import Vue from 'vue'; import {mapState} from "vuex"; import {Terminal} from 'xterm'; import * as TerminalFit from 'xterm/lib/addons/fit/fit'; import {Socketio} from "@/mixins/socketio"; type DataStructure = { terminal: Terminal | null, command: string, commandHistory: Array, commandHistoryIndex: number, } export default Vue.component('server-console', { mixins: [Socketio], computed: { ...mapState('socket', ['connected']), }, watch: { /** * Watch the connected variable and when it becomes true request the server logs. */ connected: function (state: boolean) { if (state) { this.$nextTick(() => { this.mountTerminal(); }); } else { this.terminal && this.terminal.clear(); } }, }, /** * Listen for specific emits from the server. */ sockets: { 'server log': function (data: string) { data.split(/\n/g).forEach((line: string): void => { if (this.terminal) { this.terminal.writeln(line + '\u001b[0m'); } }); }, 'console': function (data: { line: string }) { data.line.split(/\n/g).forEach((line: string): void => { if (this.terminal) { this.terminal.writeln(line + '\u001b[0m'); } }); }, }, /** * Mount the component and setup all of the terminal actions. Also fetches the initial * logs from the server to populate into the terminal if the socket is connected. If the * socket is not connected this will occur automatically when it connects. */ mounted: function () { if (this.connected) { this.mountTerminal(); } }, data: function (): DataStructure { return { terminal: null, command: '', commandHistory: [], commandHistoryIndex: -1, }; }, methods: { /** * Mount the terminal and grab the most recent server logs. */ mountTerminal: function () { // Get a new instance of the terminal setup. this.terminal = this._terminalInstance();$refs.terminal as HTMLElement)); // @ts-ignore; this.terminal.clear(); this.$socket().instance().emit('send server log'); }, /** * Send a command to the server using the configured websocket. */ sendCommand: function () { this.commandHistoryIndex = -1; this.commandHistory.unshift(this.command); this.$socket().instance().emit('send command', this.command); this.command = ''; }, /** * Handle a user pressing up/down arrows when in the command field to scroll through thier * command history for this server. */ handleArrowKey: function (e: KeyboardEvent) { if (['ArrowUp', 'ArrowDown'].indexOf(e.key) < 0 || e.key === 'ArrowDown' && this.commandHistoryIndex < 0) { return; } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if (e.key === 'ArrowUp' && (this.commandHistoryIndex + 1 > (this.commandHistory.length - 1))) { return; } this.commandHistoryIndex += (e.key === 'ArrowUp') ? 1 : -1; this.command = this.commandHistoryIndex < 0 ? '' : this.commandHistory[this.commandHistoryIndex]; }, /** * Returns a new instance of the terminal to be used. * * @private */ _terminalInstance() { Terminal.applyAddon(TerminalFit); return new Terminal({ disableStdin: true, cursorStyle: 'underline', allowTransparency: true, fontSize: 12, fontFamily: 'Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, monospace', rows: 30, theme: { background: 'transparent', cursor: 'transparent', black: '#000000', red: '#E54B4B', green: '#9ECE58', yellow: '#FAED70', blue: '#396FE2', magenta: '#BB80B3', cyan: '#2DDAFD', white: '#d0d0d0', brightBlack: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)', brightRed: '#FF5370', brightGreen: '#C3E88D', brightYellow: '#FFCB6B', brightBlue: '#82AAFF', brightMagenta: '#C792EA', brightCyan: '#89DDFF', brightWhite: '#ffffff', }, }); } }, template: `
`, });