<?php /** * Pterodactyl - Panel * Copyright (c) 2015 - 2017 Dane Everitt <dane@daneeveritt.com>. * * This software is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. * https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT */ namespace Tests\Unit\Services\Servers; use Tests\TestCase; use phpmock\phpunit\PHPMock; use Pterodactyl\Services\Servers\UsernameGenerationService; class UsernameGenerationServiceTest extends TestCase { use PHPMock; /** * @var UsernameGenerationService */ protected $service; /** * Setup tests. */ public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->service = new UsernameGenerationService(); $this->getFunctionMock('\\Pterodactyl\\Services\\Servers', 'str_random') ->expects($this->any())->willReturnCallback(function ($count) { return str_pad('', $count, '0'); }); } /** * Test that a valid username is returned and is the correct length. */ public function testShouldReturnAValidUsernameWithASelfGeneratedIdentifier() { $response = $this->service->generate('testname'); $this->assertEquals('testna_00000000', $response); } /** * Test that a name and identifier provided returns the expected username. */ public function testShouldReturnAValidUsernameWithAnIdentifierProvided() { $response = $this->service->generate('testname', 'identifier'); $this->assertEquals('testna_identifi', $response); } /** * Test that the identifier is extended to 8 characters if it is shorter. */ public function testShouldExtendIdentifierToBe8CharactersIfItIsShorter() { $response = $this->service->generate('testname', 'xyz'); $this->assertEquals('testna_xyz00000', $response); } /** * Test that special characters are removed from the username. */ public function testShouldStripSpecialCharactersFromName() { $response = $this->service->generate('te!st_n$ame', 'identifier'); $this->assertEquals('testna_identifi', $response); } /** * Test that an empty name is replaced with 6 random characters. */ public function testEmptyNamesShouldBeReplacedWithRandomCharacters() { $response = $this->service->generate(''); $this->assertEquals('000000_00000000', $response); } /** * Test that a name consisting entirely of special characters is handled. */ public function testNameOfOnlySpecialCharactersIsHandledProperly() { $response = $this->service->generate('$%#*#(@#(#*$&#(#!#@'); $this->assertEquals('000000_00000000', $response); } /** * Test that passing a name shorter than 6 characters returns the entire name. */ public function testNameShorterThan6CharactersShouldBeRenderedEntirely() { $response = $this->service->generate('test', 'identifier'); $this->assertEquals('test_identifi', $response); } }