@extends('layouts.admin') @section('title') API Management @endsection @section('content')
Danger Allows performing any action aganist the API.
Allows listing of all users currently on the system.
Allows creating a new user on the system.
Allows viewing details about a specific user including active services.
Allows modifying user details (email, password, TOTP information).
Allows deleting a user.
Allows listing of all servers currently on the system.
Allows creating a new server on the system.
Allows viewing details about a specific server.
Allows suspending a server instance.
Allows unsuspending a server instance.
Allows deleting a server.
Allows listing of all nodes currently on the system.
Allows creating a new node on the system.
Allows viewing details about a specific node including active services.
Allows deleting a node.
Allows listing of all services configured on the system.
Allows listing details about each service on the system including service options and variables.
Allows listing all locations and thier associated nodes.
Enter a line delimitated list of IPs that are allowed to access the API using this key. CIDR notation is allowed. Leave blank to allow any IP.