/* Name: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eagle_Eye Why: ARIIA - Autonomous Reconnaissance Intelligence Integration Analyst Type: VM Hardware: - From: 2024 Role: Metrics gathering and Analysis Notes: */ { config, pkgs, lib, nodes, ... }: let # name of the server, sets teh hostname and record for it name = "ariia"; ip_pub = ""; hostname = "${name}.skynet.ie"; host = { ip = ip_pub; name = name; hostname = hostname; }; in { imports = [ ../applications/grafana.nix ]; deployment = { targetHost = hostname; targetPort = 22; targetUser = null; tags = [ # "active-core" ]; }; services.skynet = { host = host; backup.enable = true; prometheus.server.enable = true; grafana.enable = true; }; }