use serenity::{ builder::CreateApplicationCommand, client::Context, model::{ application::interaction::application_command::ApplicationCommandInteraction, prelude::{command::CommandOptionType, interaction::application_command::CommandDataOptionValue}, }, }; use skynet_discord_bot::DataBase; use sqlx::{Pool, Sqlite}; pub(crate) mod user { use super::*; pub(crate) mod add { use super::*; use crate::commands::link_email::link::get_server_member_discord; use serenity::model::id::UserId; use skynet_discord_bot::{whitelist_update, Config, Minecraft, Wolves}; use sqlx::Error; pub fn register(command: &mut CreateApplicationCommand) -> &mut CreateApplicationCommand {"link_minecraft").description("Link your minecraft account").create_option(|option| { option .name("minecraft-username") .description("Your Minecraft username") .kind(CommandOptionType::String) .required(true) }) } pub async fn run(command: &ApplicationCommandInteraction, ctx: &Context) -> String { let db_lock = { let data_read =; data_read.get::().expect("Expected Databse in TypeMap.").clone() }; let db =; let config_lock = { let data_read =; data_read.get::().expect("Expected Config in TypeMap.").clone() }; let config =; // user has to have previously linked with wolves if get_server_member_discord(&db, & { return "Not linked with wolves, please use ``/link_wolves`` with your wolves email.".to_string(); } let username = if let CommandDataOptionValue::String(username) = command .data .options .first() .expect("Expected username option") .resolved .as_ref() .expect("Expected username object") { username.trim() } else { return "Please provide a valid username".to_string(); }; // insert the username into the database match add_minecraft(&db, &, username).await { Ok(_) => {} Err(e) => { dbg!("{:?}", e); return format!("Failure to minecraft username {:?}", username); } } // get a list of servers that the user is a member of if let Ok(servers) = get_servers(&db, & { for server in servers { whitelist_update(&vec![username.to_string()], &server.minecraft, &config.discord_token_minecraft).await; } } "Added/Updated minecraft_user info".to_string() } async fn add_minecraft(db: &Pool, user: &UserId, minecraft: &str) -> Result, Error> { sqlx::query_as::<_, Wolves>( " UPDATE wolves SET minecraft = ?2 WHERE discord = ?1; ", ) .bind(*user.as_u64() as i64) .bind(minecraft) .fetch_optional(db) .await } async fn get_servers(db: &Pool, discord: &UserId) -> Result, Error> { sqlx::query_as::<_, Minecraft>( " SELECT minecraft.* FROM minecraft JOIN ( SELECT server FROM server_members JOIN wolves USING (id_wolves) WHERE discord = ?1 ) sub on minecraft.server_discord = sub.server ", ) .bind(*discord.as_u64() as i64) .fetch_all(db) .await } } } pub(crate) mod server { use super::*; pub(crate) mod add { use serenity::model::id::GuildId; use sqlx::Error; // this is to managfe the server side of commands related to minecraft use super::*; use skynet_discord_bot::{is_admin, update_server, Config, Minecraft}; pub fn register(command: &mut CreateApplicationCommand) -> &mut CreateApplicationCommand {"minecraft_add").description("Add a minecraft server").create_option(|option| { option .name("server_id") .description("ID of the Minecraft server hosted by the Computer Society") .kind(CommandOptionType::String) .required(true) }) } pub async fn run(command: &ApplicationCommandInteraction, ctx: &Context) -> String { // check if user has high enough permisssions if let Some(msg) = is_admin(command, ctx).await { return msg; } let g_id = match command.guild_id { None => return "Not in a server".to_string(), Some(x) => x, }; let server_minecraft = if let CommandDataOptionValue::String(id) = command .data .options .first() .expect("Expected server_id option") .resolved .as_ref() .expect("Expected server_id object") { id.to_owned() } else { return String::from("Expected Server ID"); }; let db_lock = { let data_read =; data_read.get::().expect("Expected Databse in TypeMap.").clone() }; let db =; match add_server(&db, &g_id, &server_minecraft).await { Ok(_) => {} Err(e) => { println!("{:?}", e); return format!("Failure to insert into Minecraft {} {}", &g_id, &server_minecraft); } } let config_lock = { let data_read =; data_read.get::().expect("Expected Config in TypeMap.").clone() }; let config =; update_server(&server_minecraft, &db, &g_id, &config).await; "Added/Updated minecraft_server info".to_string() } async fn add_server(db: &Pool, discord: &GuildId, minecraft: &str) -> Result, Error> { sqlx::query_as::<_, Minecraft>( " INSERT OR REPLACE INTO minecraft (server_discord, server_minecraft) VALUES (?1, ?2) ", ) .bind(*discord.as_u64() as i64) .bind(minecraft) .fetch_optional(db) .await } } pub(crate) mod list { use serenity::builder::CreateApplicationCommand; use serenity::client::Context; use serenity::model::prelude::application_command::ApplicationCommandInteraction; use skynet_discord_bot::{get_minecraft_config_server, is_admin, server_information, Config, DataBase}; pub fn register(command: &mut CreateApplicationCommand) -> &mut CreateApplicationCommand {"minecraft_list").description("List your minecraft servers") } pub async fn run(command: &ApplicationCommandInteraction, ctx: &Context) -> String { if let Some(msg) = is_admin(command, ctx).await { return msg; } let g_id = match command.guild_id { None => return "Not in a server".to_string(), Some(x) => x, }; let db_lock = { let data_read =; data_read.get::().expect("Expected Databse in TypeMap.").clone() }; let db =; let servers = get_minecraft_config_server(&db, g_id).await; if servers.is_empty() { return "No minecraft servers, use /minecraft_add to add one".to_string(); } let config_lock = { let data_read =; data_read.get::().expect("Expected Config in TypeMap.").clone() }; let config =; let mut result = "Server Information:\n".to_string(); for server in get_minecraft_config_server(&db, g_id).await { if let Some(x) = server_information(&server.minecraft, &config.discord_token_minecraft).await { result.push_str(&format!( r#" Name: {name} ID: {id} Online: {online} Info: {description} Link: "#, name = &, online = !x.attributes.is_suspended, description = &x.attributes.description, id = &x.attributes.identifier )); } } result.to_string() } } pub(crate) mod delete { use serenity::builder::CreateApplicationCommand; use serenity::client::Context; use serenity::model::application::command::CommandOptionType; use serenity::model::id::GuildId; use serenity::model::prelude::application_command::{ApplicationCommandInteraction, CommandDataOptionValue}; use skynet_discord_bot::{is_admin, DataBase, Minecraft}; use sqlx::{Error, Pool, Sqlite}; pub fn register(command: &mut CreateApplicationCommand) -> &mut CreateApplicationCommand {"minecraft_delete").description("Delete a minecraft server").create_option(|option| { option .name("server_id") .description("ID of the Minecraft server hosted by the Computer Society") .kind(CommandOptionType::String) .required(true) }) } pub async fn run(command: &ApplicationCommandInteraction, ctx: &Context) -> String { // check if user has high enough permisssions if let Some(msg) = is_admin(command, ctx).await { return msg; } let g_id = match command.guild_id { None => return "Not in a server".to_string(), Some(x) => x, }; let server_minecraft = if let CommandDataOptionValue::String(id) = command .data .options .first() .expect("Expected server_id option") .resolved .as_ref() .expect("Expected server_id object") { id.to_owned() } else { return String::from("Expected Server ID"); }; let db_lock = { let data_read =; data_read.get::().expect("Expected Databse in TypeMap.").clone() }; let db =; match server_remove(&db, &g_id, &server_minecraft).await { Ok(_) => {} Err(e) => { println!("{:?}", e); return format!("Failure to insert into Minecraft {} {}", &g_id, &server_minecraft); } } // no need to clear teh whitelist as it will be reset within 24hr anyways "Removed minecraft_server info".to_string() } async fn server_remove(db: &Pool, discord: &GuildId, minecraft: &str) -> Result, Error> { sqlx::query_as::<_, Minecraft>( " DELETE FROM minecraft WHERE server_discord = ?1 AND server_minecraft = ?2 ", ) .bind(*discord.as_u64() as i64) .bind(minecraft) .fetch_optional(db) .await } } }