import React, { useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import { ITerminalOptions, Terminal } from 'xterm'; import { FitAddon } from 'xterm-addon-fit'; import { SearchAddon } from 'xterm-addon-search'; import { SearchBarAddon } from 'xterm-addon-search-bar'; import { WebLinksAddon } from 'xterm-addon-web-links'; import { ScrollDownHelperAddon } from '@/plugins/XtermScrollDownHelperAddon'; import SpinnerOverlay from '@/components/elements/SpinnerOverlay'; import { ServerContext } from '@/state/server'; import { usePermissions } from '@/plugins/usePermissions'; import { theme as th } from 'twin.macro'; import useEventListener from '@/plugins/useEventListener'; import { debounce } from 'debounce'; import { usePersistedState } from '@/plugins/usePersistedState'; import { SocketEvent, SocketRequest } from '@/components/server/events'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import { ChevronDoubleRightIcon } from '@heroicons/react/solid'; import 'xterm/css/xterm.css'; import styles from './style.module.css'; const theme = { background: th``.toString(), cursor: 'transparent', black: th``.toString(), red: '#E54B4B', green: '#9ECE58', yellow: '#FAED70', blue: '#396FE2', magenta: '#BB80B3', cyan: '#2DDAFD', white: '#d0d0d0', brightBlack: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)', brightRed: '#FF5370', brightGreen: '#C3E88D', brightYellow: '#FFCB6B', brightBlue: '#82AAFF', brightMagenta: '#C792EA', brightCyan: '#89DDFF', brightWhite: '#ffffff', selection: '#FAF089', }; const terminalProps: ITerminalOptions = { disableStdin: true, cursorStyle: 'underline', allowTransparency: true, fontSize: 12, fontFamily: th('fontFamily.mono'), rows: 30, theme: theme, }; export default () => { const TERMINAL_PRELUDE = '\u001b[1m\u001b[33mcontainer@pterodactyl~ \u001b[0m'; const ref = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null); const terminal = useMemo(() => new Terminal({ ...terminalProps }), []); const fitAddon = new FitAddon(); const searchAddon = new SearchAddon(); const searchBar = new SearchBarAddon({ searchAddon }); const webLinksAddon = new WebLinksAddon(); const scrollDownHelperAddon = new ScrollDownHelperAddon(); const { connected, instance } = ServerContext.useStoreState((state) => state.socket); const [canSendCommands] = usePermissions(['control.console']); const serverId = ServerContext.useStoreState((state) =>!.id); const isTransferring = ServerContext.useStoreState((state) =>!.isTransferring); const [history, setHistory] = usePersistedState<string[]>(`${serverId}:command_history`, []); const [historyIndex, setHistoryIndex] = useState(-1); const handleConsoleOutput = (line: string, prelude = false) => terminal.writeln((prelude ? TERMINAL_PRELUDE : '') + line.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)$/im, '') + '\u001b[0m'); const handleTransferStatus = (status: string) => { switch (status) { // Sent by either the source or target node if a failure occurs. case 'failure': terminal.writeln(TERMINAL_PRELUDE + 'Transfer has failed.\u001b[0m'); return; // Sent by the source node whenever the server was archived successfully. case 'archive': terminal.writeln( TERMINAL_PRELUDE + 'Server has been archived successfully, attempting connection to target node..\u001b[0m' ); } }; const handleDaemonErrorOutput = (line: string) => terminal.writeln( TERMINAL_PRELUDE + '\u001b[1m\u001b[41m' + line.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)$/im, '') + '\u001b[0m' ); const handlePowerChangeEvent = (state: string) => terminal.writeln(TERMINAL_PRELUDE + 'Server marked as ' + state + '...\u001b[0m'); const handleCommandKeyDown = (e: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => { if (e.key === 'ArrowUp') { const newIndex = Math.min(historyIndex + 1, history!.length - 1); setHistoryIndex(newIndex); e.currentTarget.value = history![newIndex] || ''; // By default up arrow will also bring the cursor to the start of the line, // so we'll preventDefault to keep it at the end. e.preventDefault(); } if (e.key === 'ArrowDown') { const newIndex = Math.max(historyIndex - 1, -1); setHistoryIndex(newIndex); e.currentTarget.value = history![newIndex] || ''; } const command = e.currentTarget.value; if (e.key === 'Enter' && command.length > 0) { setHistory((prevHistory) => [command, ...prevHistory!].slice(0, 32)); setHistoryIndex(-1); instance && instance.send('send command', command); e.currentTarget.value = ''; } }; useEffect(() => { if (connected && ref.current && !terminal.element) { terminal.loadAddon(fitAddon); terminal.loadAddon(searchAddon); terminal.loadAddon(searchBar); terminal.loadAddon(webLinksAddon); terminal.loadAddon(scrollDownHelperAddon);;; // Add support for capturing keys terminal.attachCustomKeyEventHandler((e: KeyboardEvent) => { if ((e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && e.key === 'c') { document.execCommand('copy'); return false; } else if ((e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && e.key === 'f') { e.preventDefault();; return false; } else if (e.key === 'Escape') { searchBar.hidden(); } return true; }); } }, [terminal, connected]); useEventListener( 'resize', debounce(() => { if (terminal.element) {; } }, 100) ); useEffect(() => { const listeners: Record<string, (s: string) => void> = { [SocketEvent.STATUS]: handlePowerChangeEvent, [SocketEvent.CONSOLE_OUTPUT]: handleConsoleOutput, [SocketEvent.INSTALL_OUTPUT]: handleConsoleOutput, [SocketEvent.TRANSFER_LOGS]: handleConsoleOutput, [SocketEvent.TRANSFER_STATUS]: handleTransferStatus, [SocketEvent.DAEMON_MESSAGE]: (line) => handleConsoleOutput(line, true), [SocketEvent.DAEMON_ERROR]: handleDaemonErrorOutput, }; if (connected && instance) { // Do not clear the console if the server is being transferred. if (!isTransferring) { terminal.clear(); } Object.keys(listeners).forEach((key: string) => { instance.addListener(key, listeners[key]); }); instance.send(SocketRequest.SEND_LOGS); } return () => { if (instance) { Object.keys(listeners).forEach((key: string) => { instance.removeListener(key, listeners[key]); }); } }; }, [connected, instance]); return ( <div className={classNames(styles.terminal, 'relative')}> <SpinnerOverlay visible={!connected} size={'large'} /> <div className={classNames(styles.container, styles.overflows_container, { 'rounded-b': !canSendCommands })} > <div className={'h-full'}> <div id={styles.terminal} ref={ref} /> </div> </div> {canSendCommands && ( <div className={classNames('relative', styles.overflows_container)}> <input className={classNames('peer', styles.command_input)} type={'text'} placeholder={'Type a command...'} aria-label={'Console command input.'} disabled={!instance || !connected} onKeyDown={handleCommandKeyDown} autoCorrect={'off'} autoCapitalize={'none'} /> <div className={classNames( 'text-gray-100 peer-focus:text-gray-50 peer-focus:animate-pulse', styles.command_icon )} > <ChevronDoubleRightIcon className={'w-4 h-4'} /> </div> </div> )} </div> ); };