
namespace Pterodactyl\Console\Commands\Environment;

use DateTimeZone;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Console\Kernel;
use Pterodactyl\Traits\Commands\EnvironmentWriterTrait;

class AppSettingsCommand extends Command
    use EnvironmentWriterTrait;

    public const CACHE_DRIVERS = [
        'redis' => 'Redis (recommended)',
        'memcached' => 'Memcached',
        'file' => 'Filesystem',

    public const SESSION_DRIVERS = [
        'redis' => 'Redis (recommended)',
        'memcached' => 'Memcached',
        'database' => 'MySQL Database',
        'file' => 'Filesystem',
        'cookie' => 'Cookie',

    public const QUEUE_DRIVERS = [
        'redis' => 'Redis (recommended)',
        'database' => 'MySQL Database',
        'sync' => 'Sync',

    protected $description = 'Configure basic environment settings for the Panel.';

    protected $signature = 'p:environment:setup
                            {--new-salt : Whether or not to generate a new salt for Hashids.}
                            {--author= : The email that services created on this instance should be linked to.}
                            {--url= : The URL that this Panel is running on.}
                            {--timezone= : The timezone to use for Panel times.}
                            {--cache= : The cache driver backend to use.}
                            {--session= : The session driver backend to use.}
                            {--queue= : The queue driver backend to use.}
                            {--redis-host= : Redis host to use for connections.}
                            {--redis-pass= : Password used to connect to redis.}
                            {--redis-port= : Port to connect to redis over.}
                            {--settings-ui= : Enable or disable the settings UI.}';

    protected array $variables = [];

     * AppSettingsCommand constructor.
    public function __construct(private Kernel $console)

     * Handle command execution.
     * @throws \Pterodactyl\Exceptions\PterodactylException
    public function handle(): int
        if (empty(config('hashids.salt')) || $this->option('new-salt')) {
            $this->variables['HASHIDS_SALT'] = str_random(20);

        $this->output->comment('Provide the email address that eggs exported by this Panel should be from. This should be a valid email address.');
        $this->variables['APP_SERVICE_AUTHOR'] = $this->option('author') ?? $this->ask(
            'Egg Author Email',
            config('pterodactyl.service.author', 'unknown@unknown.com')

        if (!filter_var($this->variables['APP_SERVICE_AUTHOR'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
            $this->output->error('The service author email provided is invalid.');

            return 1;

        $this->output->comment('The application URL MUST begin with https:// or http:// depending on if you are using SSL or not. If you do not include the scheme your emails and other content will link to the wrong location.');
        $this->variables['APP_URL'] = $this->option('url') ?? $this->ask(
            'Application URL',
            config('app.url', 'https://example.com')

        $this->output->comment('The timezone should match one of PHP\'s supported timezones. If you are unsure, please reference https://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php.');
        $this->variables['APP_TIMEZONE'] = $this->option('timezone') ?? $this->anticipate(
            'Application Timezone',

        $selected = config('cache.default', 'redis');
        $this->variables['CACHE_DRIVER'] = $this->option('cache') ?? $this->choice(
            'Cache Driver',
            array_key_exists($selected, self::CACHE_DRIVERS) ? $selected : null

        $selected = config('session.driver', 'redis');
        $this->variables['SESSION_DRIVER'] = $this->option('session') ?? $this->choice(
            'Session Driver',
            array_key_exists($selected, self::SESSION_DRIVERS) ? $selected : null

        $selected = config('queue.default', 'redis');
        $this->variables['QUEUE_CONNECTION'] = $this->option('queue') ?? $this->choice(
            'Queue Driver',
            array_key_exists($selected, self::QUEUE_DRIVERS) ? $selected : null

        if (!is_null($this->option('settings-ui'))) {
            $this->variables['APP_ENVIRONMENT_ONLY'] = $this->option('settings-ui') == 'true' ? 'false' : 'true';
        } else {
            $this->variables['APP_ENVIRONMENT_ONLY'] = $this->confirm('Enable UI based settings editor?', true) ? 'false' : 'true';

        // Make sure session cookies are set as "secure" when using HTTPS
        if (str_starts_with($this->variables['APP_URL'], 'https://')) {
            $this->variables['SESSION_SECURE_COOKIE'] = 'true';



        return 0;

     * Check if redis is selected, if so, request connection details and verify them.
    private function checkForRedis()
        $items = collect($this->variables)->filter(function ($item) {
            return $item === 'redis';

        // Redis was not selected, no need to continue.
        if (count($items) === 0) {

        $this->output->note('You\'ve selected the Redis driver for one or more options, please provide valid connection information below. In most cases you can use the defaults provided unless you have modified your setup.');
        $this->variables['REDIS_HOST'] = $this->option('redis-host') ?? $this->ask(
            'Redis Host',

        $askForRedisPassword = true;
        if (!empty(config('database.redis.default.password'))) {
            $this->variables['REDIS_PASSWORD'] = config('database.redis.default.password');
            $askForRedisPassword = $this->confirm('It seems a password is already defined for Redis, would you like to change it?');

        if ($askForRedisPassword) {
            $this->output->comment('By default a Redis server instance has no password as it is running locally and inaccessible to the outside world. If this is the case, simply hit enter without entering a value.');
            $this->variables['REDIS_PASSWORD'] = $this->option('redis-pass') ?? $this->output->askHidden(
                'Redis Password'

        if (empty($this->variables['REDIS_PASSWORD'])) {
            $this->variables['REDIS_PASSWORD'] = 'null';

        $this->variables['REDIS_PORT'] = $this->option('redis-port') ?? $this->ask(
            'Redis Port',