172 lines
5.1 KiB
172 lines
5.1 KiB
use ldap3::{LdapConn, Scope, SearchEntry};
use skynet_ldap_backend::{db_init, get_config, AccountWolves, Accounts, Config};
use sqlx::{Pool, Sqlite};
async fn main() -> tide::Result<()> {
let config = get_config();
let db = db_init(&config).await.unwrap();
update_wolves(&config, &db).await;
update_ldap(&config, &db).await;
async fn update_wolves(config: &Config, db: &Pool<Sqlite>) {
let mut records = vec![];
if let Ok(accounts) = get_csv(config) {
for account in accounts {
for account in records {
update_account(db, &account).await;
async fn update_ldap(config: &Config, db: &Pool<Sqlite>) {
let mut ldap = LdapConn::new(&config.ldap_host).unwrap();
ldap.simple_bind(&config.ldap_admin, &config.ldap_admin_pw).unwrap().success().unwrap();
// use this to pre load a large chunk of data
if let Ok(x) = ldap.search(
vec!["uid", "uidNumber", "skDiscord", "skMemberOf", "mail", "skID", "userPassword"],
) {
if let Ok((rs, _res)) = x.success() {
for entry in rs {
let tmp = SearchEntry::construct(entry);
let mut tmp_account = Accounts {
user: "".to_string(),
uid: 0,
discord: None,
mail: "".to_string(),
student_id: "".to_string(),
enabled: false,
secure: false,
// pull out the required info
if tmp.attrs.contains_key("uid") && !tmp.attrs["uid"].is_empty() {
tmp_account.user = tmp.attrs["uid"][0].clone();
if tmp.attrs.contains_key("uidNumber") && !tmp.attrs["uidNumber"].is_empty() {
tmp_account.uid = tmp.attrs["uidNumber"][0].clone().parse().unwrap_or(0);
if tmp.attrs.contains_key("skDiscord") && !tmp.attrs["skDiscord"].is_empty() {
tmp_account.discord = Option::from(tmp.attrs["skDiscord"][0].clone());
if tmp.attrs.contains_key("mail") && !tmp.attrs["mail"].is_empty() {
tmp_account.mail = tmp.attrs["mail"][0].clone();
if tmp.attrs.contains_key("skID") && !tmp.attrs["skID"].is_empty() {
tmp_account.student_id = tmp.attrs["skID"][0].clone();
if tmp.attrs.contains_key("skMemberOf")
&& !tmp.attrs["skMemberOf"].is_empty()
&& tmp.attrs["skMemberOf"].contains(&String::from("cn=skynet-users-linux,ou=groups,dc=skynet,dc=ie"))
tmp_account.enabled = true;
if tmp.attrs.contains_key("userPassword") && !tmp.attrs["userPassword"].is_empty() {
tmp_account.secure = tmp.attrs["userPassword"][0].starts_with("{SSHA512}")
if !tmp_account.user.is_empty() {
sqlx::query_as::<_, Accounts>(
INSERT OR REPLACE INTO accounts (user, uid, discord, mail, student_id, enabled, secure)
VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5, ?6, ?7)
// done with ldap
#[derive(Debug, serde::Deserialize)]
struct RecordCSV {
#[serde(rename = "MemID")]
mem_id: String,
#[serde(rename = "Student Num")]
id_student: String,
#[serde(rename = "Contact Email")]
email: String,
#[serde(rename = "Expiry")]
expiry: String,
#[serde(rename = "First Name")]
name_first: String,
#[serde(rename = "Last Name")]
name_second: String,
impl From<RecordCSV> for AccountWolves {
fn from(input: RecordCSV) -> Self {
AccountWolves {
id_wolves: input.mem_id,
id_student: input.id_student,
email: input.email,
expiry: input.expiry,
name_first: input.name_first,
name_second: input.name_second,
fn get_csv(config: &Config) -> Result<Vec<RecordCSV>, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let mut records: Vec<RecordCSV> = vec![];
let csv = format!("{}/{}", &config.home, &config.csv);
println!("CSV: {:?}", &csv);
if let Ok(mut rdr) = csv::Reader::from_path(csv) {
for result in rdr.deserialize() {
// Notice that we need to provide a type hint for automatic
// deserialization.
let record: RecordCSV = result?;
if record.mem_id.is_empty() {
async fn update_account(db: &Pool<Sqlite>, account: &AccountWolves) {
sqlx::query_as::<_, AccountWolves>(
INSERT OR REPLACE INTO accounts_wolves (id_wolves, id_student, email, expiry, name_first, name_second)
VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5, ?6)