## Attendance
## Attendance

### Present

* Eoghan
* Brendan
* Kaiden
* Morris
* Samir

### Late

* Leo
* Irene

### Absent

* Nanda
* Max
* Sourabh

## Minutes

### Events

* Lightning talks 
  * For students returning from Coop to give their experiences of Coop. Good way to bring in 3rd years that haven't been around so far.
  * Do we want to do it like and AA meeting. 
    * Possibly with alot of people getting alot of good out of Coop.
* Building the VM Host and new Back-up server * Sponsorship for NetApp for upgrading existing hardware. Need an event for building this. (Ties into Skynet). * With sign-up fair this will probably be week 3. * See if ITD can host it in their rack
* Ethics session 
  * Ethics really isn't talked to about in some courses till after coop.
* Semester 2 Sign-up fair Wednesday 7th of Feburary 
  * This will take over the week 2 event.
  * We will be busy before and after this.
  * We need to sign-up for this.
  * Get in touch with old committee members re. how it differs for UCH rec fair.

### Committee Positions

* Leo may be taking on the main PRO position with Kaiden going on School Placement.

### Opennes

* DCU are having everything open, such that members can view it. 
  * They are using obsidian for this.
  * This is one of the best ones out there for it, despite being closed source.
  * Brendan thinks this will be a good thing to go for. Kaiden thinks it seems fine. 
    * Privacy issues?

### 30th anniversary

* Paul Lee will want us to get in contact with old members 
  * The same members that are contacting us re. getting their skynet accounts
* Push for it to be in the new Student Center. 
  * May be pushing for more of a ball kind of thing especially with trying to host it alongside Mountain Bike Club.

### Email from Paul Lee today

* Help with a research project with regards to competitive gamers. 
  * 2 Days recruitment re. this 29th andd 30th of January
  * PRO to do an announcement to try and drum up support re. this.
  * Just send people without clarification as it is better to send people to

### Makerspace

* They will take the filament 
  * Are aware that they it is a bribe.
  * Would be a good idea to do an event for them as they actually have the expertise and hardware re this topic. 
    * Morris???

### Phildeb MC server

* Objection, Kaiden (spite).
* Give them a list of things to do for a minecraft server and they may get it done.

### Banking

* Full access to the bank account. 
  * Had to ask the old treasurer to see if a payment went through due to options for €40 membership. 
    * Eoghan
  * Permenant access to the account, with an old phone in the server room.
* Access to the account. 
  * Post was checked no look on passwords but found more info on it.
  * May have to get back in touch with Pamela in the bank.
* Equipment list 
  * Need to get this up to date for the application for funds for skynet update & insurance.
  * Need to pass this to someone else with me going on Coop.

### Stickers

* Will wait to hear back from designer.

### Logo Design

* Still waiting to hear back from the designer

### Trip to UCC

* Leo is not organising this, leaving it to events officer.
* Compsoc can cover part of the cost of attending.

### AOB

#### Spending money

* Couch for the server room 
  * Objections 
    * Eoghan
  * Queries 
    * Kaiden 
      * Better chairs?
* Squishmallow monopoly 
  * More of a games society expense rather than a comp soc one.
* Devkits 
  * Done before during COVID.
  * Can be used for a chain of events
  * Bad 
    * They can be a tad pricey if we go for the newest ones, but a raspbery Pi 0, pico or maybe 4
    * One of those is about €50 (Brendan update here if you read this)

#### Building a community around Comp Soc.

* Better social events, they are difficult to run.