Xavier Vello 5c6b6287d6 Fix extern test on 19.09
The openssl output format changed, breaking the
"dkim has user-specified size" test
2019-12-14 22:22:23 +01:00

414 lines
16 KiB

# nixos-mailserver: a simple mail server
# Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Robin Raymond
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
import <nixpkgs/nixos/tests/make-test.nix> {
nodes = {
server = { config, pkgs, ... }:
imports = [
services.rsyslogd = {
enable = true;
defaultConfig = ''
*.* /dev/console
mailserver = {
enable = true;
debug = true;
fqdn = "mail.example.com";
domains = [ "example.com" "example2.com" ];
rewriteMessageId = true;
dkimKeyBits = 1535;
loginAccounts = {
"user1@example.com" = {
hashedPassword = "$6$/z4n8AQl6K$kiOkBTWlZfBd7PvF5GsJ8PmPgdZsFGN1jPGZufxxr60PoR0oUsrvzm2oQiflyz5ir9fFJ.d/zKm/NgLXNUsNX/";
aliases = [ "postmaster@example.com" ];
catchAll = [ "example.com" ];
"user2@example.com" = {
hashedPassword = "$6$u61JrAtuI0a$nGEEfTP5.eefxoScUGVG/Tl0alqla2aGax4oTd85v3j3xSmhv/02gNfSemv/aaMinlv9j/ZABosVKBrRvN5Qv0";
aliases = [ "chuck@example.com" ];
"user@example2.com" = {
hashedPassword = "$6$u61JrAtuI0a$nGEEfTP5.eefxoScUGVG/Tl0alqla2aGax4oTd85v3j3xSmhv/02gNfSemv/aaMinlv9j/ZABosVKBrRvN5Qv0";
"lowquota@example.com" = {
hashedPassword = "$6$u61JrAtuI0a$nGEEfTP5.eefxoScUGVG/Tl0alqla2aGax4oTd85v3j3xSmhv/02gNfSemv/aaMinlv9j/ZABosVKBrRvN5Qv0";
quota = "1B";
extraVirtualAliases = {
"single-alias@example.com" = "user1@example.com";
"multi-alias@example.com" = [ "user1@example.com" "user2@example.com" ];
enableImap = true;
enableImapSsl = true;
client = { nodes, config, pkgs, ... }: let
serverIP = nodes.server.config.networking.primaryIPAddress;
clientIP = nodes.client.config.networking.primaryIPAddress;
grep-ip = pkgs.writeScriptBin "grep-ip" ''
echo grep '${clientIP}' "$@" >&2
exec grep '${clientIP}' "$@"
check-mail-id = pkgs.writeScriptBin "check-mail-id" ''
echo grep '^Message-ID:.*@mail.example.com>$' "$@" >&2
exec grep '^Message-ID:.*@mail.example.com>$' "$@"
test-imap-spam = pkgs.writeScriptBin "imap-mark-spam" ''
import imaplib
with imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('${serverIP}') as imap:
imap.login('user1@example.com', 'user1')
status, [response] = imap.search(None, 'ALL')
msg_ids = response.decode("utf-8").split(' ')
assert status == 'OK'
assert len(msg_ids) == 1
imap.copy(','.join(msg_ids), 'Junk')
for num in msg_ids:
imap.store(num, '+FLAGS', '\\Deleted')
status, [response] = imap.search(None, 'ALL')
msg_ids = response.decode("utf-8").split(' ')
assert status == 'OK'
assert len(msg_ids) == 1
test-imap-ham = pkgs.writeScriptBin "imap-mark-ham" ''
import imaplib
with imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('${serverIP}') as imap:
imap.login('user1@example.com', 'user1')
status, [response] = imap.search(None, 'ALL')
msg_ids = response.decode("utf-8").split(' ')
assert status == 'OK'
assert len(msg_ids) == 1
imap.copy(','.join(msg_ids), 'INBOX')
for num in msg_ids:
imap.store(num, '+FLAGS', '\\Deleted')
status, [response] = imap.search(None, 'ALL')
msg_ids = response.decode("utf-8").split(' ')
assert status == 'OK'
assert len(msg_ids) == 1
in {
imports = [
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
fetchmail msmtp procmail findutils grep-ip check-mail-id test-imap-spam test-imap-ham
environment.etc = {
"root/.fetchmailrc" = {
text = ''
poll ${serverIP} with proto IMAP
user 'user1@example.com' there with password 'user1' is 'root' here
mda procmail
mode = "0700";
"root/.fetchmailRcLowQuota" = {
text = ''
poll ${serverIP} with proto IMAP
user 'lowquota@example.com' there with password 'user2' is 'root' here
mda procmail
mode = "0700";
"root/.procmailrc" = {
text = "DEFAULT=$HOME/mail";
"root/.msmtprc" = {
text = ''
account test
host ${serverIP}
port 587
from user2@example.com
user user2@example.com
password user2
account test2
host ${serverIP}
port 587
from user@example2.com
user user@example2.com
password user2
account test3
host ${serverIP}
port 587
from chuck@example.com
user user2@example.com
password user2
account test4
host ${serverIP}
port 587
from postmaster@example.com
user user1@example.com
password user1
account test5
host ${serverIP}
port 587
from single-alias@example.com
user user1@example.com
password user1
"root/email1".text = ''
Message-ID: <12345qwerty@host.local.network>
From: User2 <user2@example.com>
To: User1 <user1@example.com>
Subject: This is a test Email from user2 to user1
Hello User1,
how are you doing today?
"root/email2".text = ''
Message-ID: <232323abc@host.local.network>
From: User <user@example2.com>
To: User1 <user1@example.com>
Subject: This is a test Email from user@example2.com to user1
Hello User1,
how are you doing today?
XOXO User1
"root/email3".text = ''
Message-ID: <asdfghjkl42@host.local.network>
From: Postmaster <postmaster@example.com>
To: Chuck <chuck@example.com>
Subject: This is a test Email from postmaster\@example.com to chuck
Hello Chuck,
I think I may have misconfigured the mail server
XOXO Postmaster
"root/email4".text = ''
Message-ID: <sdfsdf@host.local.network>
From: Single Alias <single-alias@example.com>
To: User1 <user1@example.com>
Subject: This is a test Email from single-alias\@example.com to user1
Hello User1,
how are you doing today?
XOXO User1 aka Single Alias
"root/email5".text = ''
Message-ID: <789asdf@host.local.network>
From: User2 <user2@example.com>
To: Multi Alias <multi-alias@example.com>
Subject: This is a test Email from user2\@example.com to multi-alias
Hello Multi Alias,
how are we doing today?
XOXO User1
testScript = { nodes, ... }:
# TODO put this blocking into the systemd units?
$server->waitUntilSucceeds("timeout 1 ${nodes.server.pkgs.netcat}/bin/nc -U /run/rspamd/rspamd-milter.sock < /dev/null; [ \$? -eq 124 ]");
$client->execute("cp -p /etc/root/.* ~/");
$client->succeed("mkdir -p ~/mail");
$client->succeed("ls -la ~/ >&2");
$client->succeed("cat ~/.fetchmailrc >&2");
$client->succeed("cat ~/.procmailrc >&2");
$client->succeed("cat ~/.msmtprc >&2");
subtest "imap retrieving mail", sub {
# fetchmail returns EXIT_CODE 1 when no new mail
$client->succeed("fetchmail -v || [ \$? -eq 1 ] >&2");
subtest "submission port send mail", sub {
# send email from user2 to user1
$client->succeed("msmtp -a test --tls=on --tls-certcheck=off --auth=on user1\@example.com < /etc/root/email1 >&2");
# give the mail server some time to process the mail
$server->waitUntilFails('[ "$(postqueue -p)" != "Mail queue is empty" ]');
subtest "imap retrieving mail 2", sub {
$client->execute("rm ~/mail/*");
# fetchmail returns EXIT_CODE 0 when it retrieves mail
$client->succeed("fetchmail -v >&2");
subtest "remove sensitive information on submission port", sub {
$client->succeed("cat ~/mail/* >&2");
## make sure our IP is _not_ in the email header
$client->fail("grep-ip ~/mail/*");
$client->succeed("check-mail-id ~/mail/*");
subtest "have correct fqdn as sender", sub {
$client->succeed("grep 'Received: from mail.example.com' ~/mail/*");
subtest "dkim has user-specified size", sub {
$server->succeed("openssl rsa -in /var/dkim/example.com.mail.key -text -noout | grep 'Private-Key: (1535 bit'");
subtest "dkim singing, multiple domains", sub {
$client->execute("rm ~/mail/*");
# send email from user2 to user1
$client->succeed("msmtp -a test2 --tls=on --tls-certcheck=off --auth=on user1\@example.com < /etc/root/email2 >&2");
$server->waitUntilFails('[ "$(postqueue -p)" != "Mail queue is empty" ]');
# fetchmail returns EXIT_CODE 0 when it retrieves mail
$client->succeed("fetchmail -v");
$client->succeed("cat ~/mail/* >&2");
# make sure it is dkim signed
$client->succeed("grep DKIM ~/mail/*");
subtest "aliases", sub {
$client->execute("rm ~/mail/*");
# send email from chuck to postmaster
$client->succeed("msmtp -a test3 --tls=on --tls-certcheck=off --auth=on postmaster\@example.com < /etc/root/email2 >&2");
$server->waitUntilFails('[ "$(postqueue -p)" != "Mail queue is empty" ]');
# fetchmail returns EXIT_CODE 0 when it retrieves mail
$client->succeed("fetchmail -v");
subtest "catchAlls", sub {
$client->execute("rm ~/mail/*");
# send email from chuck to non exsitent account
$client->succeed("msmtp -a test3 --tls=on --tls-certcheck=off --auth=on lol\@example.com < /etc/root/email2 >&2");
$server->waitUntilFails('[ "$(postqueue -p)" != "Mail queue is empty" ]');
# fetchmail returns EXIT_CODE 0 when it retrieves mail
$client->succeed("fetchmail -v");
$client->execute("rm ~/mail/*");
# send email from user1 to chuck
$client->succeed("msmtp -a test4 --tls=on --tls-certcheck=off --auth=on chuck\@example.com < /etc/root/email2 >&2");
$server->waitUntilFails('[ "$(postqueue -p)" != "Mail queue is empty" ]');
# fetchmail returns EXIT_CODE 1 when no new mail
# if this succeeds, it means that user1 recieved the mail that was intended for chuck.
$client->fail("fetchmail -v");
subtest "extraVirtualAliases", sub {
$client->execute("rm ~/mail/*");
# send email from single-alias to user1
$client->succeed("msmtp -a test5 --tls=on --tls-certcheck=off --auth=on user1\@example.com < /etc/root/email4 >&2");
$server->waitUntilFails('[ "$(postqueue -p)" != "Mail queue is empty" ]');
# fetchmail returns EXIT_CODE 0 when it retrieves mail
$client->succeed("fetchmail -v");
$client->execute("rm ~/mail/*");
# send email from user1 to multi-alias (user{1,2}@example.com)
$client->succeed("msmtp -a test --tls=on --tls-certcheck=off --auth=on multi-alias\@example.com < /etc/root/email5 >&2");
$server->waitUntilFails('[ "$(postqueue -p)" != "Mail queue is empty" ]');
# fetchmail returns EXIT_CODE 0 when it retrieves mail
$client->succeed("fetchmail -v");
subtest "quota", sub {
$client->execute("rm ~/mail/*");
$client->execute("mv ~/.fetchmailRcLowQuota ~/.fetchmailrc");
$client->succeed("msmtp -a test3 --tls=on --tls-certcheck=off --auth=on lowquota\@example.com < /etc/root/email2 >&2");
$server->waitUntilFails('[ "$(postqueue -p)" != "Mail queue is empty" ]');
# fetchmail returns EXIT_CODE 0 when it retrieves mail
$client->fail("fetchmail -v");
subtest "imap sieve junk trainer", sub {
# send email from user2 to user1
$client->succeed("msmtp -a test --tls=on --tls-certcheck=off --auth=on user1\@example.com < /etc/root/email1 >&2");
# give the mail server some time to process the mail
$server->waitUntilFails('[ "$(postqueue -p)" != "Mail queue is empty" ]');
$client->succeed("imap-mark-spam >&2");
$server->waitUntilSucceeds("journalctl -u dovecot2 | grep -i sa-learn-spam.sh >&2");
$client->succeed("imap-mark-ham >&2");
$server->waitUntilSucceeds("journalctl -u dovecot2 | grep -i sa-learn-ham.sh >&2");
subtest "no warnings or errors", sub {
$server->fail("journalctl -u postfix | grep -i error >&2");
$server->fail("journalctl -u postfix | grep -i warning >&2");
$server->fail("journalctl -u dovecot2 | grep -i error >&2");
$server->fail("journalctl -u dovecot2 | grep -i warning >&2");