<?php namespace Pterodactyl\Repositories\Eloquent; use Pterodactyl\Models\Node; use Illuminate\Support\Collection; use Illuminate\Support\LazyCollection; use Illuminate\Contracts\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator; use Pterodactyl\Contracts\Repository\NodeRepositoryInterface; class NodeRepository extends EloquentRepository implements NodeRepositoryInterface { /** * Return the model backing this repository. * * @return string */ public function model() { return Node::class; } /** * Return the usage stats for a single node. * * @param \Pterodactyl\Models\Node $node * @return array */ public function getUsageStats(Node $node): array { $stats = $this->getBuilder() ->selectRaw('IFNULL(SUM(servers.memory), 0) as sum_memory, IFNULL(SUM(servers.disk), 0) as sum_disk') ->join('servers', 'servers.node_id', '=', 'nodes.id') ->where('node_id', '=', $node->id) ->first(); return Collection::make(['disk' => $stats->sum_disk, 'memory' => $stats->sum_memory]) ->mapWithKeys(function ($value, $key) use ($node) { $maxUsage = $node->{$key}; if ($node->{$key . '_overallocate'} > 0) { $maxUsage = $node->{$key} * (1 + ($node->{$key . '_overallocate'} / 100)); } $percent = ($value / $maxUsage) * 100; return [ $key => [ 'value' => number_format($value), 'max' => number_format($maxUsage), 'percent' => $percent, 'css' => ($percent <= self::THRESHOLD_PERCENTAGE_LOW) ? 'green' : (($percent > self::THRESHOLD_PERCENTAGE_MEDIUM) ? 'red' : 'yellow'), ], ]; }) ->toArray(); } /** * Return the usage stats for a single node. * * @param \Pterodactyl\Models\Node $node * @return array */ public function getUsageStatsRaw(Node $node): array { $stats = $this->getBuilder()->select( $this->getBuilder()->raw('IFNULL(SUM(servers.memory), 0) as sum_memory, IFNULL(SUM(servers.disk), 0) as sum_disk') )->join('servers', 'servers.node_id', '=', 'nodes.id')->where('node_id', $node->id)->first(); return collect(['disk' => $stats->sum_disk, 'memory' => $stats->sum_memory])->mapWithKeys(function ($value, $key) use ($node) { $maxUsage = $node->{$key}; if ($node->{$key . '_overallocate'} > 0) { $maxUsage = $node->{$key} * (1 + ($node->{$key . '_overallocate'} / 100)); } return [ $key => [ 'value' => $value, 'max' => $maxUsage, ], ]; })->toArray(); } /** * Return a single node with location and server information. * * @param \Pterodactyl\Models\Node $node * @param bool $refresh * @return \Pterodactyl\Models\Node */ public function loadLocationAndServerCount(Node $node, bool $refresh = false): Node { if (! $node->relationLoaded('location') || $refresh) { $node->load('location'); } // This is quite ugly and can probably be improved down the road. // And by probably, I mean it should. if (is_null($node->servers_count) || $refresh) { $node->load('servers'); $node->setRelation('servers_count', count($node->getRelation('servers'))); unset($node->servers); } return $node; } /** * Attach a paginated set of allocations to a node mode including * any servers that are also attached to those allocations. * * @param \Pterodactyl\Models\Node $node * @param bool $refresh * @return \Pterodactyl\Models\Node */ public function loadNodeAllocations(Node $node, bool $refresh = false): Node { $node->setRelation('allocations', $node->allocations() ->orderByRaw('server_id IS NOT NULL DESC, server_id IS NULL') ->orderByRaw('INET_ATON(ip) ASC') ->orderBy('port', 'asc') ->with('server:id,name') ->paginate(50) ); return $node; } /** * Return a collection of nodes for all locations to use in server creation UI. * * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection */ public function getNodesForServerCreation(): Collection { return $this->getBuilder()->with('allocations')->get()->map(function (Node $item) { $filtered = $item->getRelation('allocations')->where('server_id', null)->map(function ($map) { return collect($map)->only(['id', 'ip', 'port']); }); $item->ports = $filtered->map(function ($map) { return [ 'id' => $map['id'], 'text' => sprintf('%s:%s', $map['ip'], $map['port']), ]; })->values(); return [ 'id' => $item->id, 'text' => $item->name, 'allocations' => $item->ports, ]; })->values(); } /** * Returns a node with the given id with the Node's resource usage. * * @param int $node_id * @return Node */ public function getNodeWithResourceUsage(int $node_id): Node { $instance = $this->getBuilder() ->select(['nodes.id', 'nodes.fqdn', 'nodes.scheme', 'nodes.daemon_token', 'nodes.daemonListen', 'nodes.memory', 'nodes.disk', 'nodes.memory_overallocate', 'nodes.disk_overallocate']) ->selectRaw('IFNULL(SUM(servers.memory), 0) as sum_memory, IFNULL(SUM(servers.disk), 0) as sum_disk') ->leftJoin('servers', 'servers.node_id', '=', 'nodes.id') ->where('nodes.id', $node_id); return $instance->first(); } }