# Skynet We provide a linux webserver for member use. It could be considered akin to the [Tildeverse](https://tildeverse.org/), named as such for the way each member's site was displayed (``https://skynet.ie/~username``). Now that will redirect to ``https://username.users.skynet.ie`` we home to have preserved the same vibe. ## Name The main user facing server of the cluster has always been called Skynet, the cluster is named after this server. You can find more of the history here: ## Login Login is done via ssh and ssh keys. ### Create SSH key First we set up the ssh folder and create a skynet folder within it for neatness ```bash mkdir -f -p ~/.ssh/skynet cd ~/.ssh/skynet ``` Now we will create the ssh key itself. Location: ``username``, your skynet username. Password: Press Enter twice for no password on the key. ```bash ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "" ``` It will create two files: ``username`` and ``username.pub`` ### SSH Key Head over to [adding ssh keys](./account.md#ssh-keys) to find information on adding ssh keys to your skynet account. it is the ``username.pub`` that you will be adding to your account. To get the contents of the file do this. ```bash cat username.pub ``` ### SSH Config Back up to the ``.ssh`` folder. ```bash cd ../ ``` Now we have to create the config file. Notice how it has no extension. #### Windows ```powershell "" > config ``` Open it up in any text editor available to you. #### Linux ```bash touch config ``` You can edit it from command line using nano ```bash nano config ``` Or open up in a text editor. -------------------------------------- Windows and Linux pop this into the file and save it ``` Host *.skynet.ie User %r IdentityFile ~/.ssh/skynet/%r IdentitiesOnly yes ``` ### Logging in In any terminal do this: ```bash ssh username@skynet.skynet.ie ``` And you will be in! ## Website In your home folder follow these commands to create the folder that can be used to host a website ```bash mkdir ~/public_html chmod 711 ~ chmod -R 755 ~/public_html cd ~/public_html ``` See below for an easy way to upload files to this folder. ## More info There is a slideshow that might be of use to you: