{ description = "Deployment for skynet"; inputs = { # gonna start off with a fairly modern base nixpkgs.url = "nixpkgs/nixos-unstable"; # Return to using unstable once the current master is merged in # nixpkgs.url = "nixpkgs/nixos-unstable"; # utility stuff flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils"; agenix.url = "github:ryantm/agenix"; arion.url = "github:hercules-ci/arion"; alejandra = { url = "github:kamadorueda/alejandra/3.0.0"; inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; }; colmena.url = "github:zhaofengli/colmena"; attic.url = github:zhaofengli/attic; # email # simple-nixos-mailserver.url = "gitlab:simple-nixos-mailserver/nixos-mailserver"; simple-nixos-mailserver = { inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; type = "gitlab"; host = "gitlab.skynet.ie"; owner = "compsoc1%2Fskynet"; repo = "misc%2Fnixos-mailserver"; }; # account.skynet.ie skynet_ldap_backend = { type = "gitlab"; host = "gitlab.skynet.ie"; owner = "compsoc1%2Fskynet"; repo = "ldap%2Fbackend"; }; skynet_ldap_frontend = { type = "gitlab"; host = "gitlab.skynet.ie"; owner = "compsoc1%2Fskynet"; repo = "ldap%2Ffrontend"; }; skynet_website_renew = { type = "gitlab"; host = "gitlab.skynet.ie"; owner = "compsoc1%2Fskynet"; repo = "website%2Falumni-renew"; }; skynet_website_games = { type = "gitlab"; host = "gitlab.skynet.ie"; owner = "compsoc1%2Fskynet"; repo = "website%2Fgames.skynet.ie"; }; skynet_discord_bot = { type = "gitlab"; host = "gitlab.skynet.ie"; owner = "compsoc1%2Fskynet"; repo = "discord-bot"; }; compsoc_public = { type = "gitlab"; host = "gitlab.skynet.ie"; owner = "compsoc1%2Fcompsoc"; repo = "presentations%2Fpresentations"; }; # skynet.ie skynet_website = { type = "gitlab"; host = "gitlab.skynet.ie"; owner = "compsoc1%2Fskynet"; repo = "website%2F2017"; }; skynet_website_2023 = { type = "gitlab"; host = "gitlab.skynet.ie"; owner = "compsoc1%2Fskynet"; repo = "website%2F2017"; rev = "c4d61c753292bf73ed41b47b1607cfc92a82a191"; }; skynet_website_2017 = { type = "gitlab"; host = "gitlab.skynet.ie"; owner = "compsoc1%2Fskynet"; repo = "website%2F2017"; }; skynet_website_2009 = { type = "gitlab"; host = "gitlab.skynet.ie"; owner = "compsoc1%2Fskynet"; repo = "website%2F2009"; }; }; nixConfig = { bash-prompt-suffix = "[Skynet Dev] "; extra-substituters = "https://nix-cache.skynet.ie/skynet-cache"; extra-trusted-public-keys = "skynet-cache:zMFLzcRZPhUpjXUy8SF8Cf7KGAZwo98SKrzeXvdWABo="; }; outputs = { self, nixpkgs, agenix, alejandra, colmena, ... } @ inputs: let pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.pkgs; in { formatter.x86_64-linux = alejandra.defaultPackage."x86_64-linux"; devShells.x86_64-linux.default = pkgs.mkShell { name = "Skynet build env"; nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.buildPackages.git colmena.defaultPackage."x86_64-linux" pkgs.attic-client pkgs.buildPackages.nmap ]; buildInputs = [agenix.packages.x86_64-linux.default]; shellHook = ''export EDITOR="${pkgs.nano}/bin/nano --nonewlines"; unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH;''; }; colmena = { meta = { nixpkgs = import nixpkgs { system = "x86_64-linux"; overlays = []; }; specialArgs = { inherit inputs self; }; }; # installed for each machine defaults = import ./machines/_base.nix; # firewall machiene agentjones = import ./machines/agentjones.nix; # ns1 vendetta = import ./machines/vendetta.nix; # ns2 vigil = import ./machines/vigil.nix; # icecast - ULFM galatea = import ./machines/galatea.nix; # LDAP host kitt = import ./machines/kitt.nix; # Gitlab glados = import ./machines/glados.nix; # Gitlab runners wheatly = import ./machines/wheatly.nix; # email gir = import ./machines/gir.nix; # backup 1 neuromancer = import ./machines/neuromancer.nix; # Skynet, user ssh access skynet = import ./machines/skynet.nix; # Main skynet sites earth = import ./machines/earth.nix; # Nextcloud cadie = import ./machines/cadie.nix; # trainee server marvin = import ./machines/marvin.nix; # Public Services calculon = import ./machines/calculon.nix; # metrics ariia = import ./machines/ariia.nix; }; }; }