Forked repo to test stuff on
On the fly create certificates via openssl (Maybe change this to libressl in the future?). This is probably the best scheme to get something that simply works. Self signed certificates only pose a problem when connecting to retrieve the email via imap or pop3. |
mail-server | ||
nixops | ||
mail-config.nix | || |
Work in progress...
How to Test
You can test the setup via nixops
. After installation, do
nixops create nixops/single-server.nix nixops/vbox.nix -d mail
nixops deploy -d mail
nixops info -d mail
You can then test the server via e.g. telnet
. To log into it, use
nixops ssh -d mail mailserver
A Complete Mail Server Without Moving Parts
Used Technologies
- Nixos
- Nixpkgs
- Dovecot
- Postfix
- Rmilter
- Rspamd
- Clamav
- Opendkim
- Pam
- one domain
- unlimited mail accounts
- unlimited aliases for every mail account
- spam and virus checking
- dkim signing of outgoing emails
- imap (optionally pop3)
- startTLS
- moving parts
- SQL databases
- configurations that need to be made after
nixos-rebuild switch
- complicated storage schemes
- webclients / http-servers