use serenity::{ builder::CreateApplicationCommand, client::Context, model::{ application::interaction::application_command::ApplicationCommandInteraction, prelude::{command::CommandOptionType, interaction::application_command::CommandDataOptionValue}, }, }; use skynet_discord_bot::{get_server_config, update_server, DataBase, Servers}; use sqlx::{Error, Pool, Sqlite}; pub async fn run(command: &ApplicationCommandInteraction, ctx: &Context) -> String { // check if user has high enough permisssions let mut admin = false; let g_id = match command.guild_id { None => return "Not in a server".to_string(), Some(x) => x, }; let roles_server = g_id.roles(&ctx.http).await.unwrap_or_default(); if let Ok(member) = g_id.member(&ctx.http, { if let Some(permissions) = member.permissions { if permissions.administrator() { admin = true; } } for role_id in member.roles { if admin { break; } if let Some(role) = roles_server.get(&role_id) { if role.permissions.administrator() { admin = true; } } } } if !admin { return "Administrator permission required".to_string(); } let api_key = if let CommandDataOptionValue::String(key) = command .data .options .get(0) .expect("Expected user option") .resolved .as_ref() .expect("Expected user object") { key } else { return "Please provide a wolves API key".to_string(); }; let role_current = if let CommandDataOptionValue::Role(role) = command .data .options .get(1) .expect("Expected role option") .resolved .as_ref() .expect("Expected role object") { Some( } else { return "Please provide a valid role for ``Role Current``".to_string(); }; let mut role_past = None; if let Some(x) = { if let Some(CommandDataOptionValue::Role(role)) = &x.resolved { role_past = Some(; } }; let db_lock = { let data_read =; data_read.get::().expect("Expected Databse in TypeMap.").clone() }; let db =; let server_data = Servers { server: command.guild_id.unwrap_or_default(), wolves_api: api_key.to_owned(), role_past, role_current, member_past: 0, member_current: 0, }; match add_server(&db, ctx, &server_data).await { Ok(_) => {} Err(e) => { println!("{:?}", e); return format!("Failure to insert into Servers {:?}", server_data); } } "Added/Updated server info".to_string() } pub fn register(command: &mut CreateApplicationCommand) -> &mut CreateApplicationCommand { command .name("add") .description("Enable the bot for this discord") .create_option(|option| { option .name("api_key") .description("UL Wolves API Key") .kind(CommandOptionType::String) .required(true) }) .create_option(|option| { option .name("role_current") .description("Role for Current members") .kind(CommandOptionType::Role) .required(true) }) .create_option(|option| { option .name("role_past") .description("Role for Past members") .kind(CommandOptionType::Role) .required(false) }) } async fn add_server(db: &Pool, ctx: &Context, server: &Servers) -> Result, Error> { let existing = get_server_config(db, &server.server).await; let role_past =|x| *x.as_u64() as i64); let role_current =|x| *x.as_u64() as i64); let insert = sqlx::query_as::<_, Servers>( " INSERT OR REPLACE INTO servers (server, wolves_api, role_past, role_current) VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4) ", ) .bind(*server.server.as_u64() as i64) .bind(&server.wolves_api) .bind(role_past) .bind(role_current) .fetch_optional(db) .await; // if the entry does not exist already tehn do a user update let (update, current_remove, current_role, past_remove, past_role) = match &existing { None => (true, false, None, false, None), Some(x) => { let mut result = (false, false, None, false, None); if x.wolves_api != server.wolves_api { result.0 = true; } if x.role_current != server.role_current { result.0 = true; result.1 = true; result.2 = x.role_current; } if x.role_past != server.role_past { result.0 = true; result.3 = true; result.4 = x.role_past; } result } }; // update all users if update { let mut roles_remove = vec![]; if current_remove { roles_remove.push(current_role) } if past_remove { roles_remove.push(past_role) } update_server(db, ctx, server, &roles_remove).await; } insert }