#27_improve-documentation #28

silver merged 2 commits from #27_improve-documentation into main 2024-11-04 12:45:00 +00:00
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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Skynet Discord Bot
This bots core purpose is to give members roles based on their status on https://ulwolves.ie.
This bots core purpose is to give members roles based on their status on <https://ulwolves.ie>.
It uses an api key provided by wolves to get member lists.
Users are able to link their wolves account to the bot and that works across discord servers.
@ -7,19 +7,52 @@ For example is a user links on the CompSoc Discord then they will also get their
## Setup - Committee
You need admin access to run any of the commands in this section.
Either the server owner or a user with the ``Administrator`` permission
Either the server owner or a user with the ``Administrator`` permission.
### Getting the Skynet Discord bot
1. Email ``keith@assurememberships.com`` from committee email and say ye want an api key for ````
2. Create a role for current members (maybe call it ``current-member`` ?)
3. (Optional) create a role for all past and current members (ye can use the existing ``member`` role for this, )
4. Invite the bot https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=1145761669256069270&permissions=139855185984&scope=bot
5. Make sure the bot role ``@skynet`` is above these two roles (so it can manage them)
6. Make sure that you have a role that gives ye administrator powers
7. Use the command ``/add`` and insert the api key, role current and role all (desktop recommended)
### Get the API Key
The ``api_key`` is used by the Bot in order to request information, it will be used later in the process.
1. Email ``keith@assurememberships.com`` from committee email and say you want an ``api_key`` for ````
* The committee email is the one here: <https://cp.ulwolves.ie/mailbox/>
* This may take up to a week to get the key.
### Setup Server
The Bot reason for existing is being able to give members Roles.
So we have to create those.
1. Create a role for Current Members.
* You can call it whatever you want.
* ``member-current`` is a good choice.
* This should be a new role
2. **Optional**: you can create a role that is given to folks who were but no longer a member.
* ``member`` would be a good choice for this
* If you have an existing member role this is also a good fit.
The reason for both roles is ye have one for active members while the second is for all current and past members.
### Invite Bot
1. Invite the bot https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=1145761669256069270&permissions=139855185984&scope=bot
2. Make sure the bot role ``@skynet`` is above these two roles created in the previous step
* This is so it can manage the roles (give and remove them from users)
### Setup Bot
This is where the bot is configured.
You will need the ``api_key`` from the start of the process.
You (personally) will need a role with ``Administrator`` permission to be able to do this.
1. Use the command ``/add`` and a list of options will pop up.
2. ``api_key`` is the key you got from Keith earlier.
3. ``role_current`` is the ``member-current`` that you created earlier.
4. ``role_past`` (optional) is the role for all current and past members.
5. ``bot_channel`` is a channel that folks are recommended to use the bot.
* You can have it so folks cannot see message history
6. ``server_name`` For example ``UL Computer Society``
* Will be removed in the future
7. ``wolves_link`` for example <https://ulwolves.ie/society/computer>
* Will be removed in the future
At this point the bot is set up and no further action is required.
### Minecraft
The bot is able to manage the whitelist of a Minecraft server managed by the Computer Society.
Talk to us to get a server.