
namespace Pterodactyl\Console\Commands\Environment;

use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Console\Kernel;
use Illuminate\Database\DatabaseManager;
use Pterodactyl\Traits\Commands\EnvironmentWriterTrait;

class DatabaseSettingsCommand extends Command
    use EnvironmentWriterTrait;

    protected $description = 'Configure database settings for the Panel.';

    protected $signature = 'p:environment:database
                            {--host= : The connection address for the MySQL server.}
                            {--port= : The connection port for the MySQL server.}
                            {--database= : The database to use.}
                            {--username= : Username to use when connecting.}
                            {--password= : Password to use for this database.}';

    protected array $variables = [];

     * DatabaseSettingsCommand constructor.
    public function __construct(private DatabaseManager $database, private Kernel $console)

     * Handle command execution.
     * @throws \Pterodactyl\Exceptions\PterodactylException
    public function handle(): int
        $this->output->note('It is highly recommended to not use "localhost" as your database host as we have seen frequent socket connection issues. If you want to use a local connection you should be using "".');
        $this->variables['DB_HOST'] = $this->option('host') ?? $this->ask(
            'Database Host',
            config('database.connections.mysql.host', '')

        $this->variables['DB_PORT'] = $this->option('port') ?? $this->ask(
            'Database Port',
            config('database.connections.mysql.port', 3306)

        $this->variables['DB_DATABASE'] = $this->option('database') ?? $this->ask(
            'Database Name',
            config('database.connections.mysql.database', 'panel')

        $this->output->note('Using the "root" account for MySQL connections is not only highly frowned upon, it is also not allowed by this application. You\'ll need to have created a MySQL user for this software.');
        $this->variables['DB_USERNAME'] = $this->option('username') ?? $this->ask(
            'Database Username',
            config('database.connections.mysql.username', 'pterodactyl')

        $askForMySQLPassword = true;
        if (!empty(config('database.connections.mysql.password')) && $this->input->isInteractive()) {
            $this->variables['DB_PASSWORD'] = config('database.connections.mysql.password');
            $askForMySQLPassword = $this->confirm('It appears you already have a MySQL connection password defined, would you like to change it?');

        if ($askForMySQLPassword) {
            $this->variables['DB_PASSWORD'] = $this->option('password') ?? $this->secret('Database Password');

        try {
        } catch (\PDOException $exception) {
            $this->output->error(sprintf('Unable to connect to the MySQL server using the provided credentials. The error returned was "%s".', $exception->getMessage()));
            $this->output->error('Your connection credentials have NOT been saved. You will need to provide valid connection information before proceeding.');

            if ($this->confirm('Go back and try again?')) {

                return $this->handle();

            return 1;



        return 0;

     * Test that we can connect to the provided MySQL instance and perform a selection.
    private function testMySQLConnection()
        config()->set('database.connections._pterodactyl_command_test', [
            'driver' => 'mysql',
            'host' => $this->variables['DB_HOST'],
            'port' => $this->variables['DB_PORT'],
            'database' => $this->variables['DB_DATABASE'],
            'username' => $this->variables['DB_USERNAME'],
            'password' => $this->variables['DB_PASSWORD'],
            'charset' => 'utf8mb4',
            'collation' => 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci',
            'strict' => true,
