Us as C&S need more money, looking for suggestions from us.
Trying to get us to move as one front rather than clubs v socs
Rugby - Not enough for two teams to travel on the day.
PBP - Maybe an open letter
Computer - Last time funding increased, we got it by going through the senior leaders.
Aisling - Discussions tab may be good. Management don't know what we do.
Watersports? - They have the committee and numbers to run events every weekend but not enough funding
Rowing - They are one of the best clubs in the country but have to borrow boats.
History - N/A
Environment - C&S is growing in number but the pot is growing but the funding is the remaing the same size.
Computer - Maybe get bodies moving. Try to spin it as good PR for the Uni?
Dance - Clubs not represnting the uni properly. They see other unis getting the funding to travel but they don't
PBP - Funding per student remaining the same.
Aisling - 2 years ago went from 360k to 400k by pairing back non-club and society expense. ~€100 per student roughly. This is a resource in general. Clubs need to go through UL Sport for new developments and new clubs.
Final thoughts - Point out things that you mightn't have been able to do because you had no funding.
Noreen - Add if people had to pay to represent the university.
History - Would it be worth getting someone to look into other Unis about where they get their funding from.
Scuba - Reach out to companies for sponsorship
Aisling - Usually up to individual C&S to do so, but UL Wolves are beginning to look into sponsoring major events.
Dervla - C&S Capacity. Dervla is willing to support us. There is a lock on new memberships available should it be neccesary, all you need to do is talk to Lisa to lock and unlock.
Events turnover at midnight, maybe change it to midday to allow an announcement to occur.
Aisling - UL are using C&S to sell it by saying it's only €5 to join them at any time, but that is a miss-information.
Dance - Budget is only 1st round, 2nd round is non-budget C&S, 3rd round is guests not in C&S. Doesn't always go to 3rd round.
Environment - Is the Munster training ground in use all the time, might there be an oppertunit for clubs to use it.
Noreen - They are completely seperate, Munster had to fight themselves to let the Womens team to use it.
Drama - BICS & Hustings
Aisling - Questions for hustings / C&S awards are changed to match BICS
Environment - BICS drop-increased
Aisling - No date set in stone as BICS don't have dates set in stone.