-- setup initial tables -- this handles the users "floating" account CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS wolves ( id_wolves integer PRIMARY KEY, email text not null, discord integer, minecraft text ); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS index_discord ON wolves (discord); -- used to verify the users email address CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS wolves_verify ( discord integer PRIMARY KEY, email text not null, auth_code text not null, date_expiry text not null ); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS index_date_expiry ON wolves_verify (date_expiry); -- information on teh server the bot is registered on CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS servers ( server integer PRIMARY KEY, wolves_api text not null, role_past integer, role_current integer, member_past integer DEFAULT 0, member_current integer DEFAULT 0 ); -- keep track of the members on the server CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS server_members ( server integer not null, id_wolves integer not null, expiry text not null, PRIMARY KEY(server,id_wolves), FOREIGN KEY (id_wolves) REFERENCES wolves (id_wolves) );