forked from Computer_Society/open-goverance
1.4 KiB
1.4 KiB
Treasuer Workshop
Office Card to oay for stuff
- Seems to work for Capitation
- Does it work for non capitation funds?
Once off
What about cap-ed expenses, such as big expendetures?
Onces ye wouldnt do it each year.
- Prep the mandate ffor next year, put current committe down as old committee
- No second chances for when budget is submitted
- We do pay quarterly fees on the bank
- Dont email Pamela
- Once offs hasve some issues
- How does it relate to CapEx?
- Does not really count for future stuff
- Finances are done on Thursday
- For proofs limit scope to just the individual transaction
- Extensions up to teh 15th of July this year
- This is because the later they go the more delayed budgets are in Sept
- Use the drop in sessions
- Documentation on Wolves is pretty good
- Invoices with balance of 0
- Or as we do, include the bank transaction (revolut/n26)
- 3 core to sign off budget
- Make it as easy as possible for ofice to Follow
- For capitation would like a min of €50
- PDF with teh reciepts merged
- FAQ is an option for the common questions
- Stuff in summer after teh cutoff count for next year
- Can project it in the current budget for next year
- No FedEx/Customs charges to be submitted to the budget
Credit Card
Capitation of 1000, Bill of 1500? Can send a payment to C&S, but takes lead time.
Budget Due 26th May