2023-08-06 12:40:29 +01:00
use crate::{get_now_iso, random_string, AccountWolves, Accounts, AccountsNew, Config, State};
2023-07-30 02:50:13 +01:00
use ldap3::{exop::PasswordModify, LdapConn, Scope};
2023-08-06 12:40:29 +01:00
use lettre::{
message::{header, MultiPart, SinglePart},
Message, SmtpTransport, Transport,
use maud::html;
2023-06-04 23:42:09 +01:00
use sqlx::{Error, Pool, Sqlite};
2023-06-04 13:27:15 +01:00
use std::collections::HashSet;
2023-07-30 02:50:13 +01:00
use tide::{
prelude::{json, Deserialize},
2023-06-04 13:27:15 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
pub mod email {
2023-08-06 12:40:29 +01:00
use super::*;
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct SignupEmail {
email: String,
2023-08-06 12:40:29 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
pub async fn submit(mut req: Request<State>) -> tide::Result {
let SignupEmail {
} = req.body_json().await?;
2023-08-06 12:40:29 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
let config = &req.state().config;
let db = &req.state().db;
2023-08-06 12:40:29 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
for record in get_wolves_mail(db, &email).await {
// skynet emails not permitted
if record.email.trim().ends_with("@skynet.ie") {
2023-08-06 12:40:29 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
// check if the email is already in the db
if !check(db, &record.email).await {
2023-08-06 12:40:29 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
// generate a auth key
let auth = random_string(75);
2023-08-06 12:40:29 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
match send_mail(config, &record, &auth) {
Ok(_) => match save_to_db(db, &record, &auth).await {
Ok(_) => {}
2023-08-06 12:40:29 +01:00
Err(e) => {
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
println!("Unable to save to db {} {e:?}", &record.email);
2023-08-06 12:40:29 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
Err(e) => {
println!("Unable to send mail to {} {e:?}", &record.email);
2023-08-06 12:40:29 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
Ok(json!({"result": "success"}).into())
2023-08-13 15:00:58 +01:00
pub async fn get_wolves_mail(db: &Pool<Sqlite>, mail: &str) -> Vec<AccountWolves> {
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
sqlx::query_as::<_, AccountWolves>(
2023-08-06 12:40:29 +01:00
FROM accounts_wolves
WHERE email = ?
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
2023-08-06 12:40:29 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
async fn check(db: &Pool<Sqlite>, mail: &str) -> bool {
check_pending(db, mail).await && check_users(db, mail).await
async fn check_users(db: &Pool<Sqlite>, mail: &str) -> bool {
sqlx::query_as::<_, Accounts>(
2023-08-06 12:40:29 +01:00
FROM accounts
WHERE mail == ?
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
async fn check_pending(db: &Pool<Sqlite>, mail: &str) -> bool {
sqlx::query_as::<_, AccountsNew>(
2023-08-06 12:40:29 +01:00
FROM accounts_new
WHERE mail == ?
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
2023-08-06 12:40:29 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
// using https://github.com/lettre/lettre/blob/57886c367d69b4d66300b322c94bd910b1eca364/examples/maud_html.rs
fn send_mail(config: &Config, record: &AccountWolves, auth: &str) -> Result<lettre::transport::smtp::response::Response, lettre::transport::smtp::Error> {
let recipient = &record.name_first;
let mail = &record.email;
2023-08-11 01:24:47 +01:00
let url_base = "https://account.skynet.ie";
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
let link_new = format!("{url_base}/register?auth={auth}");
let link_mod = format!("{url_base}/modify");
2023-08-11 01:56:27 +01:00
let discord = "https://discord.skynet.ie";
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
let sender = format!("UL Computer Society <{}>", &config.mail_user);
// Create the html we want to send.
let html = html! {
head {
title { "Hello from Skynet!" }
style type="text/css" {
"h2, h4 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }"
2023-08-06 12:40:29 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center;" {
h2 { "Hello from Skynet!" }
// Substitute in the name of our recipient.
p { "Hi " (recipient) "," }
p {
"As part of the UL Computer Society you get an account on our Skynet cluster."
"This gives you access to some of teh various services we offer:"
ul {
li { "Email" }
li { "Gitlab" }
li { "Linux Webhost" }
2023-08-06 12:40:29 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
"The following invite will remain active until the end of year."
p {
"If you are a new member please use the following link:"
a href=(link_new) { (link_new) }
p {
"If you are a returning user please set an email for your account at:"
a href=(link_mod) { (link_mod) }
p {
"If you have issues please refer to our Discord server:"
a href=(discord) { (discord) }
2023-08-06 12:40:29 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
p {
"Skynet Team"
"UL Computer Society"
2023-08-06 12:40:29 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
2023-08-06 12:40:29 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
let body_text = format!(
2023-08-06 12:40:29 +01:00
Hi {recipient}
As part of the UL Computer Society you get an account on our Skynet cluster.
This gives you access to some of teh various services we offer:
* Email
* Gitlab
* Linux Webhost
The following invite will remain active until the end of year.
If you are a new member please use the following link:
If you are a returning user please set an email for your account at:
If you have issues please refer to our Discord server:
Skynet Team
UL Computer Society
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
// Build the message.
let email = Message::builder()
.subject("Skynet: New Account.")
// This is composed of two parts.
// also helps not trip spam settings (uneven number of url's
2023-08-06 12:40:29 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
.expect("failed to build email");
2023-08-06 12:40:29 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
let creds = Credentials::new(config.mail_user.clone(), config.mail_pass.clone());
2023-06-04 13:27:15 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
// Open a remote connection to gmail using STARTTLS
let mailer = SmtpTransport::starttls_relay(&config.mail_smtp).unwrap().credentials(creds).build();
2023-07-30 03:47:30 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
// Send the email
2023-06-04 13:27:15 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
async fn save_to_db(db: &Pool<Sqlite>, record: &AccountWolves, auth: &str) -> Result<Option<AccountsNew>, sqlx::Error> {
sqlx::query_as::<_, AccountsNew>(
INSERT OR REPLACE INTO accounts_new (mail, auth_code, date_iso, date_expiry, name_first, name_surname, id_student)
VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5, ?6, ?7)
2023-06-04 13:27:15 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
pub mod account {
use super::*;
2023-08-06 17:57:02 +01:00
use crate::update_group;
2023-08-06 12:43:50 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct LdapNewUser {
auth: String,
user: String,
pass: String,
2023-08-06 12:43:50 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
/// Handles initial detail entering page
/// Verify users have access to said email
/// Get users to set username and password.
pub async fn submit(mut req: Request<State>) -> tide::Result {
let LdapNewUser {
} = req.body_json().await?;
let config = &req.state().config;
let db = &req.state().db;
// ensure there are no old requests
let user_db = if let Some(x) = db_get_user(db, &auth).await {
} else {
return Ok(json!({"result": "error", "error": "Invalid auth"}).into());
if let Some(error) = is_valid_name(&user) {
return Ok(json!({"result": "error", "error": error}).into());
2023-06-04 14:45:05 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
// easier to give each request its own connection
let mut ldap = LdapConn::new(&config.ldap_host)?;
2023-06-04 14:21:12 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
// ldap3 docs say a blank username and pass is an anon bind
ldap.simple_bind("", "")?.success()?;
2023-06-04 15:26:59 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
let filter_dn = format!("(uid={})", &user);
if let Ok(x) = ldap.search("ou=users,dc=skynet,dc=ie", Scope::OneLevel, &filter_dn, vec!["*"]) {
if let Ok((rs, _res)) = x.success() {
if !rs.is_empty() {
return Ok(json!({"result": "error", "error": "username not available"}).into());
2023-08-06 12:43:50 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
2023-06-04 13:27:15 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
// done with anon ldap
2023-06-04 14:21:12 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
ldap_create_account(config, db, user_db, &user, &pass).await?;
2023-08-06 12:43:50 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
// account now created, delete from the new table
account_verification_clear_pending(db, &auth).await?;
2023-08-06 12:43:50 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
Ok(json!({"result": "success"}).into())
2023-08-06 12:43:50 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
// clear the db of expired ones before checking for username and validating inputs
async fn db_pending_clear_expired(pool: &Pool<Sqlite>) -> Result<Vec<AccountsNew>, Error> {
sqlx::query_as::<_, AccountsNew>(
2023-06-04 14:21:12 +01:00
2023-07-30 02:50:13 +01:00
FROM accounts_new
WHERE date_expiry < ?
2023-06-04 14:21:12 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
fn is_valid_name(name: &str) -> Option<String> {
// max length is 31 chars
if name.len() >= 32 {
return Some(String::from("Too long, max len 31"));
2023-07-30 03:47:30 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
for (index, letter) in name.chars().enumerate() {
// no uppercase characters allowed
if letter.is_ascii_uppercase() {
return Some(String::from("Has uppercase"));
2023-07-30 03:47:30 +01:00
2023-08-06 12:43:50 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
if index == 0 {
// first character ahs to be either a letter or underscore
if !(letter.is_ascii_alphabetic() || letter == '_') {
return Some(String::from("Does not start with letter or _"));
2023-08-06 12:43:50 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
} else {
// after first character options are more relaxed
if !(letter.is_ascii_alphabetic() || letter.is_ascii_digit() || letter == '_' || letter == '-') {
return Some(String::from("Contains character that is not letter, number, _ or -"));
2023-08-06 12:43:50 +01:00
2023-07-30 03:47:30 +01:00
2023-08-06 12:43:50 +01:00
2023-07-30 03:47:30 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
async fn db_get_user(pool: &Pool<Sqlite>, auth: &str) -> Option<AccountsNew> {
if let Ok(res) = sqlx::query_as::<_, AccountsNew>(
2023-06-04 19:39:01 +01:00
2023-07-30 02:50:13 +01:00
FROM accounts_new
WHERE auth_code == ?
2023-06-04 19:39:01 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
if !res.is_empty() {
return Some(res[0].to_owned());
2023-08-06 12:43:50 +01:00
2023-06-04 23:42:09 +01:00
2023-06-04 19:39:01 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
async fn ldap_create_account(config: &Config, db: &Pool<Sqlite>, user: AccountsNew, username: &str, pass: &str) -> Result<(), ldap3::LdapError> {
let mut ldap = LdapConn::new(&config.ldap_host)?;
ldap.simple_bind(&config.ldap_admin, &config.ldap_admin_pw)?.success()?;
let dn = format!("uid={},ou=users,dc=skynet,dc=ie", username);
let cn = format!("{} {}", &user.name_first, &user.name_surname);
let home_directory = format!("/home/{}", username);
let password_tmp = random_string(50);
let labeled_uri = format!("ldap:///ou=groups,dc=skynet,dc=ie??sub?(&(objectclass=posixgroup)(memberuid={}))", username);
let sk_mail = format!("{}@skynet.ie", username);
let sk_created = get_sk_created();
let uid_number = get_max_uid_number(db).await;
// create user
("objectClass", HashSet::from(["top", "person", "posixaccount", "ldapPublicKey", "inetOrgPerson", "skPerson"])),
// top
("ou", HashSet::from(["users"])),
// person
("uid", HashSet::from([username])),
("cn", HashSet::from([cn.as_str()])),
// posixaccount
("uidNumber", HashSet::from([uid_number.to_string().as_str()])),
("gidNumber", HashSet::from(["1001"])),
("homedirectory", HashSet::from([home_directory.as_str()])),
("userpassword", HashSet::from([password_tmp.as_str()])),
// inetOrgPerson
("mail", HashSet::from([user.mail.as_str()])),
("sn", HashSet::from([user.name_surname.as_str()])),
// skPerson
("labeledURI", HashSet::from([labeled_uri.as_str()])),
("skMail", HashSet::from([sk_mail.as_str()])),
("skID", HashSet::from([user.id_student.as_str()])),
("skCreated", HashSet::from([sk_created.as_str()])),
// 1 = secure, automatic since its a new account
("skSecure", HashSet::from(["1"])),
// quotas
("quotaEmail", HashSet::from(["10737418240"])),
("quotaDisk", HashSet::from(["10737418240"])),
// now to properly set teh password
let tmp = PasswordModify {
user_id: Some(&dn),
old_pass: None,
new_pass: Some(pass),
2023-08-06 18:11:07 +01:00
// user is already verified by being an active member on wolves
2023-08-13 15:00:58 +01:00
if let Err(e) = update_group(config, "skynet-users", &vec![username.to_string()], false).await {
2023-08-06 18:11:07 +01:00
println!("Couldnt add {} to skynet-users: {:?}", username, e)
2023-08-06 14:25:42 +01:00
2023-08-06 18:11:07 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
2023-07-30 02:50:13 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
fn get_sk_created() -> String {
use chrono::Utc;
let now = Utc::now();
2023-08-06 12:43:50 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
format!("{}", now.format("%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ"))
2023-08-06 12:43:50 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
async fn get_max_uid_number(db: &Pool<Sqlite>) -> i64 {
if let Ok(results) = sqlx::query_as::<_, Accounts>(
2023-07-30 02:50:13 +01:00
FROM accounts
2023-06-04 19:39:01 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
if !results.is_empty() {
return results[0].uid + 1;
2023-08-06 12:43:50 +01:00
2023-06-04 19:39:01 +01:00
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
async fn account_verification_clear_pending(db: &Pool<Sqlite>, auth_code: &str) -> Result<Vec<AccountsNew>, Error> {
sqlx::query_as::<_, AccountsNew>(
2023-07-30 02:50:13 +01:00
DELETE FROM accounts_new
WHERE auth_code == ?
2023-08-06 14:42:09 +01:00
2023-08-06 12:43:50 +01:00
2023-06-04 22:06:34 +01:00