## Attendance

### Present
* Morris
* Irene
* Brendan 
* Eoghan
* Eliza
* JJ - Games Dev

### Absent
* Kaiden - explained
* Sourabh - Explained
* Samir
* Nanda

## Minutes

### Events

#### [[Semester-2_Week-08|2024/03/06]] 

EGM + Software Licencing and discussion

##### EGM
Dont need to announce too far in advance
Need the 15 folks
Email + Discord  announcements

##### Software Licencing and discussion
"Crossover" with games dev

#### [[Semester-2_Week-07|2024/03/13]]
Room 3

* Where
	* Paddy
	* The terrace
* What
	* 6/7 rounds
	* 3 Computers
	* 3 games dev
	* 1 tie breaker round if required
* Who
	* Teams of 3
	* 15/Team
	* How many people?
	* Get Games Dev
	* No non-student minors
* Promotion
	* Discord
	* Instagram
	* Email
* Thanks Leo
* Prizes
	* Monitor
	* Keyboard
	* Keyboard - Buy

#### [[Semester-2_Week-06|2024/03/20]]
[[Server-upgrade_netapp|Server Upgrade/Netapp]] or  [[Semester-2_Week-10|Semester-2_Week-10]] or [[Semester-2_Week-06|Minecraft]]

Minecraft is most reliable one to go with
get voice chat installed
Get folks onto the server

#### 2024/03/27
This is easter week, no event

### AOB

#### Banking
Eoghan will try to be on campus some day next week

#### C&S Ball, bus signup
No need to put down name, just mention that we are Computer Society, though feel free to put down name/ID

#### Popped into the print place in the courtyard, nice folks

#### Treasurer training, feedback
- Able to use revolut.
	- If using a private account make use of Pockets (formerly known as vaults) to keep the transactions separate.

#### Games Dev
Will be able to store some of their equipment in the server room