# Email Skynet offers an email to all members. It is ``username@skynet.ie`` ## Login ### Roundcube #### Use your Skynet ``username@skynet.ie`` and ``password`` to login. ### Nextcloud #### Our [Nextcloud instance](./nextcloud.md) has an inbuilt mail module. See [Nextcloud](./nextcloud.md) page for more info on logging in. ### Thunderbird #### Thunderbird is an email client made by Mozilla. Honestly it is one of the best email clients out there. They are working on exchange (Outlook/Office 365) support so ye will be able to use it for your UL email. This work is being done with Rust. Use your Skynet ``username@skynet.ie`` and ``password`` to login. ## Sieve Scripts Sieve scripts allow you to sort and manage yer email in a programmatic way. Recommended tool: Small tutorial will follow later. ### Committee/Admins There is an inbuilt sieve script that passes mail from committee/admin addresses into a folder in their Skynet inbox.