}: {
  # using https://github.com/greaka/ops/blob/818be4c4dea9129abe0f086d738df4cb0bb38288/apps/restic/options.nix as a base
  options = {
    skynet_firewall = {
      enable = lib.mkEnableOption {
        default = false;
        example = true;
        description = "Skynet Firewall";
        type = lib.types.bool;
      forward = lib.mkOption {
        default = [];
        type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.str;
        description = ''
          A list of routes to forward

      own = {
        ip = lib.mkOption {
          default = "";
          type = lib.types.str;
          description = ''
            IP of the firewall

        ports = {
          tcp = lib.mkOption {
            default = [];
            type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.int;
            description = ''
              A list of TCP ports for the machiene running the firewall

          udp = lib.mkOption {
            default = [];
            type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.int;
            description = ''
              A list of UDP ports for the machiene running the firewall

  config = lib.mkIf config.skynet_firewall.enable {
    # disable default firewall to enable nftables
    networking.firewall.enable = false;
    networking.nftables.enable = true;

    # fules for the firewall
    # beware of EOL conversion.
    networking.nftables.ruleset = ''
      # using https://oxcrag.net/2021/12/25/build-your-own-router-with-nftables-part-1/ as a guide

      # Clear out any existing rules
      flush ruleset

      # Our future selves will thank us for noting what cable goes where and labeling the relevant network interfaces if it isn't already done out-of-the-box.
      # red cabled
      define WANLINK = eno1
      # yellow cable
      define LANLINK = eno2

      # We never expect to see the following address ranges on the Internet
      define BOGONS4 = {,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, }

      # Network address translation: What allows us to glue together a private network with the Internet even though we only have one routable address, as per IPv4 limitations
      table ip nat {
        chain prerouting {
          type nat hook prerouting priority dstnat; policy accept;

          # forward anything with port 2222 to this specific ip
          # tcp dport 2222 counter packets 0 bytes 0 dnat to

          # forward http/s traffic from 76 to 123
          # ip daddr tcp dport 80 counter packets 0 bytes 0 dnat to
          # ip daddr tcp dport 443 counter packets 0 bytes 0 dnat to

        chain postrouting {
          type nat hook postrouting priority srcnat; policy accept;

          # the internal network
          ip saddr counter packets 0 bytes 0 masquerade

        chain output {
          type nat hook output priority -100; policy accept;

      # The actual firewall starts here
      table inet filter {
        # Additional rules for traffic from the Internet
        chain inbound_world {
          # this is actually a good idea
          # Drop obviously spoofed inbound traffic
          ip saddr { $BOGONS4 } drop

        # Additional rules for traffic from our private network
        chain inbound_private {
          # We want to allow remote access over ssh, incoming DNS traffic, and incoming DHCP traffic
          # for the host machiene
          # hardcoded in so that we can always have access
          tcp dport 22 counter packets 0 bytes 0 accept

          # TCP
          ${lib.strings.concatMapStrings (x: x + "\n") (map (port: "tcp dport ${toString port} counter packets 0 bytes 0 accept") config.skynet_firewall.own.ports.tcp)}

          # UDP
          ${lib.strings.concatMapStrings (x: x + "\n") (map (port: "udp dport ${toString port} counter packets 0 bytes 0 accept") config.skynet_firewall.own.ports.udp)}


        # Our funnel for inbound traffic from any network
        chain inbound {
          # Default Deny
          type filter hook input priority 0; policy drop;

          # Allow established and related connections: Allows Internet servers to respond to requests from our Internal network
          ct state vmap { established : accept, related : accept, invalid : drop} counter

          # ICMP is - mostly - our friend. Limit incoming pings somewhat but allow necessary information.
          ip protocol icmp icmp type {
            destination-unreachable, echo-reply, echo-request, source-quench, time-exceeded
          } limit rate 5/second accept

          # guy must have had a lot of trouble with spoofed ips
          # Drop obviously spoofed loopback traffic
          iifname "lo" ip daddr != drop

          # Separate rules for traffic from Internet and from the internal network
          iifname vmap { lo: accept, $WANLINK : jump inbound_world, $LANLINK : jump inbound_private }

        # Rules for sending traffic from one network interface to another
        chain forward {
          # Default deny, again
          type filter hook forward priority 0; policy drop;

          # Accept established and related traffic
          ct state vmap { established : accept, related : accept, invalid : drop }

          # Let traffic from this router and from the Internal network get out onto the Internet
          iifname { lo, $LANLINK } accept

          # Only allow specific inbound traffic from the Internet (only relevant if we present services to the Internet).
          # tcp dport { $PORTFORWARDS } counter

          # can basically make each machiene responsibile for their own forwarding (in config at least)
          ${lib.strings.concatMapStrings (x: x + "\n") config.skynet_firewall.forward}
