01-02 02:35:50 +00:00
socket . on ( 'proc' , function ( proc ) {
var MemoryChart = $ ( '#chart_memory' ) . highcharts ();
MemoryChart . series [ 0 ] . addPoint ( parseInt ( proc . data . memory . total / ( 1024 * 1024 )), true , true );
var CPUChart = $ ( '#chart_cpu' ) . highcharts ();
if ({{ $server -> cpu }} > 0 ) {
CPUChart . series [ 0 ] . addPoint ( parseFloat ((( proc . data . cpu . total / {{ $server -> cpu }}) * 100 ) . toFixed ( 3 ) . toString ()), true , true );
} else {
CPUChart . series [ 0 ] . addPoint ( proc . data . cpu . total , true , true );
for ( i = 0 , length = proc . data . cpu . cores . length ; i < length ; i ++ ) {
if ( typeof CPUChart . series [ i + 1 ] === 'undefined' ) {
CPUChart . addSeries ({
name : 'Core ' + i ,
data : [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ]
if ({{ $server -> cpu }} > 0 ) {
2016-01-03 20:15:14 +00:00
CPUChart . series [ i + 1 ] . addPoint ( parseFloat ((( proc . data . cpu . cores [ i ] / {{ $server -> cpu }}) * 100 ) . toFixed ( 3 ) . toString ()), true , true );
2016-01-02 02:35:50 +00:00
} else {
CPUChart . series [ i + 1 ] . addPoint ( proc . data . cpu . cores [ i ], true , true );
2015-12-06 18:58:49 +00:00
// Socket Recieves New Query
socket . on ( 'query' , function ( data ){
if ( $ ( '#players_notice' ) . is ( ':visible' )){
$ ( '#players_notice' ) . hide ();
$ ( '#toggle_players' ) . show ();
if ( data [ 'data' ] . players != undefined && data [ 'data' ] . players . length !== 0 ){
$ ( '#toggle_players' ) . html ( '' );
$ . each ( data [ 'data' ] . players , function ( id , d ) {
$ ( '#toggle_players' ) . append ( '<code>' + d . name + '</code>,' );
} else {
$ ( '#toggle_players' ) . html ( '<p class=\'text-muted\'>No players are currently online.</p>' );
// New Console Data Recieved
socket . on ( 'console' , function ( data ) {
$ ( '#live_console' ) . val ( $ ( '#live_console' ) . val () + data . line );
$ ( '#live_console' ) . scrollTop ( $ ( '#live_console' )[ 0 ] . scrollHeight );
// Update Listings on Initial Status
socket . on ( 'initial_status' , function ( data ) {
if ( data . status !== 0 ) {
$ . ajax ({
type : 'GET' ,
headers : {
'X-Access-Token' : '{{ $server->daemonSecret }}' ,
'X-Access-Server' : '{{ $server->uuid }}'
2016-01-01 23:08:15 +00:00
url : '{{ $node->scheme }}://{{ $node->fqdn }}:{{ $node->daemonListen }}/server/log' ,
2015-12-06 18:58:49 +00:00
timeout : 10000
}) . done ( function ( data ) {
$ ( '#live_console' ) . val ( data );
$ ( '#live_console' ) . scrollTop ( $ ( '#live_console' )[ 0 ] . scrollHeight );
}) . fail ( function ( jqXHR , textStatus , errorThrown ) {
2015-12-31 22:55:42 +00:00
alert ( 'Unable to load initial server log, try reloading the page.' );
2015-12-06 18:58:49 +00:00
} else {
2015-12-31 22:55:42 +00:00
$ ( '#live_console' ) . val ( 'Server is currently off.' );
2015-12-06 18:58:49 +00:00
updateServerPowerControls ( data . status );
updatePlayerListVisibility ( data . status );
// Update Listings on Status
socket . on ( 'status' , function ( data ) {
updateServerPowerControls ( data . status );
updatePlayerListVisibility ( data . status );
// Scroll to the top of the Console when switching to that tab.
$ ( '#triggerConsoleView' ) . click ( function () {
$ ( '#live_console' ) . scrollTop ( $ ( '#live_console' )[ 0 ] . scrollHeight );
if ( $ ( 'triggerConsoleView' ) . is ( ':visible' )) {
$ ( '#live_console' ) . scrollTop ( $ ( '#live_console' )[ 0 ] . scrollHeight );
$ ( 'a[data-toggle=\'tab\']' ) . on ( 'shown.bs.tab' , function ( e ) {
$ ( '#live_console' ) . scrollTop ( $ ( '#live_console' )[ 0 ] . scrollHeight );
// Load Paused Console with Live Console Data
$ ( '#pause_console' ) . click ( function (){
$ ( '#paused_console' ) . val ( $ ( '#live_console' ) . val ());
function updatePlayerListVisibility ( data ) {
// Server is On or Starting
2015-12-31 22:55:42 +00:00
if ( data !== 0 ) {
2015-12-06 18:58:49 +00:00
$ ( '#stats_players' ) . show ();
} else {
$ ( '#stats_players' ) . hide ();
2016-01-03 05:28:33 +00:00
2016-01-03 20:15:14 +00:00
@ can ( 'set-connection' , $server )
// Send Request
$ ( '[data-action="set-connection"]' ) . click ( function ( event ) {
event . preventDefault ();
var element = $ ( this );
if ( element . hasClass ( 'active' )) {
return ;
$ . ajax ({
method : 'POST' ,
url : '/server/{{ $server->uuidShort }}/ajax/set-connection' ,
data : {
connection : element . data ( 'connection' )
headers : {
'X-CSRF-TOKEN' : '{{ csrf_token() }}'
}) . done ( function ( data ) {
$ ( '#conn_options' ) . find ( 'li.active' ) . removeClass ( 'active' );
element . parent () . addClass ( 'active' );
alert ( data );
}) . fail ( function ( jqXHR ) {
console . error ( jqXHR );
if ( typeof jqXHR . responseJSON . error === 'undefined' || jqXHR . responseJSON . error === '' ) {
return alert ( 'An error occured while attempting to perform this action.' );
} else {
return alert ( jqXHR . responseJSON . error );
@ endcan
2015-12-06 18:58:49 +00:00
@ can ( 'command' , $server )
// Send Command to Server
$ ( '#console_command' ) . submit ( function ( event ) {
event . preventDefault ();
var ccmd = $ ( '#ccmd' ) . val ();
if ( ccmd == '' ) {
return ;
$ ( '#sending_command' ) . html ( '<i class=\'fa fa-refresh fa-spin\'></i>' ) . addClass ( 'disabled' );
$ . ajax ({
type : 'POST' ,
headers : {
'X-Access-Token' : '{{ $server->daemonSecret }}' ,
'X-Access-Server' : '{{ $server->uuid }}'
2015-12-31 22:55:42 +00:00
contentType : 'application/json; charset=utf-8' ,
2016-01-01 23:08:15 +00:00
url : '{{ $node->scheme }}://{{ $node->fqdn }}:{{ $node->daemonListen }}/server/command' ,
2015-12-06 18:58:49 +00:00
timeout : 10000 ,
2015-12-31 22:55:42 +00:00
data : JSON . stringify ({ command : ccmd })
2015-12-06 18:58:49 +00:00
}) . fail ( function ( jqXHR ) {
$ ( '#sc_resp' ) . html ( 'Unable to process your request. Please try again.' ) . fadeIn () . delay ( 5000 ) . fadeOut ();
}) . always ( function () {
$ ( '#sending_command' ) . html ( '→' ) . removeClass ( 'disabled' );
$ ( '#ccmd' ) . val ( '' );
@ endcan
@ can ( 'power' , $server )
var can_run = true ;
function updateServerPowerControls ( data ) {
2015-12-31 23:01:42 +00:00
// Reset Console Data
if ( data === 2 ) {
2016-01-04 04:16:03 +00:00
$ ( '#live_console' ) . val ( $ ( '#live_console' ) . val () + '\n --+ Server Detected as Booting + --\n' );
$ ( '#live_console' ) . scrollTop ( $ ( '#live_console' )[ 0 ] . scrollHeight );
2015-12-31 23:01:42 +00:00
2015-12-06 18:58:49 +00:00
// Server is On or Starting
2015-12-31 23:01:42 +00:00
if ( data == 1 || data == 2 ) {
$ ( " #console_command " ) . slideDown ();
2015-12-31 22:55:42 +00:00
$ ( '[data-attr="power"][data-action="start"]' ) . addClass ( 'disabled' );
$ ( '[data-attr="power"][data-action="stop"], [data-attr="power"][data-action="restart"]' ) . removeClass ( 'disabled' );
2015-12-06 18:58:49 +00:00
} else {
2015-12-31 23:01:42 +00:00
$ ( " #console_command " ) . slideUp ();
2015-12-31 22:55:42 +00:00
$ ( '[data-attr="power"][data-action="start"]' ) . removeClass ( 'disabled' );
$ ( '[data-attr="power"][data-action="stop"], [data-attr="power"][data-action="restart"]' ) . addClass ( 'disabled' );
2015-12-06 18:58:49 +00:00
if ( data !== 0 ) {
2015-12-31 22:55:42 +00:00
$ ( '[data-attr="power"][data-action="kill"]' ) . removeClass ( 'disabled' );
2015-12-06 18:58:49 +00:00
} else {
2015-12-31 22:55:42 +00:00
$ ( '[data-attr="power"][data-action="kill"]' ) . addClass ( 'disabled' );
2015-12-06 18:58:49 +00:00
2015-12-31 22:55:42 +00:00
$ ( '[data-attr="power"]' ) . click ( function ( event ) {
event . preventDefault ();
var action = $ ( this ) . data ( 'action' );
if ( action === 'kill' ) {
var killConfirm = confirm ( 'WARNING: This operation will not save your server data gracefully. You should only use this if your server is failing to respond to normal stop commands.' );
} else { var killConfirm = true ; }
2015-12-06 18:58:49 +00:00
if ( killConfirm ) {
$ . ajax ({
2015-12-31 22:55:42 +00:00
type : 'PUT' ,
2015-12-06 18:58:49 +00:00
headers : {
'X-Access-Token' : '{{ $server->daemonSecret }}' ,
'X-Access-Server' : '{{ $server->uuid }}'
2015-12-31 22:55:42 +00:00
contentType : 'application/json; charset=utf-8' ,
data : JSON . stringify ({
action : action
2016-01-01 23:08:15 +00:00
url : '{{ $node->scheme }}://{{ $node->fqdn }}:{{ $node->daemonListen }}/server/power' ,
2015-12-06 18:58:49 +00:00
timeout : 10000
2015-12-31 22:55:42 +00:00
}) . fail ( function ( jqXHR ) {
var error = 'An unknown error occured processing this request.' ;
if ( typeof jqXHR . responseJSON . error !== 'undefined' ) {
error = jqXHR . responseJSON . error ;
$ ( '#pw_resp' ) . attr ( 'class' , 'alert alert-danger' ) . html ( 'Unable to process your request. Please try again. (' + error + ')' ) . fadeIn () . delay ( 5000 ) . fadeOut ();
2015-12-06 18:58:49 +00:00
@ endcan
$ ( document ) . ready ( function () {
$ ( '.server-index' ) . addClass ( 'active' );
</ script >
@ endsection