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Setup SSH Keys
To be able to gain remote access to the Skynet.
Refers to your Skynet username, for example I would replace $USERNAME
with silver
First we set up the ssh folder and create a skynet folder within it for neatness
mkdir -f -p ~/.ssh/skynet
cd ~/.ssh/skynet
Create Key
Now we will create the ssh key itself.
Location: $USERNAME
, your skynet username.
Password: Press Enter twice for no password on the key.
If you are creating this key for a CI/CD pipeline (user_deploy*
) then adding a password will cause it to fail.
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "<comment>"
It will create two files: $USERNAME
and $USERNAME.pub
inside ~/.ssh/skynet
Linux Only
Openssh will complain if the keys permissions are too permissive.
To fix this use
chmod 600 $USERNAME
# or
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/skynet/$USERNAME
Create Config
Above we created a folder for Skynet keys.
Ye can do the same with Gitlab/Github/... in the future.
The only downside is that we now have to tell ssh what key to use in what situation.
Back up to the .ssh
cd ../
# or
cd ~/.ssh
Now we have to create the config file.
Notice how it has no extension.
"" > config
Open it up in any text editor available to you.
touch config
You can edit it from command line using nano
nano config
Or open up in a text editor.
This is what we want to have in teh file.
Host *.skynet.ie
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/skynet/$USERNAME
IdentitiesOnly yes
Add key to account
Go to the modify SSH page and paste in teh contents of $USERNAME.pub
You will now be able to SSH into Skynet like so:
ssh $USERNAME@skynet.skynet.ie