{ ... }: { imports = []; /* backups = [ "/etc/silver_satisfactory/config/" "/etc/silver_valheim/config/" ]; */ # since this is going to be pulled into a machiene that has skynet_dns we dont need to import it above # gonna use it to create sub-subdomains for each game server skynet_dns.records = { external = []; cname = [ # create a sub-subdomain for each game "mc_compsoc.games CNAME games" ]; }; # arion is one way to use docker on nixos virtualisation.arion = { backend = "docker"; projects = { mc_compsoc.settings = { docker-compose.raw.networks.default.name = "mc_compsoc"; services.mc_compsoc = { service.image = "nimmis/spigot:latest"; # setting these here as they arent special service.environment = { # this is what it last ran on SPIGOT_VER="1.18.2"; }; service.volumes = [ # figure out what this needs and use itt o get up and running # /home/nimmis/mc-srv:/minecraft #"/etc/games_satisfactory/config:/config" ]; service.ports = [ "25565:25565/tcp" ]; }; }; }; }; /* services = { nginx.virtualHosts = { "valhiem.brendan.ie" = { forceSSL = true; useACMEHost = "brendan"; locations."/".proxyPass = "http://localhost:2456"; }; }; }; */ }