generateTestAccount(); $user->update(['password' => password_hash('foobar', PASSWORD_DEFAULT)]); $this->user = $user; $this->server = $server; $this->setAuthorization(); } /** * Test that a public key is validated correctly. */ public function testPublicKeyIsValidatedCorrectly() { $key = UserSSHKey::factory()->for($this->user)->create(); $this->postJson('/api/remote/sftp/auth', []) ->assertUnprocessable() ->assertJsonPath('errors.0.meta.source_field', 'username') ->assertJsonPath('errors.0.meta.rule', 'required') ->assertJsonPath('errors.1.meta.source_field', 'password') ->assertJsonPath('errors.1.meta.rule', 'required'); $data = [ 'type' => 'public_key', 'username' => $this->getUsername(), 'password' => $key->public_key, ]; $this->postJson('/api/remote/sftp/auth', $data) ->assertOk() ->assertJsonPath('server', $this->server->uuid) ->assertJsonPath('permissions', ['*']); $key->delete(); $this->postJson('/api/remote/sftp/auth', $data)->assertForbidden(); $this->postJson('/api/remote/sftp/auth', array_merge($data, ['type' => null]))->assertForbidden(); } /** * Test that an account password is validated correctly. */ public function testPasswordIsValidatedCorrectly() { $this->postJson('/api/remote/sftp/auth', [ 'username' => $this->getUsername(), 'password' => '', ]) ->assertUnprocessable() ->assertJsonPath('errors.0.meta.source_field', 'password') ->assertJsonPath('errors.0.meta.rule', 'required'); $this->postJson('/api/remote/sftp/auth', [ 'username' => $this->getUsername(), 'password' => 'wrong password', ]) ->assertForbidden(); $this->user->update(['password' => password_hash('foobar', PASSWORD_DEFAULT)]); $this->postJson('/api/remote/sftp/auth', [ 'username' => $this->getUsername(), 'password' => 'foobar', ]) ->assertOk(); } /** * Test that providing an invalid key and/or invalid username triggers the throttle on * the endpoint. * * @dataProvider authorizationTypeDataProvider */ public function testUserIsThrottledIfInvalidCredentialsAreProvided(string $type) { for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; ++$i) { $this->postJson('/api/remote/sftp/auth', [ 'type' => 'public_key', 'username' => $i % 2 === 0 ? $this->user->username : $this->getUsername(), 'password' => 'invalid key', ]) ->assertStatus($i === 10 ? 429 : 403); } } /** * Test that the user is not throttled so long as a valid public key is provided, even * if it doesn't actually exist in the database for the user. */ public function testUserIsNotThrottledIfNoPublicKeyMatches() { for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; ++$i) { $this->postJson('/api/remote/sftp/auth', [ 'type' => 'public_key', 'username' => $this->getUsername(), 'password' => PrivateKey::createKey('Ed25519')->getPublicKey()->toString('OpenSSH'), ]) ->assertForbidden(); } } /** * Test that a request is rejected if the credentials are valid but the username indicates * a server on a different node. * * @dataProvider authorizationTypeDataProvider */ public function testRequestIsRejectedIfServerBelongsToDifferentNode(string $type) { $node2 = $this->createServerModel()->node; $this->setAuthorization($node2); $password = $type === 'public_key' ? UserSSHKey::factory()->for($this->user)->create()->public_key : 'foobar'; $this->postJson('/api/remote/sftp/auth', [ 'type' => 'public_key', 'username' => $this->getUsername(), 'password' => $password, ]) ->assertForbidden(); } public function testRequestIsDeniedIfUserLacksSftpPermission() { [$user, $server] = $this->generateTestAccount([Permission::ACTION_FILE_READ]); $user->update(['password' => password_hash('foobar', PASSWORD_DEFAULT)]); $this->setAuthorization($server->node); $this->postJson('/api/remote/sftp/auth', [ 'username' => $user->username . '.' . $server->uuidShort, 'password' => 'foobar', ]) ->assertForbidden() ->assertJsonPath('errors.0.detail', 'You do not have permission to access SFTP for this server.'); } /** * @dataProvider serverStateDataProvider */ public function testInvalidServerStateReturnsConflictError(string $status) { $this->server->update(['status' => $status]); $this->postJson('/api/remote/sftp/auth', ['username' => $this->getUsername(), 'password' => 'foobar']) ->assertStatus(409); } /** * Test that permissions are returned for the user account correctly. */ public function testUserPermissionsAreReturnedCorrectly() { [$user, $server] = $this->generateTestAccount([Permission::ACTION_FILE_READ, Permission::ACTION_FILE_SFTP]); $user->update(['password' => password_hash('foobar', PASSWORD_DEFAULT)]); $this->setAuthorization($server->node); $data = [ 'username' => $user->username . '.' . $server->uuidShort, 'password' => 'foobar', ]; $this->postJson('/api/remote/sftp/auth', $data) ->assertOk() ->assertJsonPath('permissions', [Permission::ACTION_FILE_READ, Permission::ACTION_FILE_SFTP]); $user->update(['root_admin' => true]); $this->postJson('/api/remote/sftp/auth', $data) ->assertOk() ->assertJsonPath('permissions.0', '*'); $this->setAuthorization(); $data['username'] = $user->username . '.' . $this->server->uuidShort; $this->post('/api/remote/sftp/auth', $data) ->assertOk() ->assertJsonPath('permissions.0', '*'); $user->update(['root_admin' => false]); $this->post('/api/remote/sftp/auth', $data)->assertForbidden(); } public function authorizationTypeDataProvider(): array { return [ 'password auth' => ['password'], 'public key auth' => ['public_key'], ]; } public function serverStateDataProvider(): array { return [ 'installing' => [Server::STATUS_INSTALLING], 'suspended' => [Server::STATUS_SUSPENDED], 'restoring a backup' => [Server::STATUS_RESTORING_BACKUP], ]; } /** * Returns the username for connecting to SFTP. */ protected function getUsername(bool $long = false): string { return $this->user->username . '.' . ($long ? $this->server->uuid : $this->server->uuidShort); } /** * Sets the authorization header for the rest of the test. */ protected function setAuthorization(Node $node = null): void { $node = $node ?? $this->server->node; $this->withHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' . $node->daemon_token_id . '.' . decrypt($node->daemon_token)); } }