use skynet_discord_bot::{db_init, get_config, get_server_config_bulk, Config, ServerMembers, Servers, Wolves}; use serde::Deserialize; use serenity::model::id::GuildId; use sqlx::{Pool, Sqlite}; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let config = get_config(); let db = match db_init(&config).await { Ok(x) => x, Err(_) => return, }; // handle wolves api here get_wolves_csv(&db, &config).await; // handle wolves api here get_wolves(&db).await; // get from skynet for the compsoc server only get_skynet(&db, &config).await; } async fn get_wolves_csv(db: &Pool, config: &Config) { if let Ok(accounts) = get_csv(config) { for account in accounts { add_users_wolves_csv(db, &config.skynet_server, &account).await; } } } #[derive(Debug, serde::Deserialize)] struct RecordCSV { #[serde(rename = "MemID")] mem_id: String, #[serde(rename = "Contact Email")] email: String, #[serde(rename = "Expiry")] expiry: String, } impl From<&RecordCSV> for Wolves { fn from(input: &RecordCSV) -> Self { Self { id_wolves: input.mem_id.to_owned(), email:, discord: None, minecraft: None, } } } impl From<&RecordCSV> for ServerMembers { fn from(input: &RecordCSV) -> Self { Self { server: Default::default(), id_wolves: input.mem_id.to_owned(), expiry: input.expiry.to_owned(), } } } struct Csv { wolves: Wolves, server_members: ServerMembers, } fn get_csv(config: &Config) -> Result, Box> { let mut result = vec![]; let csv = format!("{}/{}", &config.home, &config.csv); if let Ok(mut rdr) = csv::Reader::from_path(csv) { for r in rdr.deserialize() { // Notice that we need to provide a type hint for automatic // deserialization. let record: RecordCSV = r?; if record.mem_id.is_empty() { continue; } let mut tmp = ServerMembers::from(&record); tmp.server = config.skynet_server; result.push(Csv { wolves: Wolves::from(&record), server_members: tmp, }); } } Ok(result) } async fn add_users_wolves_csv(db: &Pool, server: &GuildId, user: &Csv) { match sqlx::query_as::<_, Wolves>( " INSERT OR REPLACE INTO wolves (id_wolves, email) VALUES (?1, ?2) ", ) .bind(&user.wolves.id_wolves) .bind(& .fetch_optional(db) .await { Ok(_) => {} Err(e) => { println!("Failure to insert into {} {:?}", server.as_u64(), user.wolves); println!("{:?}", e); } } match sqlx::query_as::<_, ServerMembers>( " INSERT OR REPLACE INTO server_members (server, id_wolves, expiry) VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3) ", ) .bind(*server.as_u64() as i64) .bind(&user.server_members.id_wolves) .bind(&user.server_members.expiry) .fetch_optional(db) .await { Ok(_) => {} Err(e) => { println!("Failure to insert into {} {:?}", server.as_u64(), user.server_members); println!("{:?}", e); } } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] pub struct SkynetResult { discord: String, id_member: String, } async fn get_skynet(db: &Pool, config: &Config) { let url = format!("{}/ldap/discord?auth={}", &config.ldap_api, &config.auth); if let Ok(result) = surf::get(url).recv_json::>().await { for user in result { add_users_skynet(db, &user).await; } } } async fn add_users_skynet(db: &Pool, user: &SkynetResult) { match sqlx::query_as::<_, Wolves>( " UPDATE wolves SET discord = ? WHERE id_wolves = ? ", ) .bind(&user.discord) .bind(&user.id_member) .fetch_optional(db) .await { Ok(_) => {} Err(e) => { println!("Failure to insert skynet user into database {:?}", user); println!("{:?}", e); } } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] struct WolvesResult { pub id_wolves: String, pub email: String, pub expiry: String, } async fn get_wolves(db: &Pool) { for server_config in get_server_config_bulk(db).await { let Servers { server, //wolves_api, .. } = server_config; // get the data here let result: Vec = vec![WolvesResult { id_wolves: "12345".to_string(), email: "".to_string(), expiry: "2024-08-31".to_string(), }]; for user in result { add_users_wolves(db, &server, &user).await; } } } async fn add_users_wolves(db: &Pool, server: &GuildId, user: &WolvesResult) { // expiry match sqlx::query_as::<_, Wolves>( " INSERT OR REPLACE INTO wolves (id_wolves, email) VALUES (?1, ?2) ", ) .bind(&user.id_wolves) .bind(& .fetch_optional(db) .await { Ok(_) => {} Err(e) => { println!("Failure to insert into Wolves {:?}", user); println!("{:?}", e); } } match sqlx::query_as::<_, ServerMembers>( " INSERT OR REPLACE INTO server_members (server, id_wolves, expiry) VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3) ", ) .bind(*server.as_u64() as i64) .bind(&user.id_wolves) .bind(&user.expiry) .fetch_optional(db) .await { Ok(_) => {} Err(e) => { println!("Failure to insert into ServerMembers {} {:?}", server.as_u64(), user); println!("{:?}", e); } } }