import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { deleteSchedule } from '@/api/server/schedules'; import { ServerContext } from '@/state/server'; import { Actions, useStoreActions } from 'easy-peasy'; import { ApplicationStore } from '@/state'; import { httpErrorToHuman } from '@/api/http'; import tw from 'twin.macro'; import Button from '@/components/elements/Button'; import ConfirmationModal from '@/components/elements/ConfirmationModal'; interface Props { scheduleId: number; onDeleted: () => void; } export default ({ scheduleId, onDeleted }: Props) => { const [ visible, setVisible ] = useState(false); const [ isLoading, setIsLoading ] = useState(false); const uuid = ServerContext.useStoreState(state =>!.uuid); const { addError, clearFlashes } = useStoreActions((actions: Actions) => actions.flashes); const onDelete = () => { setIsLoading(true); clearFlashes('schedules'); deleteSchedule(uuid, scheduleId) .then(() => { setIsLoading(false); onDeleted(); }) .catch(error => { console.error(error); addError({ key: 'schedules', message: httpErrorToHuman(error) }); setIsLoading(false); setVisible(false); }); }; return ( <> setVisible(false)} > Are you sure you want to delete this schedule? All tasks will be removed and any running processes will be terminated. ); };